Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

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After dinner, I said that I was exhausted and wanted to go to bed early. It was necessary to think more about how I should look. Women in such places were dressed very frankly and defiantly. So I must look the same. Remembering the red dress from Sarah's father's atelier, I quietly entered the dressing room.

The dress hung in the corner. If I completely unbuttoned all the buttons on the neckline, it was quite suitable, and it did not have a fluffy skirt, precisely what I needed. I took it off the hanger and put it on. Now I need to loosen my hair and put it on one side. Makeup with red lips and black arrows was a classic in my world, so using the makeup that was popular in this world with the aristocracy. I repeated it on the second attempt, and the set of red rubies perfectly fit into the image. Nina would know what I was doing now and where I would be going.

I was sitting at my dressing table putting on perfume when I saw Aiden emerge from a flash of light on the floor. He was dressed the same as when I arrived at the tower.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." I got up from the soft pouffe and walked over to him.

"Didn't you change your mind?"


"Then put this on." He snapped his fingers, and a small black lace mask appeared in his hand.

"What is this?"

"The mask will magically change the colour of your hair and eyes." Aiden walked around me and helped me put on the mask. I looked in the mirror, and a blue-eyed blonde looked at me from there. Wow!

"But you said that magic doesn't work on the territory of a brothel."

"Light spells work. All the aristocrats there wear these to avoid prying eyes and gossip."

"Will you wear it too?"

"Yes. Otherwise, we can frighten off the criminal."


"So that they don't suddenly look for you, I will cast an illusion spell on the room."

"What will it do?"

"Everyone will see that you are sleeping if they come into your room." He smiled.

"It's very handy."

"Give me your hand. We've got to go."


Aiden took us to a deserted alley. It looked pretty sinister.

"Let's go on foot from here. I won't be able to move us further." He immediately put on the same mask, and his hair instantly changed colour to black, and his eyes to brown. But I could be wrong. Because of the darkness, it was hard to see.

"How do I look?"

"Like a typical courtesan." The Magus chuckled.

"Thanks, I tried."

"Don't step away from me."

"Aiden, why are you doing this and not the guards?"

"Because the place we are going to is closed to outsiders." Aiden took my hand, and we walked out of the alley. "And if you came to this area on your own, then some pretty dirty rumours would spread about you."

"Is that why you agreed to take me with you?"

"Yes. I don't want the whole town whispering about you."

"Thanks, and sorry. I behaved like a child." I said a lot of stupid things and didn't even think about the consequences. I was just a genius.

"Smart, you understand that. So next time you won't. I hope."

"I Promise."

"Good girl." He chuckled.

Why did I get the feeling that he had an educational conversation with me? Even in my world for all twenty years, no one had acted like this. Usually, I did this with Sasha. And here, everyone was not too lazy to say how not to do it.

Aiden and I approached the two-story mansion. It looked rather strange among the old houses. It was very well maintained. Aiden whispered something, and the enormous doors opened. Was that also magic?

"You're a little late." A stunning beauty met us at the door. She had long dark hair, a perfect figure, blue eyes framed by long eyelashes, and plump lips.

"For a good reason."

"Indeed." The stranger winked at me.

"He came?"

"Not yet."

"Are you sure he will show up?"

"Yes. I heard the conversation two days ago."

"Let me know when you see it."

"Good. Go to the table in the corner."

As soon as we went further into the nose, the smell of fumes mixed with perfume immediately struck, and cigarette smoke swirled in the air and resembled fog. We entered a huge room where small sofas were facing each other and tables were between them. In the right corner were the musicians, and next to them was something like a bar with alcohol.

Girls in skimpy outfits were serving drinks, and some were sitting at tables with masked men, but I also noticed masked women. I also saw a huge round table. It seemed to be intended for some kind of game. I would never have thought that everything was so organised here. Aiden went to the very corner and sat on the couch, and I was next to him.

"Doesn't look much like a brothel."

"This is not only a brothel, but also a gambling house."

"Looks impressive."


"There are even women here."

"They come here too."


"This is the most favourite place of the aristocracy. A dark shadow cast by the city." Aiden took out his cigarettes and lit up.

"They behave very defiantly. You can't even say that they are aristocrats."

"In this place, the moral values and foundations of high society are erased. Here they are free to give in to their dirty instincts."

"Sounds unpleasant." I wrinkled my nose.

"They only wear masks of morality, but in reality, they are no better than animals."

"Why do you hate the aristocracy so much?"

"Why did you decide so?" He looked at me in surprise.

"You can see it in your behaviour and words."

"And you are quite observant."


"Move closer to me."

"What for?"

"To be less suspicious."

"Good." As soon as I did what he said, Aiden put his arm around my waist.

"You are right. I hate them. I hate these people who belittle those who are weaker."

"If people became at least a little equal, this would not happen."

"No, princess. Those who are stronger will always crush the weak. This is the law of nature."

"Sounds cruel."

"But it's true. If you do not understand this, you will be hurt very much."

"What do you think? "I looked at him.

"Sometimes I even regret that I wanted to meet you." Aiden chuckled.

"Why?" His words really surprised me.

"You make me remember things I don't want to."

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After saying those words, he looked very lonely. He probably meant war. I silently hugged him. At times, we all needed someone who could hug us.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you."


"I just wanted to."

"You really are weird." He stroked my head.

"I know."

I noticed that Victor was standing near the stairs. He was without a mask and did not hide his appearance. Now you couldn't tell by his clothes that he was a priest. I shuddered, remembering Nina's words.

"Princess, is something wrong?" Aiden spoke to me quietly.

"There's a man Nina said to stay away from."


"Near the stairs."

"Who is he?"

"A priest. His name is Victor. I met him at the cemetery when I visited my mother. He said he knew her." Victor was already climbing the stairs to the second floor.

"I wonder what the saint is doing in the abode of depravity and vice?"

"I do not know. Nina was very frightened when she noticed him."

"So there is a serious reason."

A girl whom we met at the entrance approached us.

"He is here."

"Understood. Look after her." Aiden got up from the couch.


"Stay close to Vanessa." He looked at me seriously.

"Be careful."

He nodded curtly and headed towards the second floor. The girl sat down next to me and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to him."

"Why are you so sure?"

"I know. We're still friends."

"How did you meet?"

"He lived here."

"Wow." I looked at her in surprise. "Did Aiden live in a brothel?"

"Yes. He grew up here. Until he was taken to the magic academy."

"And how long has he lived here?"

"Until the age of eleven."

"I did not know about it."

"No one talks about this." She laughed softly.

"But you told me."

"I like you." The girl winked at me. How beautiful she is.

"Sorry for the tactless question. Why are you working here?"

"Where can a runaway slave go?"

"Sorry. It really was unpleasant to ask."

"Take it easy. Things are good."

Then I decided to just shut up. I didn't want to ask anything else. Aiden returned half an hour later. His face was very pale, and sweat broke out on his forehead. I quickly stood up and walked over to him.

"What happened to you?"

"It's time for us to leave."

"Did you find out what you wanted?"

"Yes. Let's go soon." The magician took my hand and dragged me outside.

We quickly reached the alley where Aiden took us before coming here. His hands were freezing.

"Your hands are ice cold."

"That's not important." A flash of red blinded me.

Opening my eyes, I looked at the clock that hung on the wall. It showed almost one in the morning. We were in his office. He took us to the tower, not the estate. Aiden suddenly grabbed the back of the sofa. His breathing was heavy.

"Aiden, are you sick?"

"I found out who hired the mercenaries. She is a young woman and is also a magician. And that saint is her helper."

"Have you seen her face?"

"No. She was wearing a raincoat before she throw a fireball at me."

"You said that you can't use powerful magic in the territory of a brothel."

"Well, she did it somehow." He sat down on the sofa and took off his shirt, which showed a burnt hole, and there was a huge burn on his side. How did I not notice?

"We need to treat the wound urgently. Do you have ointment or something?"

"Yes. In the bedroom, it's directly across from the office on the table next to the bed."

I dashed for the medicine. I read in a book that sorcerers can't heal themselves. Therefore, it was necessary to process the burn faster. I grabbed everything I found and ran back.

"Tell me what to do. I will help you."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"


"Open the black vial and apply to the wound."

I nodded and did as he said. The liquid hissed, and bubbles began to form. Probably something like hydrogen peroxide.

"Good girl, now the ointment."

He pointed to a large jar. The ointment smelled strange, like some herbs and fat. I applied it carefully, and Aiden frowned. It hurts a lot, but he endured everything.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"Nonsense. Compared to the wounds during the war, these are trifles."

"Now you need to bandage?"

"Yes." He got up from the couch to make it easier for me. When I finished, he sat down again.

"Do you feel better?"

"A little."

I sat down next to him and took off my mask. Is there really someone stronger than the most talented magician in the empire? Aiden was an archmage, but that girl could use magic, but he was not. I didn't understand anything. How was this possible?

"You do not mind?" Aiden lay down on the couch and rested his head on my lap.

"It's okay. I don't mind."

"Thanks." He closed his eyes.

Only now have I noticed that his entire body was covered with scars. They were a variety of small and large, crooked and even. After a while, I heard Aiden's calm sniffling. Was he already asleep? He was probably exhausted.

I carefully removed his mask. His hair was bright orange, again, so reminiscent of a sunset. Out of habit, I began to stroke the magician on the head, as I did with Desmond. Aiden's hair was very soft, just like his. I hoped he would be fine. I was terribly afraid for him. But today, Nina's words were confirmed. Victor was a really dangerous person, and I needed to stay away from him.

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