Unbleached Soul

Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Return to Soul Society

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All the captains were attending the scheduled meeting.

"I hope it's good, I almost caught Ichigo" Kenpachi had been chasing the protagonist to fight him again.

"Don't you understand the current situation?!" Soifon looked indignant.

"Yes, we are going to fight that guy who got away if he doesn't hand over the women, I don't care, you can let me know when we're leaving" The captain with the eye patch disliked these formalities

Toshiro and Byakuya gave him a bad look.

"Silence! It's been a week since the incident, if we don't get any answers today, we'll..." Yamamoto was interrupted by the appearance of a messenger.

“What's wrong?! We're in the middle of a meeting!” The man was from Soifon's division.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Lieutenant Matsumoto, Lieutenant Kurotsuchi, and Miss Kuchiki are back."

The captains widened their eyes in surprise.

"Is it a coincidence or they have a sense of drama" Kyoraku smiled and lifting his hat, he was happy that it ended well

"How are they?" Ukitake spoke with concern.

Toshiro and Byakuya respected protocol, but wanted to go check them out.

“Apparently they are in good condition, what is your order?”

“Send them in” The old man was ready to listen to her.

"As you order"

The women didn't take long to arrive, they looked the same as always, only they wore a strange white uniform.

"It's good to see you again, captain." Rangiku greeted the silver-haired boy.

"Matsumoto, you have a lot of work to do" he sighed relieved to see her intact.

"Brother" Rukia didn't know how to treat her older brother now, he would go back to behaving like before or he hated her even more for getting away with it.

“We'll talk later.” Due to his unchanging expression, no one would ever imagine the story he would tell her when the meeting was over.

"I know you must be tired, but please be patient." Ukitake was happy for her safe return.

“And stop by my squad for a checkup.” Captain Unohana smiled gently at them.

"We have been long enough, tell us any crucial information" The commander wanted to know if it was a critical situation.

As she began to recount what had happened since her abduction, Rukia reminisced about her encounter with Kevin.


Rukia had a headache, been through a lot, living in the human world, being returned to soul society to be sentenced to death, being rescued, the revelation about Aizen and the matter with Kevin.

"Hey, sleeping beauty, you're the last to wake up." Kevin checked on the only remaining unconscious every morning.

“Kevin… is that you?” She recoiled in surprise, remembering how he had become a Hollow.

"Of course, the problem was solved, don't worry, everyone is fine" If we don't count the traitors.

"Kevin, what are you really? Don't evade the question, are you really an envoy of the Spirit King? A Hollow controlling the body of a Shinigami?" The conversation with Aizen in the white room and her incident with her previous captain figured in her mind.

"Did you believe that? It was just a ruse to disturb Aizen, as for who I am, I think I owe you an answer for the trouble I caused you, if you can, please don't tell anyone"

“Wow, this place has hot water! Can someone pass me another towel?! A scream resounded.

"That was…"

"Yes, Rangiku woke up first… she settled down surprisingly quickly, I'll bring her the towel so we can continue talking" Kevin gave her space to think about the question she would ask next.


(A human soul, was just taken to the Hueco Mundo, awakened Shinigami powers and survived as best he could) Rukia didn't think he would make up such a bad lie, but it was such an unnatural matter, the Spirit King theory carried more weight

(Arrancar as friends…) That was the other thing, and to a degree she could relate to, a power shift in a strange dimension where you have to, or in his case want to, trust a stranger and connect with more people along the way.

"He is an amnesiac Shinigami who has been living in the Hueco Mundo for years; as he did not know anything better, he formed a group with some Arrancar; he only got involved with soul society because Aizen kidnapped to his people and was looking for a way to get back because he was shopping in the human world when it happened, leaving him stranded." Ukitake summed up the previously rehearsed lie very well, even this version was hard to swallow.

“Sounds a bit far fetched.” If it wasn't a serious meeting, Kyoraku would be laughing out loud.

“Just a bit!? That's completely absurd! And we're not even talking about his zanpakuto undergoing a transformation to a Hollow!" Soifon believed nothing.

"He's tougher and wilder than he looks, now I feel worse for missing that battle." Kenpachi knew how hard it was to survive in the Hueco Mundo, he had been sent several times on missions.

"We can't forget the organization that Aizen, Gin and Tousen formed" Captain Hitsugaya pointed out, how could they have so many Arrancar under his control?

(Tousen, how low were you thinking of sinking) Komamura will always regret his friend's decision

"I think Kevin already took care of that for us." Less work for Kyoraku.

“That's worse! Now he has an army under his command!” Soifon couldn't believe that he didn't learn anything from Aizen, if a captain could get as far under their noses as they could expect from someone so mysterious…especially someone who got so close to her master.

"I don't think weakening your own forces is a good move" They had allegedly eliminated several members, including the strongest in the organization

"It could have been to demonstrate their power and get the reins, now that they are headless" As Toshiro did not know Kevin, he remained neutral, although keeping his word to return the kidnapped made him win a point for not voting against him if the occasion arose .

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“I doubt it, I wouldn't let the leftovers escape and allow them so much freedom.” Unohana had seen too many guys like that.

“Do you have any plans for the future?” Ukitake realized that he had never asked that.

"Just turn Las Noches into a residential complex." If the services were the same as during her stay, Rangiku would consider getting a place for herself, she couldn't help but touch her rosary.

Almost everyone had strange expressions, the straw hat captain let out a laugh.

"What do you think of the Shinigami?" This question came from Byakuya, he would define if he would be a direct enemy, after all his job is to purify Hollow.

"When I detailed the workings of souls, he said that understood, after all most Hollows are dangerous, as long as we didn't mess with his group he doesn't mind, he even mentioned that if someone broke any law we could act accordingly, although he asked permission to make trips with his friends to the human world ” Rukia still remembered that moment, it was the first time that someone liked her drawings, people with good taste were scarce.

"How cheeky!" The special forces captain didn't believe his audacity.

"Why? It makes sense to me" Kyoraku was beginning to believe that she was taking it too personally.

"How can you say that!?"

"He's seeking protection for his clan, it's the smartest and most obvious move" Komamura pointed out.

"We only have one matter left to deal with... are you sure you don't know where Mayuri Kurotsuchu is?" Yamamoto let the spiritual pressure out as he looked at Nemu.

"That's not nice to the lady, old man"

"No, I haven't seen him since we parted ways when the intruders came to rescue Miss Kuchiki." Experiencing so much pressure in the Hueco Mundo and suffering at the hands of his father, along with advice from Kevin, gave him the will not to waver.

"We will have to accept that it was Aizen's work, unfortunately, another victim of this debacle" He was not the most beloved person in the soul society, but for Ukitake he was still a companion.

(Are they blind!?) Sadly Soifon had no proof.

“Just when that asshole could be useful.” Not that Kenpachi cared, but he was still the head of the research department, studying the zanpakuto's Hollowfication would be his job.

"I think we have enough information, we will do a preliminary vote while we study his movements, but for now, who is in favor of going to war with Shinigami Kevin and his Arrancar group?" Yamamoto left it up to the captains, this was not a decision to be taken lightly, he still hadn't regained his full strength and victory could be expensive.

With 2 in favor, 3 against and 3 abstinence, the matter was decided.

"Very interesting" Yoruichi was spying from the beginning, although surprised, she smiled with the result


"It's good to see you're back, Rukia." Ichigo had regained his spirits since he received the news of his return, his frustration was not only her kidnapping, to prepare himself in case he had to go to Hueco Mundo he had tried to practice his Bankai, but he always ended up losing control with his other self.

“Same here, but remove that face, you won't always have to rescue me, I can take care of myself” She didn't have the best record.

"Ishida left this prepared for you" Orihime handed her several pieces of clothing, the only one who had returned to the human world was the Quincy, he knew that it would not be useful, he did not want to feel like a burden.

"He shouldn't worry so much about school." The substitute Shinigami was the only one in the dark about the situation.

"That will be decided by him, Ichigo" Sado respected his decision.

"What happened to Kevin?" Everyone wanted to know how the matter ended.

“It was very strange” Rukia started to tell them, she had a busy day, she had a meeting with his brother later, then she was going to visit her former captain's family and she had to check if Yoruichi was still in the area to pass on a private message from Kevin.

Rukia's friends directed the information better than the Captains.

“That was… a solution” Since Ichigo was barely explained what was an Arranca, he only accepted it with strangeness, this was like finding out that the monsters under your bed have a tea party when they're not scaring, but the information that Kevin controlled his transformation was welcome.

"It's wonderful that everything ended well and in peace." This was the best way to end this adventure for Orihime.

"..." Chad spared comments


"Captain... How can you treat a poor survivor like that?!" Matsumoto was awash in paper.

“From what we were told, you are in very good health and enjoyed yourself enough, you should be thankful, this is only half of it.” When he wasn't training or visiting his childhood friend, he did office work.

"What!?" She wondered if she came back too fast.

“The whole Aizen thing moved too much…”

"How is she?" No need to ask who.

“Physically, recovering, the rest will take time”

Lieutenant Hinamori had suffered a lot: discovering that the death of her idol was a farce, the subsequent betrayal and attempted murder, all to wake up and learn that he went down in history as one of the greatest criminals in soul society and that now, in truth, he is dead.

"They are not sure if he will return to service" It hurt him so much to see her like this, Aizen kept hurting her even dead.

“Have faith, she'll recover.” As her lieutenant and friend, she couldn't help but cheer him on.


“Good to see you again, Lieutenant… I'm sorry about the captain.” Akon, an average-looking man for the twelfth squad, if we ignore the horns on his forehead, had taken charge of the division while the higher-ups made the official decision.

"It's not where he would like, but he will live" It was time to get to work, Nemu was going to work hard.

Akon believed she was speaking metaphorically and was referring to living in her heart.

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