Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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This time, there were very few people in the city. Some shops were closed, and the streets were unusually quiet. Patrols of Imperial guards were interviewing residents about the recent disappearance of a blacksmith's daughter. Why would anyone kidnap young girls? I thought this could never happen in this world, although psychos like Mikael were everywhere.

I got out of the carriage and went to the studio, and Nina decided to visit her family. She had been very worried about them lately. I told her that she could stay for the day with them. Maybe she would feel better. She was not herself today. What possessed her to act like that?

"Lady Ariana, you have arrived, after all. I'm so glad to see you." Sarah got up from the counter and walked over to me.

"Lady Sarah, I am very glad to see you too." I smiled at the girl.

"Because of these terrible disappearances, I thought you would not come to me."

"I wanted to see you soon. That's why I came."

Sara blushed. God, she was so cute.

"Certainly. I'm all for it."

"Do you want some tea?" Her manner was very elegant, and every movement was easy. She always exuded femininity.


"I also baked a raspberry pie. I hope you like it. Just come to my workshop."

"Will you show me your workshop?" How cool it would be if I could see where Sarah sews her amazing dresses.



We went deep into the studio and went into a small room. Various fabrics, wooden mannequins, beads, and buttons were scattered on the floor, along with sketches of dresses on sheets of paper.

"I'm sorry if it's not as refined as you're used to."

"Are you kidding? This room is so cuddly and sweet. Just like you."

"I am so lucky to have met you." The girl smiled warmly at me.

"I'm luckier. I can wear your amazing dresses."

We both laughed. Sarah showed me a dress that she had just begun to sew. She promised to finish it in a week. Still, sometimes it was nice to have a change of scenery. The only girl I could talk to was Nina. But today, she was not herself. Sarah and I chatted about her dresses for two hours. Unfortunately, all good things came to an end, and I had to get back to the estate.

"Good afternoon, princess." A familiar hoarse voice sounded.

"Aiden? What are you doing here?" The magician was standing near the bookstore where we met. I walked over to him and smiled.

"I was on a walk. And you?" He gave me a dazzling smile.

"I was visiting a friend."

"Don't you know that the city is not safe right now?"

"I know, but I really wanted to see her." Sitting constantly on the estate was beyond my strength. I felt like I was suffocating there.

"Where is your maid?"

"Visiting relatives."

"I see."

"By the way, I wanted to ask you. Where did you disappear to during the banquet?"

"Were you lonely?" Aiden smiled slyly. He tried to be funny again.

"Hardly." I shook my head defiantly.

"Very well, princess. Soon it will be harder for me to catch you."

"So you're going to tell me why you left?"

Aiden smiled and handed me a book that I had forgotten in the clearing on the day of the attack.

"Where did you get it from?"

"You ask a lot of questions. Do you want us to take a walk and I will answer them for you?" Aiden gave me his hand.

"I would love to take a walk with you." Though the duke said to come back soon, nothing could threaten me if I was with Aiden.

"Princess, you are too gullible."

"Maybe." I grabbed his hand. "Do you mind? It's just so much more convenient."

"I don't mind."

"The city is so unusually quiet today."

"People are afraid."

"Of what?"

"Uncertainty. When people do not know what awaits them in the future, they commit rather stupid and thoughtless actions."

"You may be right, but people should learn from their mistakes."

"You talk like an adult."

"Aiden, am I like a child to you?" I frowned.

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"Yes. You're pretty funny for a kid." Aiden smiled.

Was it because of my age? I was even older than Ariana. It was a little strange that he behaved in such an unusual way.

"Maybe." His answers were always like this. He did not deny it, but he did not confirm it either, as if he was playing a game.

"But you are still very young yourself." I glanced over at him.

"Appearance can be deceiving." Aiden shrugged.

"Where did you get my book?"

"I found it in the field."

"What were you doing there?"

"I was looking for traces of magical influence. Those who hired the mercenaries are not ordinary people."

"How do you know?"

"Because they passed my barrier."

"Was there a barrier around the forest?" I looked at him in surprise.

"I cast the spell as soon as all the guests crossed the gate. And those mercenaries got into the forest with the help of a man who was already inside." Aiden stopped and took out cigarettes. I waited for him to smoke, and we continued on our way again.

"Was there another magician on the hunt besides you?"

"Yes. They are very strong and can hide themselves well. Usually, we can feel each other. They are most likely involved in the theft in the imperial palace."

"But how is that possible?"

"The most important thing is that all the guests left at almost the same time. He managed to commit the theft and return back. So, we don't have any suspects yet."

"I don't know any of the magicians except you."

"Unfortunately, I only have one clue. I need to go to a brothel today and confirm my guess.

"Are you serious?" I couldn't believe my ears. He was now referring to a place where women sell their bodies. "Can't you use magic to confirm your suspicions?"

"I cannot." He winked at me.

"Who would doubt that?"

"You have misunderstood again, princess."


"A special spell has been cast on the quarter where this institution is located, which does not allow the use of magic on its territory."

"Why would anyone do such a stupid thing?"

"This was done two hundred years ago by order of the emperor, so that drunk magicians would not smash it to pieces every time they start a fight."

"What a stupid order."

"Do you want to come with me?" He stopped and looked at me.

"To a brothel? Yes."

"What?" Aiden looked at me in surprise. I don't think he expected me to agree.

"Take me with you." He looked lost. My statement immediately changed his mood.

"I was just joking."

"But I'm not."

"You are a lady of a respectable family. You do not belong there." There was an unusual coldness in his voice.

"But I want to go. I'll go there myself." I put all my determination into words.

"Next time I will be careful what I tell you. I will pick you up today at ten o'clock. Be ready for this time."

"Fine." I smiled happily. Maybe I could find out more about what was going on. It would be better than being locked up in the manor.

"Princess, you are so happy about going to a brothel. Someone else in your place would be horrified." He sighed heavily.

"Aiden, I think we need to stop talking formally."


"It won't be so suspicious."

"It makes sense. Princess, but you'll have to dress more openly." He glanced at me. I felt the colour stick to my cheeks.

"I realised. Then I'll be waiting for you by ten. Just try not to come. If you do, I'll go there myself tomorrow."

"You are so persistent, lady."

Aiden ran a hand through his hair and laughed again. After saying goodbye to him, I hurried back to the estate.

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