Unbleached Soul

Chapter 30: Chapter 28: Outings

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Time kept advancing, and with no further events of note, a little over a year had passed since Aizen's death while everyone went on with their lives. At Las Noches the atmosphere was as lively as ever.

"Yammy, your stupid mutt chewed on my strings! I have a session in a few minutes! I'd rip your head off if I could!" Luppi used his tentacles as he searched for more material.

"When you want, even that runt knows you're trash! Who cares about your weird stuff anyway?" Neither he bothered to stop his footsteps as he gave his masked dog a treat.

“What would a savage like you know?!...Sorry, but nothing!” Since he couldn't find enough rope he went looking elsewhere.

"Pathetic, let's go hunting for a while and call the others, they are less and less trash and it's been a while since someone died" The dog barked in response and went to look for his pack.

In another part of the complex there was another type of discussion.

“This is the last time we let Ulquiorra pick a movie! Because of his stupid expressionlessness, I don't know if he's making fun of us!" Lily tossed a magazine on the floor.

"You're exaggerating, some of them aren't that bad" Starrk answered lying down with a blindfold on his pouf.

"Do you expect him to believe me that he actually cares about those colored horses?!"

"Let it be, it wouldn't be the weirdest here"

His roommate was about to respond when she changed her target to another resident, who was in the refrigerator.

"Grimmjow can't even think of drinking my sodas again!" She lunged at him.

“Get off me or I'll pulverize you! I just take any drink!” He was trying to get rid of her

"Don't believe too much because your life is based on combat, thickheaded!"

While they were distracted; Tier walked past them, grabbed a soda, a mineral water, and a snack to sit at a table with Nelli.

"Here." She handed her the carbonated drink.

"Thanks, did you finish the book I lent you?" The green-haired girl was enjoying some sweets.

"No, on the last outing I got good photos for my collection" On her fishing trips, and then diving, she discovered a taste for keeping memories of exotic fish.

“Did some humans really ask you out?” Tier remembered the last group outing to the beach, with the passage of time it was getting easier to get permits for events and she went out with more than one at the same time.

"Yes... Yoruchi was right, they paid a lot of attention to my swimsuit" She preferred not to remember that, it was uncomfortable, sometimes she wished that that bum with the hat, as Kevin calls him, had not created a way to make them visible to normal people .

“That's because I wear a full body suit” The truth was that, aside from being almost always in the water, her gaze intimidated most who tried to approach her.

"Grr, don't remind me of that" Lily, who had finally got rid of the blue-haired, remembered how some jerks treated her like a brat.

"I don't know what those weak humans saw in you, come on woman it's time!" Grimmjow hadn't left because he was expecting his usual fight with Nelli, he had been dragged to that day at the beach and some girls kept harassing him.

"No manners as usual." She was about to get up when a voice echoed

"Those because you are very attractive, Kevin has already told you, but regardless of the species there will be men without brains for that" Yoruichi arrived next to Kevin.

The Arrancar just snorted, verbal battles weren't his forte.

"I'm leaving friends, remember that I'll be back in a few days, Nemu announced that he will leave the laboratory tomorrow" Except for fulfilling his duties as a lieutenant, Nemu did not leave the laboratory.

"I hope we can give him that thing, it drives me crazy"

The "thing" referred to Mayuri, who was an ornament on a table, no one could tell if he was saying something because he had a soundproof glass around him, but from time to time they had to remove him, lest he plan something or to change the bottle.

"Me too" That would be the maximum expression of confidence and growth that Kevin could give the lieutenant.


It was night in the society of Souls and Kevin, in a house that Yoruichi's cousin had given him for his engagement, was meditating, he felt that Gottsit, in a rare moment, was trying to communicate.

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"Long time no see" Kevin noted that the spirit had not changed the decoration, although you have to admit the detail of some works.

“Your time is running out.” He got right to the point.

“We already had this conversation”

The Arrancar smashed a statue in the likeness of Kevin, which he must have prepared.

"You don't understand, the universe is going to end!"

"And we will do what we can to avoid it" He replied with a smile

"Lunatic! You had a threesome with three of the most desirable women in this dimension! And it is obvious that you are not going to stop! What makes you different from me?!” It seemed like a last desperate attack.

Kevin looked at him with a face of "are you serious?"

“Consent, context, being under the voluntary influence of alcoholic substances… Do you want me to continue?” He didn't bring the alcohol or force the others to drink, the matter was resolved and Yoruichi didn't blame him either, he had no reason to feel bad.

"Grrr... What are your ideas?" He had a hard time letting these words out, but you wouldn't allow yourself to disappear… not again, his will to live was greater than his pride or personal desires.

(The next thing must be this scary) To be honest, Kevin didn't expect him to give up.

"It's pretty obvious what you want, let's..." This decision would open the door to a new field of study.


Kevin was walking through the research center guided by Nemu, he had been waiting for him outside to guide him personally and for him to be the first person to see the results of his work.

"I'm sorry I haven't been available for so long, Master Kevin."

"Don't worry, it's good that you dedicate yourself to your passions, but remember not to overdo it, we miss spending time with you"

A small smile blossomed on Nemu's face.

“How is Master Mayuri? She whispered close to his ear.

"As usual"

"That's good, he will be surprised with the results" When they arrived at the door where she had been secluded for about a year

"What have you been working on?"

“I'm glad you asked, thanks to you, Master Kevin, and after some research I've come to have an idea of the problem that led to Master Mayuri's current situation…” An expression of sad appreciation on her face

(She is acknowledging it…)

"For that reason I decided to put myself in the same scenario, collect information to show him that his methods are not optimal and try to convert him..."

“A decent person”

"... is one way of putting it"

"But Nemu, I'm sorry to be so hard on you, what if he doesn't want to change?" Some people just won't budge, Gottsit just took the opportunity offered because literally the alternative was death.

“It will be regrettable and he will have to maintain his current state” She opened the door and they entered

"How are things with you…." Kevin's question stuck in his throat when he saw a baby on a pillow.

"This is our daughter, I decided to raise her in the best possible way to prove my theory, I used her DNA, you told me that you had his full support, I hope you don't mind being her father" Nemu talked like she had borrowed money from Kevin to adopt a puppy.

"..." He was speechless, this will be a fun conversation with the others.

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