Unbleached Soul

Chapter 26: Chapter 25: Pleasant Reunion

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Time continued to pass, and aside from adding new “activities” to their repertoire of things to do together, Kevin and Yoruichi's relationship didn't seem to change much.

“Do you like this new brush?” Kevin were taking care of his partner in cat form.

"It's wonderful, remember to be gentle with my tail" Although she didn't need to say it, it was a habit since Ichigo crushed her tail

"Always, by the way, Rukia invited me to a party, they are celebrating her promotion to lieutenant and they organized a meeting, do you want to come?"

"Sure, I'll bring some drinks and take the opportunity to visit Soifon, she has been in low spirits these weeks" At the time, Yoruichi guessed that she felt bad about being single as she saw how happy was with Kevin

Someone opened the door.

"I have the tools" Tier brought a cooler, several boxes and some fishing rods

"Excellent, let's see if you enjoy it, then teacher." He had been helping Tier find an activity she enjoyed, like she did with Starrk, Neli, or Ulquiorra.

“Bring me fresh fish”


It was a rather casual and small party, only the lieutenants, she was supposed to meet her future colleagues, and some friends from outside and from her division, Rukia's brother and her captain were busy in a meeting.

"Congratulations Rukia, you must have worked hard since you were reinstated to move forward so fast" Kevin handed her a small gift, it was an art kit along with a keychain with a doll.

“They only valued my abilities” She boasted proudly, there was also the fact that Gotei 13 was understaffed, empty captain positions had not been filled, it was not a position to be handed over lightly and there were few candidates.

"Don't let it go to your head" Ichigo added with a smile.

"Who do you think you talk to?" Rukia had an offended expression.

"I hope you like the dress we gave you" Orihime missed seeing her friend more often since she left school

"I loved it, how are you doing with Kon?"

"Is that doll still unchanged?" When he met him, Kevin was surprised how he could be so perverted to be an artificial soul.

"Knowing him, he will never do it, you would have seen how he appeared a few days ago..." While they had a very lively discussion, other groups also socialized.

"That's the famous Kevin they created new regulations for, I'm not impressed" He was Soifon's lieutenant, despite having seen him before, he wasn't in the mood, his captain was stricter these days

"Yeah… Where's Renji? He would never miss this." Shuhei Hisagi didn't have the best first impression of Kevin, when his transformation into a Hollow nearly killed him.

"He had to meet Captain Kuchiki before he came" Izuru Kira was no better, but he had the maturity to act accordingly

Tetsuzaemon Iba was drinking sake by the snack table, listening to the conversation, he would respect his captain's decision not to pursue any grudges.

Isane Kotetsu, Unohana's lieutenant was talking to her sister, Rukia's third division seat, and Nanao Ise, Kyoraku's lieutenant.

Rangiku was not far away, along with the only other person who focused on Kevin, Momo Hinamori, she was recovering little by little, still not doing missions outside of soul society, but doing enough work to keep her position as lieutenant.

"I know it must be difficult, but he's not a bad person." Both she and Toshiro wished they could avoid this encounter, but she needed to face it.

“… I trusted your words” Hinamori did not know how to feel, in a short time she suffered too much, even now inwardly she wanted to believe that Gin had manipulated or threatened his former captain to do everything he was accused of, but that could never be proven because he died in battle and his murderer is in front of her .

She gathered courage for a few minutes to come over to say hello.

"Good afternoon, c-congratulations on your promotion, Miss Kuchiki, in case I don't introduce myself sooner, I'm Momo Hinamori, lieutenant of the f-fifth division" Had to be strong; she already felt quite disappointed in herself when she attacked Toshiro, her friend of years, for a letter that turned out to be a trap; she did not feel worthy of her position.

"Thank you, you don't have to be so formal, you can call me Rukia"

"Yes, anyone would think that you speak with Byakuya"

"Don't feel weird about her, her captain was Aizen and she revered him… she's still getting over him" Rangiku pushed Kevin away to warn him.

"I understand." He had heard about the details of that manipulator's pantomime from the lieutenant a long time ago.

He went to introduce himself to her.

(It's good that Rangiku is back to normal) At first she acted a bit strange when he told her about his relationship with Yoruichi.

"I'm Kevin Allen, nice to meet you." He held out her hand.

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Momo trembled for a moment and bit her tongue a little.

"T-The pleasure is mine, Mr. Allen" she replied slowly.

"It doesn't have to be so formal, just call me Kevin" He tried to give her a sincere smile to reassure her as he imitated Rukia.

(C-Captain Aizen) That just brought back the image of her former superior and she excused herself to go to the bathroom to cry


The party continued to advance and was about to end, Ichigo and his friends had returned to the human world because they had class the next day

Momo hadn't approached Kevin again, even so, Rangiku took it as a favorable first step, they didn't have to subdue Hinamori, she let her go at her pace, without forcing her.

"Sorry for the delay, it took a long time to get this off Keisuke" Yoruichi walked towards her entrance.

"Teacher, you're very late, Ichigo and the others have already gone, I was about to leave after another round" They had started playing cards, Omaeda had started showing off and now he only had the clothes he was wearing left.

"It'll be worth it, I'm sure you guys will enjoy this, anyway, I don't think they'd want to." He took out a glass bottle of alcohol.

"It's a good vintage" Komamura's lieutenant would be the first to pour himself a glass.

"Sometimes I forget that Ichigo, Orihime and Sado are minors"

They all went for one last drink to close out the night

Bonus: Fishing time.

Kevin and Tier were in a boat in the middle of a vast amount of water

"Now we cast the line of the rods and wait?" This was new to Arrancar and she only knew what she saw in a magazine.

"Depends, how do you want to do it? Classic way or do you want to try something?" Kevin knew that she had control over the water.

"I want to try doing it the classic way" It seemed like an activity of patience and analyzing the right moment to act, like her in combat.

“Go ahead” They had plenty of time

Hours passed and it was shown that the Arrancar had a talent for this, her bucket had 7 fish against Kevin's only one.

"You are good"

"It's just concentration and knowing when to take them out" This would be a practice.

"As long as you like it." Kevin preferred the more direct hunt, although from time to time this kind of relaxing activity wasn't around.

"Can I ask you something?" He had wanted to do it to her for a long time, but it was strange that they were alone for a long time.

"Make it"

"How did you know you could control Luppi, Grimmlow, and Yammy?" They were the most bloodthirsty, bellicose and unrestrained of the surviving Espadas and incredibly she still hadn't heard a big scandal about them; Luppi would disappear for hours with other Arracan to some mysterious activities, Grimmjow would spend all day training or with his Fraction, and Yammy spent his time hunting Hollows in the surroundings, with a strange little Hollow, which Kevin called a dog, or with Ulquiorra in something called a band.

“I didn't know, Tier, that's because it's called giving a chance, if Barragan or the guy Luppi killed had given up or if… however you pronounce the pink-haired man you killed, he wasn't a scumbag like Mayuri, I would have given them the same opportunity, I can't just judge them by the same standards as the other worlds, but give them help to follow a better path."

"We are Hollow, it is in our nature" She had lived long enough in the Hueco Mundo to realize

“Maybe the most primitive Hollows, but when they gain consciousness they are people and since humans have the option to choose, as I told Ulquiorra, they live in a harsh and hostile environment that does not make things easy, but now there are alternatives, for that reason I offered them otherwise it would be like denying you, Nelli, Starrk or Lily” He looked her directly in the eyes and took her hand.

"Just look around you, this is happening, a Shinigami and an Arrancar spending time together fishing and it wouldn't happen if I didn't offer you the opportunity, for me you are people like Yoruichi or Ichigo could be"

"I-I understand" She felt strangely warm his hand holding hers

"I tell you, any human would be happy to be with a cute girl like you"

(I'm called cute again, does he think it's true that much? And why do I like him to think so?) She should seek another opinion

Everything went smoothly until, somehow, Tier had caught a shark and they had to figure out what to do with it.

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