Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Sitting on the bed early in the morning, I reread my notes, which I made when I woke up in this body. At the debutante ball, all the girls wore dresses in delicate pastel colours, but the original Ariana came in a bright red dress, hoping to attract the prince's attention. On the contrary, I needed to avoid unnecessary attention. I looked at the huge ceiling of the luxurious room and thought: What if there was even the slightest possibility that I survived the traffic accident?

Did I want to go back to where no one would be waiting for me? After my death, there was only emptiness... My heart sank painfully, and a lump appeared in my throat. Pain and despair tore me to pieces day after day. I didn't live. I just existed. I was nobody's dearest and most beloved person. I tried to suppress these feelings that covered my head, not letting me breathe. Why was my life so crazy? Why did I even end up here?

"My lady, are you already awake?" A happy, smiling Nina entered the room with a breakfast tray in her hands. In the novel, she sincerely loved Ariana and mourned her death for a long time.

“Yes. When did you return?” I managed to put a smile on my face.

“This morning. I was so worried about you that I could no longer stay at home.”

“You had a day off, you could take your time.”

Riya, good morning.” Desmond ran into the room and jumped on my bed.

"Young master, you shouldn't rush into the lady's room so abruptly." Nina shook her head.

"Sorry, I wanted to see Riya as soon as possible." Desmond immediately became sad.

"Don't be mad at him, please. He won't do it again." I hugged the boy and smiled at the maid. As soon as he appeared, my mood immediately changed.

"I'll help you get ready. Today, we need to pick up your debut dress and buy jewellery for it."

"Nina, I just wanted to talk to you about this. I decided that I would go in a different dress." My words sounded quite confident.

"But milady, I don't think we can find anything else. There is very little time left." She looked at me in surprise.

"The simpler I look, the better."

"Don't say that. This is your debut in high society, you should look your best. You are the daughter of a duke."

"I really appreciate your concern, but please reconsider."

"Well, you are my lady and I will do everything for you." Nina tilted her head.

"Thank you very much." I smiled at her and turned to the boy. "Desi, let's have tea with you, and sister will go to the city."

"Can I come with you?"

"You have a fencing class soon that you can't miss. I'll bring you your favourite chocolate cake from the 5th Street patisserie if you study hard. Good?"

"I will try my hardest." Desmond nodded his head.

"That's smart. Sister believes in you." I stroked his hair.

Having finished all the preparations for the trip to the city, Nina and I went downstairs. Alex stood near the carriage with a frown on his face. After a conversation in the garden, we hardly crossed paths with him.

"Did you tell your mother to accompany you?" He rushed over to me.

"Good morning, no."

"Do not talk nonsense." He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

I took a deep breath. How to explain to this idiot that I would never willingly agree to tolerate his company?

"I don't know why my mother did this, but I have nothing to do with it. If you don't want to, you don't have to go." I said as calmly as possible.

"I have business in the city, so I will go with you, whether I like it or not."

Then why did you stage this inadequate performance? I gave him a forced smile and successfully climbed into the waggon, lifting my dress. Nina sat down next to the coachman. When I turned to look at Alex, he stood with an even more gloomy expression on his face than before. What was wrong again? The guy climbed into the opposite seat and slammed the door shut. Okay, I just had to be patient a little, and I would be free.



It seemed to me that this trip would never end. All the air seemed to have disappeared from the carriage, and even the walls were narrowing. All the way, I looked out the window, and Alex bored me with his eyes. My whole body felt it. I also felt his gaze on the manor. Alex was always watching me. It was a little scary. What if he realised that I was not Ariana? They had a strained relationship with their half-sister, and they didn't communicate much, but it was still disturbing: one wrong step and everyone would know about my deception. I quickly jumped out of the carriage and took a deep breath.

“My lady, are you all right?” Nina came up to me.

"Yes, everything is fine."

"Where do we go first?" she asked. Apparently, this debut worried Nina more than I did.

"Let's go to the tailor. I want to resolve the issue with the dress immediately."

We walked down the street to the atelier. This world was similar to ours, but only during the royal family's reign. The main difference was the existence of magic. It healed people, controlled the weather, and created various devices such as the sphere of communication.

Magical talent was a rare occurrence. A person with a gift would be taken to study at the academy of magic. But before that, they had to take an oath before the emperor and, in case of war, they would be sent to the front. The most terrible factor for me was that slavery existed here. The inhabitants of the conquered country automatically became slaves, whether or not they were aristocrats.

"Welcome." The door bell immediately notified the owner of the studio about our arrival.

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"Good afternoon, I would like to pick up the order."

“Of course, ma’am. I’ve been looking forward to your visit.” A grey-haired man in his forties stepped out from behind the counter and went deeper into the room.

A milky dress attracted my attention. It had a short sleeve, and its top was made of fine lace, a satin bottom, and a white ribbon at the waist. It was discreet, but very elegant.

“Is this dress custom made? “I looked at the owner of the studio, who brought a large box.

“No, my daughter made this dress. It is not of the same expensive material as yours.” His voice was so frightened, as if it was not me standing in front of him, but the devil himself in the flesh.

“I will pay double the price for it.”

"But mistress, it is too simple for you." The man wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

“Calm down, please, and tell your daughter that I will be her regular customer.” I smiled at him as warmly as possible.

"Thank you, ma'am. She will be happy to hear it."

Having taken the order, Nina and I went to the jewellery store. I chose a choker consisting of three strands of pearls and small pearl earrings. The simpler, the better.

"That's all, Nina. And you said we wouldn't find anything." I took the maid's arm, but quickly came to my senses. You can't do this: now I am in the body of an aristocrat.

"Mistress, you have changed so much. I don't know what changes have happened in your heart, but I'm thrilled about it." A smile appeared on Nina's face. She looked at me with such a warm and slightly motherly look.

Before I had time to come to my senses and answer her, a sharp gust of wind tore off my hat. I tried to catch up with her with all my might and did not even notice that I had run far away from Nina. This was bad. I didn't know the city's layout. How can I get back now?

"Lady, it looks like it's yours." Startled by a man's voice, I turned around. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Thank you very much." I carefully took my hat from the stranger's hand. He had beautiful brown hair and light green, kind eyes. A sword hung from his belt, and light armour covered his torso.

"I beg your pardon again. I noticed how you ran for the hat, and I decided to help." He bowed his head briefly, making me even more surprised.

"Forgive me. I was a little surprised by your appearance."

"As I am yours."

"You're bleeding!" I touched my hand, from which scarlet blood flowed in a thin stream.

"Perhaps it happened when I was catching your hat. Just a scratch, don't worry."

"No, it was my fault that you hurt yourself. Let me at least bandage the wound with a handkerchief." I took my handkerchief out of the small pocket of my dress.

"Well, if it helps you calm down." The guy smiled at me.

We sat down with him on a small bench, and I gently pulled his large hand.

"Thank you for your help and I apologise for the inconvenience caused."

"I told you it was just a scratch. Let me escort you, young lady shouldn't go alone." He spoke to me respectfully and calmly. The stranger actually looked quite friendly. I didn't think he wanted to hurt me.

"To be honest, I don't know where to go: as soon as I ran for a hat, I immediately lost sight of my maid." It was embarrassing to say. Perhaps my zero sense of direction had surprised him.

"Where did you last see her?" Or not surprised? The voice and facial expression did not change.

"Near the shopping street."

"Then you haven't run far. I'll guide you and we'll look for your maid."

"Thank you, you are my saviour today." I smiled at him.

At first, he looked at me in surprise for a couple of seconds, and then cleared his throat and extended his hand. I gently took his hand and stood up from the bench. We walked in complete silence. He didn't say anything to me. Strange, did I do something wrong? Before that, everything seemed to be in order. Why did he become so thoughtful?

"How can I find you to return the handkerchief?" My saviour stopped abruptly.

"In a few days, in the debutante ball. I'll be there."


Ariana, where have you been?" An exhausted Alex ran up to me, along with Nina.

"I ran for the hat, but I got a little lost. A gentleman helped me find my way."

"The captain of the Imperial Knights?" The blond frowned.

"Who?" I looked back in surprise, but I didn't see anyone. "It couldn't be him."

Keane Galahart was the captain of the Imperial Knights guarding the Crown Prince. The most talented and youngest knight in the empire, second only to Alex to fall in love with Bella. He died in the forest, protecting the main character from mercenaries. I grabbed my head from the sharp pain. Why did I meet him? He was supposed to return to the empire on the day of the ball. My consciousness plunged into darkness.

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