Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 156: 156 Torturing Liam (2) [R-18]

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[Warning: Gore content. Readers discretion is advised. You can skip this and the next chapter if you want. No problem.]

but, there is a condition.

What condition? Tell me. Tell me quickly, please. I will fulfill any conditions you ask. Liams high and mighty attitude completely broke down as he impatiently asked.

Lith put a wicked smile as Liam asked this and said, if you dont make any noise and bear the pain for the next 5 minutes, Ill spare you.

Liam nodded hurriedly in agreement and didnt bother to question Lith or find any loopholes in this condition. He only wanted to be free, and now that he had seen some hope, he tried to cling to it.

Liths wicked smile turned even bigger as he saw Liam agreeing. He walked over to a table and picked up a burner, a large wok, and a big jar of oil. He came back to where Liam was sitting and put the wok on the burner and poured the oil in it.

The burner had very mighty flames, and it didnt even take a few seconds for around 10 liters of oil to boil.

Liam looked fearfully at the hot oil. What is he gonna do? Liam turned to Lith and thought while gulping hard.

Lith didnt say much. He took Liams hand close to the wok and said looking at him,


Liam gulped again. He didnt want to imagine how much he would suffer now, but he would go to any lengths to be freed from this hellish place. He hesitantly nodded his head in agreement.

Good. Your time starts now.


Lith dipped Liams hand into the boiling oil, and it sizzled. Liam clenched his teeth and kept his mouth shut. He did, however, make a painful suppressed noise. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and his mind was on the verge of collapsing, but it didnt.

Liam was out on the edge with this one move from Lith and not even 10 seconds had passed.

Lith smiled once again, looking at the suffering face of Liam. With his free hand, he willed the elements around and a ladle came flying in his hand. Liths one hand was now holding Liams hand in the oil, which was being fried, while the other held a ladle.

Due to the frying, oil sizzled and due to the water content present in cells of Liams hands, the oil was popping and was also getting sprayed onto Liths hand. Lith, however, had a very high pain tolerance and such small drops of hot oil on his hand didnt matter to him.

Whatever torture was currently happening with Liam, had it happened to him, he wouldnt have made a single noise. He was trained very well by his sister in this aspect.

Lith scooped a ladleful of hot oil and first looked at Liam and noticing that he had his eyes closed and tears were dropping down his face, he smiled again.

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Lith moved the ladle close to his body and poured it down onto his chest.


OOOFFFNNGHHHH Liams eyes opened wide, but he didnt open his mouth to scream. Instead, he made a painful suppressed noise once again.

Though it was suppressed, it was still louder than how one talked normally. But he didnt scream. His skin was getting fried as the sizzling hot oil started flowing down from his chest and towards his lower region.

Just as it was about to reach down to his penis, Lith willed the elements around and made the sizzling hot oil flow back to the wok.

Lith then scooped another ladleful of oil and brought it just above Liams dick. He looked at Liam to check whether he was looking or not and finding that he indeed was looking at the ladle fearfully, Liths red eyes shone brightly.

He oscillated the ladle above Liams dick and Liams eyes were fixed on the ladle and moved accordingly to wherever the ladle oscillated.

Liam felt goosebumps all over his body while looking at the ladle. The painful sensation from his one hand, which was currently in hot oil, suddenly felt nothing to him as he got distracted by the ladle in front of him.

Lith oscillated the ladle a few more times and suddenly poured the hot oil in the middle of one such oscillation directly onto Liams dick.


Liams mouth was shut as he made another loud, painful suppressed noise. The noise this time was way louder than any of his previous suppressed noises as he hummed on top of his lungs.

His veins and arteries near his head and neck burst as he did so and blood spurted out from his neck and head. Liam almost fell into a coma this time. However, due to the magical spells present, he was only on the verge of it but never got the chance to go unconscious.

Liams hand, chest, dick and all parts of the skin that came into contact with the hot oil became a mess. Benign lesions, boils, red and ugly looking protrusions occurred all over his skin due to being in contact with the oil.

Anyone suffering from trypophobia would have passed out upon seeing such a scene. Liam was in no better shape. Due to the torture, he had already pissed and soiled his pants, and had become a gory and unhygienic mess.

Lith, after letting go of Liams hand, covered his hands with magic and held the hot wok with oil and poured everything onto Liam.


As the hot oil poured in, Liam screamed at the top of his lungs and struggled violently. Because of the oil, his skin, hair, and clothes degraded, and thousands of small protrusions appeared on his skin, ranging from his scalp to his toes. A lot of it shed down, and his muscles were visible.

His hair was long gone, and his skull was visible due to the degrading of his skin. When the oil came into contact with his eyes, it popped violently due to meeting the aqueous substances present in the eyes, and it wont be wrong to say Liam shed bloody tears.

Liam struggled violently in his chair and tried his best to shake off the seal on him. He also screamed violently this time. But whatever he did was of no use as Liam felt one and just one thing throughout and that is Pain.

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