Vamp in incest world

Chapter 11: 14

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It's been a month since Aiden licked his mother and he was still taking lessons with Olivia.

The only thing that was different this month was the interruption of his training due to his sister being busy.

As usual, Aiden was brought to his room by his mother to study, and after kissing him and wishing him well, she go away.

Aiden came in and sat in his chair, lost in thought, thinking of his older sister. 'I wonder what you've been up to lately. I hope she doesn't burden herself too much with all this royal business.' While he was still lost in thought, the door opened and Aiden looked absently at the person who had arrived.

Then, seeing the person coming, he stood up and said, "Sadie Sis." he rushed to hug her.

Sadie hugged her younger brother, who was hugging her longingly, and felt sad inside. Her family was the most important thing to her.

But she would feel bad if she stopped caring for her own race like her mother just because of it. So she had been dealing with royal affairs for a while. So she wanted to surprise her brother today and instead of Olivia she wanted to be the one to teach his today's lesson.

Sadie pulls away from the hug and looks at her brother, "Aiden, I'm.. hmm." Sadie wanted to apologize to her brother, but her attempt was interrupted when her brother began kissing her passionately.

Sadie was surprised at first, but then she started to return her brother's kiss. After the both of them kissed passionately for a while, Aiden pulled back and gave his older sister a beautiful smile, "Sister, are you going to teach me today?" he asked.

Sadie gave up on her previous thought and giggled, looking at her little brother who was looking at her expectantly, and said, "Yes, I'll be your teacher in your class today, dear. So you're going to call me teacher, not sister, during class, okay, student?"

Aiden chuckled with his older sister, "Of course, teacher. This student got it." said.

He looked at his sister's clothes, saw that she had come in her regular pajamas, and then Aiden had an idea. He looked at your sister with some teasingly and said, "Teacher, it's not befitting a teacher to come dressed like this."

Sadie looked at her own clothes and then at her brother, who was looking at with a mocking face. She could say he was making fun of her and planning something on his mind, but for having missed his lessons with him first, she decided not to say anything and see what he had planned. "Then what do you want me to do?" she asked.

Aiden smiled at his older sister and "Come with me, I'll turn you into a beautiful looking teacher." he said, taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom.

After leaving Sadie in the room, he called some maids to bring them the clothes he wanted.

After Sadie stood alone in her room for a while, her door opened and her little brother walked in with happy smile.

Aiden looked at his older sister and said, "Sorry to keep you waiting, sister. Then let's undress you and we'll turn you into the best beatiful teacher." said.

Sadie blushed a little at her brother's words, then nodded and quickly undressed. After admiring her sister's beauty for a few seconds, Aiden handed her the clothes and helped her get dressed.

Aiden looked at his older sister and was surprised again at how beautiful she looked. She was a blooming beauty all on her own, even if she didn't have the mature aura of her mother.

Aiden then smiled and "This is what a beatiful teacher looks like." he said. Sadie's face was red from the clothes she was wearing right now and she couldn't say anything.

Sadie was now wearing a black high heel with black stockings under a tight black dress. She wore circular glasses in her eyes, and his reddish-crimson hair was pulled back.

Aiden chuckled when he saw him sister, but didn't say anything. He just got closer to her and started kissing her to calm her down.

Sadie also returned the kiss softly, and after a while she began to calm down. Feeling his sister relax, Aiden pulled away from her and pulled out his phone.

He turned to his older sister "Today will be the first day you teach me beside of my combat training, and I want to record this memory while you look so good. Is it okay, my beatiful teacher." said.

Sadie smiled and nodded to her brother. Although it was new to her to be spoiled like this, she didn't hate this feeling.

Aiden then set his phone to selfie mode and handed the phone to his sister as she hugged him from the waist. Sadie picked up the phone and snapped the picture as two alikes smiled into the phone.

Now Aiden was sitting on Sadie's lap, listening to his sister.

Sadie said, "Then honey, let's start our lesson today. Today I'm going to tell you about the characteristics of the vampire race."

" Vampires can live for a very long time regardless of core rank. Because of this, vampires can do things that are considered taboo for other races."

"Just because we are like that, it does not mean that we are savage beasts. In fact, vampires are very much tied to race hierarchy. And that's why our society is mostly in order. "

"As my mother told you earlier, most vampires are monogamous, but some vampires can be polygamous. So sweetheart, do you have anything to ask about our society?"

Sitting on his sister's lap, Aiden calmly listened to everything and began to think. 'Now I understand better why my mother did this to me. It's okay for her to do things like that with me, probably because she's lived for a very long time. I think she was a little serious when she was kidding when she said hubby. What about my sister?' plunged into thought.

Sadie let Aiden be in him thoughts and waited for his to speak. Then she saw that he was looking at her with concern, and she couldn't understand why he was looking at her like that.

Before she could even ask why, Aiden "Sister, will you be my wife too?" asked with concern and expectation.

Sadie could now understand why her little brother was worried. She chuckled "Will you take me as your wife?" she asked.

Aiden quickly nodded "Yes, I love big sister so I want you to be my wife too." said. Sadie smiled warmly "I love you too, honey. I'd be happy to be your wife." said.

Aiden smiled warmly, too, and moved closer to his older sister's neck. Sadie understood what he wanted to do and exposing her slender,pale neck.

Aiden then sank his teeth into his sister's neck and drank her blood. Meanwhile, Sadie moaned, "Hmm..." but then quickly fell silent, but her cheeks were blushed. Aiden found his sister's blood tasted like his mother's, but tasted bitter than his mother's.

After drinking for a while, he pulled back his teeth, licked the blood off his neck, and kissed the place where the two bite marks were although it will get better soon.

He stepped back and looked lovingly at her sister's beautiful face. Sadie looked back lovingly at him.

They then clung to each other's lips and shared a passionate kiss.

Almira looked at the love scene of her two babies from far away 'Fufu~ Hubby isn't even 3 years old yet but he already has two wives. I'm glad Sadie is starting to open up a little more. Now I have to think of something to play with her too. It's not good for her to be dealing with this royal business all the time.' she thought.




After kissing for a while, Sadie continued. "Okay honey, now I'm going to tell you about another perks that vampires have."

" This is the bloodline that only high-level vampires can have. Of course, we as royalty family have the highest and purest bloodline possible. But before we talk about bloodlines I willt tell you something else. "

"Wings. Yes, we have wings too, it will gets stronger with magic cores rank. Our wings stay inside our body since the day we are born, and someone else's help is needed to get them out of the body."

"Taking our wings out for the first time will put too much strain on the body. So it is necessary to wait until your body is ready."

"For you, honey. as long as you continue your training with me, we can awaken your wings at the age of 6-7." said.

Aiden was surprised that he had wings because he obviously couldn't feel wings inside his body, but he thought it had to do with his neural connections since he couldn't use them yet.

He even thought that waking up his wings with someone else's help must have something to do with awakening those nerves.

Aiden nodded to his older sister and waited for her to continue as he was obviously curious about the bloodline skill of his own bloodline.

Sadie looked at her younger brother, who was looking at her curiously, and chuckled. "First of all, I have to say honey, our bloodline traits are something we can activate after awaking our magic core. So now let me show you the Crimson family bloodline skill. Look carefully into my eyes, honey." said.

Aiden nodded and looked curiously at his older sister. To him surprise, Sadie closed her eyes and activated the bloodline skill.

Meanwhile, while Almira was sitting on the balcony drinking her tea, she realized this because she had her own bloodline and looked at them curiously from afar. ' Hmmm I guess Sadie just wants to show off her little brother a bit. Anyway, it doesn't matter if he found out now or later. Sigh, I wish I could be with them too. It's so boring being here away from my babies.' she thought and continued to drink her tea.

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Aiden looked into his sister's eyes with curiosity and waited for her to open them.

When Sadie opened her eyes, the magical entrance he had been waiting for did not appear, but he was still surprised to see her eyes.

The silver eye that normally was in all of them was now made up of rainbow colors. Sadie looked at her brother's confused face and smiled. "I'd like to tell you what these eyes are for, but I'll leave the floor to someone else. Mom, will you come?" she said.

Almira was surprised when her daughter called her but happily accepted the offer anyway and teleported into the room.

Sadie looked at her mother "You want to explanation our little baby, Mom? After all, this bloodline comes directly from you, and you keep promise you give to me so consider it a reward for never interfering in Aiden's classes." said.

Almira smiled at her daughter's words and looked at her son, who was still looking curiously.

Then she too activated the skills in her eyes and looked at his son in surprise, but immediately returned to her normal self and smiled.

Again, Aiden was surprised to see his mother's eyes because the rainbow colors were clearer than his sister's, and he was fealing a mystical aura compared to his sister.

Almira happily looked at her surprised son again. She could see that she was admired by his son, even before her self-created bloodline revealed the skills.

Then she pulled Aiden into her lap and began to explain.

"Honey, our bloodline doesn't have a specific name, but we just named it rainbow eyes because of its looks."

"As for what it does, these eyes are potentially the highest level identification spell."

"For example, since I know everything in this world for me, I can learn everything about the person in front of me by using these eyes."

"For example, them race, core level, potential strength level, mana, stamina, name if I learned them name. So you see, baby, thanks to these eyes, you can learn a lot of information about the person in front of you even if you see them for the first time. Cool, right?"

Aiden listened to his mother and nodded in surprise. This was one of the most powerful abilities you can think of, even if it didn't directly contribute to the battle, it could help you plan.

But then something occurred to him and he looked at his mother. "Mama, you said that when we learn someone's name, we can see that person's name when we look at that person. But what if that person has disguised or cast a disguise spell?" he asked.

Almira smiled at the clever idea her son was thinking and said, "That changes baby. First of all, it doesn't matter to me if I know that person, I still know them no matter what."

"Let's think about it for you. It depends on who you use rainbow eyes until your core level is very high. If you know them very well, so as I said before, if you know a lot about them, you can see them name again as long as them core rank isn't Cyan."

"If you know just them name but didn't know anything about them self you can't reveal a concealment spell cast with a higher rank above yours."

Aiden nodded and agreed that this ability was indeed powerful.

He looked at his mother and said, "What about Mama and Sadie sister's eye colors, they look different like this, even though they have the same eye color?"

Almira calmly said, "There are two reasons, baby, one is the core level and the other is because of her knowledge."

"Sadie's rainbow eyes are higher in rank than her own core level. This is because 'world knowledge' is required for the core level, while rainbow eyes' rank increases from 'general knowledge'." she said, and Sadie nooded her head from the side.

Aiden nodded in understanding. Then, "When will I wake up my own rainbow eyes, Mama?" he asked.

Almira looked at her son, who was looking at her expectantly, and said, smiling happily, "Of course, after you awake the magic core. You'll awake the rainbow eyes with my help, baby."

Aiden now calms down and nooded his head. Seeing this, Sadie looked at her mother and said, "Thanks for the explanations, mom, you can go now. We can continue the lesson with my younger brother." said.

Almira looked at her daughter and pouted . She then kissed her daughter on the lips and said, "Thank you, honey." she whispered. She turned to Aiden and kissed his head, "See you after class, honey." Then she teleported to her balcony.

Sadie recovered from her surprise after her mother's thanks, she turned to Aiden "Is there anything you want to ask me about what you learned, dear?" she asked. Aiden shook his head, "Not for now, thank you sister." said.

Sadie "Well, let me tell you something else. It's unimportant to us, but it's the bottom line of the vampire species."

"We can go out when the sun is out, or we can't be too harmed by the divine magic, which is the top rank of the light magic used by the angels, and we can control our emotions, and we can't be too reckless. But ordinary vampires when they step out into the sunlight it can hurt them, the divine light can overdamaged them, and they may become emotionally unstable. Of course this effect will mean-less as they rank up their magic core" said

Aiden nodded to show he understood.

After a few more hours of class, Sadie, "Enough for today, honey, let's go to your room." said, and her took Aiden in her arms and started to go to their rooms.

Meanwhile, Aiden glanced at the tight black dress his sister still wore. Then he reached out and reached one of her breasts and started playing with it.

After playing for a while, he got tired because the todays class and rested his head on her breasts and began to rest. Sadie looked at her brother and kept walking.

When they finally reached the room, Almira looked at her daughter and her napping son.

Then she immediately take them clothes become them naked and they lay on the bed.

While still drowsy, Aiden sucked his mother's blood to get his daily food. Afterwards, "Mama, you should wear tight dresses like my sister wore, I'm sure it will suit you very well." he fell asleep while muttering.

Almira smiled at her son's words and looked at her daughter, "Did you have fun teaching today, honey?" she asked.

Sadie nodded, "Hmm , it's fun spending time with my brother." said.

Almira smirking teasingly, "My brother? Not my husband." she laughed.

Sadie blushed at her mother's sarcasm and, without saying a word, buried her face in her mother's neck. Almira laughed at her daughter's actions "Isn't it strange that we love the same man after living all these years?" she asked.

Sadie still blushes, "I love you and my brother the same, Mom. So I really don't care if we're wifes to the same man. I can be your wife, too, if you want." she whispered.

After hearing her daughter's words, Almira's expression turned into a warm smile and she lifted her head so that her daughter's eyes could look into her own.

After making eye contact, "Same for me baby, I love you both on the same level. And you don't have to worry about other things, we are family and there is no higher level of love than family love, honey. So I'm sure we will love each other forever." said.

Sadie nodded and started kissing her mother deeply. Almira also returned the kiss.

Meanwhile, she was feeling happy inside, because her daughter was slowly starting to open up, thanks to her son.

She was glad that her works with her daughter had finally gone a little further. She would be happy regardless of her relationship with her babies, but when she was like this, she felt close to them. Almira wanted to try something new.

Sadie opened her eyes in surprise when she felt something soft on her lips. She saw her mother looking warmly at her, then realized that what she was feeling on her lips was her mother's tongue, she slowly opened her lips and closed her eyes back.

Almira was happy at her daughter's answer and immediately stuck her tongue in her mouth. After a few minutes of exploring the inside of her daughter's mouth, she found the tongue of her daughter, who is still an amateur at kissing, and began to wrap her with her own tongue.

Because Sadie had no clue about these matters, she left it to her mother and let her dominate her tongue.

After a few more minutes of passionate kissing, they parted their lips with a bridge of saliva.

Sadie looked away , embarrassed to look into her mother's eyes as she flushed and slowly faded.

After receiving this passionate kiss after a long time, Almira laughed at her daughter's reaction and stroked the back of her head, bringing her head close to her shoulder. "Good night, sweetheart." said.

And Sadie whispered, "Good night, Mom." said. Then they both happily fell asleep.

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