Unbleached Soul

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Friends

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Meeting Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, or Nelli as he suggested her nickname, was the best thing that ever happened to him in this hell, not counting his sword and magic pajamas, although it was a bit tense at first.

"Just out of curiosity why didn't you attack me when I showed up?" They both walked aimlessly and talked from time to time, as you can imagine being a Hollow in a desert doesn't give you many vibrant stories, but the company was welcome.

"I don't attack without provocation, especially those who are weaker than me, it's childish and not worthy of a warrior" Also, and being frank, she was curious about this strange Shinigami.

"V-Very noble of you." This must be the most merciful thing he found on this site, he wasn't going to argue about being weaker, he didn't want to find out.

"What about you? You're supposed to exterminate us." She looked directly at him, seeing how she would respond.

“By you, do you mean…?”


(Is it because of these pajamas?)

"I'll be honest with you Nelli, I don't know what Shinigamis are, I only showed up here one day and the next thing that knew... I looked like this, I've killed several of your kind, but only in self-defense, I don't want to kill for no reason either"

If she had lips, Nelli would almost smile, didn't seem like a lie.

"Why did you approach me if it wasn't to fight?" She at first believed that he was like others that was trying to annihilate her, but she decided to play along to see where it led.

“Why, Nelli?, because this place is crazy, everyone kills each other and I've been alone for a long time, I wanted to meet someone to talk to, I wanted a friend…” He contained his emotions so as not to scream.

"A friend?" A strange and vague concept for this dimension.

“Yes, Nelli, when I saw you forgive one of those…does your species have an official name?” Calling her a monster to her face would be derogatory.

“Hollow” Internally it gave her a bit of grace.

"Okay, those Hollows, I thought you were different, that we could be friends." It was all or nothing.

"Many would laugh at you, a Hollow and a Shinigami as friends"

“I am not interested, if “they” are my friends they will understand, otherwise they are not my friends because friends understand each other and do not abandon each other” Betraying and harming the people who love you are among the worst crimes on the list of Kevin.

“And if we are attacked?”

"We have the right to defend ourselves" He preferred not to kill humans if possible, but this other world with other rules.

“I can respect your determination, I, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, as long as we maintain our sincerity and non-aggression pact, I will be your friend.” She looked like a knight taking an oath, but her sword was missing.

"I-It's a pleasure." The solemnity of the declaration took him by surprise, but now Kevin had officially gotten his first friend.


Kevin and Nelli were several weeks or months, he still could not measure time, just talking, spending time together and killing aggressive Hollow.

"Your friend, he didn't spend a lot of time watching that thing called TV?" The Shinigami told him about his best friends, maybe he won't see them again and he had to move on, but he would never allow himself to forget them.

“A little, but since Jerry kept good hygiene and took a few days to go out with us, we didn't see the need to force a change in his lifestyle”

"Could ..." Nelli stopped short as she felt immense spiritual pressure in her direction.

“What's wrong…” It took him a moment longer, but Kevin felt it too, it was a new sensation for him and not even the giant puppet gave him this pressure, it was as if the environment was trying to crush him.

(Th-This will feel like being on a planet with a lot of gravity?)

The Hollow centaur was ready to fight to the end, she knew that if the thing projecting this energy had their sights on them, they wouldn't be able to escape.

The seconds seemed unbelievably long, but two cloaked beings could be seen on the horizon.

(A-Are they Shinigami?) They seemed to have very humanoid shapes for a Hollow.

"Oh, you're tough wimps and one of you is a Shinigami, it's rare to see two together without killing each other." Anyone would think that the shorter hooded one was mocking or belittling them, but she was genuinely surprised and glad.

"A-Aren't you Shinigami?" Kevin was having trouble breathing, he reminded him of when he climbed a mountain.

"Don't offend us!" He removed his hood to reveal a young-looking girl with light green hair and a broken helmet that revealed one eye.

"A-Are you cosplayers?" At this point clowns could appear and he would accept it.

"Cos-what?! We're Arrancar, asshole!"

"O-Okay, sorry" Then he would ask the meaning of that

"Are you going to kill us?" The centaur was not going to go down without a fight.

"No, that would be a pain for me and I'd rather rest." The largest was a simple grown man with gray-blue eyes, wavy dark brown hair, and a minimal amount of beard.

"What are you doing?" The youngest seemed curious

"W-We're just friends hanging out." They didn't seem to have hostile intentions, maybe it was a passive ability.

"Ha ha ha ha! Friends!? A Hollow with a Shinigami!?" She fell to the ground laughing with tears in her eyes.

"She's always like this." The man seemed to be emphasizing it instead of apologizing as he scratched his head.

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"N-It doesn't affect us, we knew that people could react this way" The black-haired man was worried about Neli, she didn't take her eyes off them.

“Ha ha… Was that serious?” She stopped her laughter and knelt down to look at them seriously.

"Y-Yeah, cough, we're just two people who come together to support each other and avoid loneliness, is it that weird?"

The girl continued to watch them carefully, then at her partner to smile with all her teeth.

"Can we join you?"

"Huh?" Kevin had met other beings who hated loneliness and wanted friends in their lives.


It was another day in the desert, it had been an undetermined amount of time since the two duos came together, getting used to the pressure they gave off was slow and exhausting, but Nelli didn't mind enough and Kevin thought it was worth the effort.

"...And then he said: Trash! Trash!"

"That, puf, joke, ha ha, was terrible." It wasn't very believable as she squirmed and covered her mouth with her hands.

"...You're so easy, Lily." He admitted that wasn't that good.

"Now, ha ha, you'll see who's easy, we're going to train like them!" Lilynette Gingerbuck pointed to those who were missing from the group, Nelli along with Lily had gotten the man to work.

“But, we are the ones with the worst technique” Kevin knew that he didn't have any style, he just moved the sword as he thought or felt best.

"Grrr, I'm as good as Starrk, get ready!" She pulled her greatsword and dashed.

“At least remember to modulate your strength!” He jumped to dodge and buried himself in sand.

“What happened to my lack of technique!?” The blow she gave to the ground raised a bit of sand that fell on top of her.

"Are not related!" He spit sand, wished to at least learn Arrancar skills, he was surprised when told them everything they could do, but when it got to the point of explaining his species, he understood that it was not possible.

(Holllow who abandoned his mask, which apparently is important, to get Shinigami powers... They can be considered an evolution, if it weren't for the hole in his chest, they could be a totally separate species) Not that he particularly cared, but it was a curious fact, it also meant that the Shinigami must have their own techniques if they hadn't become extinct.

"Why can you loiter around?" Coyote Stark jumped into the conversation, training was over.

“We train too!” Lily kicked his knee.

"I-I'm still missing" Nelli also returned, but much more injured, however, nothing fatal.

"Of course yes, we are very strong" The little girl spoke as if she were the one who fought.

"You improve quickly, you almost make me want to draw my sword" Starrk didn't mean to mock, the difference was abysmal.

"..." The centaur knew that she had to improve, if they found another being with Starrk's strength, she doubted that they would be so lucky and she had to protect her friend.

(I didn't think she would get that far when I suggested training with Starrk) He also didn't get very far fighting him, especially when wl can't do risky moves because he doesn't have fast regen like his friend.

“Don't you want to be an Arranca yet? I'm sure you'll survive the process and I'm curious what you look like.” Lily started poking at the bone-covered goat part of her.

"No, I'm sorry I'm not ready" It would be more solemn if they weren't itching his face

"As you wish," she shrugged.

"Uaaaah, I finished my work, wake me up when we go to continue" The sloth lay down on a tree

"Why are you always lying down, bum!?" She started yelling at him, she wanted to leave at once, she will pull his ear later.

“These are the comedians, the ones you told me about.” Nelli looked at Kevin.

“Comes a little closer.” They were a little weird, but not bad company… he didn't know whether to feel flattered because it took Nelli a lot longer to get her guard down with them than with him.

Bonus: parasite

Gottsit couldn't believe the luck of the jerk he was attached to

(Meeting an important character this way) Of course she wasn't the sexy Arrancar, but she was still Nel and it was only a matter of time.

(Maybe it will give him a quick death when he devours it) That saved him time and gave him hope for a future project, the only drawback was that he had to advance his learning about a way to hide or camouflage his spiritual energy


(Must be a joke!) Was the reaction to seeing Coyote Starrk and his gun enter the group

(Hopefully this doesn't affect canon too much) Oddly he didn't care about that last time.

(At least he didn't annihilate us) He knew how strong was himself; and had the potential to be the greatest in this universe, or so he convinced himself; but even Gottsit was not so arrogant or stupid as to throw himself against an Arrancar of such a high position without even being a Vasto Lorde.

“Thanks to my matchless foresight, store enough energy to pass into my next powerful and inimitable form.”

It was actually a stroke of luck he could just become Adjucha, but he needs a "hibernation" process, so he doesn't have to risk being discovered by Starrk, although he would never admit it.

“Just another step to my ultimate ascension”

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