Unbleached Soul

Chapter 18: Chapter 17.5: Hollow

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When Nelli saw the corpse of Aizen corpse, she received a great relief, never in her life had she wanted to see someone dead until she met him and destroyed their lives.

It all started during a routine trip by Kevin to the human world to restock.

"An interesting place you have here." A man with brown hair and glasses entered her cave as if he were an old acquaintance.

"Who are you idiot?!" Lily was startled and Nelli was on guard, they were both watching a movie.

"I'm just someone looking for strong Hollows for his group." He smiled gently at them.

Stark opened his eyes, this guy gave him a bad feeling

"We are not interested! You are very strange, one does not go to the houses of people like that!" Lily pointed her finger at him.

"Let me show you that I don't come with bad intentions, this is my Kyōka Suigetsu" he was about to unsheathe his sword, but Starrk lunged at him to avoid it.

"We have someone on the alert." A man with gray hair, closed eyes and a sinister smile appeared to intercept him.

"You don't have to act so violently, it's a peaceful proposal" The intruder finished unsheathing his sword and released it in front of everyone.

"Nothing happened" Lily knew that when the Shinigami activated their Shikai, the zanpakuto changed form.

"Let's just say, my ability is very subtle." He Appeared behind her placing her sword on her neck.

Nelli was startled, the enemy was in front of them a second ago.

"But that's just my zanpakuto, I like to present myself properly to my future subordinates" The man released a gigantic spiritual pressure.

At that moment, Starrk made the most intelligent decision, not the one he liked the most, he did not have the confidence to defeat the invader, not without casualties and without knowing how many enemies were hidden, he accepted that they submit, despite the protests of the others, waiting for the moment to reveal itself.


When Nelli understood Aizen's powers and the scale of his organization, she understood that Starrk's answer was the correct one, as much as it hurt her to leave Kevin, she knew that it would be worse if she found a way to return and only found, with luck, his corpses, her only small consolation was to rediscover an old acquaintance who would join her group.

"These will be his new companions" Aizen brought them to their palaces, Las Noches, in the brief meeting they had he knew that Starrk would be one of his Espadas.

At an oval table sat nine figures, all very varied.

“Is this what we meet for? What a waste of time!” A giant complained as he picked his nose.

"It's not that you spend your time better, Yami" A thin man with a melancholy appearance added in a monotonous voice.

"Why isn't anything interesting happening here? I feel like tearing something up" Commented a guy with blue hair and an aggressive appearance.

"Heh, heh maybe we can finally get rid of Aaroniero" A boy with short hair and effeminate appearance mocked.

The aforementioned, who hid his appearance complete with a large helmet, did not comment.

"It's always interesting, having new samples." A man with pink hair and glasses looked at them as if they were pieces of meat.

"Nobody asked you!" A blonde woman, whose mouth was covered by her uniform, yelled at him.

The pink-haired man only gave him a mocking smile.

"This one at least looks like a decent soldier" Commented an old man, with several scars and a kind of bone crown on his head, in an arrogant tone, as if he knows that the new one will be below him.

They were a motley bunch, that was for sure, but they all had power to back it up.

After some tests, where Starrk didn't show his full hand, he got to be the second Espada, with Nelli and Lily as the members of his Fraccion, subordinates of the Espadas.

"I don't understand, that brute Yami was the tenth, why were they talking about throwing out the guy with the helmet?" Lily didn't remember her name

"I don't know" Stark was too lazy to ask and not that it matters,

When Nelli was going to comment they saw the person they were looking for

"Tier, I didn't expect to see you here" The Hollow said diplomatically, she didn't become part of her group, but she didn't antagonize them either, she could respect her decision.

"Me neither, where is his Shinigami?" Her voice seemed drier than they remembered it.

"We prefer not to talk about it for the moment, and your companions?" The Arrancar replied

Her eyes narrowed and he clenched her fists furiously.

"I don't want to talk about it either, leave me alone" She walks away without another word.

“What the hell is wrong with her?!” The dwarf was offended, they were just trying to be nice.

“I guess she wasn't as lucky as us.” It didn't take a genius to figure out this interaction.


Nelli attained the form of her Arrancar just a few days after entering the insane asylum that was Las Noches.

"Your boss has a higher position than mine, he doesn't seem that strong, besides how he supports a coward like you" He was a member of the Fraccion of the Fifth Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, called Di Roy, they were on a mission to subjugate a pack of Hollows that caused disturbances in the vicinity

"The mission was to get them out or make them surrender, I have no reason to kill them"

"Who needs reasons for something so funny? I'm just sorry there aren't any Shinigami" He slowly sliced one of his enemies.

"Don't compare me to a beast like you, fighting for fighting's sake seems undignified and childish to me." She unhurriedly parried a sword attack from her ally

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"Who are you calling beast? You're not even an Arrancar," she taunted as she launched another slash.

"Stop" She stopped again with her spear.

"Or what coward?" When she tries to attack again, Nelli quickly fires a Cero at point-blank range, creating a smoke screen.

“I know you'll survive this.” She hoped he'd see reason.

“Son of a bitch! Sink it, Martillo!" When the smoke cleared it revealed that Di Roy's body became thicker, further accentuating his now huge head and seemed to have strange shoes with eyes.

"I'm going to crush you!" As if responding to his call, his feet seemed to advance surfing on the sand.

Fed up, the Vasto Lord tried to penetrate his head, but she only managed a thrusting game.

"That won't accomplish anything!" Maybe he wasn't the strongest of his group, although he would never admit it, but as far as defense, only Shawlong Koufang had a minimal chance to penetrate it.

His whole head lit up and, returning the favor, he fired a big Cero that hit her.

"Ha ha ha, it sure turned to ashes! Because you're so weak and stupid you're not capable of being an Arrancar!" But a voice stopped his psychotic laugh

"That's why Kevin always told me not to underestimate anyone."She was still standing, but had her spear broken, several burns, and smoke was coming out of the cracks in her mask.

“How are you alive?!”

“I don't become an Arrancar because I want to reach my limit as a Vasto Lord, I won't cut corners…” Aizen offered a procedure to become an Arrancar.

"And I feel like I've reached it." With her arm she broke her own mask.

"Stop, trash!" Di Roy tried to crush it with his head, but it was too late a wave of spiritual energy exploded, send him away.

“I hope Kevin recognizes me.” Having survived the process, a green-haired woman was standing at the site of the energy blast.

"So what if you're an Arrancar?!, Still..." He couldn't finish because Nelli disappeared and appeared in front of him and with her sword cut a part of the side of his head as if were tofu

"Surrender or I'll kill you." She looked at him with a serious expression and lifeless eyes as she placed the sword on his neck.

Di Roy avoided crossing paths with Nelli from that day on, even if it was the ridicule of his Fraccion colleagues


A few days later while exploring Las Noches, Nelli came across Tier in the middle of a training session.

“I see you've become an Arrancar, what do you want? Are you coming to challenge me for my position?”

“No, I'm not interested” She knew that with her strength she could easily enter the Espadas, but she preferred to keep a low profile and continue as a Starrk Faction, she didn't see the point in the position.

"If you don't want anything, go away"

"I was looking for a place to train... and Starrk keeps insisting on playing darts, Lily is sick of him." She was good, but the man was an undisputed champion.

“Go somewhere else” she turned around, but the green-haired's next words stopped her.

"They died, right?" Tier must have understood her meaning because he lashed out at her, who defended herself against her, being fairly evenly matched.

"Do you want to talk about it? I read that it is not healthy to repress those kinds of experiences." She missed the shelves full of books from his old house, the ones he could find in the palace were limited.

"Why do you care?! I walked away from you!" She hates feeling this way, she wasn't herself.

"You're still a decent person, I'd like to make more friends here, we don't lose anything by trying again" she had been keeping an eye on the other Hollows, Tier was still the most approachable and that deserved respect.

“Besides, I'm sure Kevin would butt in too if he was around.” She let out a smile.

“I have a feeling it's true” she knew him little, but he seemed very… empathetic.

"I'll be back tomorrow if you want to talk." She didn't force her and walked away.

Her interactions escalated over time until Tier felt comfortable telling her what happened.

They had been recruited by Aizen when a former subordinate of Baraggan, who always had disputes with her, became an Arrancar and went to settle accounts with her, it was a difficult battle that would surely end with the destruction of both sides, but Aizen stopped him and seeing her power as a Vasto Lord offered her to convert them and a place in his organization, she only agreed when the subordinate revealed that Aizen also had Baraggan, the King of Hueco Mundo, under his control.

It was all about how well an organization made up of Hollows with minimal leadership could go, except for her especially bad relationship with the former fifth Espada, Nnoitra Gilga, he was the guy she hated the most, an Arrancar who hated her for being a woman, being stronger and have a higher position than him.

With Aizen's control, she didn't think she would go any further than being a nuisance, but one day she came back from a mission and found him annihilating her Fraccion, her friends... she would never forget that scene, when she arrived only Emilou Apacci was left alive, just when she went to kill him she felt a kind of distortion and began to see double, realizing her state, Nnoitra attempted a devastating attack treacherously, but using all of her strength and sacrificing her life, Apacci stood in the way.

"K-Keep living for us, lady, and kill that weakling imbecile, c-can you believe we almost beat him..." They were her last words before closing her eyes forever.

She doesn't remember exactly what happened next, but when she came to her senses, Aizen had her on the ground. In her furious state she had torn Nnoitra Gilga to pieces and mutilated Szayelaporro Granz, who was in the vicinity and not even an Espada at the time, had apparently been involved.

"Everything would have been better if Aizen had let me finish it... but he forbade me and now Szayelaporro is an Espada" It was a thorn in her side and it prevented her from closing that wound.

Nelli didn't know what to say, but she pulled Tier to her chest.

"What are you doing?"

“Kevin always says that hugs help, you'll catch him and we'll help you, he has a special place for those who betray their own” Not that he's seen it, but she knew him well enough.

Tier didn't do anything, she just stood there and from that day on, she joined his group… she couldn't beat Stark at darts either, but not for lack of trying.

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