Unbleached Soul

Chapter 25: Chapter 24: Soifon sticks her zanpakuto in her foot

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From the expression Kevin saw on Ichigo's face, his friend had a more fruitful outcome than him.

"Did you make it?" He asked before releasing the Bankai.

"It wasn't bad, thanks for the help" The substitute Shinigami offered him a handshake, he wanted to rest for a while, he was mentally exhausting

"You're welcome" He reciprocated smoothly, though he wishes could make up for his lack of clothing.


The months passed and the routine continued for Kevin, keeping order in Las Noches, training and spending time with his friends; in any of the worlds because he even visited the soul society due to the fact that the Shinigami in service could not leave their posts often to go to the Hueco Mundo to hang out.

He mostly hung out with Rangiku or Rukia; although he felt that someone was watching them when he did it, especially with the last one, he also had meetings with Kyoraku, that their swords got along badly did not make them enemies, and Ukitake, had a very nice personality and showed him new hobbies. The only strange thing was that he discovered that Nemu had been locked up working on an experiment practically since she came back, everyone assured him that she was fine, even she left him an apology note, so he gave her space.

In the Human World, Ichigo played his role as a substitute Shinigami without problems and thanks to the conquest of his inner Hollow, he could not only use his Bankai but also summon a mask that increases his general strength, Kevin sometimes went out with his group of friends, never noticed that Ishida lost and regained his powers as Quincy. He also enjoyed racing his teacher or just cavorting with her in her cat form, although he had to admit that her lack of modesty or trust in him was difficult at times, nor did she mind bathing together at this point.

It was on one of these dates with Yoruichi that something strange happened.

"Do you want to challenge me to a duel? .... Do I know you?" When he was about to enter the usual store and his teacher went to take snacks from Urahara, a female Shinigami had come and started yelling at him.

"I'm Soifon, captain of the second division of the soul society! You should at least remember our faces!" It was a prestigious position, but going back to how she got here; how she couldn't invade Las Noches, because she would be breaking various rules and risking the Gotei 10 to a war for her selfishness, and she couldn't challenge him in soul society because someone would stop her; she had waited until he went to the human world, and her schedule was free, to fight him, even though she was disadvantaged by the seal that lieutenants and captains had to use to go to the Human World.

"Sorry I rarely see you all together..." Apart from the aforementioned, thanks to Rangiku, he had a casual friendship relationship with her captain Toshiro, Kevin thought he needed to relax more; he had the strange feeling that he couldn't connect with Unohana the few times they've spoken; he actively avoided Kenpachi because he didn't want him to become his Grimmjow, Ichigo had warned him; he preferred not to socialize with Byakuya, despite Rukia's explanation and defense towards his brother, his attitude was not the most welcoming and he did not feel much trust towards him and out of respect he hoped that Komamura would decide to approach him, since he found out that he had technically killed his best friend, even though was a traitor.

"...but Yoruichi has told me about you" It was one of the few times that he had seriously reprimanded his teacher, how she could have abandoned her best friend like that and not even spend a few days with her after their reunion.

"Really?... Don't distract me! I want you to..." But the words when they reached a room and saw their former superior in her underwear.

"What delayed you? Keisuke had good things in the fridge today... Soifon, I miss seeing you! Our meeting was in three days!" She came over to pat her on the back, she felt that Kevin was right and she shouldn't neglect her treatment with her, in fact, she was going to formally introduce them soon, since she had trained both of them, she believed that they would get along, especially when Kevin is good at making friends and she knew that Soifon had few.

"M-Miss Yoruichi, what's with that look?!" She couldn't believe that she caught them about to get intimate.

"What's so weird about getting comfortable at home? Don't be exaggerated" Not even that the captain is Ichigo's age to be embarrassed.

“She said that wanted to challenge me”

“Oh, you want to test your partner's level to see if you're still my number one student?” The cat woman knew that she was very dedicated.

“N-No, I want…” She had a hard time choosing the right words in front of her master.

“You don't have to be embarrassed; we don't care, besides you took the trouble to come; I hope you haven't slacked off Kevin, your Shumpo at least holds up.” She gave him a cheeky smile.

"I would never allow it." Friendly combat wouldn't kill him.


It didn't go as Soifon expected, but she got her goal of having a duel, they were using the underground training ground to avoid damage.

“Do you want some rules? Fencing only, no zanpakuto release or any restrictions."

"It's not necessary, I want to go all out" She was proud, she would complete the "mission" no matter what, but she wouldn't lower herself, especially in front of her master.

"Okay." This would be over quickly.

"Start!" Yoruichi gave the signal to fight

Kevin quickly ducked his head to avoid a kick to his face.

“Nice move, I think you're the sixth fastest person I've ever seen.” Knowing his repertoire of contacts was quite an achievement.

"I don't need-" She planned to activate her Shikai when her first attack failed, but if Gottsit and Kevin had anything in common, it was that they didn't let their opponent act and talk.

“Bankai” In order not to risk her getting away, he expanded the room throughout the underground field.


"Welcome to Thribante, hall of truth and primal essence." Despite having to give the motto every time he used it, Kevin couldn't deny its usefulness and how much he liked Bankai from it.

"You knew you were a pervert like that thing with tentacles!" He just wishes he had a modesty option, he couldn't say much in his defense with Soifon covering herself with her arms.

(This was the Bankai that killed Aizen, I can't be careless) It wasn't shame that prevented the captain from attacking, she was a woman trained for any situation, it was caution, it was almost suicidal to attack without thinking about this type of technique

(I don't think it's a simple disarming ability) The rest of Aizen weren't bruised from the blows, but Kevin cut off her analysis.

"Sorry, I'm still trying to solve that problem"

"So that's how it is inside" Yoruichi acted on a par with Nemu when she entered for the first time, without caring about anything

"M-Miss Yoruichi" Soifon covered her face with her hands when she saw her master without her clothes.

"It's not a good idea to take your eyes off your opponent."

The captain returned her focus to Kevin, only to see him leaning against a wall.

“Don't worry, this is a room of understanding, violence is prohibited.

"What!?" It was true, she couldn't even feel the spiritual energy, she hadn't felt like that since the first years of her life.

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"You can either give up or risk breaking the rules." He would stop at the moment he would choose the latter, he didn't want to risk killing her.

"Never!" This was worse than Tousen's Bankai, at least there were options, here it seemed that you could only give up or play with the enemy's rules, which have already proven to be lethal

"Ho, ho, I didn't expect you from the manipulative type that plays with the enemy" The cat woman didn't mean it with bad intention, it was just his ability and he had to use it in the best way.

"It's literally a space to come to an agreement and avoid unnecessary fights, how direct can I be?" Although he also understood the point.

As they talked, Soifon searched for a way around this unusual obstacle.

(It can't be that perfect, there must be a way out) If it wasn't a battle for honor, and her master, she would try pretending to surrender.

"This will take time, do you want to play a word game?" He had sought out some for these circumstances.

"Let's do that, anyway, I'm already naked" Yoruichi opened her arms to emphasize the point

"I've noticed" And it was very difficult not to.

The words “do that” made Soifon throw her train of thought to the back of her mind.

“You are not going to sully Miss Yoruichi in front of me!” She didn't care at all and she threw herself at Kevin

"That's over" Since she could only run towards him, Kevin had time to cancel his Bankai.

"Why do you give up?!" As an experienced fighter, she knew the answer and she was embarrassed to admit it.

“If you had made that hit, you would have been penalized and I don't want to risk killing you for just a friendly duel, next time try them without Bankai”

The captain knelt and hit the ground

(I lost and had to be saved by my opponent, one that I detest) She wasn't going to cry, not in front of him and not in front of her master again, she hadn't felt so powerless since her early days as a Shinigami.

"Don't feel bad, Soifon was a complicated situation, that's why I prefer to fight simple guys like Ichigo" Yoruchi went to support her

"Why!? Why did it have to be him?!" Not even Soifon knew if it was because it was specifically Kevin or whoever her master chose as a partner.

"Be what?" She was surprised by this outburst from her friend

“To be the one you chose to hand over your purity!”

Kevin certainly didn't expect that response and Yoruichi just burst out laughing.

"Ha, ha, ha, do you think I'm sleeping with Kevin?"

"I do not think so! I know! I have already heard them!”

“I didn't think they would use this for that purpose.” He pulled the badge from him, he would have to be more careful with voyeurs.

"I don't know what you may have heard, but I haven't slept with Kevin"

"Really?" She knew her master, she would not lie to her in this situation

"Yes... between us, at least he looks at me, unlike Keisuke" Her best friend was a rock in these matters, not that he was really interested, she would almost start to doubt her beauty if she couldn't make easy targets like Ichigo react, maybe she just has no luck with men.

"It's hard not to, you're incredibly attractive" Despite her words, Yoruichi didn't lower the volume of her voice and Kevin answered a little embarrassed.

"Well then, why haven't you tried laying a hand on me?" She approached him and put two fingers on his chest to start moving them in succession while she had a mischievous smile.

"I... the truth is that I've never had that kind of relationship with a woman, I enjoy our time Yoruichi, I didn't want to run the risk of ruining that just to have a more physical relationship" It was a bit cowardly, he could admit it, but Kevin liked stability

“Kevin…” Certainly she didn't expect that response, she believed that he would avoid the subject or say that he doesn't see her that way.

"Yoruichi, look at you, you are a ninja woman, very funny and incredibly beautiful, you were my first friend in the Human World, you have helped and trained me since my mishap... What kind of man would pass up the opportunity to go out with you?" He didn't know it, but he just assumed that she and Urahara were related of some kind or that the store owner was asexual.

"I..." This time, she was speechless for a moment.

"Besides, who would give up being able to do this?" He started scratching her where she liked.

"Grrrr… Well, since you were honest with me, let's try it" It only took him those few minutes to decide.

“T-Try it?” couldn't be that easy

"Take the next step in our relationship, silly, I promise you that if it doesn't work, nothing will change between us" It was the first time in years that they confessed to her and she wasn't going to back down, she also enjoyed being with Kevin, why not try it?


"No buts, no refunds, I'll give you an advance" She grabbed him by his uniform and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Let's go get those snacks, let's also get some money to celebrate, we need quality milk" she dragged Kevin, who seemed in the clouds, towards the store

"Oh, come join us Soifon, we must thank you, this is thanks to you" The cat woman gave her a sincere smile despite almost forgetting it, at least Kevin's scolding worked.

The captain just stood there, her eyes empty and she followed them as if she were a zombie.

No one imagined, much less herself, that it would be Soifon who would launch the fall of dominoes in which Kevin's love life will become.

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