United(?) We Stand

Chapter 86: Arc 5: Black Blasphemy (26)

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The battle started off with a bang.

Not pulling any punches, the Micheal produced a black orb encasing a glittering star from the pouch tied on his waist. This was Montgomery’s third secret weapon that came to replace the Execution of Miharl. The black sphere attracting all eyes to its smooth curvature was originally hidden as a redundancy in case anything was to happen to the Execution of Miharl. It was the move of great foresight which rang true with Unity Lord’s sudden night-raid.

Just because Ciel had destroyed one of their weapons, it didn’t mean Montgomery had reached the bottom of its bag of tricks.

The White Archangel strode forward. The hulking man with a cropped haircut, draped in white chain-mail and glorious cape, lifted the orb up-high. His brutish jaw twisted into a scowl. The arms thicker than a tree trunk obscured a shadow cast from the light of the sun-setting star in the orb.

The Tear of Immortal flashed like a lighthouse. The ancient artifact unearthed from the ruin of an island civilization near the Eastern Continent was stolen from a Lord defeated during Yume’s early campaign. It was crafted from the authority to control the constellation. The story in its acquisition was the tale of warfare, treachery, and minor apocalypse that reduced a thriving culture to smoke and ruin.

By the mystical power of the black orb, the sky revolved. Days faded to reveal the ceiling of the night filled with stars. Constellations in the sky glimmered, realigning to connect the pathway of energy. Like water from a divine hose, the current of golden power punched from the sky. It slammed into the barrier of Hecate.

The air crackled and the translucent shield brightened like a supercharged lightbulb before shattering once again into a million pieces. The beam of destruction from the constellation penetrated through the city of Hecate, emerging from the belly of the flying city and lancing the earth below.

Etaceh grimaced at the damage. Is it only her or was her shield breaking too often? The strike from the Tear of Immortal also gutted several chains of the system stabilizing the city’s engine. Hecate was stabilizing for a while, but if this kept she would lose altitude.

Truthfully, Etaceh half-expected Maximus to throw something at her. She simply didn’t expect another conceptual weapon that could channel the concept of the cosmic sky into a beam of devastation. Etaceh would bet the entire treasury of Intelligentsia that Maximus wasn’t the one who won that artifact. That must be something Yume left behind before he disappeared. Its strike was admittedly critical, and Etaceh was sure the second would end her.

But like any conceptual weapon, they all had a long reload time.

As she gazed at the army marching toward her, Etaceh sprung her trap. The levitation platform had resupplied her with the latest technology of Intelligentsia. One that would change the face of this battle.

The Lord of Mechanical Magic couldn’t wait to try it out.

Micheal watched several vehicles being deployed from the floating city of Hecate. They were dropped from the city, landing on the ground with an ear-shaking thud before roaring to life and riding to intercept the attackers.

“What was that?” The White Archangel observed the force coming to meet them.

It was a fleet box-like armored ground vehicles, floating above ground by some kind of new-age antigravity magic. Those new war machines spun their long barrels toward the army and fired. The volley fire of heated lance carved away at the Montgomery army. Men flew. Heavy infantry was flattened. Multiple explosions ignited among the rank of the marching army.

“What?” Micheal’s eyes widened from the shocking development. The Montgomery army had plans to deal with the Unity Lord jumping in, but this sudden development from Etaceh wasn’t a part of the meeting.

It was Deluge who tried to get the situation under control.

“Inform every unit to spread out,” Deluge started barking the orders. “Those vehicles are an experimental heavy-armor unit developed by the Magic Tower for all terrain warfare. Etaceh must have kept it in reserve.”

Not wasting any time, the Hecate started shelling pods after pods down behind the panicking army. Each of the shells burst out to reveal monsters. Hybridize beasts walking on two legs. Chimera combined several traits of the most vicious predator on the planet. A modified bug with cybernetic. The army of monsters amassed behind the Montgomery’s frontline in a dynamic mobilization, sandwiching the army of men between the fleet of magic tanks and the army of monsters.

The mounting disadvantage didn’t make Micheal despaired, instead he lifted his sword and cast a spell.

White Magic Rank 5: Wrath of Sols

The white stellar comet rained from the sky, chipping out the battlefield, taking out several sections of tanks as Bruno screamed aloud.

“Every soldier of Montgomery, regathers and pushes the heathen back where they belong!”

The amplified voice of Bruno rallied the army, but before the battle could progress further something exploded atop the flying fortress they aimed to destroy.

The Magic Tower which housed the mechanism that was Etaceh’s greatest firepower — the Prime Flash — lit aflame from the Red Magic flung at it. Standing in the sky, was the sorceress in black mirthfully smiling at the payback she bought on her archenemy.

Etaceh knew who had appeared on her screen.

If Betty was here, Ciel should soon follow.

And right on cue, the Unity Lord descended on the battlefield.

White Magic Rank 6: Sanction

The light from the sky shone down from the ceiling of light made by the Helios Ring’s circuit. From the crack in the sky, the [Deific Ring] slammed into the earth amid the army of mystical tanks. The ground shook as the tectonic force erupted, cracking the earth. Rock flew and heavy vehicles were tossed into the sky. Gust kicked into the air and a furious gale blew, heralding several ten tanks being flipped by the trembling earth.

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The Princess of White graced the battle. She flew gently into the ground and picked up her sword, pointing it upward to cast another Magic.

White Magic Rank 5: Wrath of Sol

Not losing out to Micheal's in range, the stellar meteor fell from the giant crack in the sky, raining down on both the Pure Army and the levitating city of Hecate.

Deluge only took one look to know where exactly this battle was going.

The Unity Lord had joined the fray, and they were aiming to take down both sides equally. Originally, the plan was to stay together and take Ciel out with their combined formation. Etaceh’s play ensured their cohesion removed that option. Thankfully, they did have some speculation about this scenario. Here, the Unity Lord would likely be…

“They will be aiming for the leader,” Deluge knew his neck was on the chopping block. “Micheal,” he turned toward his colleague. “Be careful they will be-”

Deluge felt Micheal’s hand grabbing him by the neck and yanking him away. The Blue Archangel protested about the uncalled violence died when an edge of the blade barely missed his nose.

A woman with black hair wearing a body-tight armor who missed the killing blow cursed as she touched down before the two Archangels. Deluge must admit her armor, from its shining belt to gauntlet and greaves, were the smoothest and the most well-designed he ever saw.

“You must be Hikari,” Micheal said. “The former Gold Leader of Eleanor and the heretical Lord's latest mistress.”

“You are right about the initial statement,” Hikari said. “But I’m not exactly the latest. That would be her.” Hikari grimaced, "Please don’t give her the reason to be more insufferable.”

Deluge and Micheal were confused, but the confusion lasted as long as the crack appeared in the air. Darkness poured out of the gate, racing along the ground as it launched into another Magic — a Black Magic.

Black Magic Rank 1: Drain.

The Archangel felt their strength being sucked away by the pool of darkness spreading beneath their feet.

“Color Transcendence?” Deluge instantly knew the control of Black Magic was extreme. This shouldn’t be possible, his information network rang nothing about this kind of threat. “Who?”

“Ah, it's me,” A bob-haired woman wearing a Beret hat stepped from the gate. “Your boss never told you anything about me, huh?”

Carolina was dressed in a stylish vest, miniskirt, and a waistcoat. The battle-suit she wore was equally trendy and incomplete. A new Beret hat nestled on her head as the recently recovered transcendental Black mage joined the battle on Hikari’s side.

Deluge was shocked at Carolina’s entry, “Carolina Westerna? How? You are supposed to be dealt with by his holiness.”

Carolina tutted, “Nah, I go by Carolina,” she paused, turning toward Hikari. “Did Ciel have a surname?”

“He never registered,” Hikari admitted. “I will remind him about that.”

“That is a shame,” Carolina slid back to her introduction. “Well, I am just plain Carolina now. Nice to meet you. As you can see, after failing the application into your place, I have become the Unity Lord’s newest lady. Totally your pope’s fault for shoving me into that bloody coffin, but I guess it works out for everyone — especially me.”

Micheal drew his sword, “What do you want, heretics?”

Hikari made their intention clear, “I apologize, but we need to thin the number of the Archangels.”

“Which meant you both have to die,” Carolina waved her hand. The barely visible thread of wires cascaded around her. “Nothing personal.”

Deluge gulped. They planned for many things. Hikari was one of them, and Micheal was confident in taking her down. Xia and Elizabeth were also within calculation.

The new addition of Carolina wasn’t part of the plan.

Ciel's plan was a simple one.

The goal was to maximize the damage to every side. This meant disabling the final two Archangels sent by Maximus and emptied his enemy rank of commanding officers. For Etaceh, they must damage the maneuverability of Hecate and the availability of its weapons.

The reinforcement of magi-tech tanks and the experimented beast army came as a surprise, but it was one he was prepared for. Betty volunteered to sink Hecate as much as possible. Xia was here to deal damage. Hikari and Carolina were tasked with handling the Archangels.

As for Ciel, his job was to disable Etaceh’s meat shield. A task he made plenty of preparation for.

And that was when the Battle of White Plains turned into a full-blown brawl.

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