Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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I could not fall asleep again, so I decided to take a walk near the lake, which was located not far from our tent. In connection with the recent attack, it might not have been the best idea, but it was better than sitting in a room, especially since there was now a small pogrom because of Alex. After that, the Duke became so furious and took him somewhere. All the men in this family were very tight with self-control. I hoped Desmond didn't pass on such idiotic genes. I shook my head and looked at the full moon. It was so big in this world. It was like you could reach her.

"Lady, what are you doing here at this hour?" Keane was standing near the tree.

Good evening, I'm taking a walk. And you?" They never let me be alone.

"The same."

"Do you want to take a walk together?"

"Can I come with you? "He looked shocked. Didn't he expect me to say that? Even though I was just speaking out of courtesy.

"Why shouldn't you?"

"I thought…" Keane cut himself off in mid-sentence and fell silent.

"I will never understand your thoughts." I smiled at him. "You are always so serious."


"And you often apologise."

"Lady, I…" He stepped closer.

"You can just call me Riya. And don't talk to me formally." It would have been easier for me if Keane had stopped being so tense.

"Does anyone else call you that?" the man asked.

"My little brother does."

"Only him?" Keane looked at me carefully.


"That's good to hear."

"Is it really beautiful here?" The moon was so big.

"You're right." He smiled at me.

I took off my shoes and walked along the shore of the lake. It was good that it was summer and the water was so warm.

"I'm glad."

"Do you often walk barefoot?" he asked cautiously.

"Sometimes. Wearing shoes with heels is terribly uncomfortable." I wouldn't say no to a pair of sneakers right now, but he wouldn't understand me if I told Keane that.

"I thought women liked heels." Keane frowned.

"Not every women."

"Exactly. When it comes to you, you always think differently." The man strolled along.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I already told you that if only people thought a little like you, our world would be a much better place." A smile appeared on his lips.

I remembered something at the festival.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Certainly. You and I are almost friends." I smiled.


"Isn't it so? You have helped me several times already. Although, I still don't understand why."

"I'm glad you think so."

"What did you want to ask?"

Keane was silent for a few seconds. "Riya, do you want to marry Mika?"

"Do you mean Mikael? Is Mika his nickname? It's funny."

"I'm sorry. I didn't say it right. Do you want to marry his highness?"

"I will only marry the person I love." I stopped. I liked him, but I couldn't call it love.

"Don't aristocrats marry those who give them more power?" He chuckled.

"I don't need a crown or power. For me, only the person himself will be what is important. Not his status or something else."

"I always forget that you are not like the others. So all is not lost yet."

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him.

"Nothing. Just thinking out loud."

"I don't understand you again."

"Sorry. Mikael often says the same. Even though we are friends."

"How did you meet him?"

"We were introduced by our mothers as children, because they were also friends," He smiled. "In the first year of our acquaintance, Mika and I often fought, and our mothers constantly scolded us. We were five years old then."

"Did you immediately become friends?"

"No. He has been evil since childhood. He pissed me off at our first meeting."

"I don't doubt it." I laughed.

"My father taught him and me how to use the sword. When I was a child, Mika often played pranks on me because I always lost to him."

"You two had fun."

"Father still remembers his pranks."

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"Are you close to your father?"

"Yes. Although he is the general of the empire, he is a very simple person."

"I can see that."

"Riya, what about you?"

"It's not like that with us. Our father is always busy at work, and only thought about it. The only person I'm close to is Desmond." I instantly smiled. The conversation's topic turned to the boy.

"I see. He is very attached to you."

"Do you have any brothers or sister?"

"Not. For me, my brother is Mika." After what I've heard, I couldn't believe that Mikael could have been involved in the death of a man who considered him a brother.

Was Mikael close to his father? The emperor yelled at him because of the tournament. He was worried about him.

"They have a difficult relationship. His Majesty is very strict with Mika. It's like a tremendous gap between them."


"Mikael never wanted to be emperor, but after the death of his mother, he changed. Something broke in him." Keane smiled sadly.

"How did she die?"

"I think he should tell you himself."

"He is lucky to have a friend like you."

"Probably. But the only problem with our friendship is that we've always liked the same things."

"Is this bad?"

"Sometimes, very much." His face darkened, as if hurt by his own words.

"Sorry for asking."

"You will catch a cold if you stand in the water so long." Keane smiled weakly.

"The water is warm and so clean. I would even swim if there were not so many people." I could imagine the faces of these arrogant people if they saw the duke's daughter swimming in the lake at night.

"Swimming?" He looked at me as if I had said something shameful. Keane cleared his throat loudly and took a deep breath. Was he sick?

"Well, yes. What's in it?"


Keane lifted me up in his arms. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing? Do you want to throw yourself into the lake because of my words?"

"I would never do that to you. He laughed softly." Wow, he still knew how to laugh.

"Okay. I believe in you. But put me down." I was not used to this treatment.

"Are you afraid?"

"A little."

"I just want to take you to the tent. Thank you, but luckily my legs are still there and I can use them perfectly."

"No need, I'll go myself."

"Do not be afraid. I won't drop you." He smiled.

"What if someone sees us?"

"No one is there. Everyone is asleep. At such a time, no one will walk because of the attack."

"But we're walking."

"I'm the head of the prince's security, checking the territory, and you are the girl who went out to get some air, but you felt bad. That's why I helped you."

"Wow. I didn't think you could compose a lie so well."

"I often cover Mikael's ass. For so many years, and you will not learn this." He chuckled. It seemed to me that when we began to talk informally, we became much more comfortable with each other.

"By the way, Mikael said that I was followed for a couple of months. Who was that?"

"Me." He took a deep breath.

"What?" I stared at him in shock. Here was the confession.

"It's true, it was me. Mika also came several times."

"Why did you confess right away?"

"Why would I lie to you? If you didn't know from me. It's unlikely that you would ever trust me."

Keane gently lowered me onto the carpet next to the Valmont family's tent.

"So you knew how to sneak out of the manor unnoticed?"

"Yes." He looked at me sadly. His reaction was like a child who was caught playing pranks.

"Are you mad at me?"

"It's a little unpleasant to realise that you have been followed for several months. But I'm not angry, only more surprised and a little embarrassed."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course."

"I am pleased to. Thank you, Riya." As he did at the festival, Keane took my hand and kissed my palm again.

I just wanted to know who it was, and he admitted it so easily. It turned out to be a task that was never mentioned in the novel. The timing was off, though. I thought there was a reason for this, too. Somehow, I felt that if I asked the answer to this question, he would not tell me anything. But Keane told me everything so easily, even about Mikael, as if he implicitly trusted me.

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