United(?) We Stand

Chapter 84: Arc 5: Black Blasphemy (24)

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Carolina was tied up naked, wet, and blindfolded.

The necromancer was barely standing on her legs. Her short bob hair clung to her face wet with water and sweat. The last brief thirty minutes was the fusion between shame and pleasure that hit her psyche in ways that threatened to overwhelm her defense. Her behind stung from the spanking Xia gave her, but it was the squirming pleasure that was more concerning.

It was Hikari’s handwork. She rubbed strange salves all over Carolina’s body. If Carolina could throw a guess, it was a reactive salve meant to turn her body’s sensitivity as high as humanly possible. Her entire body felt numb and hot from the ebbing pulse she was experiencing. Worst was that Hikari was grinning sadistically throughout Carolina’s entire ordeal. 

It was then that the torture abruptly concluded in the form of Ciel who had entered the mix bath.

“Did you push her too far?” Ciel was a little concerned at how ruthless the girls were.

“Not at all,” Xia’s voice was cheerful.

Carolina wanted to protest, but her knee was too weak to mount a resistance. Not that she would. The pleasure she experienced so far had been addicting. These last few minutes provided Carolina with the terrifying truth that she didn’t mind being forced.

In an ironic twist of faith, Hikari was the closet sadist to Carolina’s closest masochist. 

Not wanting to drag that longer than necessary, Ciel cut to the business. He peeled back Carolina’s blindfold. Beneath it was the eyes drenched in thirst and desire.

“Are you ready for this?” Ciel asked. Seeing the normally scheming woman turned into a teary adorable awkward mess was admittedly arousing. The puffy Carolina who was a push from breaking into tears was adorable. It was like looking at a sulking puppy.

Somehow the fact that this puppy was usually a rabid bringer of disaster only added spice to this current situation.

Carolina bit her lips, struggling to come to terms with her current position. It was the final futile guard Carolina had against the inevitable.

Thus, Ciel lifted Carolina up. The stupefied girl was completely caught in surprise by the carnal act she understood was coming. The slight pain of her departed maidenhood sent a trigger into her brain. Her wall wrapped around the rod like a towel, soaking in anticipation.

This strategy was uncommon for Ciel. The term ‘consent’ was important to him. However, Carolina was an exception that proves the rule. She would never admit aloud despite begging for the deed with her eyes. She was simply too bad at communicating her desire unless put at gunpoint. The fact she didn’t resist him at all was the silent consent.

Each motion of Ciel up Carolina’s guard broke away more of her wall. Soon, the necromancer wrapped herself around him like glue. She panted. She cried. Finally, Ciel’s mouth closed in on her and the tongue danced. The girl who stood as an outsider throughout her life succumbed to the wave of pleasure being expertly hammered into her. Any plan or agenda hidden in her subconscious was soon replaced with the need for pleasure fostered by the expert hammering into her moisten garden.

It was the solidification of the contract

Xia watched on with a minor disapproval. The bitterness of welcoming her arch nemesis into the family was partially compensated by the naked figure of Carolina, being penetrated in the standing position and losing herself into pleasure. The vision of her life obstacle utterly being tamed was a minor consolation prize for the failure of the bitch’s elimination.

Meanwhile, Amy and Caislean had already left to prepare the bedroom. They knew Carolina’s ‘welcome party’ would be several days worth of carnal activity. Both women might not admit this to the public, but they couldn’t wait for Ciel to carry their newest sister up the stairs and add her to the fun.

Hikari and Betty were similarly drinking some ginger ale (liberated from Eleanor’s best-in-storage.) They were enjoying this development immensely for different reasons. Hikari couldn’t wreck to go sadist on the newest girl on the block. Betty was tickling her fetish by watching the action.

Carolina bit down several climaxes before audibly moaning when Ciel finally released his content. The inexperienced virgin limped and slumped on Ciel’s shoulder. Her head was so clouded over from sensory overload that thinking coherently was out of an option for her.

The only thing Carolina knew for certain was that she wouldn’t be getting used to this soon.

As the Residence of the Lord descended into another bout of carnage, Apolline arrived at the city-state of Montgomery.

The atmosphere of the pure white city was different. Apolline’s skin shivered from the hostility in the air. Something was unbalanced, tilted off-kilter. The Archangel of Red walked through the empty street that should be all too familiar to her. It wasn’t anymore. The city carved into the mountainside was changed. People who used to greet her with a friendly smile were minding their own business like they were strangers.

It was like they had turned into a robot.

Still, Apolline pushed forward, making her way up the mountain to the Temple of Yume.

The grand cathedral was silent. It was like a timer to an explosive. Invisible numbers were ticking down to the point of detonation. She met no one during her walk to the destination. Her instinct sounded an alarm of dread. Yet, as if hypnotized, her leg continued to carry her.

Maximus waited in the barren chamber. He wasn’t facing her. The Lord of Worship was looking at the stain-glass ceiling, depicting a man with three pairs of wings. The man in that image was floating down from heaven like descending doves. The masses in the art received the white-haired angel with golden eyes like he was the blessing to turn lead to gold. They knelt beneath the blessed light of Yume and welcome their rightful ruler.

Apolline gazed at Maximus’ lonely back. His holiness was looking at the picture with the sense of longing. The palpitating power leaking from him was unnaturally agitated, but mixed within the anger and fear was loneliness.

Maximus pried his attention from the art and pointed it at Apolline.

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He began with criticism, “I heard you fail to defend against the Unity Lord’s attack.”

Apolline didn’t bother to make an excuse, “Yes, we are caught unprepared. I have no excuses. The Unity Lord had secured the Execution of Miharl and killed Archangel Bruno and critically injured Archangel Geneva.” Apolline hardened her resolve. “I am willing to accept my punishment for this failure.”

“What about the anchor?” Maximus spoke.

“The Oleg Regina is still within our possession,” Apolline said.

“That is good news at least,” Maximus muttered. “We must step up our game. Ciel is a dangerous opponent.”

Apolline debated whether to voice out her misgiving. In the end, courage trumped over her reservation.

“Lord Maximus, about the Paladin—”

“It is true,” Maximus tapped Apolline on the shoulder. “I allowed Deluge and Bruno to experiment on necromancy. I want to call it a failure, but at least I gain something from it.”

Apolline’s body collapsed to the ground. Like the soil extracted off all nutrients, she crumbled like sand subjected to gravity, falling headfirst to the floor. She didn’t know what happened. She didn’t know Maximus had reaped the Worship Seed planted in her subconscious. A portion of her stamina and lifespan was carved away as the blessing of the Archangel left her, leaving the flickering ember of Red Magic to support the ember of her life. With the throat as parched as the barren surface of the moon and eyes clouded with fading mist, Apolline sprawled on the ground. Powerlessly listening to Maximus who confirmed everything Ciel hinted at.

“Kind of ironic,” Maximus lamented. “We Lord obtained power from human worship, but that shackled us to shelter and foster your kind. My Authority remedies such weakness by subconsciously enforcing loyalties, but the bitter aftertaste remains. I have experimented for years to get around this, commissioning research of countless artifacts from Oleg-Regina to the Tear of Immortals. All of them were fruitless, but it paved the way toward the present where I could finally be freed from reliance on the mortals.”

Apolline glared at him with the fire she no longer had.

“You must resent me,” Maximus noted. “Don’t misunderstand. I am not punishing you, Apolline. Far from it, I am grateful for your services. I’m grateful to every Archangel. Each generation of your esteemed kind helps nurture that unique Worship Seed for time immemorial — all for this moment. Be glad, your duty is completed. You are no longer needed.”

Apolline gathered all her strength and demanded an answer.

“What are you… planning?” She struggled to speak, feeling the weight of her depleted strength with every syllable.

Maximus looked down at his former subordinate and gave her the final shred of mercy — the privilege of an answer.

“Fair enough,” Maximus nodded. “Your service to Lord Yume’s memory has earned the right to learn the necessity of your demise.”

Maximus’s narration began.

“The sole purpose of my life is placing Lord Yume on the throne of this world — such is the glory and right of my king and benefactor. He should have died a hundred and fifty years ago, but I still feel his presence. He is alive. I am no genius, but nothing should stop his return. His Authority is that mighty. No. It is likeliest that Lord Yume — Lord of Heaven — sealed himself away.” Maximus looked at the sky in contemplation. “I don't know why he did so. I had spent vast time researching for any way to find the truth — a method to enter the Heaven Realm.”

Apolline listened. She felt terrified by the unknown. On the floor, she faced her ignorance and foolishness. Not only was she ignorant of Maximus’ Authority. She also disregarded the need to understand the power of Montgomery’s very own chief deity.

“It should be impossible to enter Lord Yume’s personal sanctuary,” Maximus admitted. “However, Mt Uranus and Montgomery had deep connection and faith to Lord Yume. This place and its bloodline seep with the love of the Lord of Heaven, so I began countless experiments. First, I foster several inheritable Worship Seed, utilizing all the color of Mana, hoping to amass enough power throughout the generation and creating a miracle.” Maximus shook his head sadly. “That is a failure. The accumulated power inside the Archangel Seed is powerful, but the will of each color hampers my dream. The Mana of Acceltra itself are united in keeping Lord Yume sealed. I have no doubt the natural will of each color knew what transpired all those years ago, and it refuses to let Lord Yume return. Even White Mana I’m closest to refuses to cooperate.”

Maximus’ eyes sharpened in determination.

“Thus, I pursued another avenue. I try to unite the faith of Montgomery to reach our god. I have never received an answer. My desperation reached the point where I even experimented on our people, hoping the residual bloodline of Heaven will awaken a path to the Heaven Realm. Out of those deaths we got Micheal, but even he isn’t enough. I even brought those dead experiments back with Deluge’s help to further employ the bloodline in the way the living can’t.” Maximus sighed, exhausted at the thought of that experiment. “Impressive as they were, the Paladins aren’t the silver bullet I am looking for.”

Maximus gazed upon the direction of the White Plains.

“It was Etaceh who gave me the idea. Her takeover of Curtis was an inspiration. It brought me back to my original idea. Yes, the united faith couldn’t pierce that alternate dimension, but because I am missing a piece. Transmitters like those lamps Etaceh used manipulated emotion in Curtis. I am going to turn Mt Uranus itself into a giant transmitter powered by the entirety of Montgomery.” Maximus made a deranged smile. “That’s right. With the entire mountain containing the last earthly trace of Lord Yume’s Authority combined with the souls of Montgomery’s men, women and children, we can forge the spear to penetrate the Heaven Realm. I hoped we could crush Etaceh and spend more time experimenting before the great undertaking, but not everything went as planned, did it? With Ciel deciding to shove his nose where it didn’t belong, we needed to step up the timetable.”

Apolline glared at Maximus.

“You are insane.”

Maximus smiled, “Hah, Dame Apolline, only a thin line separates true faith from insanity. I don’t blame you for failing to understand my grand vision.” He met Apolline’s fury with gentleness. “In light of our history, I will let you spend your remaining time in peace — however long you may have.”

The entirety of Montgomery shone with ethereal light as Maximus entered the endgame.

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