Vamp in incest world

Chapter 12: 16

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It's been a few months since Aiden took lesson from his sister. Today is a special day for him.

Olivia looked at Aiden, "Today is the day when you will be tested on the subjects you have learned. Since you will be tested on every subject, we will finish today early than usual, but I believe you can handle it So let's get started, shall we?" said.

Aiden nodded, too, feeling a little worried. Olivia then looked at her watch and began handing Aiden the exam papers.

After the lecture sequence that started in the morning and the process that lasted until the evening, Olivia looked at Aiden, "Hmm hmm, even though you didn't get full marks in your exams, you still got high marks. Well done." she said, showing her rare smile.

Seeing his blue purple eyed teacher smile for the first time, Aiden smiled back at her. But he thought, 'Damn, these level questions are already impossible for a 3year-old. It's normal that I can't get full points, but I'm glad I could get a high score.' he cursed.

Aiden was feeling tired after the whole day's sequence, so he looked at Olivia and said, "Teacher, can you carry me today?" he asked.

Olivia was a little taken aback by Aiden's question, but had to accept it as it was a request from him and said, "Sure." she nodded. She picked him up and she started walking.

Aiden rested his head on Olivia's shoulder as he felt this warmth for the first time that didn't belong to his own family.

Olivia could understand the fact that Aiden was tired, so she didn't say anything the entire way and continued walking to his room.

When they finally reached the front of the rooms, Aiden looked at Olivia, "Thank you." he said and unconsciously kissed her lips quickly. 'It doesn't matter, prince.' Olivia was going to say, but when he kissed her she was taken aback and stood still, not knowing what to do.

Aiden paused for a moment wondering why Olivia hadn't brought him down yet, but then when he realized what he was done, he blushed and looked at Olivia's face.

He realized his mistake better when he saw her standing there with a surprised expression.

He then, "I'm sorry Olivia. I'm really not used to being carried away by anyone other than my mother and older sister. So I acted unconsciously to express myself in this way. I'm really sorry." said.

Olivia looked at Aiden, who had a genuinely regretful face, and she felt bad inside.

Because for a maid like her, the one she served was apologizing to her. And Aiden just a child so his act can be considered normal.

Olivia calm dawned herself and looked at Aiden and said flatly, "You don't need to apologize to me, Prince. I'm a maid, you can do anything you want to me."

As Aiden said in a slightly angry and loud voice, "I would never do that, Olivia. And even though you're the one who serves me or our family, you're also the one who teaches me, so please don't be so condescending." Olivia had not expected such a reaction from Aiden, and it both surprised and delighted her.

If anyone in the Crimson family really wanted something, it would have been more of an order than a request for someone like her. But the prince she served here was kind to her.

Still, she kept a straight face and said, "I understand, prince. Please forgive me for my behaviours. And thank you for your consideration." Aiden smiled, too, "Thank you for forgiving me too." said.

He continued giggling and said, "You're really pretty when you act like that." Olivia was surprised again, and this time she blushed a little.

She succumbed to her curiosity, "How do I behave?" she asked. Aiden looked at Olivia, who was slightly disrupting her normal behavior, and laughed, "Haha, who knows?"

Olivia looked at Aiden, who was laughing at her, and pouted a little, and then, realizing her actions, she quickly turned back to her straight face, "Please don't make fun of me like that, prince." said.

Aiden laughed again, "Then will you take me down now?" he asked. Olivia realized she had been holding Aiden in her arms until now, and immediately gently placed Aiden on the ground and then, when she was going to say "I am sor .. , " Aiden looked at her and smiled, "See you in next lesson, teacher. And thank you for bringing me here." said.

Olivia swallowed her previous words and, "See you, Aiden, but I don't think we'll see each other for a few days." she said and teleported.

Wondering what she meant, Aiden entered his room. Seeing his mother not in the room, he sat down and lay on the bed while he waited for her to come and tells his day.


After teleporting back to her room, Olivia sighed in relief and lay back in her chair.

Before she knew what had happened, the space in his room began to fluctuate. There was only two person in the house of the castle who could enter without her permission, and before that person arrived, she got up from her seat and stood looking at the ground.

After the space fluctuate stopped, she didn't say anything and waited for the incoming person to speak.

Almira looked at Olivia, who was standing in front of her, and said in a cold, threatening tone, "Olivia, what do you think you're doing. You could have avoided that kiss before he even kissed you. Are you trying to seduce my son?" Olivia remained silent.

Almira unleashed her owerwhelming aura on Olivia. "Did you start raising yourself value because my son liked you a little and showed interest in you. Or did you start getting spoiled just because his interest in you increased because you were his teacher? Have you forgotten that your own job was primarily a maid for my family the Crimson family? Speak, I'll allow you." she said, but did not take back her owerwhelming aura.

Olivia didn't look up and started sweating profusely. "No, your Majesty. I would never do such a thing. I could have avoided the prince kissing me as you said, but I thought he did it on purpose. And as I told the prince, he can do whatever he wants with me, so I thought it would be disrespectful to avoid his kiss. I would never try to seduced him, Your Majesty, please believe me." she said and fell silent again.

Almira stared at her for a while and then take backed her owerwhelming aura. "Olivia, raise your head," she said, still speaking in a cold voice.

Olivia silently lifted her head, but did not look into her eyes. Almira "How many years have you been working under me?" she asked.

Olivia "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I remember it was before born Princess Sadie." said. Almira said, "Yeah, that's all it really is. It's been over 700 years or so."

Olivia just stood there without saying a word. "Look into my eyes, Olivia," Almira broke off her cold tone and returned to her normal flaty voice.

Olivia turned her eyes to Almira's silvery eyes. Almira later said, "That's why I know you very well, Olivia. I know exactly what you are like and what you're capable of. I know you won't try to seduce my son. But he's not even 4 years old and hasn't even interacted with the outsiders. Not to mention he's my only son." said.

Olivia "I understand, Your Majesty. I apologize for my behaviours." she said and bowed her head.

Almira felt a little sorry for her, but she had only one son and she loved him very much and would not let anyone do anything to her son.

Almira "Olivia, my son may or may not choose you one day. That's for him to decide and I won't interfere with it."

"I know you won't forget, but until that day, you're the maid of this family, keep that in mind."

"I have no complaints against you for what you just said and acted. I even think you've been nice work back there. You've worked under me all these years. Even though you're used to living alone as a witch race, I'm not against spoiling yourself sometimes."

"Just make sure you don't cross the line. And if my son chooses you one day, make sure you answer him as a woman. If you're give him answer as a maid, and say yes, it will make him very upset later and I don't want that to happen." said.

Olivia was pleasantly surprised by what Almira had said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not dawn your trust." said.

Almira nodded and said, "I'll leave it to you until then."

She prepared to leave, but something came to her mind and she released his owerwhelming aura back. "By the way, I'm sure no one will hear what my son words, right? Although it's not important to me, I don't want my son to experience social pressure just because of this." she said, and before she didn't wait for an answer from Olivia, she teleported to her rooms, which her sons was eagerly awaiting her arrival.

Olivia was surprised when she felt her death coming again at the last moment for her, but then when she heard Almira's words, she understood what she meant and knew she shouldn't tell anyone what Aiden said if she really didn't want to bring death to herself and the witch race in this world.

Olivia lay down on her bed with a real sigh of relief this time and began to rest. 'I have never seen Your Majesty like this. I really can't blame her, it makes me respect her even more.'

'While I like the way the Prince treats me, I respect the fact that the always cold side of Her Majesty is very protective when it comes to her own family. '

'Though that last part of hers confused me, so Her Majesty has no problem taking me as her bride.'

'Wait a minute, Olivia, get your head together. You're thinking of marrying a boy who isn't even 4 years old. Do I really love the prince? Yes he is nice to me but not like other royal family members are treating me badly. Sigh, I guess I'll learn in time.' she thought, and fell asleep from this tiring day.



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As Aiden lay in bed and rested, he wondered where his mother was. As the space in his room began to fluctuate, he realized it was his mother and immediately jumped on the bed.

Almira entered the room, before she knew what was happening, she felt someone hug her body and she hugged back with a warm smile.

Her behavior just now was nowhere to be seen, and she was just standing here as a mother.

After feeling his mother's warmth for a while longer, Aiden pulled away from her, "Mama, where were you?" he asked curiously.

Almira smiled, "I had some work to do, dear. You know, I'm actually a busy person too." she said.

Aiden looked at his mother somewhat suspiciously.

Almira laughed inwardly at her son's skeptical gaze, because she knew that after all, her son must thinking her mother pushing all the work to his sister, because his mother had never left him side since he was born.

It was true in the end, but she didn't really push the job over to Sadie, only Sadie decided to take responsibility for it.

Whether it was Sadie or Aiden , she would never have made either of them do anything they didn't want to do.

Almira laughed heartily, but a pout appeared on her face. "Do you see your Mama as someone who slacks off all day?" said.

Aiden didn't answer his mother and took her hand and dragged her to the bed.

After he sat her down and sat himself on her lap. "Anyway, Mama, I took the test today and I want to share the results with you." he said.

Almira did not prolong the matter. "Of course honey, I'm listening to you," she said.

Aiden had recounted his entire day, he looked at his mother excitedly, as if expecting praise.

Almira looked at her son and was proud of him. In fact, the exam questions were more difficult than she thought.

She considered whether she should go back and punish Olivia again, but then shook her head and dismissed the idea.Her son did very well after all.

She bent down and kissed him on the lips. Then, after cutting the kiss, "Well done baby. I've already arranged a reward for you for this test result, but before that, don't you have anything else to say?" she asked with a knowing look.

Aiden was happy when he heard of the award, but was surprised to hear after his mother. He didn't understand what she was talking about at first, but then a sad expression appeared on his face as he guessed what she might be talking about.

When Almira saw her son's face, she couldn't help but want to spoile him, but she held tight and waited for her son to continue.

She did not want his son to be lost in people relations.

Aiden couldn't look into his mother's eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Mama." He bowed his head. "Why are you apologizing honey?" she asked. "For kissing Olivia," Aiden said even more sadly.

Almira held her son's face tenderly and lifted her head to look into his eyes. When their eyes met, Almira laughed sarcastically, "Isn't your sister and mama not enough for you as a wife, hubby? It's not even been a year since you got married and you're chasing another woman already? Don't you ever think about our feelings?" she asked.

Almira was actually making fun of him while uttering these sentences, but Aiden took them seriously and said with a slightly tearful expression, "I'm really sorry Mama. I didn't kiss her on purpose. I just kissed her out of habit to say thank you. I don't need anyone but you and sis anyway, so I never thought of looking at anyone else."

Almira couldn't take it anymore and to calm him down, she buried him between her breasts, probably in her son's favorite place.

Aiden hugged his mother's breasts tightly to calm down.

Almira patted her son's head on the back and waited for him to calm down. Even if she wasn't serious in her words, that was true of herself and her daughter.

Because they both knew already that Aiden truly loved them both, and that he would always love them best, no matter which woman or how many women he brought in the future.

But that could change for that person once he has a another wife in the future. After all, she didn't want to have another wife right after he had one.

This might not be a problem if the two women he chose knew each other, but she didn't want to two foreign women to take one of them as his wife right after he took the other woman as his wife.

Almira felt her son calm down, she freed him from her breasts and started kissing him without saying anything.

To her, the best way to convey her feelings was through actions, not words, and this was something often proven in their relationship. Aiden, too, could feel his mother's feelings through the kiss, and he responded in the same way. This kiss was pure love without any lust or passion.

Almira looked at her son warmly and kindly. "My dear, you don't have to apologize to me. It's not like I'm really mad at you. Besides, in the future there will be people you will love differently than you love me and your sister, so I really don't care. All I ask is that you choose these people properly."

Aiden shook his head and said in some confusion, "But I really don't want anyone but you and my sister, Mama. I will always love you and her is enough for me."

Almira also looked at her son in a bit of bewilderment. She then showed a happy expression, "Thank you sweetie, that's really good to hear. But you don't understand what I mean because of your age and immature about feelings. Let's leave this conversation until it's time for you to explore the world."

"Okay, Mama," Aiden nodded. but inside, 'I really don't need anyone but you.' he thought.

Almira didn't rush the subject either and said, "Then, honey, let's talk about your gift." Said.

Aiden nodded excitedly, too, waiting for his mother to speak. Almira looked at her excited son and wanted to tease him more.

"I told you before your classes started. You can go out to explore the city outside. Now we're going to do this as your reward for doing a good job on the exam."

Aiden was just about to nodded his head in excitement when Almira attractively leaned her head closer to him as she smiled teasingly.

Almira In Aiden's ear, "Or you can spend some good time with me here as a reward." she said.

Then she quickly withdrew her head to look at her son's expression. And there was the facial expression she had been waiting for. Her sweet little baby with a flushed face also standing in amazement.

Aiden just stood there not knowing what to say. He wanted to go out even though he wanted to spend time with his mother.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, Almira started laughing, " Fufu ~ Of course we're going to the city baby. I'm just kidding."

Aiden didn't say anything and just stood there. Almira then approached her son's ear again, "Since this woman belongs to you anyway, you can play with her whenever you want." she said and kissed his cheek.

Aiden couldn't really get used to his mother's teased. She could be a seducing woman whenever she want to.

He was too embarrassed to say anything and buried herself in her mother's breasts again then he start sucking on his mother's milk.

Almira laughed at her son's shyness and patted the back of his head as he sucked her milk.

Almira was serious in her words, she already looking forward to her son's puberty and growth. She wasn't going to lose his son's first to anyone. Of course, if his son wanted it too.

She realized that she hadn't talked to his son about the city plan and that his sister come too, but for now she let his son enjoy her.

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