Unbleached Soul

Chapter 32: Chapter 30: Peace and Future

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The next day at Las Noches, and after a group movie night, it was time to end the latent threat.

"Quickly, we must take advantage of the fact that he must be sleeping!" Gottsit wanted to get this over with as soon as possible and plan what he would do to Tobiume next time, as well as find a way to get him to "convince" Haineko to join.

"Can he really do all that? How the hell did he lose?" He had given him an idea of the last arc.

"I don't remember it well, the power of friendship...  doesn't expect it, that's in another manga... it doesn't matter! The damned can change the future, it's ridiculous!"

Kevin just unsheathed the zanpakuto

"Have fun, Gottsit." The thorn-like blade grew more spikes around it, dripping various substances.

"Primary disintegration" The blade hid the extra spikes and began to turn black, except for the tip.

He proceeded to stick it into the ground, being careful that the black part did not touch anything.

"Memory of the past" An impulse seemed to come out of the sword, as the black part seemed to drain into the hilt.

(Yes, it's dramatic) Like his sister, he also demanded to say the name of the technique


Nobody would ever know what happened to the Wandenreich army, in one night almost the entire organization seemed to disappear into nothingness, panic was widespread and they knew they were lost when their leader did not escape the effects either, in fact, he was the first to fall.

If the survivors were smart enough, they would notice that only those "touched" by the Yhwach soul fell victim to this catastrophe.


"It worked?" Kevin was a bit tired, he expended more energy than expected.

"Of course, you're talking about my power." He had grown specifically for this, although he was sorry to lose some Quincy girls, some were attractive.

"I guess we just need to enjoy the rest of our lives"

"Don't come with corny things, I have things to do" Gottsit disconnected from the conversation.

"As long as he doesn't harm anyone... Do you want to hang out Thriban?"

"Of course, you don't want to make me jealous, right?" The woman in the ranger uniform appeared in front of him and hugged him from behind.

“We have a lot of time” Tomorrow he has to see her daughter and then an outing Nelli… he should buy a calendar.


"I can't believe it's been more than 10 years" Kyoraku was having tea at his residence with Ukitake and Kevin.

"Yes, today it will finally close that wound and let's hope that peacetime continues" The white-haired boy sipped his cup.

"Time flies... How true is this rumor that the commander is going to retire and give you the post Shunsui?"

The captain almost spilled his drink.

"I don't know where you heard that, but the old man is still as lively as ever" He gave a nervous laugh, may the spirit king protect him from that job.

"I think it's time to go we have to get there early" Ukitake checked the time again.

"I'm going to go ahead, she must be nervous, this has already been delayed enough because of her pregnancy" Kevin ran out, but a figure reached him from the side, almost knocking him down.

"May I come with you, captain?" Since he accepted the position, she has never stopped teasing.

"When you want, it is my honor to have such a beautiful woman... and we cannot forget my little boy"

"Dada" From Yoruichi's back came a little boy

"I thought you would be leading Ichigo and the others?" He pampered his son.

"It's ready, I still can't believe she rented the same house again" Although the cat woman continued with a smile on her face

"Well, it's a special place." It was one way of looking at it.

"Maybe she wants a repeat, since your birthday we don't do it together" she put her finger on his chest and lowered it

"We'll talk later" Kevin had to hurry up and they disappeared

"It's good to keep the spirit young, to think that he has been in the position for a year" Kyorako preferred to walk.

"Come on, before Nanao comes to call you" her lieutenant Kiyone was prepared to leave a few meters away.

"I always imagine that these geezers retire" The captain looked at the sky, smiling, today promised to be another good day.


"Nina, I have to attend the meeting, your lunch is served, don't let it get cold" Nemu gave his daughter a hug and left his private office to give his lieutenant Akon a few last instructions, before leaving.

"Okay, mommy, I'm finishing talking to grandpa" Due to her family, and especially Kurosutchi's situation, Kevin's daughter had the dream of becoming a Shinigami to join the fourth squad and open a psychiatric section to avoid someone ending up like her grandfather, she also liked to understand people a lot.

“How much of my life am I going to waste here?!” If we could give Mayuri anything it was his perseverance, anyone in his situation would have committed suicide long ago or at least tried to change his path, but he continued the same as if it were the first day.

“Until you stop being mean, grandpa, we've already talked about this.” The bowl-haired girl shook her head.

"Don't treat like stupid!"


"Captain Iba, you should relax" Rangiku and her captain were walking to the meeting when they ran into the captain of the seventh division.

"No, I still need to be at the level, I don't want to disappoint Captain Komamura"

"Your work ethic is respectable... too bad not everyone has your determination and initiative." Toshiro resisted not looking at his lieutenant.

"Oh, who could he be talking about? It must be Shuhei's because I've never heard Captain Allen complain about me." She kept an innocent look.

Before the Ice Shinigami said that he didn't mean that kind of job and that his captain was him, Shuhei appeared to complain.

"Don't put me in that bag, Rangiku, you're talking to someone who almost mastered his Bankai" He pointed to himself, he almost succeeded and he was proud.

"I don't believe it, I've never seen you use it." She rolled her eyes, she had mastered hers five years ago, but she hasn't told anyone.

"Of course not! It's been a short time and I haven't had a chance to use it!” He responded indignantly.

"It's true, I saw it" A redhead reached his group

"Captain Abarai" he was happy that someone supported him.

"Is Renji, he doesn't count" They both froze at his answer and Toshiro sighed, at least the peace was nice.


"You're late! Explain yourself!" Soifon rebuked Kenpachi.

"Yachiru got lost again" he replied without caring.

"Are you an idiot?! You must not be late for this sacred ceremony!"

"I'm here and that's what matters!" From the atmosphere they gave off, it seemed that they were going to fight at any moment.

"Come on, mom, defeat the ugly guy." That voice stopped Soifon's intentions.

“Yoshi! What are you doing here?!" She had left it at his residence.

“I was bored and ran away, I wanted to see Aunt Rukia get her job, I can't wait to become a captain and win over girls like dad.” The 9-year-old boy had big ambitions.

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“No! I told you that you will be a respectable member of the second squad! You must not want to be like your father! See how wonderful it is to dedicate yourself to a person!”

"That's why Lily keeps calling you Tsundere" He would never understand his mother, he didn't seem to love his father, but then she lost for hours with him and his aunt Yoruichi.

Kevin, who had been a few meters away all this time, didn't comment, he waited for Soifon to get tired to take his son out of the room.

"It's amazing that you got her pregnant the first time," Renji muttered to him.

"I told her not to make that bet or for her not to force herself, but she's so stubborn, in the end I think did her good." Despite everything, he knew how much she loved Yoshi.

"Yes, to her, Captain Soifon always makes the best faces" Nemu blurted out as if nothing had happened, she had many sessions recorded.

"Don't say that kind of thing about me!" The captain was going to continue arguing with Nemu and her son, but Yamamoto had arrived, even Yoshi knew it was time to go.

"Now, we will proceed with the promotion ceremony for the new captain of the Gotei 13." The old man decided to ignore the scene and continued with the program.

“You are allowed in, Captain Kuchiki Rukia”

"Present!" She took the first steps into the room, closing another loop in soul society.


"The meeting is over, I have to go finish the preparations for Captain Kevin's party." Momo Hinamori ran out of the room.

“…Sometimes you don't notice what Momo has changed” Shuhei commented to Kira.

"I still don't believe it." He was tempted to ask Kevin what he had done to her, but he felt it was not a good idea.

"It usually happens to maidens in love" Rangiku spoke as if it were none of his business

“You haven't changed a bit” Shuhei pointed out.

"You can't improve on perfection" Her zanpakuto seemed to agree because she was vibrating.

"Forget it"

"Hyaaa!, Momo leaves Omadea, he's already unconscious!" That was Isane's voice.

"Again, Omaeda doesn't learn, she must stop speaking ill of Captain Kevin in front of Momo" Kira went to help him.

"It certainly is forceful since named Kevin captain" Rangiku sighed, that day was unforgettable for everyone.


"This day must be special if they let us in" Lily entered the party site

"Who cares? I'm going to find that trash Kenpachi to drag him to a safe place and break his face" Yammy doesn't forget his last fight and he separated from the group.

"I'm going to look for prey too" Grimmjow was about to leave, but a hand stopped him.

"You're that jerk from last time! You still owe me a new car!" Tatsuki forced Arrancar into the house.

"Get off me, you stupid woman! If I didn't have these restrictions I would tear you to pieces!”

"You say that to everyone!" She didn't buy it and they walked away for a private conversation.

"As lively as ever" Starrk went to find a place to relax.

"I hope Rukia likes my gift... don't be nervous Tier, I'm sure Urahara, Kevin and Nemu will find a solution" Nelli put a box on the table.

"Yes, I must not ruin the atmosphere" She went for a drink.


"I still can't believe Ulquiorra is so good at music" Ichigo couldn't stop looking at him, thinking that he was so strong too.

"Yes, he already knows how to play many instruments, but I was telling you, Ishida shouldn't work so much." Even Sado, who had become a world boxing champion had attended.

“You know… Where are the children?” Ichigo had seen them a second ago.

"I don't know, but they must be having fun somewhere." Rukia waved her hand.

"Don't be so carefree!"

"Calm down, they're upstairs." Kevin knew that she only said it to laugh at Ichigo.

"It's so nice to see the three of them together." Orihime had a smile on her face.

"Our Ichika and Kara were accepted as Shinigami trainees, how's Kasui doing?"

"Well..." Before Ichigo could answer they felt a huge spiritual pressure come from above.

"It seems to be going great for him, it will be a curious few years" Kevin hopes that everything will continue as before.

"Don't flatter yourself, the plot is over" Gottsit wanted to interrupt the moment

"I always remind you, this is his own world"

"Whatever, what you have to remember is that tomorrow I have an appointment with Tobiume and Haineko" he salivated just thinking about it.

"I will never understand how you convinced them"

"I have my methods, I'm just amazing"

"What you say"

"Kevin! Remember this!" Yoruichi arrived with a very familiar bottle.

"That's it…"

"Yes, like that day"

"Give me a cup!" Rangiku wanted to be the first to try it

Rukia blushed just looking at the bottle.

"Isn't it just alcohol?" Ichigo was confused by the overreaction.

"Yes, but it's a special one for us" Yoroichi didn't lose his playful smile.

"This time I won't fall, especially with the kids here." Kevin wasn't drinking... not unless he was in his room and only with the girls.

"How bad can it be?"

"You don't want to know." He went to where Nelli was for a snack.

“Enjoying?” the arrancar smiled sweetly at him

"Quite, I never stop thinking, how lucky I was to find you that day"

"I feel the same, you opened our world, who knows where we would be without knowing you" She saw all the friends he had.

“Don't get sentimental! Let's play!" Lily who seemed to have heard them dragged them to another room.

Kevin just laughed, he lost people he cared about when he came to this world, but he also got a new one to follow.

I hope you enjoyed spending your time on this, read me on something else. I will leave the specials in the "box" for now: Kevin's first day as captain (which would focus on Momo), Nelli and Tier's and how Soifong and Kevin's first time happened

Fun fact: As Orihime was going to be in Kevin's harem when he arrived at the soul society, he was going to be with her and Ishida, for the same reason there was going to be a small special focused on Ichigo and Tatsumaki.

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