Unbleached Soul

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: A time, a place, an experience

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Tier Harribel didn't know how to qualify those individuals she was watching, apparently they had decided to settle in a cave a little far from hers, she doubted if was intentional.

Not to mention that they lived with a Shinigami, they did not act differently from their own group; rest, train, kill Hollow invaders, etc.

The strange thing began when the Shinigami passed the Garganta that the older man opened, confirming that he was some kind of Hollow, although they followed their routine as the days passed they seemed more discouraged? Lost? She didn't know.

"He abandoned them." That was the first thing he concluded, but that idea was discarded when he finally returned and seemed to bring things with him.

His group reacted differently, the Adjucha immediately welcomed her with a handshake, the man took the initiative to get up to say hello and the woman started yelling at him.

The routine was slightly modified because now they spent some time sitting in front of some kind of box, she would have to continue investigating


"Why is there fire under water?" Nelli believed that humans had strange ideas, although it was not a bit funny, at least it was not violent.

"This is ha, ha, ha, very, ha, stupid ha" Lily couldn't stop giggling and teasing when the character stepped on a log that caught fire at his foot.

Stark was asleep next to her in a beanbag chair.

“TV and DVD were easy, but it took going through several containers to find a functional power plant” The first thing that Kevin noticed when he arrived in the human world is that he was invisible, he could have taken the opportunity to rob stores, but he felt uncomfortable doing it, therefore, he only checked abandoned places and dumpsters.

(If only it were possible to keep a refrigerator... and get money) He literally waited for hours for someone to go throw an unfinished soda to drink something


Time was running and there was nothing interesting to report, at least on the surface.

"They don't think that the lady wastes a lot of time watching those idiots, they don't do anything strange, except spend hours looking at that box" Apacci was resting next to a stone that served as a table.

"It is not our place to question her." The lioness, Mila Rose, was looking at her as if she had said something silly.

"I don't question her, stupid, I say that her time is very valuable for that!"

They were going to start arguing when the snake intervened.

"Your little minds of hers can't see the big picture like our lady."

""You're a bitch, Sung-Sun!"" They could agree from time to time


"This sucks could you just kill the stupid clown" Lily dropped a comic on the floor.

"The chicken crossed the street..." Neli seemed to be reading a very old joke book, next to her was another with the title "How to act with your close people?".

"Why do puzzles help your dreams?" Starrk seemed interested in a strange book.

(He should change places for more variety) Kevin was reading his own book on tips for living in deserts.

This was the kind of valuable information that Harribel collected


Gottsit had been waiting for the right moment, apparently the idiot of his transport was not interested in getting closer to the plot, not out of mere curiosity or fanaticism.

"At least find out what part of the story we're in, do I have to do everything!?"

It was on the third trip to the human world, that Kevin reached a place close enough to Tokyo to get closer to Karakura, he didn't even care that Kevin wondered how he moved while he slept, this was important.

That night Gottsit was euphoric for several reasons

"Ha ha! It worked! The world definitely wants my ascension!" Anyone who saw him would wonder the reason for his joy, hardly much had changed, just by looking at him carefully and with some tests, you would notice some bumps on his back surrounded by bones and that his spikes were a little more sharp.

"It cost me a lot of raw power, but it won't matter when I'm a Vasto Lorde and then an Arrancar."

The parasite had tried to manipulate his evolution, he wanted, no, he needed a specific type of ability if he didn't want to risk himself in the future, apparently he had achieved it.

“But this is the vision of success” He was watching; he will never admit that honing his ability to hide spiritual energy was a great weapon for his plans because it wasn't entirely to his credit, besides hiding wasn't worthy of his status; a beautiful woman who had light skin and long, wavy light brown hair that reached her back.

"Too bad I have to let her die, it would be great to have her in my bed, but it is necessary, I must eliminate that troublesome Yhwach while his head is down, besides, that disgusting Aizen must be watching as always" As if he himself were not watching her, hidden.

"She's pregnant, no matter of who, I'll be able to look for mother Uryu without rushing and I have about 3 years to become an Arrancan or be lucky that this idiot arrives at a close date" He will have to keep an eye on time.

"You have to sacrifice yourself for an easier life." It wasn't clear if he was talking about Ichigo's mother or Yhwach.


Our Shinigami took a walk near his home in the Hueco Mundo and confronted his stalker

“Do you want to come in?” Kevin didn't mean it in a metaphorical sense, over time they had turned the cave where he lived with his friends into a kind of underground lair.

"… How did you find me?" Harribel got into a fighting stance.

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"Starrk was the first to detect you, but he didn't give it any importance, weeks later the rest of us got it, but since you didn't do anything we left you alone... you've been watching us for a while now, do you want to talk about that?" This was a strange position for Kevin.

"Did you know I wouldn't attack you?"

“You've had plenty of chances and you don't seem bad… Hollow, and your group seems to respect you a lot” Nelli had told him about some encounters with them.

"I don't understand you" Even with all the time watching them.

"What do you mean?"

“You are a Shinigami and you live with a Hollow, even one that could easily tear you to pieces”

“Our first meeting with Starrk and Lily wasn't perfect, but they were just like us, people looking for friends. Besides, let's get used to their pressure.” Over time together, the duo told their story about why they wanted to go with them.

"If he's already in your group, why haven't you tried to get more followers and conquer Hueco Mundo?" This was what you most wanted to know, Barraggan was always bothering her about it and she felt that he was about to overcome his patience.

“We are not that kind of group, we are just friends sharing a house and nobody wants to dominate this sandbox” Kevin didn't see the point, Starrk was too lazy, Lily couldn't care less and Nelli wouldn't fight for such a crude goal on her own.

"..." She just analyzed his answer, knew it wasn't a lie.

"You don't have to join us, but you can visit us with your friends, Nelli will be happy to have another person to train with, I feel that you will get along" He also felt that the animal trio would fit in with Lily


"You don't have to answer now, think about it, you know where to find us" He turned his back to leave.

When she lost sight of him, the Hollow was going to return.

"It is as it seems, there is nothing else." Nelli had appeared  on her back, instinctively attacking with the sword in her hand.

"Crash" A spearhead had stopped his attack

“You are strong.” Over time, Nelli had risen to the level of a Vasto Lorde with sheer effort, she looked exactly the same only she had green hair falling from her mask and her right arm had become a spear.

"What do you want?" She tried to hide her surprise.

"Just making sure, he can be very trusting with people like us." Over the years Nelli had become somewhat protective of Kevin.


"He's just inviting a neighbor to his house, we want nothing but quiet to spend time together." If it wasn't such a dangerous environment, she wouldn't even train, this was the kind of life she wanted.

"If you want you can ignore us as long as you don't attack us, we'll continue as usual" she also turned around to leave, she had to finish her last book.

Tier Harribel had decided to leave them alone ever since that day, though fate would force a reunion in the future.


Aizen Souke, captain of the fifth squad, was in his routine of observing one of his greatest projects, Ichigo Kurosaki, since he was constantly monitoring him obviously he had a way of recording his movements when he couldn't do it personally, so he found out about the recent death of his mother, he couldn't care less about that, but the event itself was strange.

"What's this?!" In the footage, Ichigo's mother screamed as a black sticky substance landed on her, just before a Hollow named the Great Fisherman killed her.

"This attack didn't come from the great fisherman and my seals didn't detect anything... an anomaly, I should investigate." That was Aizen's first look at the failure of his great plan.


Kevin was on his bi-monthly visit to the human world, everything was going as usual and he had already collected this week's goods.

"Since I brought her that Shonen Jump, Lily always leaves me in this place at least once a month" According to what she heard, this place was called Karakura, it gave it a strange air or maybe it was because the first time she came it was like a sleepwalker .

“At least she hasn't happened to me again.” Sleepwalking with a sword wasn't safe.

"Boom!" An explosion was heard in the distance.

"What was that?" He went to check if it was a gas explosion or something, he could try to help the injured people… “collecting” wasn't the only thing Kevin did with his powers.

Upon arrival he saw a Hollow subduing a girl.

"How weak, are you really a Shinigami?" The monster had her pinned against a wall.

"She doesn't, but I do." Without further ado, he cut with his sword and split the Hollow in half.

"No...can't." His mask simply broke apart and then his body followed.

"I wish everyone had self-control" He wasn't the first Hollow he eliminated in the human world, they tend to be weaker and more unrestrained than those of their own dimension... mainly because if they meet the two previous characteristics they are the first to be devoured.

(Who is this guy? What is another Shinigami doing here?) The girl didn't get up

"She must be very upset... I know you can't hear me, but you'll get over it." The black-haired man assumed that he couldn't see her like the others, he just patted her head to leave.

“W-what was that?” She didn't understand anything that was going on, but she had no time to be stunned because a muscular young man approached her worriedly and she still had to tell someone else about it.

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