Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO

Chapter 44: #44

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Chapter 44: Another Invitation

"That's ridiculous, Alice."

I rolled my eyes before going out of the lift. There's no way Sean likes me. We don't see each other often and we also don't know much about ourselves. Maybe he just wants someone to talk to or he just wants us to be friends.

"The way he looks at you, I can tell that he does. The problem is, you already like someone else," she teased me. Mr. Parker?! No!


We ordered our food and while waiting for it, I remembered what Alice said. I don't want to overthink it but I do believe that Sean has a reason for texting me last night. Maybe what I'm thinking is right, he wants us to be friends. Nothing more on that.

"Someone's mind is as deep as the ocean. Care to share?" Alice raised a brow. We're sitting in front of each other while waiting for our food. "Oh, why would I ask? I already what you're thinking about right now."

"What is it?" I challenged her.

"It's not a 'what'. It's a 'who'," she said and smirked. "Careful. Mr. Parker might get jealous," she added.

"I don't think that Sean likes me, okay? I mean, it's too early for that," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Dear, you do know how 'love at first sight' works, right? If you don't believe it, others do."

She's right. I can't apply what I feel to everyone. But I hope that what she's saying is wrong. That Sean has a thing for me. It's hard to be around people who like you. It feels like you have an obligation to them even you don't.

"Fine. If he does, I won't promise that he'll have a chance on me," I said. "Have you already prepared your outfit for later?" I changed the topic. Alice will be having a date tonight with Mr. Whitmore. Well, I'm not against it. It's her choice. I just hope he won't play with her feelings just like how my colleagues describe him and my boss as a person.

"The dress looks so fit on me. I wonder if he'll like it," she said, looking up like a Disney princess that wants her dream to come true.

"He better," I told her.


"Sir, here are the reports for this week—Sir, are you okay?" I asked when I saw Mr. Parker holding his head like he's in pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He stood up to get the folder in my hands.

"Sir, you look pale. Are you sure you don't feel anything bad?" I asked one more time. I know he's lying.

"I'm okay, Liv. Don't worry about me—"

I went closer to him and put my hand in his head. I knew it, he has a fever. Why does he always lie about what he feels? It's not good for his health!

"You don't feel so well. You need to rest, Sir." I looked at him straight which made him realize that he won't be able to argue with me right now. It'll just make his head heavier. "I'll call Rowan to send you home. I'll accompany you."

I told him to sit down before I went back to my cabin to call Rowan. I got my phone from my bag and I immediately dialed him. "Rowan," I called him.

"Ms. Olivia, good day," he greeted.

"Good day," I greeted back. "Can you pick us up here in the hotel? Mr. Parker catches a fever again. I can't let him tire himself today," I said.

"Sure. I'll be there in ten minutes," he said and I said 'okay' before ending the call. 

I went to the pantry to get medicine for his headache. It would help him in the meantime. I poured some water into the glass. I went back to his office, afterward. Even though he always gets a fever or any sort of sickness, I still worry about him. What if this time, it's worse?


While Mr. Parker is resting in his room, I prepared the ingredients for the food that I'll cook. Firstly, I cooked the corn to make a corn soup. While waiting for it to boil, I got some fruits and vegetables from the fridge. I sliced the apple and carrots and combined them together in a bowl. When the corn soup was cooked, I placed everything on a tray, including the banana shake I made for him.

I left his door open so I could enter with the tray in my hands. I placed it on the bedside table. He was already watching a tv show when I entered, which means that he already rested. He was in his pajamas and it's kinda... cute.

"Your lunch is ready, Sir." I pulled the mini table Mr. Parker uses whenever he eats a meal inside his bedroom.

"You're getting better at cooking, huh?" he said.

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"I'll take that as a compliment, Sir." I smiled before getting his spoon.

"No, I can do it myself," he said before getting the spoon from my hand.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I'm just thinking that he might drop it accidentally.

"Yeah, my head is fine now." He started eating. I stood up to take the blinds down because it's so bright and his windows aren't tinted. He might not get a perfect rest while being exposed to the sun. "Liv, why don't you join me?"

"Sir?" I didn't catch what he said. Did I hear him right?

"Why don't you join me for lunch?" he repeated. He drinks some of the banana shake.

"Oh," I paused. "I'm good, Sir. I'm not very hungry." But I am.

"It's already lunchtime. It's not like we haven't had lunch together before."

He might think that it's awkward for me but I need to show him that it's not. I slightly nodded at him before getting my food from the kitchen and eating on the same table with him. It looks like he loved the corn soup I made. I also make that whenever Summer has a fever. It's my specialty in this kind of situation.

"Thank you, Liv," I heard him say.

"For what, Mr. Parker?" I asked while fixing the used bowls on the tray.

"For doing this," he said unspecifically.

"It may not be a part of my job like you always say, but I want you to be okay. That's why I'm here," I explained.

"I know," he said and smiled.


Three days have passed and Mr. Parker is now feeling great. I'm glad that now, he didn't ask if I want an extra payment like what he did before. It offends me a bit because I don't want people to think that all I want is money.

I'm double-checking the schedule that I copied from the original one in case I mistyped something. After I check it, I opened my computer to review some reports. I've been doing it for at least two hours and my neck hurts a little. I went to the pantry to make myself a cup of tea before going back in my cabin with it. I was drinking my tea when I saw someone walking towards my desk.

Is that Sean?

"Liv, good morning." He smiled at me. I didn't know how to react because I didn't expect him to be here! What should I say to him?! I didn't even reply on any of his texts these past few days. I haven't got the chance to say a thing because he handed me a bouquet of flowers.

"What is it for?" I had the urge to ask. I mean, it's not my birthday, right? Did Mr. Whitmore tell him the wrong date?

"Nothing. I just wanted to give you flowers," he answered. "Anyways, I'm here to invite you."

"On what?" I asked. I can't help but look at the flowers. Pink roses aren't my favorite but it looks pretty. Last time I received a bouquet, I was still in the publishing company. It's Mike who gave it. He must've think that it isn't worth it, though. I don't really care.

"Remember Camille? My sister?" he asked and I nodded. "She wants you to be in her birthday party. That is if... you want."

If I want? I paused for few seconds. I don't really know how to respond. Should I go?

"Uhm... " I wasn't able to answer him right away.

"It's okay. You don't need to decide right now. You can text me if you'll come," he said before handing me a cardboard. "Here's the invitation. It's a proof that you're invited by her."

"I'll text you. Maybe tomorrow," I said.

"Are you sure about that? You aren't texting me back," he chuckled. I'm surprised he isn't angry about it. I mean, why would he? I just awkwardly laughed with him to avoid his questions. "I'll see you around then."

"Yeah. Thank you for the flowers, Sean." I smiled at him as a sign of thank you.


I was stunned and I immediately dropped the flowers to my desk when I saw Mr.. Parker came out from his office.

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