Unbleached Soul

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Training

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"Ichigo woke up." After helping to get Ichigo to a store to recover and Urahara giving Ishida first aid, Kevin excused himself to go back to his "bus stop", but there was no sign of activity.

(Something must have happened, but what?) He It was hard for him to imagine Starrk having problems with someone, but he didn't know what things could be hidden in this universe.

(If something happened to them, I swear…) He took a deep breath to control his emotions and not let his spiritual energy escape, it could hurt Ichigo, besides Nelli always advised him not to get carried away by those feelings.

"Are you okay, Kevin?" The protagonist noticed his expression.

"Yes, I got distracted thinking about something, how are you feeling?"

"I will live, but now I must train to get Rukia back." He had a determined expression.

(Well, his motivation is there.) In retrospect, it was funny that the first major arc wasn't against the Hollows.

(Soul society, catchy name) He remembered his conversation with Urahara before entering the room


"Welcome back, Ichigo woke up." The guy with the hat waved his fan.

"I expected it, he seems like a tough guy"

"Yes, he has a challenge ahead"

They were both silent for a moment.

"Is something offered to you?" From his investigation, Urahara could guess where the matter was going.

"How much would it cost to open a portal to Hueco Mundo?" He knew it was risky to ask for this, but this is the only way he knew to travel between dimensions, Urahara is the one who sends the protagonist to where Rukia went, so he must have a special way of traveling.

"Oh, it's a curious request, may I ask the reason?" He could see his smile under his hat.

“I have some friends who have not contacted me and I am worried”

"I understand, as for the price, I think we can reach an agreement..." He had a salesman's smile


(Accompany Ichigo in the rescue, I guess he wants all the firepower he can get, at least get some training out of him)

If something or someone really managed to push Starrk away, he didn't want to think of the worst case scenario, he would need to be stronger.

"You mean we must"

"Are you coming too? Aren't we going against your organization?" They just met him yesterday, he seemed like a good guy, but he didn't think he would risk so much for them.

“I owed that bum with hat a favor, besides, I already saved Rukia twice, I won't lose sleep over another one. By the way, you shouldn't just assume someone's grouping without asking."

"Ha,ha, yes, bum, it's good to have you on board" Ichigo must have thought there were more people like him who didn't come from soul society.


"Are you sure about this, boss?" The muscle man in the apron, Urahara asked him.

"It is a risky mission, if he is as honest as he suggests with Yoruichi, this will unite them and if he has nothing to hide, he will reveal his origins and current situation"

The store owner pressed his hat on his head, he hoped it wasn't Aizen's envoy, he didn't dislike the boy and he didn't want to have to kill him.

"I'm sure he will do well, I'm very curious about why he lives in the Hueco Mundo" The black cat entered the room.

"It's good that you have that confidence because you'll be helping when I start with Ichigo..." The cat turned his back to ignore him for not consulting her before.


Rukia was in her cell, quietly awaiting her future execution, she had no illusions that her brother would save her as her visitor and childhood friend Renji Abarai believed.

"Mr. Officer, tell me, what happened to the Shinigami who reported me? Because you took a long time to come for me"

"What are you talking about?! Nobody handed you over, we already told you that we went because of the Menos notice" The red-haired man didn't like this situation.

(…So, who is he?)

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(What's wrong with that girl!?) It was the day to start training and Kevin looked shocked like the girl with the bazooka of few days ago, also has super strength or something and is sweeping the floor with Ichigo.

(As if having an underground room with dead trees and painted sky wasn't already so weird)

"No, no, is rude to ignore your opponent and let your guard down, you could die" Kevin parried Urahara's sword-cane attack with his own sword.

“Good reflexes” he tried to attack from a lower angle

"Thanks, lots of practice." Kevin was going to stop him again, but Urahara feinted and slashed down the side.

(Damn) He moved his wrist to barely stop the slash with his zanpakuto.

(This guy would give Nelli a fight, which is expected from Ichigo's teacher)

"It won't take long at this rate, it shows you specialize in killing Hollows." He kept rocking his back as he spoke.

Kevin preferred to concentrate on finding an opening before answering.

The second part of the training was unpleasant for Kevin, when he saw that they cut Ichigo's chain, he knew what was coming, it was not the most pleasant memory of him.

"Good luck, Ichigo" he couldn't see the whole process because on the second day he had to go to his next teacher


"Yoruichi, will you teach me?" He followed the cat to a more secluded area

"Any problem?"

"No, that's great, it means you're very strong" After the girl, he almost expected it

"Heh, heh, that's the right attitude."

"Yoruichi, who is it?" Upon arrival they were greeted by a teenage girl with orange hair and a muscular dark-haired boy.

(Aren't they the ones injured that day with the Menos?) The Shinigami didn't remember that they were relevant characters, but that doesn't matter.

“Someone who would accompany them as support in the mission”

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, my name is Orihime Inoue." With his usual vibrant and cheerful attitude, he gave her a warm welcome.

"I am Yasutora Sado, I don't want to sound rude, but why is she accompanying us?"

“Is a pleasure too, my name is Kevin Allen; As for the reason, I owe Urahara a favor; will be a pleasure working with you.” He extended his hand to shake their hands.

Sado accepted the answer and returned the greeting

"It's wonderful to get help... Did you bring lunch, Yoruichi?" She clutched her stomach

"Concentrate on invoking his powers, I'll be guiding Kevin and then we'll rest" The cat went behind a building followed by the Shinigami

"Besides perfecting your Shunpo, what else do you want to train?"

“Well… how about anything you can teach me? And what is Shunpo? The black-haired was rubbing the back of his head, he was a bit embarrassed.

The cat obviously doesn't expect that answer.


"Ichigo managed it, for a moment I almost worried, but he managed to learn the name of his zanpakuto, how about you?" Urahara had just sent the protagonist to his house and was receiving Yoruichi

"He's not just an outcast, he had no idea about the basics of Kido, although his talent for Bakudo is high unlike Hado, and he didn't even know he used Shunpo."

"Interesting, he has respectable strength and his swordsmanship was self-taught, will he know about the Shikai?... Putting all this together and considering that he survived Hueco Mundo, I have two hypotheses, we have another substitute Shinigami on our hands..." He had a feeling it was the second.

"And the other?"

"Somehow, he was born in the Hueco mundo"

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