Verden – Rise in a new life

Chapter 12: Chapter ten – Armor time

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The next day, I got a message from Drosk, saying that my armor and weapons were done, and that I could come pick them up. Making my way to his shop, I found him waiting behind the counter, tapping his foot impatiently. Seeing me walk in, his face brightened, and he jumped up, exclaiming “Finally! Do you know how long I've been waiting?”

Confused, I said “No, not really.”

Ignoring me, He shouted “A whole ten minutes!”

I just sighed, and he led me to his courtyard where there was an armor stand sitting in the corner. The pieces were a dark silver, nearly black, but still metallic in sheen. The pauldrons had rivets functioning as hinges in some areas that would see me moving, as to allow the most movement possible. The vambraces were similar, covering until a decimeter or so before the elbow. The plates continued up to the back of the hand, and were backed with a soft, nearly black navy, leather. The straps were of the same type of leather as well, one going around the forearm, one near the wrist, and one going around the thumb and under as well, before connecting to the wrist strap with an angled buckle. There was a last loop over the pinky, to keep the open side from flapping in the wind.

 The brigandine was black, with silver stitches, rivets, and buttons. The seam didn’t go straight up and down, instead curving off to the left and meeting the collar over my collarbone. The fauld was the same, black cloth with silver rivets, stitches, and button. There were two pieces covering my outer thighs, opening in the middle on the front, but not the back. They ended over my knees in the front, and just under in the back. The poleyns were similar to the pauldrons, but without the capability for two directions of bending and added padding like the vambraces. The grieves connected to leather shoes, and closed on the side with the help of quite a few straps. The leather was the same color as on the vambraces, and was very soft, but with quite a few layers on the bottom, making them very comfortable. The grieve’s plates ended with one covering the top of the foot as well, and the button was also covered. 

Putting everything on while shouldering the laughs at my incompetence from Drosk, I tested movement. While I could move better without it, there was barely any restriction. I looked over to the smith and nodded with a small smile. He laughed, and said “Kid, that’s the least of what I made. Follow me, I think you’re going to like this.”

Doing so, we went into his smithy, where there was a dagger, stiletto, and customized dahong palay laid out on a work table. Rushing over, he grabbed the stiletto and started talking about it. “The note you left said that this one used an acid, so I enchanted it with extreme corrosion resistance. The metal is also Makt infused, both from your creation and my forging.” Seeing my curious look, he added “Yes, I have a metal affinity.” Moving on to the dagger, he said “you use this one as a parrying weapon and backup weapon, so I enhanced the already frankly ridiculous shock absorbency of the metal, and the blade geometry is nonexistent right now. Oh, don’t look at me like that! You can enchant it to be shrunk in a gradient depending on the desired shape.” I thought about that, and realized that that was a great idea, just make the areas hitting another weapon have a more robust geometry for a second, and switch it back when attacking flesh. That would lead to less chipping and less possibility of fracture or breakage. 

Picking up the sword, he said “Now, this one was more interesting. The blade on the back you use to hook weapons, so I took the liberty to make the blade detachable and replaceable with this.” he took a miniature sword breaker out of a pocket, with a dovetail and key system to connect to the bottom of the sword. Going back to speaking, he said “Anyway, the blade is again more shock resistant, and much denser and more robust than it would seem. I enchanted it for extra durability, in the sense that it will take more of everything before taking any damage. I did the same thing with the edge here as well, for the same effect.” Now grinning, I took the sword and put it on the belt for the fauld, then took the daggers and put the combat dagger on my left hip, and the stiletto in the small of my back, facing sideways. The sword was about twice the weight, and felt much better in my hand again. The dovetail key had a tiny handle to pull, so I took everything out, putting the smaller blades in sheaths along the side of the sword’s own sheath.

Thanking and paying Drosk took a bit, so it was almost lunch by the time I got back, so Me and Hanna decided to get her to meet Anil - they had been out of town with their family for quite a while - and get lunch. We got quite a few things at the restaurant, similar to a deli, with sandwiches, soups, salads, and things shockingly similar to baked potatoes. Once everything got there, we started our conversation. That interaction went surprisingly well, Anil had a few friends from before that were like me and Hanna. Further building on that, they became fast friends. Upon seeing their successes, I remembered my own confession that had slipped Anil’s ears. That conversation also went well, they had figured that something like that was the case, seeing as I am a reincarnate. Thinking back, I guess my parents didn’t put too much thought into the whole ‘gendered species in my past life’ part of things. There isn’t really another explanation, unless they had, and just didn’t want to shake me up.

Sighing to myself as we got home, I went up to my room, off to build more phones.

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