UnderCurrent – Can You Break The Cycle

Chapter 53: Front 27 – The ‘Duke’ of Bannerman – Part 1/2

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For all it stood as a sprawling low rise mass of dust laden monotony - The Ducal city of Bannerman, capital of the Fal-Dara region of Abhaile - Had two stand out attractions along its skyline.
 One being the place Sabban and Kolme had initially set out from, the current mooring for the Am-Fluchtig, Bayley Mechanics; A series of mechanical towers and industrial chimneys, miles in size and one of the largest production facilities of anything, anywhere - As well as the secret headquarters of the Independent-Alliance-of-Free-States.
 While certainly impressive in its own right, on the opposite side of the city stood a building wholly more remarkable.

Built a couple centuries ago when Bannerman had been little more than a minor fiefdom under the rule of an up & coming Abhailen noble - The palace of the 7th ruler of Fal-Dara was truly a sight to behold.

 On an incline overlooking the rest of the city - The palace broke the form of the purely practical streets below to instead be packed with architectural flourishes, domed towers, large sweeping curved walls and ornate indented carvings.

 Nonetheless it also wasn't garish - Massive and imposing, yes - But also fitting.

The main building wasn't itself much taller than the regular Abhaile abode, the large windows had the usual sight of dust shutters, and the construction materials - Although embossed, were still the same grey and red hued bricks of the rest of the city.

 In all, even Sabban would have to admit the palace was lavish, but tasteful.
 Having spent a year and a half at IAFS's private academy here in the city, Sabban had grown used to seeing the palace from time to time, it was the sort of building you would catch a glimpse of in the distance - No different to a tall office block back home.
 However in all that time he had never imagined he'd have much cause to actually enter the place, a quick glance at Kolme in the limousine seat beside him quickly told the lad that his older colleague was feeling much the same way.
 Nonetheless soon the ornate car finished winding its way up the long sloping driveway and the two men were ushered politely through a side-door and into a long foyer of some sort, littered in pristine furniture and a number of glass display cases, the suited man who'd first spoken with them making himself scares.

The two comrades now left alone began to take in their surroundings - Kolme doing so with clear intrigue, while Sabban began to run some questions through his head;
'Why exactly does the Duke of Bannerman, one of the solar system's most important people want to see us? Has he released IAFS are secretly operating out of his city? Is he arresting all the members he can find -  Should I of resisted, drawn my gun and had us make a run for it?'

'Although I guess escape is still possible, they didn't take my weapon from me, which is weird by itself...
Maybe the Duke is just rounding up senior officers from the Tristan group and I simple got brought along for being with Kolme at the time?'
An odd series of whistling noises from said Lt.Nilas, broke Sabban from his musing - He turned his head to see the old man admiring a glass display case containing a model of some form of fighter jet.
 "'Ave a gander at this lad, the craftsmanship is superb!"

"Heh, what's it of?" Sabban smirked.

"Ehhh?! Didn't Hoki and your other instructors teach you anything Sab-lad?! This is a perfect, 1/60 replica of 'The Dagger' - An Abhailen prototype fighter--"

"--Jet. Didn't get made though, because of the Vijaik being developed around the same time right?"

Kolme frowned;
 "So you do know! It's not nice to tease your elders like that - But ya that's right, real shame it would of been the fastest ever made, with manoeuvrability and a turning circle even better than most Vijaiks and made just for space use for maximum optimisation. Problem was it got designed before the Hindenburg-Generator - So it'd never 'ave the fire power to match a Vijaiks."
 Sabban rose an eyebrow as he looked in at the model, an appropriately cone shaped machine with a series of detachable barrels, each containing a cannon to the front and sizable thrusters behind - All finished by the modellers clear attention to detailing and weathering of the topaz shaded jet;
 "You sure seem to know alot, didn't realise you were into that sort of thing?"

Kolme fidgeted a little, "Ah well, not really - You know me, I like to read about a bit of everything, and I guess as a young'in I used to have an interest in planes and models, that's all. Still though it's a real shame it never got past prototypes, I'd of loved to fly one."

"That's not true! There were 10 made as a limited production run!"
 For the second time today Sabban spun on his heal in surprised shock. It had been one thing getting caught off guard at the graveyard but this time was worse. He had heard nothing, no clack of shoes, no creak of a door - Not even a change in air flow and yet someone had gotten right behind him and Kolme.
 Upon meeting their eyes however, he did have a momentary feeling of nostalgia?
A flicker of familiarity for someone he knew he had never met before - It passed in a flash, as too did his need to draw a weapon - After all the intruder was none other than a little girl.

At barely half his own stature, the girl had a bob cut head of brown hair, a pouty expression, hands on both hips as though offended by Sabban and Kolme's conversation - And most strikingly, a pair of amber eyes, almost a perfect match for the colour of the Dagger model he had just been looking at.
 Attire wise she wore an odd suit like dress, one that suited her but still gave a little off a 'mini-me' impression at a bring your kid to work office party.
 To his further surprise Kolme immediately bent down on one knee and patted the girl on the head before speaking to her in a kind, yet not patronising tone;
 "Is that so miss? I never knew, ten whole units eh? I'd of loved to see one."

In response the little girl relaxed her offended expression into one of smug contentment, as though she was personally proud that of Abhaile's thousands of war-machines, 10 in particular had been of that model.

"Perhaps you shall some day Mr.Nilas, if I should feel so inclined - Indeed I have on this very property one of the limited production types and the final prototype unit."
 This last voice Sabban had seen coming, they had walked casually up to a door with audible footsteps before opening it and speaking - Sabban was glad to finally hear someone coming.
 Kolme's response on the other hand was to shoot upright, going as far as to straighten his back posture a little for once, before offering the sharpest salute Sabban had ever seen the man give;
 "Your grace Sir!"

Hesitantly Sabban followed suit.
 "Yes, very good. Right this way gentlemen, I will see you now."



Sabban and Kolme sat, or rather tenderly perched on the edge of what must of been the finest 'couch' Sabban had ever witnessed - With its fine velvet shades, plush leather surfaces and gold inlays, Sabban honestly couldn't help but try to think of a more accurate word, a posher word than just 'couch'.

 The Duke's entire 'study' was much like this, the large room was packed to the gills with 'stuff', the sort that any given single item was probably worth more then Sabban's entire lifetime salary;

Portraits and paintings, a grandfather clock of the highest calibre and maybe most peculiar of all - A large, easily 7 foot tall statue made seemingly of rounded stone with an odd domed 'head'.

  The layout of the room had the far wall lined in old hardwood bookcases, in front of that a fine desk and chair before a lounge of sorts - The couch they currently sat on, a coffee table and at the end of the small space a large arm chair where the Duke now sat.
 Making her way agilely around the room was the young girl from before - Merrily she lay down a tray containing exquisite porcelain cups of the finest tea.
 The Duke nodded his gratitude and began to sip daintily from the beverage, Sabban politely left the cup unattended on the coffee table - Leaving only Kolme.
 It was clear to Sabban that the old man wanted to ignore the cup and not risk breaking something so precious looking - No matter his love for bad-tasting tea, Kolme was no fool when it came to avoiding financial loss. The issue however was the little girl currently boring holes into him, as though tears would well up in her eyes at any moment should Kolme reject her hard work in preparing the drink
 With a resigned crooked smile, the scruffy man tenderly reached out and drank delicately from the cup. The girl was quick to return the smile with a look of pride, the Duke too showed the faintest curve of his thin lips in response to the sight.

"That will be all Hiki, you may wait outside."
 The girl nodded and quickly departed the room, leaving just the three adults behind.
 Kolme gently laid the cup back onto the table with a quiet clink.

"Gentlemen are you perhaps nervous?" The Duke cooed with a wry tone of voice.
 The more Sabban looked at the man, the more uncertain he felt. The Duke was tall enough and round enough, least that's what he had thought at first.
 What appeared to be, lets say 'an exaggerated diet' in reality appeared to be a series of plump jackets and overcoats, giving the man a false impression of weight - His hands aswell seemed small, his face angular and sharp - His cold eyes piercing.

"Your ah, your daughter seems a nice girl...." Kolme mumbled after a few moments of silence.
 The Duke rose an eyebrow, as in fact did Sabban - The Duke of Bannerman was well known as having no heirs or spouse.
 "Is that a guess Mr.Nilas, or are you simply mis-informed?"

Kolme turned pale, "Wha-- Ah, oh of course, sorry - Guess I just presumed..."

"And correctly too."

"She's your daughter?" Sabban blurted, now completely confused.
 The Duke offered him an almost disappointed look;
"Do try and keep up Vint, as your superior just pointed out - Young Hiki is indeed my adopted child, a fact not publicly known - Truth being I officially still have no heirs, I intend for it to be a surprise on the day of my death - After all, there has never been a 'Duchess' of Bannerman."
 Sabban swallowed hard, either the Duke was messing with them - Or they had just been let in on some massive state secret - Neither being possibilities Sabban was keen on the idea of.

"An interesting girl you know--" The Duke continued in a more nostalgic tone of voice, "--Tragic story you could say, perhaps a candidate for one of the Three-Keys at some point, or atleast she had the potential to become a 'substitute key'."

"K-key sir? That girl?"
 Sabban offered Kolme a perplexed look, having no idea what the significance of the wording was.
 The Duke curved his lips to a minor smile once more, "You are familiar with the phrase then Mr.Nilas? Only logical considering your nationality I suppose. Yes my Hiki could have acted as Key if time had been kinder. Her parents were both brilliant engineers and designers - Her father came from this very city, I was fond of the man and funded some of his research in fact - The Dagger."

'As in that model fighter jet from earlier?' Sabban mused to himself.

"There are two reasons the Dagger was discontinued, one public, the other very much so private.
 You know the first, the new-found existence of the Vijaik but that alone wouldn't of been enough to throw away years of development time and the empirical fact that the Dagger's designer was the superior mind to that of the Vijaik - As proven by the fact Archie never did surpass his original design, where-as there is no doubt the Dagger would of continued to evolve for years to come.
 No the second more important reason was her mother - Hiki's father fell deeply 'in love' with a woman he had known in collage, a Bhailien woman, a researcher in the employ of The States Union military.
 Now you might say one small child, bourn of parents of differing creeds could hardly do much damage to the at the time upcoming war - But the King of Abhaile and his council of hacks & frauds, had no interest in talking chances.
 If there was as little a point 5 possibility that Hiki could be used to show people that Bhailiens and Abhailiens can live in peace together - Than the King wanted it removed."

The Duke paused for a moment, remembering their own disappointment in such a policy before going on;
 "But like I said before, Hiki's father had a brilliant mind - He saw it coming just in time and had Hiki sent home, here to Bannerman. He and his wife were discreetly taken care of shortly before the war began, but their infant child, symbol of a peaceful, loving co-existence - Was never found.
 She ended up with her Father's old teacher, who cared for until his own death - And than at the tender age of 6, found herself to be a street urchin until years later my people found her and I realised who and perhaps what, she is."

"So she's a key in the sense she could of been used to promote an anti-war message?"
 Sabban asked.

The Duke nodded, "More or less - The 'Three Keys' is an ancient folktale from the old countries on Bhaile - I take it your parents didn't read much to you as a child Mr.Vint?"

Sabban held back a scowl, the Duke chuckled lightly;
 "Apologies, that was unneeded. As of right now Hiki is openly just one of my staff, those years on the streets gave her a most intimate knowledge of my city and as such she is an invaluable member of my security detail."

"You hire a child for security?" Kolme said, probably a little too loudly.

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The Duke rose an eyebrow, "She has been quiet insistent on wanting to help and I feel getting to be Duchess some day plus a home among my household, to be ample compensation for her current role."

"Ya, but like, she's just a little kid though - Can't be much more then 12 or 13, if that right?"
 Sabban stared blankly at Kolme, wondering if the man had lost his mind - 'If the Duke of Bannerman wants to hire children than this is surely not the time to question it, that's hardly our business right now you senile old fool!'

The illustrious man himself however seemed almost pleased with the line of questioning;
 "Interesting, I suppose you are suggesting that she is not yet old enough to know what she wants and consent adequately to such a job? And yet Mr.Nilas do you not bring children into war?"

Sabban could of sworn he saw Kolme visibly shudder at the words before replying - "My people are all adults ain't they?"

"Oh yes, in your country atleast - But in many countries 18 is the age of independence no?
 Yet you have Miss.Conchabhair, a 17 year old with you - Furthermore in quite a few countries you can't even drink alcohol or drive until 21, but sitting beside you is your hung-over 19 year old wingman -  Or perhaps Mr.Nilas, you are saying the age of consent is mute, compared with the development of the brain - In which case, considering the brain does not usual fully finish developing until the age of 25 - Well, I think you see my point."

Kolme fell silent, sinking into the couch.
 Sabban on the other hand wetted his lips nervously, if Kolme was going to get away with such questions, he might aswell try some of his own too; "Ummm, with respect your grace, I'm not sure what you mean by 'wingman'--"

"Oh don't be so droll Mr.Vint, my people asked for you by your ranks did they not - Or perhaps you are suggesting, believing that I, 7th Duke of Fal-Dara, am unaware that in my city - IAFS 'secretly' have their headquarters?"

"So you know everything?"

The Duke chuckled again, this time however with a little less mirth - "Fool-boy, I don't just know, I'm on the IAFS board of directors, second only to the chairperson - I am in effect your 'boss', more-so than Commander Novel or Vice-Admiral Louise. You can see me as Major-general if that helps get the idea across."
 Sabban and Kolme simply sat in stunned silence, unsure what to do with all this information, "Then why did you call us here?"

"Ah, now that we still have some time for - Before that let us talk some more, so that I might better understand the common-soldiers who my funding partly pays for.
 Gentlemen as I hope has now become apparent, I Know Everything and Anything you could possible want to ask - From A.M.I, to E.N.D and everywhere in-between - I offer you this, ask me anything and I will answer if it so pleases me to do so - Treat me as your once in a lifetime 'warlock'."

Kolme shot Sabban a cautionary glance but it was to late, "You know about A.M.I?" The younger man half spat.
 This time the Duke frowned more deeply - "Is that the best you could come up with? I offer you the answer to life, the universe and everything - And you land on a question that mundane?
 Disappointing but very well. Nation-State 9.3, recently destroyed by two idiot factions, was my property yes."

Sabban sub-consciously clenched his fists, "Then, were you involved with the, the... The experiments going on there?"

To Kolme's absolute relief the Duke shook his head softly - "Apologies but no, I was approached some years ago by a Remembrance splinter-group asking for Hiki.
 They desired to 'examine' her in order to mimic her Magi abilities upon other children - I politely turned them down, however after that I kept tabs on the strange project and when it suddenly shut down a few years back, I bought up the scraps left behind."

"I see, ok then. But shouldn't you want to side with Remembrance instead of IAFS? I mean they're remnants of the old Abhailen forces right?"

"Ah-ha! Now that's a much better question boy! To cut a long story short Mr.Vint, I have survived even when my entire extended family did not - Do you know why that is?"

"Not really I guess..."

"Honesty my friend, no shame in that.
 I have survived gentleman, by having a touch of what my cousin the King lacked, a gambler's pokerface. When I was called upon to help the war effort, I indeed sent forces and funds but never so much as to leave Bannerman crippled - When the King demanded all forces head for the final stand against TSU, I discretely withdrew my forces. In-doing so, following the war Bannerman and by proxy this 'country' of Fal-Dara had just enough strength left to be too much of a hassle for the remaining TSU forces to try and occupy.
 When the Remembrance incident occurred, I did not stop them from recruiting out of my territory but equally I did not openly support their actions - When the incident ended I took in their wounded and bloodied, out of charity, not aggression against TSU - And in doing so gained more veteran soldiers as loyal followers going forward.
 My whole life I have succeeded and dragged Bannerman with me into becoming the most successfully an Abhailen city has ever been in all of history - All by simply reading the tide of what's to come."

"But that means..." Kolme half mumbled, "That you think IAFS actually stands a chance, of beating TSU?" Between Kolme's serious tone followed by the Duke suddenly bursting out in open laughter, Sabban was growing tired of how hard this conversation was for him to follow.

"Ha-ha man don't be so ridiculous, IAFS defeat TSU? Almost 15 years ago the Abhlien-Revolutionary-Army had better technology for the time, more people, more funding and more drive than IAFS could ever muster and yet they still lost - No Mr.Nilas, IAFS will never 'defeat' TSU, or even just the TSU-s branch in open warfare.
 But that isn't what IAFS actually stands for now is it - 'Independent Alliance of Free States', what I am backing is not a violent revolution but an economic union - I believe the Nation-States could soon begin to openly side with IAFS and when they do, the more it grows, before long--"

"Before long IAFS would become the biggest trading economic block in history - We could rival TSU with customs and tariffs rather than mechs and warships?" Kolme finished.

"Exactly, your war, against submarines and overzealous speical forces with their experiment weapons, is a mere distraction from the real battle happening in boardrooms even as we speak."

Sabban and Kolme sat awkwardly in silence, unsure what to say anymore at this point.
 The Duke watched on attentively, catching Kolme staring towards the large rounded stone statue in the corner of the room;
 "Does that entity interest you Mr.Nilas?"

"Huh? Errr, ya I guess - Is it an Abhailen Statue style or something?"

"Oh no, in fact it isn't a statue at all, gentlemen it is a Golem."

The two pilots glanced at each other with a shrug - "Like a model of the mythical creatures sir?"

"Not mythical Mr.Nilas, just long gone. The dwarfs created the Golems from shards of their 'Rock God' -  They saw the Golems as warrior-angels and advisors. In truth it is now believed they were powered by a shard of Magite - Or as soldiers like you know it, Goibniu."

"I thought that was just fai'ytail stuff?"
 Kolme said back.

"Not surprising, they mostly died out thousands of years ago - It's possible this one is the last of its kind, you know they say St.Aardig had one accompany her throughout her entire rein as Empress -
 Could this one still talk I'm sure it would have the most interesting of tails to tell."

Sabban subconsciously rolled his eyes - The Duke catching this, turned and directed his voice towards the statue; "Golem Awaken."
 To the young man's absolute bemusement, the inanimate object began to audibly creek - A few seconds more and the deep indents in its face started to gradually glow a smouldering flame.
 Next one of its large rounded legs rose, followed by an arm.
Then it outstretched the other arm before swinging its elbow back - With a deafening thud a massive dent formed in the study wall.

The Duke rubbed at his forehead painedly, "That will do Golem, sleep once more."
 The words said, the strange being slowly returned to its statue like configuration - The glow in its eyes reduced to just a faint twinkle you wouldn't even notice without looking... Nothing left behind to show it had moved baring the large hole in the wall.
 Sabban simple sat mouth agape.
 He wanted to think this was all a prank, that the 'Golem' was only made to look like stone or clay, and in reality was a puppet on strings - Yet he could feel it, deep down that what he had just witnessed was a very real creature out of myth and legend, thumping a massive whole in the wall of one of the world's most powerful people.

Slack-jawed Kolme broke the silence, "Your Grace, why did you call us here?"

"Oh please Mr.Nilas, did I not already say there is plenty time left for all that?"

"With respect Sir, I'd like to know the price - For you telling and showing us all these... things."
 Kolme finished, Sabban nodding his agreement to one side.

The Duke looked across thoughtfully at the two before raising from his chair, walking across to his desk and pressing one side of it - There was no indent or hidden button but nonetheless doing so caused a faint hiss to occur.
 It was a quiet noise, as was the sound of one of the bookcases against the back wall slowly rolling back to reveal a secret passage behind the Duke's office. The man himself stood by the entrance, beckoning the two to follow.

Sabban swallowed hard, things seemed to be insisting on getting weirder still.


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