Vamp in incest world

Chapter 9: 10

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Finally, we reached the place where I will study. After my mother kissed me, she left me and I said goodbye to my mother and entered the room.

In the room, there is a student desk, a teacher's desk, and a projection whiteboard. I sat at my desk and waited for my teacher to arrive.

It didn't occur to me to ask my mom either, but I'm wondering who's going to teach me.


A few days ago

On the territory of the Crimson family, where the queen of vampires lives. A certain area of this land is reserved for the witch working under the family.

Inside this area, a 1.68cm tall witch with blue and pink eyes was listening to the news from other witches while sipping tea.

After a while, her phone rang and after looking at the call, she cut off her communication with the others and answered the call by saying " Yes, princess".

The one across from Sadie. "Hi Olivia, I have a little job for you." said. "I'm listening princess." Olivia replied.

Sadie " I want you to lecture Aiden. I want you to teach him royal manners, customs, general knowledge of the world and race, and things like world power levels like magic cores."

"There is one more thing, I have already forbidden to my mother, but if my mother wants to watch the lesson or teach the lesson instead of you, don't let her."

"Sometimes I will lecture instead of you, but you must not let my mother. Plus, don't be gentle with Aiden, make sure he understands the lessons no matter what." she said.

Olivia listened quietly and said in a neutral voice, "I got it princess. I will train the prince very well."

"Thanks Olivia, have a good day." Sadie said.

Olivia said, "You don't have to thank me, princess. I wish you a good day too." They ended the conversation.

I leaned back in the seat and sighed in relief.

Dealing with the royal family is really exhausting. After clearing my mind, I thought about what I could do for lecture.

The princess was very serious about this matter, no matter what, I have to teach the prince well.

Although the princess is always serious when it comes to education. The prince has already started his training even at this age, so I don't think I'll have any trouble teaching him.

Hmm, then I have to work on what I can teach him.


Olivia was now standing in front of the room where she was going to teach Aiden. She took a deep breath and went inside.

Aiden looked at Olivia as she entered and thought, 'I thought it would be her'. Olivia looked at Aiden and said, "Good morning, Prince."

Aiden looked at Olivia and said, "Good morning,Miss Olivia. "

Olivia sat down at her desk and said in a calm and neutral voice, "You don't need to call me so kindly, Prince. As you know today we will start your lessons and I will be your teacher. Do you have any problems with that, prince?".

"Yes, I actually have a problem," Aiden said after listening to her. Olivia was a little surprised to hear that, but kept her face neutral and said, "Tell me prince, let's solve the problem right away. "

Aiden later said, "From today, you're going to teach me for a long time, and I don't want you to call me prince all the time. So please call me Aiden."

Olivia couldn't hide her surprise after listening to him and said, "But prince, I really can't do this, that would be disrespectful to you and your status."

Aiden said "This is no disrespect to me nor my family, right now you're a teacher and I'm just a regular student. Please I don't want you to call me prince all the time, okay teacher?".

Olivia wanted to refuse again, but seeing Aiden's determined and soft expression, she realized that she couldn't convince him and. "Then let it be as you say, Aiden, " she said.

Aiden looked at her and said with a happy and excited expression, "Thank you, Ms. Olivia, for accepting my selfish request and teaching me. So let's get started now teacher, I'm really excited for the class."

Olivia looks neutral right now but she actually felt happy inside. She really liked the way Aiden was treating her kindly and politely.

She was normally a maid of this family, and any request from the Crimson family was like an order to her.

She was sure Aiden was aware of this too, but by treating her this way -as if she were just a regular teacher- he ignored the status of her and demanded that he treat her casually.

This made Olivia really happy and made her thoughts better towards Aiden.

Olivia said in a neutral voice, "Then we'll start with the royal family lesson first."

"Aiden, since you are a prince, I will teach you about royal manners, how to talk to other nobles, and what to deal with in the future."

" I will teach on other subjects, but we won't be learning about them today, so I'm not talking about them."

"Okay, teacher ," Aiden said immediately.

After a few houe

Olivia "Okay Today's lesson ends here, I know these topics are boring, but you need to work on them so that you don't embarrass your family in the future, Aiden."

"And don't worry, we'll work on another topic tomorrow so you don't get bored. Then I ask my permission now." in a neutral and calm voice.

Although she said it that way, even this is the first day she had really enjoyed teaching Aiden, and already in her boring life, she was looking forward to teaching him again tomorrow.

Aiden looked at his teacher -without knowing her thoughts- and said with a smile," Thank you for today's lesson teacher. I look forward to tomorrow."

Olivia nodded, walked out the room a bit, then teleported back to her room. Even though she knew the prince wouldn't think so, she thought it would be disrespectful to teleport in front of him, so she acted that way.

Aiden could only slightly guess what Olivia was thinking, but he was genuinely happy that she had already called him by his name and didn't want to go too far now.

Aiden also left the room and closed the door.

Before he could take another step, he felt two soft warmth behind him. Then two pairs of pale, slender arms wrapped around him from behind.

Then, in a gentle voice in his ears, "I missed you baby." heard her words. Aiden smiled at his mother's words and turned to face his mother and kissed her on the lips.

This kiss was longer than the usual greeting kiss. This was the first time they had been away from each other for this long, and it seemed like she missed hers little son, even if it was as short as a few hours.

After breaking the kiss, Aiden caressed one of his mother's cheeks and smiled at her, "I missed you too. Let's go to our room and I'll tell you what I learned today, okay?" he asked.

Almira was happy to feel how her son's hand was caressing her face as if it was the most precious thing in the world, and after hearing her son's words, she took him in her arms and teleported to their room.

Almira listened with a happy expression on her face as her son happily explained how the lesson went until he fell asleep from exhaustion.

Finally, when her son was asleep, she looked into his face and 'I think it was the right decision to let someone else teach him. I already know that Olivia wouldn't do anything bad to him. Not to mention that I always watch them. Even if there are things I already know, I don't get bored listening to my baby over and over again. I can't wait for you to grow up, hubby. Fufu~" she thought. Then she slept happily next to his son.

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The next day, my mother carried me to the place where I was going to learn lessons again, wishing me good lessons and kissing me, then she left me.

So I went inside and waited for Olivia to arrive as I waited eagerly for what I would learn today.

After a while, the door opened and my beautiful witch teacher with blue and pink eyes walked in.

"Good morning, Miss Olivia," I said, standing up. "Good morning, Aiden," Olivia said, nodded her head.

Then, after the teacher sat down at his desk, she looked at me and said, "Today I am going to teach the power system in this world, namely the magic cores. But I'm not going to teach you any spells, it's unnecessary for you right now."

"Then I'll talk about the most powerful people in the world in general." I nodded and excitedly waited for my teacher to continue.

I was looking forward to today I have an idea about the magic core from the books but after all it is better to learn from someone with experience.

And I will finally be able to find out who the most powerful people in the world are. I'm sure my mother is among these people, and I can guess that there are many more.

Olivia looked at her younger student, who was eagerly waiting for her to continue, and nodded, preparing to explain.

First, she opened the projection that provided the image to the whiteboard, and on the screen, spheres of 9 different colors appeared on the screen: Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan , Blue, Purple, Silver. The order of the orbs was from Black to Silver.

Olivia looked at the whiteboard and after confirming that everything was seems okay, she turned to Aiden and began to explain.

"As you can see, there are 9 core stages and each stage is divided into 4 stages in itself. These are initial, mid, final and peak stages."

"As you progress through each mini-stage, you continue to refine impurities and make your core stronger. These indicate what core rank an individual can potentially reach in the future."

"Ordinary people can reach the Green core without much trouble, but reaching the Cyan core is not possible for everyone."

"Blue core is more difficult, but anyone who has reached the Blue core can reach the Silver core with enough time because it has nothing to do with its potential anymore."

"The magic core is located between the two chests near the heart. It is invisible from the outside of the body, and even if someone aims and hits it, the core is too strong to break easily."

"Apart from these, blood lineage also affects this potential, but since you are a direct descendant of the queen, these conditions are not a problem for you."

"Of course, these potentials can be remedied with various high-value treasures, or you can quickly increase core levels with various items."

"The first thing I said is unnecessary for you and I don't think you will use the second option, so I won't mention them. "

"After the peak stage is over, you move to a higher core stage. When you have a Cyan core, you are considered semi-immortal, and when you have a Blue core, you are considered immortal."

"Of course, that doesn't mean you're completely immortal, it just means you won't die of old age."

"The difference in power between the cores is most felt in these two cores, because the mana level and quality of someone with a blue core cannot even be compared to someone with a Cyan core."

"Apart from these cores, there is a Rank 10 core, the White Core, but this is the legendary core level that has been owned by less on the finger of one hand so far. So I won't mention it."

"Is there anything about magic core that you don't understand or wonder about something?" she finished by asking.

Aiden thought about what she had explained for a few seconds, confirming that he had no problems.

That's why he decided to ask something else because there were things he was curious about. "What I'm wondering is how old is a person able to awaken their core and what needs to be done to progress through core stages?" he asked.

Olivia was already waiting for Aiden to ask this, even if he didn't, she would mention it when she continued on her own explation.

Olivia looked at Aiden and said, "For the first question, Aiden, you have 10 more years. When a person enters puberty, they can achieve core awakening."

" If a normal person awakens, they can awaken the core by meditating at any time after puberty. But it is better to seek help from the environment if someone has potential like you when awaken the core."

"As with the Princess, Her Majesty will take appropriate action when your time of awakening comes."

"For the second question. Regardless of his potential to progress through the stages, it depends on them speed of understanding the world and collecting mana in them own body."

"So even if your body can absorb mana very quickly or collect it by external methods, if your understanding of the world is slow, it will be very slow for you to move from the black core to the red core."

"There are abilities that we call Unique skills. And the Unique skills which don't follow the rules of this world. It can be there one that no one knows is Unique skills that can increase the speed of growing your magic core stage."

Aiden nodded in understanding and thought, 'I really have to wait until I'm 13.'

Then audibly "Ha Unique skills ." he thought. Olivia looked at Aiden's bewildered mutter and laughed inside but kept a straight neutral face outside.

Olivia "Yes, Unique Skills have you ever heard of them before Aiden?" she asked. Aiden shook his head and said, "No, teacher, I've never heard of them before."

Olivia nodded and said, "Then let me explain you a little about them. By the way The Unique skills is not a secret information, just a very unknown information, keep this in mind."

"As I said, Unique skills are not something that works with the laws of the world. What I'm trying to say by this is that we use mana and use time while casting a spell, right?"

"For example, with a Unique skills that makes someone cast a fireball, this person does not use mana from his body while throwing the fireball and does not deal with chant duration."

"If he only wants the skill to occur, the skills will also be realized. Let me tell you without getting excited and thinking wrong, of course it uses somehing, if you ask what they use, this is something I call mind power."

"If he uses his Uniques skill too many without stopping, it will put too much mental strain on him. There is no definite information about how to get the Unique skills."

"But if someone has it, there is a way how to get it from them. By killing them completely. You know that thanks to our magic cores, our soul and core become one."

"Thanks to this, if you make an additional 'protection core' you will respawn there when you die, or with very high level resurrection spells you can resurrect."

"What I'm talking about by killing them completely is that when you kill that person, them should really die and in no way get rid of it."

"That's how it is you can get Unique skills from that person. Is there any questions?", waiting for Aiden to process this new information.

Aiden listened silently to the teacher's words and began to think, 'When I heard there were named something Unique skills, I thought it was something special to reincarnated people like me. The reverse has not been proven because with this much knowledge I cannot prove or deny this.'

'Then I have to ask my mom, she definitely knows more. If reincarnated people had it, wouldn't I have it too? But maybe it's because I haven't awakened my magic core yet or because I'm only 3 years old.'

'After all, I'm not sure a 3-year-old can handle the Mind power thing. Hmı hmı, it seems like I have to ask my mom after all.'

'And damn it's really hard to die here. I've heard this before, but it's really hard to die in this world.'

After a few more minutes of contemplation, Aiden nodded and smiled, "Thank you teacher, for explaning this information with me." said.

Olivia looked at her smiling student and "You don't need to thank me, I'm just doing my job." said. Meanwhile, she thought, 'What a kind person the prince, to teach him it's really a pleasure.' she thought.

Aiden looked at his teacher, just nodded with a smile, 'A little tsundere? I'm sure she's happy inside, even if she doesn't show it on the outside.' he thought.

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