Unbleached Soul

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Contact

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Rukia Kuchiki was at the Urahara store doing her "normal" shopping

"Here's your special order." An adult man with short beige hair wearing a green kimono and a green and white striped hat, presented a bar covered with a cloth.

“Only this one left?” She didn't seem very excited as she unwrapped her merchandise.

"Don't say that, it was hard to get"

"..." She didn't seem like she was going to leave.

"Is there anything else I can help you with? Did you reconsider your discounted review?" He seemed ready to add it to her account.

"No... have you heard about more Shinigami in town?"

The man sat cross-legged and held his hat.

“If you mean “they”, are not moving yet”

It seemed that she would only get that information out of him and she decided to leave.

"Is it okay not to tell him about it?" A muscular man with a mustache and pigtails, wearing an apron, was carrying some boxes.

“It has nothing to do with them and does not seem to be a threat… for now, we must continue to watch” Nothing happened in his city without him noticing, the person who broke the barrier between the worlds was good at hiding his presence, but his way of coming was easily detectable for him

“It is hard to believe the information”

"This comes directly from Yoruichi, if she says he's just some weird Shinigami who collects garbage, that's it" Not that he still understood the situation, but at least they weren't powerful Hollows, it took him several tries just to calculate a pattern of time and appearance

"Speaking of which, she must be on duty at the moment." The hatter was looking at a calendar.


"Hello, kitty, today I got milk for you" Kevin was feeding a stray cat that had been attached to him for almost two years, he considered it almost his pet, he did not take it with him because it would be very dangerous for the creature.

“I always liked Jonny's cat, but I couldn't keep a pet.” His camping hobby was expensive for a teacher who taught online.

"Prrrr" The Shinigami was scratching behind his ear.

"You always like this place, I wish she could take you home, maybe Nelli will get attached to you" He didn't even give him a name because he saw it as a commitment.

(Keep scratching…I mean, keep spilling information) Yoruichi enjoyed her work.


It was July, which meant that it had been a month since Kevin had saved that girl from the Hollow and was back in Karakura, it was on his penultimate day and everything was incredibly calm and pleasant.

"I have replacement for Nell's training dummies, Lily wanted another video game and Starrk needed more darts, he likes me more than I thought..."

He had given it to her at the annual celebration for their reunion, since they had no birthdays, they decided on a holiday for them.

“I should also…” He stopped his footsteps because he felt the presence of several Hollows, but they weren't just one or two, they were too many.

"What's going on in this city? This can't be normal" he ran to minimize casualties in the population.


"She finished it... did humans also have powers or was she from another species?" Kevin had already killed a lot of Hollows, his next target was near a school, but when he got there he just watched as an orange haired girl took out the Hollow with some "birds" before passing out.

"I must take them somewhere covered" But someone had the same idea, a stranger with a hat next to a muscular man carrying another person approached the unconscious girl.

"Excuse me, but you can't let me get your hands on unconscious teenagers... why do I say these things? They can't see me." Most of the time he forgot that fact for a few moments.

"Oh, but we can" Answered lightly the one with the hat.

Kevin was surprised that he didn't expect an answer.

“And that surprise? Surely you have heard of people who can see ghosts”

It only took him a moment to accept it, in hindsight, at some point he would meet people who can see him.

"Even so, I can't let them take them without identifying themselves" One seemed like a thug and another a tramp, they were too suspicious, but they seemed strangely familiar.

"Let's say they are acquainted with a friend and we want to help him"

“Any evidence?”

Before he answered a familiar figure stepped out from behind the homeless man.

"Kitty?" It had its characteristic deep black color, it was easy to recognize, especially when I got close to it.

"It's Yoruichi, he's my old friend"

"Playing with my feelings, it turns out you have an owner." He picked up the cat and joked with it.

"I'm not his owner, let's say he's a free spirit" He tried to hide his smile with his hat

"Very funny, does my vote count?" A thick voice came from the cat, the Shinigami resisted the urge to drop it.

(A talking cat... of course)

"You don't look so surprised," continued the cat.

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“I have seen strange things”

“You can have confidence in your milk drinking partner”

"Normally not, because you didn't tell me you could talk, but I never asked you, so if you would please introduce us, I'll give you a vote of confidence."

He had the tramp on the tip of his tongue, maybe if he heard his name something would come to him.

"People don't usually react well to me, Kisuke, your turn"

"Fair enough, my name is Kisuke Urahara, the humble owner of a shop." The man with the hat steps forward.

With that he remembered, this guy was a regular character in the series and, if he didn't get confused, served as the protagonist's teacher.

"I am Kevin Allen, a simple tourist, I will give you this opportunity for my friend." He knew that the wounded were safe and he had to continue hunting Hollow.

"Thank you." The cat nodded.

"There's no problem that's what friends are for, it's a pleasure to formally meet you Yoruichi"

"Likewise, the same as always next time?"

"Of course, I'm still scratching you behind the ear?"

"You have my permission." He was good at it.

"Well, I must continue, there must be many unprotected people" Disappeared from the site

"He has a decent Shunpo, but it shows that nobody has taught him" The cat commented when she lost sight of him.

"Isn't that interesting? By his expression, he recognized me, but I didn't detect hostility, just the surprise of recognizing someone, besides introducing himself as a tourist from Hueco Mundo" Kisuke was thoughtful

"Yes, the strangest thing is that he didn't recognize me after telling him my name"

"Maybe I'm more famous and no one remembers the goddess of speed" he joked pulling a fan out of his clothes.

The cat disappeared and appeared again on the other side of Urahara, with the vendor with a swipe of  tail in the face.

"Leaving that aside, from our talks he has companions, it could be a group of deserters who survive in Hueco Mundo" The cat continued talking as if nothing had happened

"We'll find out, from the impression he gives he doesn't want to be our enemy" The vendor expected him to stay that way.


"Damn" Rukia Kuchiki was in a disadvantageous fight against a Hollow

(This Hollow is very hard, my Kido doesn't affect it, if I had my powers) She was starting to fill up with wounds.

Before she planned her next move, the strange-headed and giraffe-spotted Hollow was ripped to shreds.

"Another finished, let's see if it's go... again you, you should stop getting into these situations" Kevin saw that he rescued the same girl from a month ago.

"Sister!" Another teenager came and jumped on the girl

(Orange hair and that face, will it be the protagonist? There is no doubt, this must be the city of the series, no wonder it is so strange... my luck, what was the probability?)

"Behind us!" The teenager pointed.

Kevin knew he wasn't a Hollow because he always kept his senses up to detect him, custom of his house.

(Feels…different) It's not something he's felt before

"Well, this place seems safe, what is another Shinigami doing in this city?" He was another teenager with straight black hair and a serious face wearing glasses.

(He sees me, it is expected)

"How can you be so calm, you started all this!" The orange-haired man yelled at him.

"I see, this is your doing." Rukia narrowed her eyes.

"Nice to meet you... I guess that's what I should say"

“Boy, I don't know why you hate this city or why you're doing this, but you should stop.” Kevin was trying to stop him peacefully.

"It can no longer be stopped, this is a battle to decide who will be the winner without turning back, Kurosaki or a Shinigami like you do not need to intervene, I will protect this city with my life!"

Everyone was speechless with his words

"What do you mean..." the girl murmured.

(Sounds like a madman, protecting a city he himself put in danger and what's the point of this fight?) Hopefully he gets over his backstorie.

“I finally found them!” Another person joined the party.

"Ishida!...Who are you?" The newcomer was a teenager with orange hair who carried a large sword and dressed just like Kevin.

(The protagonist had a twin?) Kevin looked at the two identical orange-haired teenagers.

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