UnderCurrent – Can You Break The Cycle

Chapter 54: Front 27.5 – The ‘Duke’ of Bannerman – Part 2/2

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Were Sabban to imagine what a long standing monarch of a partially sub-terrain culture like Abhaile's, secret passages would look like - He might of thought to interlaced brick-work and dingy low lighting in tightknit corridors - The 7th Duke of Fal-Dara, ruler of Bannerman, had a very different idea of hidden passageways.

 The space was easily wide enough for two or even three people to walk comfortably side by side -  The walls nicely constructed in the same lavish fashion as the rest of the mansion - Indented light scones came on as they approached and diminished as they strayed further from the entrance, the space comfortably wide enough for two or three to walk abreast.
 Ahead lay a doorway to what looked to be an elevator, beside it a long flight of well kept stairs.

"I had a small number of reasons for asking the presence of IAFS personnel today - One was to sample the results of my donations - You Mr.Vint were trained in the IAFS academy here in this very city, a building I personally funded and financed. And you Lt.Nilas, are a veteran of multiple wars who has now chosen to fight the good fight for this organisation - You are an interesting sample study to put it succinctly."

"I see." Kolme mumbled as they began to descend the long line of stairs.

"The reason I require extra staff today is threefold connected to next week, to St.Aardig's day.
 Currently a surprise emergence meeting of IAFS command is being held here in the city - I can not attend it owing to a city planning meeting retaining to Aardig's day."

"They're doing what right now?!" Kolme exclaimed but Sabban got in before the Duke could reply;  "You 'fobbed off an emergence meeting for the sake of a council session?"

The Duke stopped their decline and turned to shoot Sabban an icy glare;
 "The emergency meeting was in part prompted by me in fact Mr.Vint, however and let me make this clear: IAFS is a gamble on the future, but my city, its preparations for the biggest and only real feast day of the year? That will always come first."
 The words said the Duke once more started down the stairs. Reaching the bottom Kolme again attempted to break the silence, "You said 'extra staff', anything in particular for?"

The Duke sighed, "How droll your minds seem to be - I show you all this, I tell you secrets you may never come across in ordinary life - I offer you answers to anything you desire - And all you care for, is the job? You are quite the soldiers aren't you?"

"I like to know the price, before I pay Sir." Kolme grumbled back prompting the Duke to raise a pleased eyebrow.
 They had reached the end of the stairs and now stood at a wide landing, surrounded by 3 sturdy looking metal doors each with a coded keypad mounted on the walls beside them;
 "These doors to the left lead to my and Hiki's personal quarters, its not quite a bunker but deep enough to protect us against any stray shell, especially considering what the walls are made up of."
 The Duke grinned, "The real Bunker is 'a bit' deeper."

There was almost a menace to the way he said the words, Sabban reckoned that they were three or four levels deep, about street level anywhere else in Bannerman - Begging the question of just how deep the so called 'Bunker' might be.
 The Duke turned to the third door, on his right and input a code - Like previous, the door slid with an almost elegant motion and hiss. The three passed through it into a cavernous space.
 Once more Sabban fell awestruck, the room was massive, easily 25-30 metres tall alone, all lined in metal and filled with machines of war - Vijaiks, fighter jets, tanks, small arms - A menagerie of vehicles and weapons surrounded them.

"Mother of..." Kolme mumbled to his side.
 Sabban too was at a loss for words - Glancing around he noted a few things, firstly they had exited onto a raised gantry 3/4ths or so of the room's height giving them a good view of below.
 Of said selection he spotted a handful of familiar machines; A Full size version of the model 'Dagger' fighter jet they had seen earlier, as well as a Vijaik-Heavy Mk1 and Mk2, an MBT of some kind in IAFS colours and none other than a Neo-M - In fact with his limited experience as a test pilot, Sabban was pretty confident the Vijaiks were all prototypes or atleast test units - With strange paint choices, or extra pieces that never made it to Mass-Production.
 All except for one other mech he recognised, one far too familiar...

"Welcome gentlemen, to my larger items, collection - I keep the more delicate items, painting and suchlike, upstairs but this side of my collection needs the space you understand?
 Bayley Mechanics are kind enough to gift me some prototypes of their machines and firearms - I like to keep them as an emblem of Abhailen production prowess. Ah but I suppose you're far more interested in that one yes?"

"Is it real?" Sabban asked a little icily. Standing next to the other mechs used mostly by IAFS or the old Abhailen armed forces - Stood a lone States Union mech, The Ogre.
TSU-S's answer to the Nemo - A massive hulking green and brown machines, with spiked shoulders, a domed head and singular eye - A massive calibre axe on its back, energy pipes visibly running between joints.
 It was the first machine Sabban had ever faced on the battlefield, the first he had ever destroyed too. On 'bad days', that sentence often reformed itself in his mind, 'The first enemy pilot I ever murdered' - Today was one of those days, most days were in fact.

"Ah-yes the Ogre, quite real. I bet you two don't even know its actually designation and name - But I suppose you don't need to, all you care about it is that you are required to 'shoot at it'.
 Except recently you haven't been have you? The Curadh, the ship you're chasing, sister vessel of the oh-so legendary Cheval-De-Troy, perhaps the most important ship in our shared history -
 Doesn't carry any operational Ogres, making it one of only three capital ships in the entire TSU-s fleet not to carry a squadron."

"That so." Sabban half-scoffed back.

"Indeed, it is Mr.Vint - Now ask yourself this gentlemen, why exactly do over 94% of TSU-s warships carry Ogres? Is it not almost universally agreed on all sides, that the Ogre is a terrible war machine?
 It has a lower power output then the last generation MBT line, meaning it can only use one energy based weapon at a time. Its armour is thick but said armour's Goibniu and even Lanthanides concentration is laughably low, meaning a standard energy rifle like that of the Neo's can easily burn through it regardless of the bulk.
 It is a useless machine on the modern battlefield, so what pray tell is it for?"

Kolme shrugged, laying a hand on Sabban's shoulder as though to try calm the younger man down; "Just TSU being TSU ain't it your grace?"

"Interesting, so you believe that TSU are 'stupid' 1st Lieutenant Nilas?"

"Well, I mean, kinda I suppose?"

"Indeed, just like how big cooperations are always fools who should pay their CEOs less or how every man on the street thinks he could better run the local government or more efficiently police the youths?
 How every lower class grafter could be a billionaire if they just got that one lucky break that all the 'rich' get? And yet somehow these people always remain in power, corruption, the system, society you would say I suppose?
 Or perhaps there is more to TSU then mere 'stupidity' - More to the organisation that has effectively been an all consuming Empire who's rein has held for hundreds of years?
 Their sort, the rich, the powerful, they want us to laugh gentlemen, to think them all fools and halfwits, for what better shield for the corruption and cruelty beneath a bumbling visage?!
 Tell me gentlemen, why I ask you, is the Ogre so clearly not intended for mech on mech combat?!"

Kolme's face lit up at the emphasized question, "You mean, the Ogre wasn't made for mech combat?"

The Duke's expressions relaxed again;
 "Exactly, well done. We all presume TSU would make a modern machine to combat others like it - But that isn't their true goal, the Ogre was designed for ground based combat, created to fight human opponents armed with the odd armoured car or rocket launcher at best - It was made to fight low-level terrorists and rebels."

"But then why mass-produced it as their main machine? 'Tween IAFS and Remembrance there's plenty of armed forces opposing TSU right? Terrorists should be their least worry."

"Come gentlemen, I have your answer over here."
 The Duke said, walking further along the walkway towards a railing mounted computer - Sabban and Kolme following hesitantly but close behind, exchanging worried looks.

Getting in range of the screen Sabban released it was split in half vertically - One side simply showing a magnified view of an object on the ground beneath the walkway, the other displaying information and photographs of where the part had originated from.
 A new shiver ran down the young man's back;
"How the hell is that here?"

The machine part was a metallic square object, with a long winding hose connected firmly to one side - Unassuming unless you had faced one before.
 "I ask myself much the same sometimes, acquiring just that single appendage of it proved far too costly to my people."
 The Duke said with a surprisingly earnest tone of sorrow;
"At Station 9 your squadron faced the 'Diamond Fortress Beta', this one and the images shown here are from the 'Alpha' variant, which was deployed here on Abhaile a few months ago - It massacred an entire town..."

The Duke paused a moment before brightening to his usual tone - "But than again I suppose TSU-s destroying entire civilian populations is normal these days - I believe your youngest pilot's entire family died in one such incident yes?"

"Don't make it right even if it 'as become normal."
 Kolme said back solemnly.

The Duke smiled softly;
 "No indeed. However I did not show you this to depress anyone - Rather to highlight my point.  There is a sizable amount of other evidence but I feel the Ogre and the Diamond the best to illustrate to men such as you. You fought this machine for yourselves, did you find it strange that you all survived?"

"What are you implying?"

"Oh don't misunderstand Vint, I think what you people did was exceptional for an average Vijaik squadron, you in particular I'm told where exceedingly brave in the battle - But no matter how good, a squad of just 4 Neo pilots don't beat a Casnel-Fortress without significant planning.  No the truth is, the Diamond hit and damaged all of your machines yet failed to land killing blows, why?"

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"Just 'cause it split its energy attack in four?"

"Exactly, still enough output to damage you severely and combining those 4 back to one would be more than lethal - But the individual divided beams could not pierce a cockpit in a single blow.
 The reason?
 Because they aren't intended to, in fact the Diamond has nothing to do with mech combat, almost all its armour is on its underside and even then you 4 were eventually able to breech it.
 The rest of its Goibniu is used purely for power generation and Magi amplification - Had you been able to get up higher, you could of shot its sides and it would of crumpled like paper."

"That's ridiculous, you can't know that!" Sabban shot back.

"Oh but I can, look here." The Duke pressed at the monitor and video began playing.
 The 'Alpha' type appeared almost 'floating' in the air over some dusty Abhailen settlement, unleashing 4 green lighting bolts a second, striking human after human, man, woman and child alike - Melting the flesh from their bones in real time.
 The video soon skipped ahead to show burgundy & orange mechs desperately engaging and losing to the machine.

"Those are Neos right? Just in funny colours."

"Well spotted Lt.Nilas - The attack took place within TSU occupied territory, however Fal-Dara and Remembrance forces both launched to help - We may not control central or southern Abhaile anymore, but we will not allow children to die on out doorstep!
 ...Then again I am little more than talk on this occasion, as you can see my troops could do little and by the time Remembrance forces arrived, 96% of the civilians were already burned to death..."
 On cue the video showed new mechs arriving, ones Sabban couldn't recognise - They flew in like fighter jets, unleashing a barrage of missiles striking the Diamond in its sides.
 Where the Duke's Neos couldn't even scratch its underside, the missiles shredded through the Fortress's other sections with easy.

'Remembrance still have this sort of firepower? I thought they were all but wiped out years ago? Maybe I should ask Scarlet about them sometime.'

"I take it you understand everything now soldiers of IAFS?
 Like the Ogre, this 'Diamond' was made to suppress people, not mechs. The States Union's ambition is to wipe out and squash all resistance down to a street level - The Diamond is designed to sit in low atmosphere, out of reach of any rifle or tank - And shoot down beams of hell for as long as it takes to wipe out every-last poor blasted fool who dares to so much as think of dissent towards TSU!"

"My intelligence network speaks of a TSU operation among the higher brass, 'TA900' they call it, a plan to maintain TSU's absolute power for the next 500 years!
 Something is coming gentlemen, a weapon to replace Vijaiks, a weapon to wipe out IAFS, Remembrance and anyone else - And once they have, they intend to never let another group like us rise up, ever again.
 Right now the commanders of IAFS like your own hungover Commander Novel and the other Tristian officers like Commander Batty and Lt.Commander Louise - Along with Vice-Admiral Louise, Captain Legro, Lt.Commander Ceathair whom all three had to come here in regular transport in quite a hurry - Aswell as a dozen boardroom directors from our sponsors, are discussing both this upcoming emergency and of all things, a Truce plan that TSU have sent us!"

Sabban and Kolme stood blinking dumbly at the Duke's speech, "A Truce Sir?"

"Yes, why did you think your flotilla was ordered to suddenly stop pursing The Curadh? Just as we were getting ready to discuss an all out offensive to stop TSU completing this new weapon - We get a Truce offer for the period of the holiday season. Can you believe the gall of that gentlemen?"

The Duke sighed upon seeing the two men's blank, pale, exhausted faces - As though the sigh had quelled his impassioned speech, the Duke once more relaxed their posture to a more composed expression - "Come, I think you've seen enough."

There was silence once more as they exited the cavernous hidden room, back out to the secret passage until the Duke himself broke that silence;
 "You disappoint me gentlemen, you are exactly as the files on you stated - Just two rank and file warriors, nothing more nothing less."

"Sir?" Kolme opted.

"No, no, it is hardly your fault that you are what you are - A shame however, you Mr.Vint I believe could of been a hero in another life, as is I simply hope you get to fulfil your current potential as an Ace in the making.
 You Kolme, might yet become something truly terrifying, yet for now you seem happy to simply be these pilot's Nakoma - And to perhaps settle things with Miss.Scarlet."

"Hero? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh please, you know I'm right don't you? Even without training you can already sense that much can't you Vint?"

"A-are you calling me a Magi?!"

"Alas no more so then I, your chance to be one has unfortunately passed - Although you retain a strong sense of intuition, that path has mostly closed for you."
 Sabban didn't know how to possibly respond to such a claim, it sounded ridiculous and yet a part of him somehow knew the Duke spoke the truth - As though he had been, will be and never was all at once - It was a feeling he greatly disliked.

"I have met both Scarlet and Miss.Bachika before, albeit in briefer fashion than this - The girl who will never overcome her ghosts and the woman who is little more than one.
 I had hoped you two might be different, instead it seems all our hopes still rely on the pilots of the Tradech - There is truly no substituted for the Magi blessed with carrying fate as it were."

"What about Una-- Eh, no wait, the heck you saying about my squad eh?"
 Kolme said back in bewilderment at the conversations direction.

"That child is irrelevant and Your squad Nilas? You mean Miss.Emilia's do you not, as you are only acting commander in place of a woman who's never even onboard?!
 Neverminded all that, I apologies I have no reason to antagonise you so carelessly. You see In About 59 Minutes I Will Die."

"My Apologies again, just a little fun there. What I mean to say is that out there somewhere, someone has written in their diary or planner that I shall be dead in about 58 minute's time.
 Nothing much to worry about, it is quite a regular occurrence, two days ago I was scheduled to be deceased at 3 in the morning - However I am unfortunately somewhat short staffed on this occasion, especially with some of my people helping with the IAFS meeting."

"Huh, that's it!? That's what all this was for?" Sabban blurted.
 They were back in the Duke's office now, the bookcase sliding back into place, leaving no trace - The Duke taking the chair behind the large old desk, while the two pilots remained standing this time.

"Tch, it's so 'e done have to risk a rumour - Sure police or the local defence forces would help but they might leak it to the press or somen' right, Your Grace?" Kolme replied, even his voice now staring to show signs of annoyance.

"Right again, the chance of it happening is low of course - But rather then risk a leak, I shall simply use two soldiers whom also happen to be on my payroll and who won't even be here in a week's time. I think everything I've let you in on today should be more than ample compensation, yes?"
 There was a long, hard minute of Kolme holding the Duke's gaze - "Fine whatever, I take it we just step out that door and everything will be ready for us?"

"Indeed, Hiki will meet you there and a driver will be ready to brief you on the way - Hiki will guide you through the city, she knows it well from her time homeless, but understand I do not want her to get blood on her hands - Kill the assassin or incapacity him, I care little how, but keep Hiki out of the firing line - I'm trusting you two to get this right, after-all the life of the Duke and the Future Duchess will be in your hands."
 The man smiled, and as though the conversation was suddenly over he began to shuffle through an in-tray of papers on his desk.

Kolme and Sabban both glared for a few moments, before Kolme slouched his shoulders and began making for the doorway. Just as he and Sabban were about to leave, Sabban turned to face the Duke once more - Alot was bugging him right now, alot of possibly important details he knew had gone straight over his head - But one odd question lingered, something he had noticed in the way the Duke's clothes looked or the pitch of their voice when they had gotten more excited earlier.

"Oi, Your Grace Sir. You said before that Bannerman has never had a Duchess - Is that really true?"

The Duke slowly looked up from their desk with a sharp but dainty smile,
 "Good Afternoon Mister Vint, Best of luck to both of you, I doubt we will ever have cause to meet again."

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