Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO

Chapter 43: #43

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Chapter 43: Unknown Number

"Liv, where are you going?"

Summer followed me to my room when she heard me talking to someone. I combed my hair a little because it was messy.

"Mr. Parker's driver called. My boss is in a little trouble and he needs my help," I said before grabbing my bag with me. "I'll be back in an hour."

"Okay," she said. "Be careful." If I worry about Summer a lot, she worries about me too. Especially tonight because I don't usually go out at night.

I didn't bring my car keys because I wasn't planning on driving. I still don't think I can drive by myself so I took a cab instead.

As soon as I got inside the cab, I told the driver the address that Rowan texted me. The bar wasn't so far so we got there for about fifteen minutes, I guess. After I paid my fee, I immediately went out and I saw Rowan standing in the parking lot.

"Where is he?" I asked nervously.

"He's inside, Ms. Olivia. I'm very sorry that I called you—"

"It's fine, Rowan. I wouldn't let him go home on his own anyway. Let's go," I said and we entered the bar.

There weren't a lot of people in here but it's a big bar. Some of the ladies are dancing on the dance floor while the others were having drinks. After a few seconds of turning around to find him, I saw him sitting on a stool while holding a glass of... I don't know what they call it.

"Mr. Parker," I called him and he turned to face me.

"Liv, you're here. Or am I just hallucinating?" He chuckled. Gosh, he's drunk.

"Let's get you home, Sir. You've had enough." I was in a serious mode but he keeps on smiling at me like he was so happy that I'm here. He then drinks again what's left in his glass.

"Can I have one more glass of bourbon, please?" He raised a hand to get the attention of the bartender. I lowered his hand but the bartender was already getting the bottle of bourbon.

"No, he won't get another glass," I said and he said okay. Thankfully, he still did not pour something into his glass.

"What? I want more. I haven't tried it yet," he said, acting like a child that didn't get what he wanted. I signaled Rowan to help him get up and he did. We were about to go when he came back to the bar and paid for his drinks.

"Keep the change," he said as soon as he put a one hundred dollar bill on the bar.


I was suffering to help him because he's too heavy. Thankfully, we're now in his room and he just let himself fall on his bed. I removed his shoes so he can comfortably lie down. I went outside to make a cold compress using a clean towel. After I made it, I went back to his room.

He was already sleeping but I need to take off his coat. I brushed his face carefully using the towel that was soaked in cold water with ice. I opened his dress shirt a bit so I can wipe some parts of his chest.

I was about to walk away with the container in my hand when he held the other. I was stunned because it means he's awake.

"Stay," he mumbled. I turned around but his eyes were closed.

"You need to rest, Mr. Parker," I said, trying to get out of his grip but it just became tighter.

"Stay, Liv. Please," he begged me. I've made a quick decision and I don't think he'll be okay by himself if I leave him tonight.

"I'll just get these things cleaned up," I said and he didn't respond. He let go of me right away, probably because he doesn't have energy left in his body anymore.

I went outside again to clean the container that I used. I also washed the towel before I put it in the drier. He doesn't normally do this. In almost four months of working for him, he doesn't get himself drunk because he knows that he has a lot of work to do every single day. What could be the reason? Is this about his family again?

I washed my hands before going into his room again to check upon him. I'm glad that my presence didn't wake him up because he's already sleeping peacefully. I grabbed the blanket to put it all over him because it's cold. I stood up and turned the lights off before going to one of his guest rooms. I also called Summer that I'll be spending the night here in Mr. Parker's house so she won't have to wait for me anymore.

I have slept in here three times, making tonight the fourth time. The first one was when his car had some issues while we're in the middle of the road, making us go home late. The second is when we had a lot of work and the third one is when we came back from Chicago.

I slept right away and thankfully, my alarm rang. I got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen to cook our breakfast. I made two ham and egg sandwiches before brewing some coffee for the two of us. When the breakfast was ready, I knocked on his door. He wasn't responding so I just opened the door, only to see him wearing only a towel on his waist. His hair was still wet, a sign that he had just taken a bath.

I quickly looked away. "The breakfast is ready," I said and he nodded. I went back to the kitchen so I can breathe some fresh air. Why do I feel awkward whenever I see him shirtless? Maybe it's normal, I guess.

For about five minutes, he already went out of his room. He's now wearing sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. His hair is still wet and he brushed it up before sitting on the breakfast table. I poured the coffee on his cup while he's taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I'm surprised you're here," he said, not looking at me. "I asked you to stay, didn't I?"

"You did," I said, also not looking at him. I sat down before eating my sandwich. I hope it doesn't taste awful to him.

"I was drunk, Liv. You should've disagreed," he said which made me realize a lot of things. Yes, he was drunk. Why did I stay just because he told me to? Is that how much control he has over me? No, maybe because I was just worried as her secretary. Maybe.

"I'm considering it as a part of my job, Mr. Parker. I hope we're okay about that," I said before taking a sip of my coffee.

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It was a long day of work and Summer and I had just finished dinner. I took a quick shower before having my skincare routine. The products that I use is Alice's recommendations and it perfectly fits my skin. I was applying cream when I received a text message.

From: Unknown Number

Hey, are you up?

My eyebrows immediately furrowed. I don't think it's Alice because her number is already saved in my phone. Or did she change her number?

To: Unknown Number

Uhm... May I know who this is?

It didn't reach a minute for me to receive a reply.

From: Unknown Number

Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself first. It's Sean.

Sean? Where did he get my number? I don't recall giving it to him when I'm at his house or at the mall. Strange.

To: Unknown Number

Oh. Hello, Sean. Where did you get my number?

From: Unknown Number

It doesn't matter XD. How's your day, by the way?

Wow, he's concerned about how my day went, huh?

To: Unknown Number

It was great.

I didn't know what to say but I just simply answered his question. I'm getting curious of why he's texting me right now.

From: Unknown Number

Well, that's good. Kellen doesn't torture you at work, right? He better not.

To: Unknown Number

He doesn't make me work overtime.

From: Unknown Number

Good. It's time for you to rest now. Goodnight!

I was thinking for about half an hour if I should reply back with a 'goodnight' too but I ended up deciding not to. It means something if I did. Plus, we're not that close so why should I? I mean, I get it. He's a nice person. But I don't want to give him a motivation.


"Alice!" I called her as soon as it's already lunch break.

"What?" she asked, grabbing her phone and purse because we'll have our break outside the hotel.

"Did you give Sean my number?" I asked while we're walking towards the lift. 

"No, why would I? We're not that close," she said before pressing the button of the elevator. "Why? Did he text you?"

"Yeah. Last night," I said.

"My boss asked for you number yesterday. He said it's for emergency purposes," Alice said. I knew it! Mr. Whitmore must've given it to Sean!

"And he gave it to his brother. What a bright idea," I said before sarcastically laughing. It's not that I hate Sean. But I don't normally give my number to people just like that.

"Maybe Sean has a crush on you," she said.


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