Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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I lay on my bed and thought about what had happened at the debutante ball. These thoughts drove me so crazy that I couldn't think of anything else. The plot of the novel definitely changed due to my intervention. What am I supposed to do now? Should I rejoice or not? What role was I playing now? The crown prince was supposed to fall in love with Bella at first sight. I was not sure if he saw her at all, and these words of his, that he was waiting for our next meeting, filled me with horror. This crazy guy wouldn't leave me alone now. I turned over and looked out the window.

"My lady, how much longer are you going to sigh languidly?" Nina sat down on my bed.

"Has something happened?" I asked helplessly.

"That's what I have to ask you."

"I'm fine, life is good." I buried my face in the pillow.

"I think I hear sarcasm in your words." Nina's voice became rather stern.

"It wasn't there."

"Can you tell me what happened to you at the ball?"

"What happened there?"

"Lady, I understand that I am overly insistent. But my heart hurts because of you. For a whole week, you hardly leave your room. Constantly muttering something under your breath and sighing." Nina got out of bed.

"I'm not in the mood, that's all." It was due to the fact that the events of the novel were not going the way they were in the original, and I didn't know if it was good or bad.

"And the older young master, too?"

"And what does he have to do with it?" I turned to her.

"You don't even look at each other."

"Wasn't it always like this?" He hated his half-sister, and Ariana did not have warm feelings for him.

"I thought that after you fainted in the city, your relationship changed."

"Why did you decide so?" I was a little surprised by her words.

"He brought you here in his arms, was with you when you were unconscious. He drove out all the servants and looked after you. He even quarrelled with the doctor because you didn't wake up."

"You're not confusing anything?" I looked at her sceptically.

"My lady, I have no reason to lie to you."

After our quarrel and his words, I could hardly believe it. This idiot thought of no one but himself. And tomorrow I would go with him to the summer festival, and I couldn't refuse, because I promised Desmond. I looked at the table and saw that there was a bouquet of lavender in a vase. Where did he come from? I don't remember anyone bringing it here.

"Nina, where are these flowers from?" I pointed to the bouquet.

"I don't know, my lady. When I came to you in the morning, they were already standing there."

My grandmother was fond of the language of flowers, and if I was not mistaken, these flowers represented admiration and purity. As I approached the flowers and inhaled their rich aroma, I remembered another meaning of lavender "loneliness. I turned to the door and saw Alex. How long did he stand there?

The guy silently looked at me from the ajar door with some strange expression on his face. It was either sadness or regret. I had a crazy thought. I looked at the bouquet, and then at Alex. He smiled weakly and left. It couldn't be. It was really impossible. He would never have brought me flowers. I went to the door and closed it.


Yawning wearily, I watched as the maids braided my hair into a voluminous braid. Today was the day of the festival, so we were going to the city with the whole family.

"My lady, I think this dress will suit you perfectly." Nina was holding a snow-white lace dress in her hands.

"Okay, I trust your choice. Just give me a hat with strings, please. I don't want to chase after it again."

"As you say, my lady."

I finished all the preparations and went downstairs. Only it turned out that the Duke and Duchess had left before us. Having conveyed through the butler that they had urgent, important business. Of course, this was a lie. They just wanted to be alone, and not in the company of three children. So Alex and I were babysitting Desmond today. In principle, I did not mind, but it would have been better if it were just Desmond and me.

"Riya, I want cotton candy. And also ride horses and a huge ball." Desmond was talking animatedly about what he wanted to do at the festival while the three of us rode in a carriage.

"Be patient please, Desi. We've almost arrived." I ruffled his hair.

"Riya, do you want anything?"

"I do not know. More books, maybe." I really didn't have any big plans.

"Books?" The boy grimaced. "Why do you need books? The library is full of them at home."

The ones we had at home were only about politics and military affairs. And the books that were interesting to me, I have already read.

"Do you want to buy the ones that have romance in them?" He winced. His expression became so cute and funny.

I laughed. Why did this child have such thoughts in his head?

"No. Only history and magic."

I've had enough of romance novels; I was already in one of them. I didn't want to risk getting reincarnated into another. From the window of the carriage, I saw that we had approached the city. Garlands of multi-coloured flags. There were a lot of decorations made of flowers and ribbons, and a variety of stalls. The people of the empire had a great time. We got out of the carriage. I took Desmond's hand. Today we had two guards with us, and I told Nina to go to her relatives and rest.

"Where shall we go? Choose." I turned to the boy.

"I want cotton candy."


We bought cotton candy and headed to the huge carousel. It was similar to the ones I saw in our amusement park. Only it moved not with the help of electricity, but with magic. It cost a lot to ride, so children from poor families could not afford it. I looked sadly at the kids who were standing behind the fence. This world was completely different. I would never understand it.

"Riya, will you come with me?"

"No, I'd rather look at you." After ruffling Desmond's hair, I paid five gold coins to the man and watched my brother.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Alex came up to me.

"Are you interested in my desires?"

"You're right, I don't care about them. I just asked." His voice was indifferent and cold.

"If you're not interested, you could just shut up." I silently turned away from him.

"Riya, I loved it so much. You have to ride, too." Desmond ran up to me.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Take one knight with you and go to the bookshop. Desmond and I will be waiting for you in the square." The blond took the boy's hand.

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"Alex, I want to go with Ria."

"No, we'll go watch the puppet show. I'm sure you'll be bored in the shop in a couple of minutes. Do you want us to look for you again?"

"Riya, quickly buy the books and come back to us." The boy pursed his lips in annoyance.

"I'll be back very soon. You won't have time to get bored." I smiled at him.

The city was overflowing with people. Both the aristocrats and the common people were all smiling happily. I went to the shopping street where I was with Nina. A small bookshop was behind the studio. I noticed it last time.

"Welcome, ma'am." A middle-aged woman greeted me politely and sat down at the counter.

I smiled at her and walked past the wooden shelves. The books in this world were so beautiful, with leather covers and various decorations on them. My attention was drawn to a book with a huge green stone and a bizarre pattern on the cover. I took it out and almost dropped it from my hands in surprise. It was in English. After flipping through a few pages, I was finally convinced of this. It couldn't be. How was that even possible? I sat down on a chair and began to read. It told about the ancient history of this world.

"The god of light created the great tree of the world, Yggdrasil, which protects this world from destruction and protects people. Its golden roots stretched all over the world. The envy of the lesser gods created a rift in the tree, and darkness invaded through its bark. So terrible that even nature withered as soon as she touched it."

How could darkness touch anything? I carefully examined the book. I didn't understand. Who even wrote all this nonsense?

"Someone considers this nonsense as our past." I heard a calm male voice next to me.

Just don't tell me that I said the last words aloud ... The owner of the magic tower, Aiden, stood in front of me. Bright red hair and blood-red eyes. On the day of the ball, I saw him in the garden. It was exactly him, another admirer of the main character. He went missing after Ariana's execution. The novel said that the crown prince was involved in his disappearance. The crazy man could have just told them to stay away from his fiancee. Why get rid of everyone? Even his best friend Keane was not safe from him.

"Princess, do you understand the language of the ancients?" Aiden pointed to the book in my hands.

"I just flipped through the pages, I was attracted by its cover." It was necessary to come up with something urgently, so I decided to deny everything.

"Don't try to fool me, I've been watching you ever since you entered the shop."

"Have you been watching me?"

"Yes. It's impossible to take your eyes off someone like you." How beautifully he spoke. In the novel, he was still a womaniser until he met Bella.

"Thank you, and please keep what you saw a secret." I smiled at him.

"Of course, how can I refuse the request of a beautiful lady."

"Thank you."

"But with one condition." Here was an asshole. Who would have doubted?

"What?" I smiled at him again.

"I have a text in the ancient language in the tower, help me decipher it."

"Of course, when is it convenient for you?"

"Let's meet in three days. Come to the magic tower." Aiden masterfully knew how to lead people by the nose. The main thing was not to show fear and doubt.

"Okay, I'll definitely come."

"Hope so. By the way, will you tell me your name? We didn't introduce ourselves last time."

"Don't you already know?"

"I want to hear it from you."

"Ariana. And yours?" Even though I knew his name, I asked anyway so as not to arouse even more suspicion.

"Aiden. It was nice to get to know you better, princess." After saying those words, he disappeared into the magic circle, and judging by the calm atmosphere, no one but me saw this.

Great, just great. Now, not only the sadistic prince was interested in me but also the main womaniser of the empire. I quickly chose the books, paid for them, and left the shop. I didn't want to run into anyone else.

When I was walking toward the square, a girl with red hair caught my attention. She was heading towards the flower shop. In the novel, it was written that behind it, there was an alley through which you could go to the tavern of mercenaries. I looked at her carefully. Why did she look so much like Bella? But why did the main character need a tavern with mercenaries? I was probably wrong, and it was not her at all.

"Riya, why are you taking so long?" Desmond and Alex were coming to meet me.

"I'm sorry, Desi. I found an interesting book and started reading it right in the shop."

"The presentation was also very interesting. But Alex did not seem to like it. He kept looking the other way."

"Alex is just hard to please." I smiled at the boy.

"Maybe we can go home?" Alex frowned. "It's almost time for dinner."

"Are you that hungry?" I looked at him sceptically.

"Yes. And I still have to deal with my father's papers."

After his words, I chuckled. How cute. A perfect adopted son, and a troubled natural daughter who the duke didn't care about. I could imagine how Ariana felt.

"Desi, do you want to go home?"

"I want to sleep." The boy yawned.

"Alright, let's get to the carriage as soon as possible."

Desmond instantly fell asleep as soon as the carriage set off. He snored softly in my lap. It had already become a habit. He often fell asleep like that. What a sweet and innocent child. Sasha was also like a little ray of sunshine that I could not save. That day, a part of my soul died with her. I stroked the boy's soft hair. If it weren't for him, I'd definitely go crazy in this world.

"Sometimes, I think you're still the same girl I used to play with as a child." The quiet voice of Alex that I heard was more like a whisper.

"I don't remember that time." It really was true. It wasn't in Ariana's memories.

He chuckled. "When I see your smile, hear your merry laugh, or the way you look at Desmond, I return to my childhood."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I said these words mechanically. I didn't even know why I asked this question.

"I don't hate you." For a second, I thought he was in pain.

"What then?"

"I don't know myself anymore."

Alex closed his eyes and said nothing more. We drove in complete silence the rest of the way. Why was there nothing in Ariana's memories about what Alex said? The novel didn't say anything about it either. This part has been omitted. But I felt with all my heart that he told the truth. Why did you forget about this, Ariana? Or did you just not want to remember it?

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