Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 155: 155 Torturing Liam (1) [R-18]

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[Warning: Gore content. Readers discretion advised. You can skip this and the next two chapters, no problems.]

Inside a sparsely lit, spacious brick walled room with an arched ceiling, space fluctuated and three figures walked out of thin air.

One was a beautiful lady in purple robes and pointy hat, another was a teen in black and white uniform on which the only colourful thing was a blue tie and a cyan armband.

The third figure was held by his collar by the figure in uniform. His clothes were in tatters, but his body was clean and seemed healthy. His eyes were closed as he was unconscious.

The three figures were Hecate, Lith and Liam respectively, who just arrived in the sparsely lit torture room.

Lith looked around and found various equipments and tools he could use to torture. He walked towards a chair and threw Liam onto it.

Hecate walked close to Lith and said to him calmly, you can torture this person however you wish. This room is equipped with high grade healing and resurrection spells. No matter what things you do, this person wont die.

Also, mental state wont degrade to the point of him breaking completely and he wont get unconscious, no matter what you do. Once youre done, please let me know and Ill come back to pick your highness up.

Lith nodded in acknowledgement of her words but did not respond. His attention was currently focused on Liam, and nothing else was more important to him than torturing him.

Hecate left after finding Liths lack of response. She felt a little disappointed to find that Liths behaviour had changed slightly today, but it wasnt her business to pry into his life and thus she didnt ask him about it. As Hecate left the room, Lith walked closer to Liam and,


Liam jolted awake from his unconscious state due to Liths slap on his face. He focused his eyes by blinking repeatedly and then looked around and at Lith.

He felt shocked looking at the hellish place he was in. He saw many pieces of equipment, among which were a guillotine, a bed made of nails, a slide that had holes like a vegetable grater instead of a smooth surface, a cross and also many tools such as pliers, hammer, an axe, sword, saw and various others.

He felt shocked to his core looking at these equipment and tools. He jumped up from his chair and said, turning to Lith,

Where the fuck did you bring me?

Lith approached him and knocked him on the shoulder, forcing him to sit back in his chair. He held his hair and turned his face up to meet his own eye level, glared at him with a murderous glint in his red eyes, and said,

Dont move unless ordered to, fool.

Liam felt a chill down his spine looking at Liths murderous eyes. However, he didnt back away and yelled at Liths face,




Lith pinched Liams throat and crushed his vocal cords, windpipe and food pipe, creating a pop sound.

Liam felt severe pain and struggled violently. His eyes rolled back due to the pain he felt. However, he didnt fall unconscious, nor did his mind break. He was fully conscious and well aware of what was happening to him.

He would not have felt pain if he had become unconscious, but now that he was awake, the pain he was experiencing was a hundred times worse than anything he had ever experienced before. His injury was instantly healed, and everything returned to normal.

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Liams pain was gone, and he looked at Lith fearfully. He was terrified right now, however he still looked Lith in the eyes and said stuttering,

I-I a-am the heir of an E-E-Emperor rank f-fa-family. Y-you c-cant d-do this to m-me.

Hmm? I cant? Lith looked Liam dead serious in the eyes and said.

N-no. Liam repeated.

Lith walked closer to Liam and simultaneously willed the surrounding elements. Two talismans flew from a table across the room and landed on his hands. He placed the one talisman on one hand each of Liam and locked him in his place.

Lith willed the elements again and a vegetable peeler flew and landed on his hand. He put his foot onto Liams legs and bent down towards one of his arms and ripped his sleeves off.

He held Liams jaw with one of his hand tightly and had him look at his face and said,

Watch me.

Saying so, he turned his head towards the arm, which had its sleeves ripped off. With his hand which was holding the peeler, Lith brought it close to Liams forearm and ran the peeler across it.


Liam screamed in pain as his skin got peeled. The pain was unbearable to him.

Lith smiled widely, hearing Liams scream. He didnt stop and continued to peel Liams skin off, little by little.



Within seconds, Liams entire arm became a bloody mess and there was not an ounce of skin left on it. Not just his arm, his palm and fingers werent spared either. Lith had crudely removed them with no care for Liam.

However, a few seconds later, his hands, which had no trace of skin and only his muscles were visible, were starting to recover due to the effect from the spells present.

The pain Liam felt was so high, he wanted nothing but to kill himself quickly. However, he couldnt. He wanted to fall unconscious, but he couldnt. He wanted to get numb to this, but he couldnt.

P-please. Please s-st-stop. Tears dripped down from Liams eyes as he begged Lith to stop this.

Stop? It has only just begun. Lith said, smiling widely.

N-no, pl-please. Please, please, stop. I can *sniff* I can give you anything *sniff* *sniff* y-you w-want. Liam begged again.

Do you think I am in need of anything? Lith asked calmly this time to him.

Li no I mean, Lord L-Lith, p-please, spare me. Please be m-magnanimous and s-spare me. Liams ego broke completely this time as he begged for mercy.

Spare you? Lith asked and paused. He put on a pondering expression, as if thinking of something, and a second later, he smiled and said to Liam, I can

but, there is a condition.

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