Unbleached Soul

Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Experiment

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It had been a few days since Kevin became a dad and now he had another responsibility to take care of, which meant more time in the soul society, but today he was at the research center for another assignment.

"How's the new daddy?" Rangiku was teased, though after this they went on a date.

"Studying, I hope to make her happy" Kevin had never considered having children yet, but since his time came he was going to do the best he could.

"W-What's with that reaction?" Today he seemed more attractive than usual.

"It's called taking responsibility, Matsumoto." Toshiro respected that he didn't run away or ignore his duty, but they were here for official reasons.

"I still can't believe they approved this experiment." The lieutenant tried to change the subject.

"It's something unheard of that was never considered, the Commander would prefer it happen in a controlled environment to gather information" And they couldn't stop Kevin from trying it either, this was technically considered a way to deal with his zanpakuto.

“Could someone tell me what kind of stupid agreed to participate in this?” In a corner Soifon was sulking, if it wasn't an order to be watching, she would have left long ago.

(That miserable man dared not only to be unfaithful to Miss Yoruichi, he even impregnated another woman) The captain did not understand how her master was still with him, but she decided not to intervene, that last time still hurts her pride

"I'm surprised there aren't more captains" Kevin decided to ignore Soifon for now, with the time they spent together he was beginning to understand her and would have a talk (battle) with her after.

"Even though they're not here, everyone is alert to any disturbance and Captain Soifon, please don't insult those involved" Hitsugaya didn't want her to do this either, but he couldn't convince her.

"All set in the test room, follow me Master Kevin" Nemu came to guide the spectators.

"How is Nina?" It took them a long time to decide on behalf of the baby, Nemu had wanted it to be a joint decision.

“Keep taking a nap, don't worry I have live video and multiple monitors.” She pulled a device out of her clothing.

"Let's finish this!" The ninja did not want to see this scene.

The lieutenant just nodded and they started walking.


“Are you and your zanpakuto sure of this?” Kevin was giving him one last chance to back out, when he went to ask for volunteers, he didn't think one would show up so quickly.

"I'm sure, thanks for worrying cap-cough-Kevin" Momo cleared her throat, she shouldn't get ahead of herself and spoil her future captain's opportunities to gain prestige

"Okay." He had a bad feeling, but he figured it was normal under these circumstances.

The deal was this, Gottsit would lend him his powers and information in exchange for introducing him to "potential partners" and since he was a zanpakuto spirit, he decided to find him an equal, but with the main condition being that the other party voluntarily accept his "advances"; Simply put, this was a blind date between sword spirits, something never documented.

"Stab this doll" Since Momo couldn't use Bankai, she still couldn't bring her spirit to this plane so they are using a modified Urahara doll, similar to the one Ichigo and Kevin used to get their Bankais.

Without hesitation she pierced the doll and was replaced by a young woman with brown eyes and long brown hair, with ornaments in her hair, wearing a white kimono with a pink hem and a large pink ribbon around it.

"Are you okay with this too?" He didn't think that Momo was the type of person who would force anyone to do something, but out of respect and principle, he had to ask Tobiume

"Yes, I agree, thank you for taking me into consideration" It was noticeable that it was Momo's spirit, but inside she only felt disgust and disdain for what she was about to do, sadly she was just as weak-willed as her owner to deny her a request .

"I understand." Seeing that they were both fine, he pulled Gottsit's zanpakuto from his back and pinned it to the ground, where it was quickly replaced by the Arrancar.

"Frankly I expected Haineko, but she works too." Gottsit was going to relish this moment.

Tobiume was trying not to feel offended.

"You could at least try." His owner sighed, this seemed like some kind of sacrifice.

"Believe me I have this under control, as long as I keep my end of the deal, I can do whatever I want"

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He had this confidence, not only because of his usual pride, but because he was probably the only one who knew what happened that night out and could almost guess the mentality of that pathetic lieutenant.

(That that insufferable wolf doesn't like to see how his owner fucks with other women played unexpectedly in my favor) He was not going to accept the deal without having guaranteed profits

"As you wish, let's leave them alone, let us know when you want to finish this" Both Shinigami went to the observation room.

Hinamori met his spirit's eyes and nodded her thanks before following Kevin.

"She's pitiful, right?" The Arrancar walked slowly towards her and spoke softly so as not to be heard by the others.

"Please, don't insult her" the spirit could avoid protecting her, she saw her as a poor and fragile soul broken by this world.

"I'll give you that little favor, after all, thanks to her you're here for me, if you're half as "devoted"as she is, you won't retire" With one of his tentacles he caressed her face.

The woman just seemed resigned to her fate.

"Someone is recording this and Toshiro, I know he's there, I want you to take a good look!" He planned to do this scenario with Momo, just for fun and to see his face, but this worked for him too, she had a similar enough face.

Inside the other room, the ice Shinigami did not take the comment very well.

"Should we stop them?" Rangiku spoke for his captain, his look said it all.

“As miserable as last time” Soifon spat.

"He likes to make fun of others, as soon as Tobiume shows any sign of opposition, I'll stop him immediately" Kevin looked at Momo, no one would understand his zanpakuto better than its owner.

"Don't worry, Tobiume was excited to experience this, Shiro I'm here you shouldn't get upset" The lieutenant walked towards her childhood friend to calm down.

He could only sigh and she just smiled at him, it's hard to tell if she really believed all that or she was just fooling herself.

The next few hours were no mystery to anyone who has seen porn featuring Gottsit's body type.


"This was refreshing... one is not enough, but I don't want to break you, let's go on a 'date' another day" Gottsit couldn't be happier, he had never felt more alive.

Instead, Tobiume's body lying on the ground, she couldn't look deader with her eyes rolled back and all that cloudy liquid coming out of almost every hole in her body, which wasn't very clean either.

"You are a wild girl and less prudish than you seem, I grant you" He especially loved the part about requesting her permission at each step, knowing that she would not refuse, he would have liked to try how far she would go, but he did not want to risk the public interfering, he could feel the cold spiritual energy from his position.

In the observation room, reactions were mixed.

Rangiku and Soifon couldn't have been more disgusted, with the former feeling more revulsion and the latter anger, this must have been among the most disturbing scenes of her career.

If this wasn't a mission, and both parties made their consent clear, Toshiro would have torn the place to pieces long ago.

Nemu just worked in silence, making a mental note not to bring her baby into this area, this couldn't be good for a developing mind.

Kevin was just stunned, but he didn't know if it was because Gottsit managed to go all the way, he knew better than anyone that he didn't use his poison (at the beginning) and that he didn't have mind control, or that the spirits are that needy; he wasn't so fazed by a prank played on him his friend Jerry on April Fool's Day.

The creepiest was Momo who kept a smile on her face.

"Tobiume seemed so happy" She imagines her with Kevin

The others thought she was in shock or something.

"Well, at least it's over." In more ways than one.

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