Vamp in incest world

Chapter 8: 8

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I woke up feeling my mother's warmth again. I started looking for my mom's nipple and while still sleepy I found the nipple and started sucking for milk.

I savored the milk for a while and looked at my mother, who was looking kindly at me. "Good morning Mama." I kissed her on the lips.

After the kiss, my mom looked at me and said, "Good morning baby.". Then I moved to the other nipple, which I did not taste, and I began to suck it. At this time, my mother began to speak. "Honey, you're going to start eating solid food from today." she said.

I stopped sucking my mom and started thinking about what she was say. Now that I'm growing up, it makes sense for me to start eating something, but still...

I looked at my mother with a slightly sad face and "But I don't want to stop drinking my mother's delicious milk." I said.

And my mom looked at me with an amused and kind smile and said, "Don't worry baby, no matter how old you are, your Mama will never get tired of breastfeeding you. So you can drink as much as you want whenever you want."

When I heard this, I was really happy and immediately started kissing her lips passionately. My mother also seemed happy that I had made this decision, because she returned my kiss with the same passion.

After we cut the kiss, I went back to enjoying my mom's delicious milk.

My mom started put out clothes for me and for herself. I wore a simple and stylish white t-shirt and a black tracksuit. She also wore a long blue dress with a plunging neckline.

My mom looked at me and posed beautifully, "How did I look baby?" she asked. "You look beautiful as always, Mama." I said.

My mom looked like she was happy with my words, then she bent down to kiss me and said, "You look very handsome too."

Now in my mother's arms we are on our way to the dining hall. While I was in her arms, I started playing with her two beautiful breasts from her lownecked.

My mom just looked at me with a smile and kept walking. I played with my mother all the way to the dining hall.

Finally, we came to a large hall with a medium-sized table. I guess this is just a place for us to eat.

My mother sat on a chair and took me in her arms. Afterwards, a few maids came and quickly placed the dishes on the table and left the table quietly.

I enjoyed the food for a while and was surprised when I tasted garlic, then looked at my mother and "Mama, can we eat garlic?" I asked.

Because I can remember vampires hating garlic in my own previous world. My mom looked at me and said, "Honey, we can eat garlic, but it tastes like shit to us. So you can't ask Mama to feed you garlic specifically for you. But there's a herb that's specifically for us vampires. Even if it's not garlic, it tastes just like garlic and we can consume it instead of garlic." she explained calmly.

After eating all the food, my mom looked at me and said, "Honey, now that you've started physical training, you're going to start drinking blood to additionally increase your strength." I nodded in understanding.

After all, I'm a vampire and I'm more curious about the fact that I haven't drank blood until now.

Then I got up on my mother's lap and approached my mother. My mom looked at me and said with a confused face, "Baby what ar.... Hmmmm!" Before she could finish her sentence, I sank my teeth into her pale neck and started drinking her blood.

Wow, I though there's nothing sweeter than my mother's milk, but the hell, this blood also tastes good. When you taste that blood, the iron that comes out has no taste.

It has a quality wine taste, I can feel drunk just from drinking it. Then I noticed the sound my mom made when I started drinking it. I didn't think much of it at first, but frankly, I'm sure she's moaning.

Then I looked at my mother and was surprised by what I saw. My mother had awakened, her lust clearly visible on her face, her cheeks a little red and she was breathing heavily.

I really didn't think drinking her blood would warn her like that. Anyway I have to act like a baby so I stopped sucking her blood and looked at my mom with a slightly panicked face and "Mama are you okay?" I asked.

My mother immediately broke away from the lust that appeared on her face and showed me a gentle and warm smile, "I'm fine honey, don't worry." said.

I too showed a relieved expression on my face and then looked at my mother's breasts. Especially to the nipple that has become as hard as a stone and has become upright.

While still looking at them, "Mama they look so beautiful." I said. Then I bent down and pulled my mother's pearly nipples out of her dress and started sucking.

Almira looked at her son and thought about what her son had done with a playful smile on her face. After letting her son enjoy himself for a moment, "Son, do you know what you just did?" she asked.

Aiden looked at his mother in confusion. Seeing this Almira explain "It's considered sacred for a vampire to suck blood from another's neck. Only spouses do that, honey."

Aiden showed a surprised expression and nodded slowly to show his understanding. Almira laughed, showing a wryly smile on her face, "Now that you've suck blood from my neck, how will you take responsibility for this? Will you be this old woman's husband? Fufu~".

Aiden looked at his mother and said, "Then I will be my mother's husband." Almira looked at her son, "Fufu~ thanks baby I'd be happy to be your wife too." she said and started kissing him passionately.

This kiss had the same passion as them usual kisses. Nothing was more important to the vampires than the family in the relationship, and even if they had talked about this husband and wife relationship, it wouldn't have changed what had already happened.

After the kiss, Aiden looked at his mother and said, "I love you Mama." Almira also looked at her son, who was looking lovingly at her, and with the same look, "I love you too, honey." said.

Almira then again exposing her neck a little, "Now completely finish your meal." she with gentally said. Aiden immediately began to drink his mother's blood, and after a few seconds he fell asleep and fell asleep on his mother's neck.

Almira looked at her sleeping son and said, 'Fufu~ I have a husband now.' She then carried him to the bed and fell asleep with him.

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Today it has been 6 months since I became my mother's husband. I did my regular training every day, teased my sister and drank my mother's blood. I can feel myself getting stronger thanks to my mother's blood and my training.

After the first day I drank my mother's blood, I asked her to explain again what she said that day.

As I understand it, for vampires, sucking blood from the neck is considered sacred. They can only do this if a couple has decided to be together for life. This custom was also valid for someone who is a vampire and whose spouse is not a vampire. If one of the spouses allows a non-partner to suck blood from the neck, this is considered the worst form of cheating and either that person kills oneself or partner kills.

When I learned from my mother that this was a very serious situation, I apologized to her, but my mother gave me a kind smile and said, "Honey, even if vampires have such a custom, I really don't care. You can suck blood anywhere on my body. Besides, I don't mind being your wife, Fufu ~" I was happy when she said that and if she doesn't have a problem, I don't either, so I didn't think about it again.

I haven't asked my sister, yet but one day I have to ask her too. I always get very sleepy after drinking my mother's blood so I asked my mother about it, she said that the power from her blood was too much, so I was tired.

Anyway, back to the present day, Now we both standing naked and I am in my mother's lap, enjoying my daily milk. After I drank for a while, my mother began to speak. "Baby today we will begin your royal lesson training, your training in learning more about the world, your lessons in races on earth.

"Someone else will teach you this lessons. Sometimes your sister will come to teach you, but not very often as she is busy with royal business. I would like to teach you too, but your sister forbade me from teaching you because she wanted you to interact with other people.

"By the way, one day between these lessons, we will go to the city outside the castle. Any questions baby?" I listened calmly to my mother, and when she finished, I nodded and said, "No, Mama, I have no question.".

Then my mom stood up and said, "Let's make you a handsome student."

Then she found a black shirt on top of a white t-shirt and a black trousers for me to wear. She looked at me and said, "Hmm, that's what a handsome student looks like."

I looked at my mom and said, "Thank you."

Then, when we were leaving my mother's room, something came to my mind and I said to my mother, "Mama, can you call Sadie sis?" I asked. My mother looked at me with some curiosity, but when she called my sister on the phone to ask come the room, she decided not to ask anything.

After waiting for my sister to come, I looked at the beautiful figures of my mother and my sister and said, "Can you wear a white dress for mama and a purple dress for sister Sadie ?"

They looked at me curiously but didn't say anything and immediately went to change. After they changed, I took us all to an empty space, set up a camera, and went back to them.

Mom and sister after looking at me happily, they looked at the camera and wait for it to take the picture. After the picture was taken, I grabbed the camera and showed the photograph to my mom and sister

-One of them in the photo was a woman who looked in her mid-30s, a woman with blood-red hair, pointy ears, silvery eyes, blood-red plump lips, pale complexion that would put even beauty goddesses to shame, she wears a white dress that reveals her huge breasts and plump hips she looks like an angel who has come to mortal dimensions and punish the sinful ones to dead

Next to her is a woman in her mid-20s who looks like the younger version of the other woman, also wears a purple dress that brings out her beautiful breasts and plump hips, Even though she exudes a pure and gentle air, she can't hide the aggressive aura inside.

Both of them have a boy in front of them who looks like the younger male version of both ladies. He stands proudly in front of 2 beautiful women with the energy of a newborn-

"Today will be the first day I will start my education, so I wanted to immortalize the memory of this day with my family." I said.

They looked at me in a kind and emotional way. Then they took turns kissing me on the lips. My mom looked at me and said, " Fufu~ don't worry honey, we'll make good memories in the future too."

My sister said, "Yes dear, we should have many good memories in the future."

I smiled at both of them and then Mom took me in her arms and we started to go to the room where I was going to study.

Almira thought of her son's sweet act today and chuckled inside. She then looked at the son she was carrying in her hand and felt the urge to mock him. "Ahem, Honey." she called to her son.

Aiden looked at his mother and wondered what to say. Almira looked at her son and teasingly said, "What you just did was really cute, Hubby~"

Aiden blushed at his mother's words, and then without saying a word, he buried his head in the chest opening of his mother's white dress, pulled out a nipple, biting hard on it and sucking on it.

Almira looked amused at her son's own shyness and thought, 'Fufu~, my son is also very cute when he's embarrassed'. After laughing a little, she gently patted the back of her son's head, didn't say anything when she felt him calm down, and continued walking to the room.

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