Unbleached Soul

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Troubled Plot

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The plot had collided with Kevin, he was meeting with the protagonists of the story

"Just a tourist, who got caught up in this mess" He didn't have to worry about them being enemies or anything... as long as the plot of an arc isn't that he goes to his dimension by wiping out all the Hollows, including his friends.

(What is this guy about? Isn't he from Soul Society?) Rukia had a lot of questions.

"A Shinigami tourist? ...never mind, we can talk later, I have to take care of some things" The protagonist walked towards his twin and started yelling at him

"Calm down! I'm your enemy! Stop arguing!" Ishida tried to recover the atmosphere of the conversation, but everyone ignored him, Ichigo because he was arguing with his twin, Rukia because he was analyzing Kevin and the aforementioned because he was seeing a lot of Hollow leading close to them.

"Stop wasting time and look at the sky!" Kevin pointed to the sky that seemed about to break and the herd of monsters that were approaching.

"Shit! I'll stop them!" Ishida created a bow of light and began shooting energy arrows to destroy the Hollows.

"Wait, stupid, we must think of a strategy!" The orange-haired man was trying to stop him.

"If you and your Shinigami friend are afraid, you can stay there, I Uryuu Ishida, as the last Quincy will be the winner of this battle!" He started running towards the sea of enemies

"The last Quincy?" Ichigo questioned.

“They were eradicated…” Despite her distrust and discomfort for Kevin, Rukia recounted the Quincy's story.

Both Shinigamis ran to help stop the horde of monsters as they digested the new information.

(That was one piece of information… I don't know what's worse than the Shinigami practically extinguishing an entire race or the Quincy stubbornly continuing to kill Hollows without caring that it led to the destruction of the world, although this was the tale of the winners…) Both sides were equally horrible, but there was no obvious correct answer.

His outlook was not improving when they caught up with Ishida and he told them the reason for his personal hatred of the Shinigami.

"You must grow up, I understand because you don't like Shinigamis, but endangering an entire city, what would your grandfather think?"

“Don't talk like you know him…” The Quincy couldn't finish because Ichigo kicked him in the face.

"He's right, you should think about your grandfather's wishes, he wanted you to fight alongside them and you have that chance now!" He grabbed him by the clothes.

“We will be opposite, but we must fight side by side!” Ichigo had to drop it to slice through a nearby Hollow.

“Do you intend us to form a team? Shinigami and Quincy?

"It wouldn't be a bad idea considering the situation, I'd rather not see you or any innocent dead" Kevin wasn't worried about himself, it was worse for others.

"Don't talk nonsense..." But he started shooting dates to defend the position.

"Very well!" the orange-haired gave encouragement

"Make no mistake! He could have killed me!"

"Cooperate to survive, sounds like a team to me..." Kevin walked up to Ishida to stab an enemy in his back.

“In the end, we are all people and we must defend ourselves and what matters to us, it does not matter if we are Shinigami, Quincy or whatever”

"Heh, I'm starting to like you, I know little about the Shinigami and I just want to finish off the Hollows" Ichigo covered Kevin's back.

"Ha, I don't know much either"

"What are they fighting for?" Ishida wanted to know why they were so insistent.

"My mother... was killed by a Hollow... I don't want anyone else to suffer the same as me"

"I can respect that, I don't have such a personal reason, it's so weird just wanting to defend innocent people... at most, they make some of my friends look bad"

For Kevin, most Hollows were wild animals, the rest can be as bad or good as any human.

The Quincy just watches them, having certain memories.

"Ishida, I'm not going to forgive you for involving so many people and I want to punch you, but this is not the time for this, what do you say?"

Ishida responded by throwing an arrow that just missed the protagonist's cheek, but defending him from a Hollow behind him while Kevin protected the right flank.

"Don't get distracted...orange-haired" The Shinigami didn't remember his name.

“My name is Ichigo Kurisaki”

"Save the introductions, if you survive you'll still owe me a rematch." The Quincy was ready for action.

"You're either insincere or you're crazy" Kevin hopes it was the former


"Wait, what's wrong with the Hollows?" Ishida saw that everyone stopped and looked at the sky, from where a creepy entity emerged through a fissure.

"He's one of those ugly dolls!" He would have to get serious, fighting one of those without his real sword was bothersome and risky.

“What that thing?!” Ichigo stared at him in amazement, but a nearby explosion brought the group's attention.

“A little girl?” Kevin saw a little girl carrying what looked like a bazooka covered in talismans.

(Japan, I must not forget it)

"Guys, we're here to rescue you." Kisuke happily cheered with his fan.

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"You're... Rukia's partner, the guy with the hat!?"

“Great, reinforcements”

"Guys, take care of the big guy and we'll take care of the rest."

They had no other choice and they went to get closer, Rukia was about to say something, but she was stopped by Urahara.

“How are we going to deal with that bulk?” Ishina had no idea.

"I have no idea" At least the protagonist was sincere

"I think they're called Menos, Ishida, right? Can you make your arrows more powerful?" A good energy attack would be appropriate.

"It's not that easy, I don't have the time or the tools, if only there was more energy in the environment" The Quincy used the spiritual energy outside of them to attack.

"Let's try something" Kevin put his and Ichigo's hand on Ishida's shoulder, suddenly a large bow and arrow was formed.

"What the hell?" The protagonist was surprised.

“Wow, that's a good amount of energy you have there.” Not as much as his group, but he also felt something strange.

(What was expected of the protagonist)

Ishida was the most shocked.

(H-How do they have so much power?)

"Ishida concentrate on shooting, and I'll guide Ichigo's energy with a bit of mine." It was the first time he had done this, but he had to try.

The Quincy understood that he couldn't waste time, his enemy might have sensed his attack because he started charging an energy sphere.

"He's going to shoot us a Cero, quick Ishida!" He had his other hand on his sword just in case.

“Almost got it.” The Quincy sharpened his bow and arrow, condensing as much energy as he could.

"I don't understand what's going on, but here it comes!" shouted the protagonist

The Menos fired a beam of red energy and Ishida responded with his large blue arrow.

The attacks collided and the arrow split Cero with barely any resistance, leaving a large hole in the Menos when hit his neck.

"T-They hurt him" Rukia couldn't believe it

The great Hollow shrieked and backed into the closing fissure.

"W-We did it, we made him run away" Ishida, with his hand bleeding from using so much spiritual energy, couldn't believe it either.

"Victory!" Ichigo raised his arm with two fingers extended in his hand.

“There was some question, I've had enough of these fights.” Kevin was stretched out, he expected this to be the most exciting thing this week, but he was dead wrong.


It was the night of the next day, Kevin was waiting for his "transportation" to return home, after the event he had stayed away from the main cast, mainly because he had to move and check the status of his "purchases",besides, the look that girl gave him, who discovered that her name was Rukia and could also see it, bothered him.

"Maybe she's shy around strangers, next time I come over, should I stop by and say hi?" Ishida's self-destructive outburst aside, Ichigo made a good first impression on him and since Kevin was Yoruichi's friend, he figured he couldn't help but see him either since  was an acquaintance of his future teacher.

"It's strange... Lily usually drags Starrk to be punctual by opening the Garganta." He saw the time on a pocket watch he got on his second trip, he would never take his existence for granted again.

"...!, Ishida's spiritual energy is dangerously low, at this rate he could die, he must have been fighting with the other energies I felt before" He had felt his arrival  recently, it seemed that they had come with a method similar to him, but since they were not Hollow he only assumed that they were Shinigami on patrol or something.

"I hope it's not another of his crazy things" To the Shinigami, he seemed more unbalanced than his appearance suggested.

As he pondered whether to risk exposing himself further, he felt Ichigo arriving on the scene.

"He started to fight, I must go to be sure, the last thing this world needed is a negative butterfly effect" Kevin wrote a note in case his friends arrived and he ran to the site.

"You can see that he is the protagonist, his power is increased for no apparent reason" But as fast as the increase began to fall dangerously.

“God, they tore it apart and they're going fast.” He felt them opening their own way of travel.

When he arrived, he only managed to see how some kind of Japanese door in the middle of the street was closing, but not before his eyes will meet the Rukia's who, because of her expression, do not expect to see him there.

(In trouble again, this girl needs a babysitter) He came over to check on Ichigo and Ishida.

"They need immediate medical attention" Medicine was not his area, although they survived in the series he was not going to wait sitting down.

(This must be the start of the kidnapping arc or whatever name it has) And here goes his little knowledge of this world, that he hasn't gathered in the world itself.

"I can help with that" Urahara came with an umbrella because it was starting to rain.

"...You should stop showing up when people are hurt." If Rukia brought trouble, this guy brought hurt.

"I could tell you the same" he would have continued, but there was no time to joke.

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