Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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I saw a huge field of daisies near my grandmother's house in the village. My little sister ran on it. Visions gradually blurred, turning into a fog. At first, I was thrown into a fever; then, suddenly, it became cold, as if the wind was flying into the room. I knew that I was lying on the bed, but I could not even open my eyes. The eyelids seemed so heavy. Maybe I'm getting a fever? The skin did not burn, but glowed so wildly that I wanted to rip it off with my nails, layer by layer. Someone was cursing loudly next to me, but only fragments of phrases reached me due to a headache. I wanted them to be silent.

"…still haven't woken up…"

"… the body is very weak after…"

"… I will… if…"

"… I warned… your…"

"…the third day…"

"I beg you, stay, don't leave." I looked at Sasha, who was disappearing into the fog with a smile on her face.

"Did you wake up?"

"Do not leave me." Because of the pain and the heat, I did not understand who was talking to me. I only saw my sister.

"Get everyone out!"

"Drink." My voice was very hoarse. There was a lot of itching in my throat.

"Wait a little bit." Someone sat down on the edge of the bed, gently lifted my head, and gave me a wooden pipe. I pulled it out, and the warm liquid poured into my parched throat.

"Thanks." I didn't know who it was, but I was very grateful. I smiled and fell back to sleep.


According to the doctor, the illness last month weakened my body, so I fainted. This was what I found out when I woke up last night. I slept for three days in total. My body ached terribly, as if I had not slept, but had run a marathon. I needed to try walking, and I would definitely feel better. At least, I hoped so. I was tired of staying in bed all the time.

"Lady, are you sure you're okay?" Nina looked at me worriedly.

"No, but I can't sit in this stuffy room anymore." I muttered.

"You are so stubborn."

"Let's go to Desmond's on the training ground."

"I'll follow you wherever you want." Again? Nina always said that. I didn't like the master-servant relationship. I didn't know how to give orders at all.

"This is not an order, but a request." I smiled at her.

Nina threw a light shawl over my shoulders. We went to a huge training ground for the knights who serve the Valmont family. There was a small area where Desmond trained separately from them. He brandished a small wooden sword. Alex stood next to him, arms crossed over his chest. I went into a small pavilion and watched the boy. After a while, he happily came running to me.

"Riya, did you come to see me?"

"Certainly." I stroked his head.

"Are you better now?" The boy asked worriedly. God, what an angel. So good and cute.

"I feel great. Isn't it visible?"

"Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror today?" Alex sat down in the chair next to me.

"I could have kept silent." I rolled my eyes.

"Riya, it's not good to lie." Desmond glared at me.

"You won't forgive me even in exchange for a chocolate cake?"

"When did you buy it?" His eyes lit up. Desmond loves sweets.

"I asked Nina, and she went to the city today."

"If you promise not to get sick again, only then will I forgive you." He hugged me tightly.

"All right, Desi. I will try to."

Don't promise what you can't deliver." Why couldn't Alex keep his mouth shut?

"Here is your tea and cake. Sit down at the table." Nina, you were my saviour. I smiled at her gratefully.


Time flew by quickly, and it was time for the debutante ball. The original story began tonight.

All day long, maids led by Nina circled around me. Bath with rose petals, face masks, and body oil massage. It's so nice. My skin just glowed from within. I sat down at the cosmetic table and entrusted myself to the capable hands of the maids. If not for Nina, I would never have done this. Half of them definitely hated Ariana, but as long as Nina was around, everything would be fine.

Putting on a thin lace glove in my hand, I turned to the mirror, where I saw a beautiful young girl. Delicate makeup emphasised my green eyes, pink blush, and light gloss on the lips. They styled half of my hair in a beautiful hairstyle, which was decorated with small pearls and white flowers, and the other fell down in soft waves.

"My lady, today you will be the most beautiful girl in the ballroom." Nina was very happy.

I smiled nervously. My original plan to not attract attention seemed to fail miserably.

"Lady, your parents and brothers are waiting for you." Our butler froze in place.

I took a deep breath and walked toward my family. I would stand in the very corner, and no one would notice me. Because of my thoughts, I did not notice how I went down to the first floor.

"Riya, you are so beautiful." The duchess covered her mouth with her hand.

"Thank you very much, mother.

"If we don't hurry, we might be late." The Duke cleared his throat loudly, drawing attention to himself.

"Give me a hand." Alex held in his hand a small boutonniere of dwarf pink roses.

"Are you my partner?" I looked at him in surprise. A similar one was attached to his chest, only slightly smaller.

"Yes." He quickly tied the ribbon around my arm.

"Thanks." I was sincerely grateful to him. Despite his attitude towards Ariana, he still accompanied me. In the original story, she was single.

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"Let's go soon." He frowned.

This guy was so unpredictable: he got angry when you were polite to him. When you were rude, he got angry too. Alex abruptly extended his hand and helped me into the carriage.

"Desi, you don't like the way I look?" I turned to the boy sitting opposite me.

"No." He turned away from me.


"Everyone will be looking at you."

"This is bad?"

"Yes." Oh my God, he was so cute when he was pouting. I couldn't help but jump up and kiss him on the cheek. It is good that the crew has not yet had time to move on to the road.

"Thanks, Desi."

The duke and Alex looked at me in surprise, and the duchess chuckled softly. After that, my mood skyrocketed, and I almost forgot about the prince and the main character.


A considerable number of carriages have accumulated near the imperial palace. The aristocracy from all over the kingdom was present at this ball. The palace was just huge. I complained that the duke's estate was huge, and sometimes it was hard for me to navigate it, but this hulk just paled in comparison.

"The family of the Duke of Valmont enters."

As soon as the servant announced our arrival, it became clear that there was no turning back. I definitely need to survive and change the course of events of the novel. The enormous doors of the ballroom swung open. As soon as I looked at the centre, I found that almost everyone was looking at us. Some with interest, while others with either envy or hatred. What a lovely society; there were no words, only emotions.

"Don't shake." Alex's sharp voice sounded next to me.

"I'm not shaking."

"Do not try to deceive me. I hold your hand and feel everything."

"Sorry. I was really nervous because I was afraid to do something wrong."

He didn't answer me, but I felt Alex squeeze my hand tighter. The duke and duchess approached some aristocrats and began to talk with them enthusiastically. Desmond was with them, too. My gaze wandered around the hall, but the main character was nowhere to be found.

"Greet the sun and moon of the Veilos Empire." The servant loudly announced the arrival of the imperial family.

The nobles, who were previously giggling and chatting, quickly bowed their heads. Following the example of the others, I bowed too. The Emperor and Empress walked proudly down the red carpet, followed by Crown Prince Mikael. Blue-black hair and sparkling golden eyes, the pride of the imperial family. He was dressed in a blue suit, reminiscent of an old military uniform, and behind his back was a black cloak. An exact copy of the emperor, only much younger. The emperor sat on his throne, and the empress and the prince sat on either side of him. Several guards stood beside them, led by Kain.

"You can raise your heads." The emperor commanded. "Today is a significant day for each of the girls. You are entering adulthood. It took a long time to prepare, I hope you enjoy this evening."

Now that the imperial family had arrived, the banquet began.

"I ask the debutantes and their entourage to come out to perform the waltz." The loud voice of the servant resounded throughout the hall.

Oh no. I completely forgot that the debutantes dance in turn, depending on the title of the families. And since Ariana is the only daughter of a duke in the empire, Alex and I will dance all alone. It didn't happen in the novel because Ariana was single.

Alex took my hand and led me to the centre. We bowed to the imperial family, I, trying not to look at the crown prince, and Keane, moved a little away from Alex and curtsied, as required by the rules. And he bowed a little to me. I heard his quiet whisper.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

I smiled warmly at him. Even that asshole could be really cute sometimes. The musicians began to play, and we waltzed. I couldn't believe Ariana's body remembered everything so accurately. It was like it was moving on its own. The music stopped, and we bowed again to the imperial family and left the centre.

"Riya, everyone was looking at you. I told you they would." Desmond wrapped his arms around me.

"Desi, they looked at Alex too."

"Why look at someone like him?" The boy chuckled.

"Oh, you little…" The blond interrupted himself mid-sentence.

Desmond made a face at him, and I laughed.

"Today, you look quite tolerable." Having said these words to me, Alex walked towards the duke. Desmond immediately ran after him.

Mentally, I sent him to hell and again began to look for Bella with my eyes, and this time; I found it. She danced with her partner next to the other couples, with shiny red hair and lovely blue eyes. This moment was described in the novel. She was really beautiful. It was hard not to notice her. Bella was the main character for nothing.

"Good evening, fancy meeting you here." Keane Galahart stood before me. A black camisole with shoulder straps, white gloves, and the same sword that was with him during our first meeting.

"Hello. How is your hand?" I smiled.

"Thanks to you, everything is fine. Even though it was a scratch."

"I'm glad you're okay."

"I want to apologise right away that I can't return your handkerchief. I tried to clean it from the blood, but I did not succeed." He bowed briefly.

"God, you started talking so seriously that I was a little scared."

"You're not angry with me?"

"Of course not." I covered my mouth with my hand and laughed softly.

"This is our second meeting, but we still haven't introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Keane Galahart." The man bowed again.

"Ariana de Valmont."

Suddenly, a frightened duchess ran up to me. She was one of those people who behaved very calmly. So something terrible must have happened.

"Riya, can I talk to you?"

"Certainly. Please forgive us." I smiled awkwardly at Kaine. The Duchess and I moved away from him.

"Desmond is gone."

"How did he disappear?" I asked, shocked.

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