UnderCurrent – Can You Break The Cycle

Chapter 52: Front 26 – Aftershock

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It was, Sabban would have to admit, 'a nice morning'.

Abhaile didn't exactly get alot of sunlight, part of what made it so uninhabitable was this fact -
 Although he cared little about the details even children knew the basics, that Abhaile and Bhaile despite remarkable odds, did not rotate around each other but rather both around the sun in almost perfect sync - The chances of which were exceedingly unlikely anywhere in space, or atleast so Sabban had heard.

 The downside of this being that Bhaile all year round 'eclipsed' Abhaile, providing more than 60% of the planet with almost no direct sunlight, all but the two continents of the northern hemisphere - And even here, daylight was short.

So the current beating down of a sweltering sun on a crisp morning was what you could call 'nice' -  That is if you weren't severely hung-over, when every distant sound of the city might aswell of been a thunderclap, sitting in the blazing sun for hours on end was not Sabban's idea of ideal hangover recovery.

 "She's late again." Murmured the old voice next to him - Groggily Sabban turned his own head to look over at Kolme Nilas, who himself was clearly suffering much the same symptoms - Eyes shut and arms crossed as his old boot-leather tanned skin battled against the harsh sunlight.

'Again he says, its only the second time. Though I suppose he is right - Both times she's insisted we meet here, early - Both times I've insisted on drinking the night before - Both times she's been hours late...'

 "Any word from the others?" Sabban said back quietly - Usually he would avoid entertaining Kolme's ramblings too much, but today he felt he owed the man atleast a little small talk.

"Oh ya, had a little chat with Hoki, she woke up at her normal time it seems - Regrets it too by the sound of it. Heh, seems like the lass's had a better night than us lad.
 'Parently that Erfu elf-woman and Scarlet ended up having a bet - By the time Erfu finally surrendered to our Scarlet, poor Hoki and Una had been drunk under the table twice over.
 Last Hoki-lass knew Scarlet was raging over a photo Erfu sent this morning, showing 'proof' that her and Tomo have 'That kind of relationship'."
 Kolme laughed.
 Sabban winced a little at how loud Kolme's laughing seemed in his current condition, before asking his next question; "I see.. So what would Scarlet of had to do if Erfu had won?"

"Aye I wondered that too. Couldn't be sure seein' as it was only a phone call but felt like Hoki was too embarrassed ta' say - She claimed she 'couldn't' remember all the details."

"I see."

The bench they sat on was a 'nice' touch - Made of real wood.
 You didn't need to be a native to know why that was speical - Abhaile's climate leant itself to few types of tree and almost all furniture was made of plastic, metal, synthetic substitutes for wood, or in public places like this, the same stone & natural clay that made up most buildings.
 A true, handcrafted hard-wood bench like this was an imported luxury, placed here out of a kind-hearted respect - After all, Abhailiens held a great respect for their dead.
 Having grown up on the moon, Sabban had never really heard of 'burying your dead', Satellites and moon cities had limited room for such customs and even on Bhaile the practise had been mostly phased out in the Third-Age.
 But Abhaile was littered in graveyards - So that the souls of the deceased could look over and bless the barren lands, in hopes of prosperity for those left behind.

Of course he knew well that there were few actually buried here.
 The endless dusty field of white rounded stones stretching before him and Kolme were mostly symbolic - The graveyard had been established during The First War, initially for the dead of the Abhailen Revolutionary Army, then later those of the Remembrance-Movement - And now those who died as members of IAFS.
 There were few corpses to actually bury, even when something of the dead made it back to a mothership, the remains would be left 'at sea' - The stones here being almost all ceremonial in nature.
 In-fact if no one came forward to name the dead, then like many of those before Sabban, your plot would go unmarked - In some cases like the sinking of an entire warship, a single grave would be erected - 'In memory to the crew of the Monte Blanc.' - Was the example Kolme had shown him of this on their first 'visit'.

So while he appreciated the gesture of the wooden bench, he was also painfully aware that in the short time since their last visit - Said bench showed new spots of wear, torn varnish and rot.
 "Looks like we're on lad." Kolme quietly announced to break Sabban from his musings.
Making her way through the lines of graves was a young woman, her hair long and black, her frame small and slender yet taller then her older sister's had been - Dressed in a black blouse with matching plaid skirt, clothes akin to mourning-attire in tone.
 Sabban and Kolme slowly made their own way across as the woman knelt down to four graves one after the other, and laid down small bunches of flowers at each - Before turning to face the two men;
 "Well, what do you want?"

Sabban stood silent, staring down at his feet as though bowing.

The woman tutted, "Speak up man, or did you just wish to waste my time again?"

"Ah now, no need--" Kolme interjected, still standing a little ways back.

"Huh? And who are you supposed to be? Oh no wait I remember now, you came last time too, expect you just sat on the bench watching that time - Finally grown enough of a spine to come talk to me have you?"

"Kolme was jus--" Sabban half mumbled.

"Kolme? As in 'Nilas', as in the guy who stood back and did nothing as all our friends died Sabban?  You're kidding me right? You'll speak up for him but not yourself?!"

"Well, I..."
 The woman scowled disdainfully, folding her arms and tapping her foot impatiently;
 "Well, have you anything to say for yourself?"

"How, umm, ho..."
 "Huh? Speak up man!"

"Ah, did the money make it to Shasha's mom this month?" Sabban meekly said after a few moments.

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"Of course it did, what do you take me for - Think I spent it on a handbag or something eh?"

"No, no, course not... Umm, and how have you been?"
 A silence fell as the woman's eyes grew puffy and her fists clenched - Until finally a loud hard sound filled the air as the back of her hand smacked against the boy's grizzled face.
 "H-how dare you ask me that you piece of shit!" She bellowed, tears in her eyes as she clutched her hand to her chest, as though slapping Sabban had hurt her more than him.

"Hey now, no need for that you two--" Kolme began, before another hollow echo filled the quiet field.


"How much of this 'ave you been doing lad?"

".....I've sent letters to the families of the others, she's the only one who'll still talk to me in person though, the rest..."

"Sabban lad, I get you feel responsible for their deaths - And heck I think paying hospital bills and stuff is noble and all, but lad we weren't officers when your friends died - We didn't give the orders, you can't take all this responsibility onto yourself kid."
 A cold breeze flowed around them as the two sat quietly back on the wooden bench - Kolme with a hand held to his swollen face, Sabban still staring at the ground;
 "Then who will Kolme? It's her right to want to hate me."

"It might be her 'right' but that doesn't make it the 'right' thing to do lad. You don't deserve all that anger, surely that girl must understand you're suffering as much as she is - Even more maybe."

Sabban shook his head softly, "No, some people can't see things like that - And her grief won't let her see me as anything more than their killer. Her coming here to meet me is more than enough..."

"Like heck! If I wanted a backhanded slap I'd of asked Scarlet - That girl was your partner once weren't she lad, you should be able to support each other in grief - Not whatever that was!"
 Sabban smiled crookedly;
"I want to take responsibility, if I don't I'd be no better than her - Lashing out at others, helping no one..."

"That so lad? Seems too sad for my liking."

"Hey Kolme, how do I stop myself becoming like you?"
 The man in question winced a little but did his best not to take the comment too personally;
"That's ah, an interesting questions lad.."

"My father was like you, is like you I suppose. Always trying to be helpful but never actually getting anything done, nice but cruel inadvertently - Never strong enough to save those around you, always a step away from snapping and just breaking down, but never brave enough to actually do so.
 I've never been able to decide what I hate more, people like you who see the faults of the world and just put up with them silently - Or people like her, who refuse to see and push the burden on everyone else."

Kolme laid back into the bench, arms behind his greying head and eyes towards the sky;
 "Aye, you're probably right 'bout most a' that - Sometimes all we can do is our best--"

"Pah, 'best' - That's what people who've already given up always say, that 'atleast I tried my best', just a crap excuse."Sabban borderline spat back.

"Maybe so, maybe so..." Kolme murmured, still staring up at the endless sky.

"Excuse me, Lt.Nilas, Ensign Vint?"
 Sabban and Kolme both turned to look over their shoulders, Sabban reaching towards his holster.
 Behind them, down a short slope was a single lain roadway - Most people parked near-by and walked to the graveyard, but now gradually pulling up was a sleek jet-black limousine - And standing a little ways down the hill the source of the sudden vocal intrusion.

"Who wants to know?" Kolme said back to the man in the strange suit.

"Gentlemen, The Duke of Bannerman requests your immediate attendance, if you so please."

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