Unbleached Soul

Chapter 21: Chapter 20: New House, Same Home

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"This is not over, woman!" Grimmjow, breathing heavily, that last blow had hurt, he had fired a Cero at her from close to her and his opponent had hit back harder.

“No, this is over, I admit that you are stronger than I thought, but you still have a long way to go to reach my level” Nelli had several scratches all over her body and smoke was coming out of her mouth, but she was in good shape.

“I am number 1!” Despite his fury, he looked for any weak point to exploit.

"You have to put your feet on the ground, you couldn't with Tier, Stark or Kevin"

The Fifth Espada was ready to go all out releasing the sword at him, but he was surrounded.

"Nelli is right, training is over, I think your name was Grimmjow, give up, they can practice later" Kevin gave him the opportunity to stop

"I see you already put those assholes under your thumb, you're no different from Aizen" The blue-haired man was trapped by Starrk, Tier, Ulquiorra, Yammi and Luppi.

"No, Grimmjow, unlike Aizen, I have no intention of ruling you, you can decide whether to leave or continue your lives here, but if you decide to attack us we will defend ourselves"

After Ulquiorra accepted his proposal, he convinced Yammi to stop, either because she was the only Espada with whom he got along moderately well or because deep down he believed that he was the strongest, Luppi was the next to return with a face of false pity for having killed Aaroniero due to his constant "resistance" and finally Tier, after having torn apart the frozen body of Szayelaporro in the place where her former companions died.

"Better give us a reason to eliminate you" Luppi laughed, he never liked how the Fifth Espada thought he was better than him.

Grimmjow had to swallow his pride, if he couldn't he wouldn't have submitted to Aizen, he knew he was dominated

They all returned to what was left of the meeting room and waited for Kevin's orders.

"It wasn't a joke what I said to Grimmjow, as long as don't have bad intentions towards us, you can do what you want, this is now a residential area, tell the others, please"

Kevin left to find his other roommates and a room of his own, followed by Ulquiorra, Tier, Starrk and Nelli.

"Tsk, I'm going to train, I'm not leaving here until I destroy that woman" The blue-haired man destroyed the chair where Ulquiorra was sitting and went to his territory.

"I hope he dies" Luppi went to find "rebels" to enjoy his time, he didn't buy Kevin's attitude.

"I'm hungry" Yammy went to devour some Hollows, on his way he began to be chased by a Hollow in the form of a dog.


Two days had passed since the news of Aizen's death spread through Las Noches, the reactions were varied, a few fled to the desert, others did not believe it or tried to attack the "traitors";only to be eliminated mainly by Luppi and Yammy; and others went about their duties with their nothing would have changed.

"Oh, what hangover, I don't even remember what I did last night, but my waist hurts." Rangiku woke up and walked as if she were in her room.

"Do you want a soda?" When she got to the room they handed her a drink

"Thank you." She took it slowly, until she remembered that she lived alone and spat it out.

“Who…” She was speechless when she surveyed her surroundings for the first time, she didn't think that waking up tied and hanging from a building could be overcome, this time she didn't even have the right clothes.

The scene was surreal, a girl with a bone helmet was on the floor playing on a device with an adult man sitting on a kind of cushion, on a sofa a woman with green hair was lying down reading a book and talking to another woman with blonde hair and at a table a guy, who frankly seemed creepy to her, was in the middle of a game of chess.

“How are you so lucky?! You stole two stars from me and won the last mini game without doing anything!” She didn't throw the controller on the ground because they didn't have any more.

"I do not know"

"It's that green guy you chose! Right!?" Lily shook Stark for answers.

"It's good that you got up, Nemu said that there was no need to worry, but one is never sure"

When she saw the person speaking to her, her mind was flooded with everything that had happened.

She moved her hand to slap him, but it stopped inches from his face.

"You didn't have to stop, I deserved it" It was to save her, but it was undeniable that he took advantage of her, he can't deny that he enjoyed it either, even if he disowned it.

"I'm not a genius, but I remember you tried to avoid it, I won't be so mean to the one who saved my life... you owe me a few big ones, do you understand? And don't think I'll forget how you left that day"

She looked at him seriously as she grabbed him by his clothes.

"Understood" It turned out better than expected, she would have hurt him more if she burst into tears

"You should be happy, Master Kevin, Lieutenant Matsumoto is among the most desirable women in soul society, according to the latest polls." Nemu walked through the door.

(Why do they have polls of that?)

“How was the inspection?”

"Although somewhat rudimentary, that Arrancar had a proper laboratory, he would have been a great friend of Master Mayori" Well, if he didn't underestimate him.

“Take what you want and get rid of the grotesque or unnecessarily dangerous”

"As you order." She returned to her work after looking for some tools.

"She says it as if it wasn't her idea." He cheered her up as she inched forward.

“You… what the hell is going on?! Where we are!?" She wanted answers.

“Sit down for a moment”


"...Now all that remains is for Rukia to wake up to return them to soul society"

You are reading story Unbleached Soul at novel35.com

"..." The whole thing seemed ridiculous, the zanpakuto of him becoming a Hollow, being friends with Arrancar, that Captain Aizen had such a large organization and no one would notice.

“Do you want something in particular during your stay?”

Nelli was attentive waiting for her reaction

“…Do you have alcohol?” She could take a vacation.

"She is as carefree as Nemu described her" Neli commented and Tier nodded, she felt much better after killing Szayelaporro, but she still needed to talk to Kevin alone.

"I need more practice." Ulquiorra studied his next move.


"Who needed that traitor Gin?" Rangiku was drunk and she was starting to vent with Kevin, knowing that her childhood friend was part of this hurt her deeply.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Lily saw that her face was red.

"She has some kind of condition." Ulquiorra was taking a break, listening to various types of music that Kevin had accumulated over time.

(Several of these could be used as torture) Soon he would find music that would reach… the hole.

"She's just drunk... can you guys get intoxicated with alcohol?" He had never thought about it, when he brought it to none of his friends liked it.

"I don't know and I don't want to find out." That drink gave Nelli a bad feeling.

"Who do you call drunk? I'm completely fine" she tried to stand up, but she lost strength and clung to Kevin.

“You should rest, many emotions when you wake up”

"I'm an adult! Do you want me to start telling how I felt while you did it to me!?"

That hit the Shingami.

"Don't beat yourself up, hip, Gin hurt me more, I'll need time, but I'll get over it all... you still owe me a date, although we already skipped several steps" She started laughing hysterically.

"What a pitiful sight." Ulquiorra looked away.

"Would someone help me carry her to her bed?" Tier went to assist him and they dragged her to her room.

“Is always so rowdy with you guys? She had spent time with them, but was never that lively.

"Yes, I missed it, Nelli's presence, Lily's vivacity and Starrk's confidence"

“They never gave up hope of seeing you again” This for some reason reminded her of their first meeting

"I'm sorry about your friends"

"I already avenged her death thanks to your help, I hope they rest in peace... Doesn't it bother you that I'm in your group?"

"Why should I bother?"

“I turned them down once”

"And respect your decision, if you want to join now it's fine with me, you get along with Nelli and I'm not going to destroy that for something so petty"

Kevin believed that Nelli acted like Tier's older sister and that's why she was more emotional, he thought she was cute

Tier shook her head, she was betting Nelli would tell her that she expected that answer.

"I hope we get along too, can I ask you a question if it's not too personal?"

"Which?" Not that she had any secrets.

"Why do you wear your uniform covering your face?" She was wearing a high neck that only showed her eyes.

"I don't like to show my part of the bone, it makes me feel uncomfortable, that's why I only take it off when I'm going to free my sword" The Espada didn't know the reason, but it happened to her since she became an Arrancar.

“I get it, it must be hard when you're so pretty in your released form.” Kevin assumed it was because she resented her appearance compared.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" It was the first time in her life that someone used that adjective to describe her.

"Are you kidding, you and Nelli could be role models in the human world" He didn't question appearances knowing where this universe came from.

"How can you flirt with another girl in front of the woman you're going on a date with?!" Rangiku struggled, but they had her in a tight grip.

"Talk to me when you're not drunk, now I'll go out with Tier" He joked and as they got to the room they left her on the bed.

"You infidel bastard!" She threw a pillow at him which slammed the door shut.

"She should finish letting him out... Do you want to do something?"

“Do you want to hang out with me?” She believed that he did not mean it

"You never have enough friends, I want to get to know you better" They went for a walk through Las Noches.

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