Verden – Rise in a new life

Chapter 13: Chapter eleven – Sales report

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About a month and a half later, I went on a meeting spree with my distributors. Apparently the sales had been going tremendously, and people were already starting to talk across the city. But the city was just one city, so this meeting was basically for me to find out about reputable stores in the capital, and to set up a distribution center there. I had already made almost a Krone in sales, just in one city, and with retailer cuts. Distribution would make so many times that in so much less time. Though, I haven’t had much time to do anything else other than make and enchant these parts. Thinking to myself that if I can get things to make things through enchantments, why can’t I just get this made through an enchantment, I feel quite dumb.

Making a clamshell mold for it, I enchant the two halves so that when they meet they take titanium - as that is a light and durable metal - from a large block that can be periodically remade. The cost for just plain making things is too much, the enchantments would need to be refilled far more often. I made separate molds for both side caps and the ring gems, as well as the slivers. I had conveyor belts to take the finished pieces - I had made enchanted motors from the magnetic forces I could generate - to a table and bins where I could assemble them at my leisure.

I made the whole assembly in one of the spare rooms, and there was basically only room for the table and the door to open left. It took a whole day to get everything designed, and another to make, then assemble while my Makt recharged, and then repeat the process. On the third day, I tested everything, starting with a cubic meter of titanium for the body, and half of that each for the end caps. Then another two eighths of a cubic meter of diamond for each of the rings. I had to wait for a few hours to get enough Makt for a reliable test of the enchantments, but once I did, everything worked out decently well. There was of course room for improvement, but that could come later. During my working spree, I hadn’t really done anything to do with family or Hanna, and I figured that I should at least be more social. I also would be going out to the capital the next day, so I also needed to say goodbye in a much better way. 

Dinner was quite lively, with everyone excited for me expanding my business more. There were some tearful goodbyes - I would be leaving very early in the morning - but conversation was happy otherwise. In the morning, I went to a travel company that my parents had recommended. They were a personal travel company, basically a rental car place, but for Isaktigs - a large horned and furred dragon fox thing. They had no relation to actual dragons, but looked a bit like them in the face and body shape. They are about a meter and a half at the shoulder, and three and change in length, excluding the tail. They were also a light icy blue with white accents and silver on their horns, tail tip, and paws. The species was domesticated a long time ago, and nothing better has been found yet, at least for speed in relation to endurance. 

The one that they gave me was only a few years old - old enough to be trained well while still having the benefits of youth. Her name was Arktis, and she was very pushy, but still gentle about it. She also really liked the base of her horns and ears rubbed, and would push her head into anyone’s chest the first chance she got. I was however assured that she was one of their best traveling beasts, and could make up to 100 kmph on a dead sprint, even with someone on her back. The other thing that I had prepared for this trip was a backpack with enchanted pockets for space expansion, object shrinkage, and weight lessening, as well as time freezing in one of them. I had made most of it the day I got my armor - I got quite sidetracked -  but had to get Anil and Asken to help with the other enchantments. I had it filled with food for the both of us, weapon maintenance equipment, clothes, cooking equipment, camping supplies, medical equipment, the kind of stuff you would see in a minivan trunk for a two week camping trip. 

Before we left, I got a very long winded speech about the dangers of the roads. The massive Vannbøffel telling me everything was similar to some depictions of the minotaur, but with much thicker horns and black fur. He was quite enthusiastic in his work, both as the animal’s caretakers and new traveler’s guide. The gist of the hour-or-so speech was that the roads here were commonly patrolled, and the people had little reason to turn to banditry, so the roads were quite safe. The only threats came in the form of wild animals or monsters- a wild animal that can use magic. They gain heightened aggression in return for this ability, and the main accepted theory behind this is that the interactions with other monsters has not been good, so they assume that all Makt infused beings are bad or dangerous. This doesn’t explain how they sometimes keep coming after seeing their brethren killed in a pack or hive situation. The theory that is most widely accepted in these cases is that the beasts go into a form of tunnel vision while in a battle, only focusing on destroying the perceived threat. There isn’t really a theory on why that is though. 

In any case, there was virtually no danger, and the danger that was there was usually smart enough to reason with. Monsters take a huge jump in intelligence after a certain point, one that is different in every species. The only downside for them is that they lose a lot of their power in the process, and normally don’t survive much longer afterwards. Because of this, the newly intelligent monsters - now known as Beasts - usually leave their hunting grounds for easier areas. These easier areas are often far away, in a gradient of power where they have to go from one end to nearly the other. The areas have virtually two directions of travel, one going into the forests and plains, and the other going into the taiga and mountains behind. 

Finally getting to set out, I hopped onto Arktis’ back, and the wide saddle that kept my legs in a ‘manspread’ position, and my butt from getting whacked with each step. Very glad for that feature.

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