Versatile Mage [Another]

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Huge Changes To The World

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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

“Mo Fan, six points!”

After the Math teacher—Deng Yongchuan—had said this, the class began to laugh loudly.

Nearly everyone turned their heads around to look at the short, messy Blackish Brown-haired youth who was sitting at the very back of the classroom. This youth was Mo Fan, the one who only got a single-digit score on the exam.

“Mo Fan, you should learn from Mu Bai. He was able to score 96 despite the exam being this hard. How could you only get a single digit score on the exams? Don’t sully your own name,” Deng Yongchuan sighed.

How could such a troublesome student be in my class? When he first entered the school, his grades were top notch. However—after advancing into 2nd year—his grades quickly fell, and with his exam scores being such a tragic sight now at the third year, it caused the class average to drop as well.

“Teacher, he doesn’t even live up to his name: Mo Fan. Mo Fan… he’s not average at all! He’s levels lower than average—he’s practically a dreg” the student called Zhao Kunsan said.

Zhao Kunsan was the henchman of Mu Bai; they always bully Mo Fan at every chance they get. No matter how much Mu Bai hates Mo Fan he never bullies him personally, rather he sends his wild dog Zhao Kunsan on him whenever he wants to relieve some stress. This way his image will be clean, and he will still be popular with girls~


“He really is!”

“Mu Bai truly lives up to his reputation, look at how humble he is despite his grades. Mo Fan is indeed not average, he has already become trash!” A girl following Mu Bai said.

The entire class began to laugh, and it wasn’t until Deng Yongchuan began his lecture that they finally stopped.


“This Mu Bai makes me sick. He thinks he’s amazing just because he’s handsome, has good grades, and knows how to play musical instruments! Who the hell gave him the right to look down on the rest of us?!” The person who sits next to Mo Fan, Guan Gu said.

“Haha~ He’s just a childish bi*ch. Ignore them and they’ll go away.” Mo Fan said carefreely.

He had long gotten used to their ‘bullying’; he now treats them as neighbourhood dogs who barks on you from time to time. Besides, a dog who barks must be kept in check, otherwise it might bite you someday as well.

“Do you want to play volleyball when the school ends?”

“No not today, I’ve got stuff to do.”

“You’re going to help Old Man Ying again? After all, you’re the only one who dares to go to the thatched cottage behind the mountains. Oh right, I got me some Xuanhuan and Mohuan novels, do you want me to lend one to you?”

“You can put it in my bag; however, you should read less novels. You’re addicted.” Mo Fan said.

To a student, the most beautiful bell sound is naturally the one signalling the end of class. After the end of an entire day filled with dull classes, Mo Fan yawned as he carried his bag while walking to the back of the mountain.

The back of the mountain was the back entrance of the academy; basically, no one actually used it.

Old Man Ying who Guan Gu mentioned was the guard of the academy’s back mountain. To ensure the safety of the students—and prevent students from sneaking out to internet cafes—the school had appointed Old Man Ying as the keeper of the back entrance.

Old Man Ying had no relatives nor friends. When he had passed away, there were no questions asked about him; thus, the school carelessly buried him.

Mo Fan and Old Man Ying were quite familiar with each other. Before the old man passed away, he had also left some stuff for Mo Fan. He only remembered the old man’s good intentions today, hence he decided to look at the thatched cottage.

Old Man Ying had always said that he was the descendent of some historical bigshot, so he was in possession of a five-thousand-year-old antique Pendant.

Mo Fan have seen that Pendant before; it was completely pitch black and didn’t look like some antique. However, the most important thing was that he had brought it to an appraiser to get appraised; the owner had thrown Mo Fan out while questioning how he could have the face to say that this copper Pendant—smelted from a charcoal stove—was an “antique”. Ever since then, Mo Fan stopped believing in Old Man Ying’s bragging.

Mo Fan wanted to take the things Old Man Ying had left behind as something to remember him by.

Old Man Ying was a magnanimous gatekeeper; he was very indifferent toward the topics of life and death. Mo Fan wished for him to pass away in peace. Death was not the end of everything, perhaps you can start your life over somewhere else?

“Would you believe me if I said that in this plane that holds science in high regards, there is another parallel plane that practises magic? In that plane, you don’t study science, but magic….”

This was the kind of crazy talk that Old Man Ying would always tell Mo Fan, which was why Mo Fan firmly believed that when he passed away, Old Man Ying had gone to a different plane to restart his life—and live a more extravagant one while he was at it.

The Pendant which looked like a loach was easily found within the wooden box under his bamboo bed.

As Mo Fan opened it, he felt a faint obscure aura emanating from the box—it did indeed feel quite mysterious. However, Mo Fan is fifteen years old, he didn’t believe that there would be something like a cultivation technique in this world. He definitely did not believe the recluse who said that if Mo Fan wore this loach, and practised this cultivation technique, he would be able to save the universe.

The pitch-black loach was an ordinary looking pendant. If one wanted to know the most peculiar thing about the loach, it would be that it looked like a curled-up snake or Dragon... but you’d have to look very close to be able to make it out. That’s how bad the antique looked.

The moment Mo Fan put it on, he felt a heart-freezing chill. This thing that made him shake in the heat of summer was quite strange.

“Strange my ass, it was just some breeze passing by.” As Mo Fan thought this over, he denied the idea in his head.

“That’s right! Old man Ying told me to open the basement door after putting the loach on”

Mo Fan suddenly remembered the Oldman’s words. He told him to open the basement door right after wearing the loach.

Somehow, those words were etched into Mo Fan’s mind because that old fox was grinning cunningly and viciously when he told Mo Fan about it.

He removed the floor mat covering the floor only to discover that there existed a basement.

“That old fart looked very ambitious when he told me to do this. I don’t want to go in but… it was the words of a dying old man I can’t just unhear it.” He was feeling perplexed, but he still respected the wishes of the Dead old man.

He opened the entrance and climbed down through the stairs.

He reached down and noticed the door was sealed with something like 50 black Talismans.

“Old Man Ying seriously had some problems with his head.” Thought Mo Fan as he didn’t believe in Occult stuff and Ghosts.

He went ahead and started removing the Talismans, but as he was removing them, he did not notice that there was a very faint mist/aura flowing towards the loach dangling on his chest.

“Why are there so many of these stupid black papers on this stupid damn door! I’m getting tired for some reason just by removing these papers…” Mo Fan said exasperatedly.

He was feeling tired, as if he had run a 10km marathon at full speed.

*Pant* *Pant* “Huff… Finally…--"

He finally removed all 50 talismans.

Clack! Creak~~

He opened the old wooden door, it was pitch black inside, he turned on the mobile’s torch and looked around and noticed the switch to the light. A Yellow light bulb lit the room after it was turned on.

The room was not that huge, it was in fact quite small only the size 4 tatami mats it was a lot dusty and filled with cobwebs. There was nothing in the room apart from a considerably big marble sized Glass orb which was kept on the stool, and beside it was a thick 500 pages dusty old book.

“Sigh, it seems that old man was indeed a mental” Mo Fan shook his head in disappointment as he didn’t find any treasure apart from this cloudy glass orb and dusty old book.

As he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly felt he was being watched at by something, he turned around only to notice that there was a huge ghostly three eyed Wolf Monster glaring at him.

“Wha... What!!” Mo Fan exclaimed. His eyes went wide open as he stared at the misty monster which was at least 3 times bigger than him!

He was scared shitless and couldn’t comprehend where did this beast came from.

He could literally feel the intense blood lust and pressure from the creature as shivers and cold sweat ran down his spine. He was backing away in fear but, he was not able to walk in the presence of this being, he fell flat on his butt and closed his eyes in fear.

“H-He-Help…” Mo Fan uttered very softly. He was not even able to speak properly because of his teeth clacking, he regretted ever coming to this cottage right at this very moment. He quickly covered his eyes with both his arms as a self defence mechanism of his body!

Just when he thought he was going to be eaten, a strange illusory green light emitted from the loach Mo Fan was wearing. The Light penetrated the Three Eyed Wolf’s body and slowly dragged it inside itself.

The moment it entered inside the loach, it emitted a brilliant Azure light and slowly changed shape from a charcoal looking loach to a Black Glossy antique looking Pendant.

After the terrifying presence suddenly disappeared Mo Fan slowly opened his eyes and noticed there was nothing in front of him, “Huh? What... Where is the monster?”

“Wait... What the hell, was I hallucinating? Is it because of Guan Gu’s novel I read while coming here? Ah fuck me this is embarrassing. I’ll stop reading them from now on!” Mo Fan sighed in relief and swore that he won’t read novels for a while.

“Ah~ somehow my mind is feeling a bit cleared up and Cold? hmm? The chill has gotten stronger. Nah, this is probably because the basement was closed for a long time” Mo Fan felt his mind clearing up and a cold chill in the air but didn’t think too much of it.

Mo Fan stood up from the ground and his gaze fell on the two objects in front of him, “Sigh… Whatever for now I will just take both of you with me and think of what to do with you later.”

He stuffed the two items in his bag pack and left the basement and the thatched cottage. For some reason after that dangerous experience, he didn’t want to stay there anymore. He also didn’t notice the subtle changes that happened to the Loach around his neck.

As soon as he left the cottage a wave of dizziness hit him hard! He staggered on his feet and took support of a nearby tree to stand properly.

“What is happening… Fuck! It’s like… all the strength… in my body left suddenly!” Mo Fan exclaimed! His eyes were drooping as if he was very sleepy, and his legs were shaky.


He fell on the ground right at the entrance of the cottage and became unconscious.

A sliver of silver light shone through the mountain cracks, dying the forest behind the mountains and the small, thatched cottage white with its glow.

It was like a colossal door in the dark that was slowly closing. The radiating light in the darkness was slowly being sucked inside the door. As the sunset completely disappeared beneath the mountains and as dusk came to rule the world, the back of the mountain seemed as though it was covered with a misty layer of a bizarre colour.

From far away, this area seemed like it continued into nothingness. Beneath the silver sun was an indistinct scene around the water, like a mirage!

The youth fallen asleep outside the thatched cottage was still snoring, little did he know that the loach on his Chest was emitting an ear-piercing humming sound. It was as if it was reacting to the reflection of the mirage that revealed the world’s true calling.


As it trembled, so did the entire space!

Shui Nan Middle School was in Nanshan in the city. Nanshan was much taller than the rest of Bo City.

The city was already brightly lit up; the streets, shops, buildings, the Small sized 7sqkm City of Bo surrounded by mountains on all four sides was radiating a magnificent brilliance. Old people who were taking walks after dinner, older ladies who were dancing in the public squares, the children who chased each other in the small valleys, and lovers who were having dates in the park….

The evening didn’t leave people with any insecurity or fear. On the contrary, they were enjoying getting off classes for the day, getting off work, and relaxing after dinner. However, if one were to look closely toward the location of Shui Nan Middle School—the south side of the mountain—they would have discovered that the campus that should have been shining bright had been shrouded in a muddled layer.

This space was originally peaceful like the water’s surface, but at this moment, a Spatial Tunnel appeared—spiralling like it was being devoured—causing it to be increasingly fierce, although silent!

On one side was a peaceful city with glorious lights!

On the other was half a mountain swallowed by the black-silver spiral!

The northern city that had just entered its summer eve became an incomparably astonishing scene!

The entire space-time had changed, and the cause of it was this tunnel that was unexplainable in scientific terms.

The centre of the Spatial Tunnel was the thatched cottage behind the mountains.

The colossal whirlpool suddenly diffused followed by it vanishing into nothingness. It was as if nothing had happened at all.

A certain person who was still sleeping soundly had no idea that he had fallen into a parallel world.

The empty mountain experienced a sudden rain, which gave the scorching summer day a fierce cold punch, suppressing the overwhelming heat.

The air in the morning was particularly good, and the warm meat-buns by the school gates released an alluring smell. The dazzling golden youtiao gave a mouth-watering scent.

“Seventh Uncle, I’d like some soymilk and meat-buns.” A youth with a messy appearance sat down on the stool dizzily as he said this to the old man who sold breakfast.

“Coming.” The old man swiftly served the soymilk, purposely filling up the cup as a smiled radiated across his face, “Mo Fan, you are about to take the magic high exams, you should put some effort and strive to get into the University of Mages so you can bring us some face.”

Mo Fan blankly stared at the Seventh Uncle who was selling breakfast by the school gates. He carefully thought to himself and reckoned that he probably misheard, thus he nodded as he ate.

Yesterday, he slept so much that his head felt dizzy; he felt as though he had dreamt about a journey that took several centuries. When he woke up, he felt like a lifetime had passed; he didn’t know where east, south, west, and north were, nor whether it was morning or noon.

Mo Fan wolfed down his food, his hand holding half of the meat-bun. As he was about to bite into the meat-bun, he suddenly felt something heavy at his side. A half-bald man in his thirties sat down next to him, his body reeking of cigarettes.

“Mo Fan, eating breakfast, eh?” The bald man smiled as he greeted Mo Fan.

“Good morning, Superintendent Hu.” Mo Fan hastily smiled as he greeted him back.

This man was the prominent Superintendent Hu, he wore a suit that didn’t suit him every day and his forehead shone brightly.

“I’m not wearing my watch, what time is it?” Superintendent Hu asked, exposing his yellow teeth.

Mo Fan took out his broken Nokia to look, “Still another fifteen minutes before the bell rings.”

“Crap, I’m late. I still haven’t finished my Magic Theory PPT—I don’t have time to finish my breakfast…” As Superintendent Hu stood up suddenly, Mo Fan suddenly tilted over.

“Boss, I don’t need the soymilk…. Walking to the office is far too slow—whatever—it doesn’t matter if I use some magic.” Superintendent Hu stood there talking to himself.

Mo Fan was very puzzled, he felt like Superintendent Hu was speaking in an alien language.

Just as he thought he heard wrong; the soymilk shop’s canopy turned over in an incomparably strange way. It was as though compressed air had bubbled forth from within the soymilk shop…

As the evil wind came by, it messed up Mo Fan’s hair and rustled his clothes.

“Wind Trail, Fast Stride!”

As Superintendent Hu suddenly muttered to himself, his misfit suit began to move on his body in an indescribable way—it was as if there was a gale inside his clothes.

His tie fluttered, and his trousers began oscillating. How could there be wind on a calm morning such as this, and it ruthlessly blow toward Superintendent Hu?


A greenish grey light flashed. Mo Fan could see an indistinct thread of a beautiful starlight moving to surround Superintendent Hu’s whole body. The starlight flashed as it moved.

“Student Mo Fan, teacher will leave first. Do your best in studying!” Superintendent Hu turned around and exposed his yellow-toothed smile to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan seemed a bit taken back. Before he could come back to his senses, he heard a “swoosh” sound!

The slightly plump, bald Superintendent Hu—with the suit that seemed out of place—Jumped on the dust trajectory from the swirling wind and hastily made his way toward the school!

His stride was exceptionally quick. The students wearing their student uniforms seemed immobile, which let Superintendent Hu travel in high speed through them, leaving behind a shocking dust trail…

During this short period of time, Mo Fan felt like the Superintendent’s face was still in front of him. However—at this moment—Superintendent Hu had already disappeared into the depths of the school, and he was no longer able to see his shadow.

The words “Do your best in studying!” still resonated in his ears; however, the person was already gone without a trace. He was chewing on meat-bun. As the chewing came to a stop, the other meat-bun slid from Mo Fan’s hands!

What the Hell???___

“This is just an illusion; this is definitely just an illusion.” Mo Fan rubbed his eyes after a long while.

It must be because I didn’t sleep well last night. It must’ve pressured my cranial nerves or something, how else am I imagining this kind of scene?

Let’s finish this breakfast quickly and go back to the classroom to get some more sleep. Heavens, what is this? A bald and prominent Superintendent who can use Wind controlling magic.

After arriving at the classroom, he lay down onto the desk immediately without saying anything, so he could mitigate the illusion he had seen before.

From the front of his desk came the two small voices of the student representatives, one said, “There’s only four months left, what do I do if I don’t get into a good high school?”

“You’re really smart though, I’m sure you can enter the Tian Lan Magic High School.”

You are reading story Versatile Mage [Another] at

“What, you’re the smart one. Your grades for theory classes are so high, I could practically pull out any Magical Beast and you would recognize them and their weaknesses.”

Mo Fan creased his eyebrows, this wasn’t his first time hearing this whole concept of magic.

What happened? Is it possible that I’m having another illusion?

I don’t take drugs, nor do I smoke!

Forget it, it must be because I haven’t had a proper sleep.

Mo Fan ignored the crazy talk of the two lads in front of him and quickly entered a deep state of sleep.

Mo Fan’s many years of experience in studying gave him a superior ability to fall asleep on his desk in just a single second.

“Students, open your textbooks. Today, we will continue to learn about Magic Casting’s preliminary requirements. Do you still remember what I told you before? To complete Basic rank magic spell, you must first make the stars in your Magic Stardust link to each other. By doing this, you will be able to form a Star Orbit and then utilize the power of Magic. I have already explained this theory to you many times before, while at same time, this is also the most important part of the exam,” the Math teacher—Su Qingzhi—said as he maintained his intonation.

In the past, Mo Fan could enter a state of deep sleep as he followed the voice of the teacher. However, as he once again heard ‘Magic Casting” and “Star Orbit”, he was immediately woken up.

“Mo Fan, you better listen in class. There’s only four month’s time, yet you’re still neglecting yourself!” Su Qingzhi saw Mo Fan and immediately reprimanded him.

The classmates also turned their heads around and quietly laughed to themselves. Laughing at the trash had already become their favourite thing to do in class.

“Open your textbook.” Su Qingzhi said in continuation.

Mo Fan felt helpless as he opened his textbook….

“Shit, what is this??” Mo Fan couldn’t help himself from swearing.

The pictures, functions, and formulas that were contained in the math book were all gone. Instead, there was a “Star Orbit” which he didn’t understand at all, the picture of the Star had something that looked like a connecting line with streaking meteors. It looked like…. Like… just like a f**king Magic Formation!

Mo Fan forcefully suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and then came to another realization.

When the math teacher stopped observing him, Mo Fan kicked his seatmate, Guan Gu, below the table and said, “Are you messing with me? Why the heck did you switch out my book for, hurry up and give me back my math book.”

“Big brother, what math book are you talking about?” The tanned faced Guan Gu felt wronged— he didn’t try to provoke anyone.

“Come take a look at this crap. Hurry up and give me my book back.” Mo Fan opened his book and pointed at the strange Star Orbit, Magic symbols, and the odd incantations.

“Big Brother Mo Fan, this is the Magic book for this class. What Math? Did you stay up all night again reading Sci-fi novels? You’re even saying I’m reading so much that it’s like I am possessed—you’re the same as me.” Guan Gu said.

As Mo Fan heard Guan Gu’s retort, his chin almost couldn’t help but drop down to the floor.

“Stop bullshitting me.” Mo Fan said in anger. This brat sure is good at acting, the real question is whether I’m going to believe you like a madman.

“Boss, the novels have caused you to go mad. We are studying for the Magic course alright; how could we possibly have something like Math which is for the Research Course. If I was smart enough to enter in Research course, then I wouldn’t be spending everyday studying something as boring as Magic Theory, Elemental Spells, or Magical Beasts. I would have studied Mathematics, Literature, and all these interesting things a long time ago.” Guan Gu said—with a sincere expression and a heartfelt tone—to Mo Fan.

As Mo Fan looked at Guan Gu’s expression, he thought to himself, this bastard did not even reveal a little bit of a mistake as he said this crazy stuff. It really seemed like it was real.

My seatmate has gone mad, not only has he gone mad, but he’s even trying to turn me into a madman!

Learning something as boring as Magic Theory, Elemental Spells and Magical Beasts….

Hehe! It’s impressive you can even say that out loud!

“If you don’t believe me, then just listen to what the teacher is saying.” Guan Gu said indifferently as he saw Mo Fan’s peculiar expression.

As Mo Fan heard this, he finally carefully listened to what the math teacher, Su Qingzhi, was saying. However, one part was like an alien language—there were terms which Mo Fan had no idea about— which caused him to feel unwell.

Su Qingzhi didn’t mention the familiar ‘Functions’ nor ‘Formulas’ at all. On the contrary, he had said the words ‘Star Orbit' and ‘Star Diagram’ numerous times, he even mentioned things like ‘Fire- Ice- Water Elements’.

“Crazy—they’ve all gone crazy.”

Mo Fan’s belief was solemn, he would not believe these words.

The next class was with his favourite Literature teacher: Ms. Qin. Beautiful, sexy, mature, gentle, big and perky boobs, her very round buttocks won’t use this kind of nonsense to deceive me.

After going through the incomprehensible math class, Mrs Qin—with her slender body and formal black dress—walked into the classroom.

Just like before, she gave a slight smile that illuminated the entire classroom. The boys of the class became like kindergarteners; excitement filled their faces as they greeted the teacher.

“Students, today we will be discussing the pros and cons of black magic. Everyone should already know that black magic is divided into three different Magic: Undead Magic, Curse Magic, and the main element The Shadow Magic. Then, what’s the difference in these three types of Magic?” Mrs Qin said with a gentle and elegant voice.

In the past, Mo Fan would have been able to attentively look and listen. However, after hearing these words, his expression made it seem as though he had eaten a housefly.

While the crazy seatmate to the side of him made a “See, what did I tell you?” kind of expression.

Shit, you’re not wrong, then your father, I, must be sick!


Mo Fan finally couldn’t take it anymore and quickly slid off his chair and stood up.

“Mrs Qin, aren’t we supposed to have Literature class?” Mo Fan asked.

As his seatmate Guan Gu realized what Mo Fan was going to stand up and ask, he tried to pull him away but failed to do so. After hearing what Mo Fan had asked, he face palmed himself while saying “Oh mai gawd”.

As the words were said, a roar of laughter arose within the quiet classroom.

The whole class, consisting of forty students, were swaying with laughter. Especially Mu Bai and Zhao Kunsan—they laughed so much that they began to tear up.

Mrs Qin did not laugh. She pushed her glasses with gold traces to the side while maintaining a slight smile. Her clear cat-like eyes looked at Mo Fan as she earnestly said, “Mo Fan, this literature you’re talking about is from Research course, right? Research course doesn’t exist here in Magic course; you must have immersed yourself in those non-existent things instead of earnestly studying magic. You must become a useful Mage for society, alright?”

One could imagine the Literature teacher was very sincere. When such earnest words were being spoken out loud, one could imagine the expression of a certain youth changing greatly.

God, please kill me already!!

Eh, hold on. How come the words Mrs Qin just said was exactly the same as what the already passed, Old Man Ying, had said?

Is it possible that there really is a magic plane? And I have been dropped right into the magic plane?

Mo Fan had originally thought that this was all just a dream; however, the following few days were the same except his home.

The world has changed, but Mo Fan remained bad at studying. Whereas Dad ‘Mo Jiaxing’ was still Dad, A very Simple Middle-Aged Man who never even discussed things like magic when Mo Fan was at home. He may look like middle aged man, but he is only 31 years old, after all he was only 16 when Mo Fan was first born into this world.

Because of this he had to quit his studies and take responsibility for his actions. Both him and his wife were madly in love with each other and didn’t want to abort the baby despite the pressure from their families. So, they decided to elope together to this countryside place far away from everyone and everything.

But complications arose during Mo Fan’s birth and his mother Shu Ai, became weaker and weaker after pregnancy. After Mo Fan was 3 years old, she passed away in her sleep.

This fact was never told to Mo Fan by his father, nor did he ask about it.

On one half of the mountain lay a residential area. If one were to follow the road with the iron fences, and walk to the end of that small road, one would find Mo Fan’s home.

It was a small, one-and-a-half-story house; the exterior wall had cracked paint, which revealed the red bricks underneath. There was junk in the houses surrounding it.

The other houses in the neighbourhood were all about three-and-a-half-story tall. After going through renovations and after being decorated, the houses looked more like actual homes. Whereas Mo Fan’s house—furthest away in the corner—seemed even more like a wretched and old-fashioned house.

Mo Fan felt like he had retained an unchanged family.

While at same time, his clear conscious had also been telling him that this was definitely not a dream.

On the morning of the third day, he was once again sitting at Seventh Uncle’s place eating a meat-bun, while feeling conflicted.

The two male students next to him were discussing Magical Tools. Mo Fan was unclear on what kind of things these Magical Tools were, however, listening to the way they spoke about it, it seemed to be something incredible. Not only that, but it also sounded expensive, roughly about the same price as a car.

“Mo Fan, why do you seem so down? How about I—your uncle—buy you something to energize you? The exams are coming up, whether you can become a Mage depends on this exam…” The Seventh Uncle, said with concern.

Mo Fan automatically assumed what Uncle Seven had said was related to his grades in school.


A bizarre wind blew onto the small vendor. It swirled some dust onto Mo Fan’s soymilk, thus, he quickly poured it down his throat. His entire being looked dispirited.

The wind got stronger and stronger, and Mo Fan felt a strange pressure slowly spiralling down on him.

The grass was swaying wildly, and the dirt particles were flying everywhere. The girls covered and held their skirts down as they let out astonished cries.

Mo Fan had gotten used to it. It was that teacher again using the “Wind Trail” magic to stride, and there was more activity among the people this time.

“What…what in the heavens, what is that??”

“Oh crap, that’s so cool!”

“Wings, that person actually has wings behind him. It’s exactly the same as the video in Super Kugen!”

“Wind Wings, dear lords, I have actually seen the Advanced-level Wind Element magic ‘Wind Wings’ with me owns eyes!”

Mo Fan was unable to eat his breakfast peacefully with the surroundings being this noisy.

Mo Fan assumed a calm face as he raised his head, however, in the next moment, it was as if his entire being sustained a lightning shock as he stood there. His drowsy eyes widened suddenly, unable to move away from what he was seeing!

Against a bright blue sky, at the corner of a rooftop, by the swaying trees, and the fluttering flag of the school….

This man who was wearing a silver gown looked like a spirit from a dream; he flew past these exceedingly remote locations and streaked across the sky in a breath-taking arc!

Mo Fan sat in the back row in the classroom, so when he was bored, he tended to stare at the cloud, the sky, the trees, the flagpole, and the birds who are flying free in the sky. However, he never thought that there would actually be people who would have illusory wings to swoop past him for an unimaginable visual impact.

This should be something that only exists in movies, but now it has actually appeared in front of his own eyes!!

“Wind….wind….wind wings!” Mo Fan stared at the silver man with wings in the sky as he mouthed the magic name out loud.

Unlike the time he witnessed the Wind Trail, Mo Fan could feel something moving fiercely within his heart; this was him breaking out of the shell of his original mind-set, giving birth to a thirst.

That’s right, in the past few days, he was unable to accept the changes to everything. Only now did he suddenly realize the great changes, and contrary to one’s expectations, it made his heart race violently. It was as though he fell in love with someone at first sight!

After the shock from the silver man flying by had passed, Mo Fan had already stated to himself within his heart: Even if this is a dream, I’ll still learn Magic and hover across the horizon freely before I wake up!

The time that Mo Fan had at hand was very short.

If he were to look at things from the perspective of his former world, nine years’ worth of mandatory graduation testing was happening in 117 days.

In the remaining days, all Mo Fan had to do was to study like no tomorrow:

The courses were divided into:

Magic Foundation Theory – based on the setup of the subject, it seems to be Literature

Magic Star Orbit – should be geometry

Magical Beast Knowledge – should be biology

Magical Tools and Devices Knowledge – should be physics

Materials Knowledge – should be chemistry

Magic History and Magic Geography should be self-explanatory.

Naturally, Mo Fan also understood one very important piece of information.

Basically, there were no students who could release magic yet. This was because what the students had studied during the nine years compulsory education were general theories, concepts, and abilities.

This was the same as Junior High School graduates in the former world—no survival skills whatsoever.

To Mo Fan, this is definitely good news. After all, this world of magic was completely alien to him—he practically had to relearn everything.

The most crucial point to become a Mage as a Magic student was the “Magic Awakening”.

The “Magic Awakening” was like an opening ceremony. During the opening ceremony of Magic High School, all magic students were to receive their one-time “Magic Baptism” which was the Magic Awakening!

Different people awakened different elements. Mo Fan had heard from Guan Gu that the awakened elements were mostly Basic natural elements. These were the ones you usually learn in class: Wind Element, Fire Element, Water Element, Plant Element, Lightning Element, Ice Element, and Earth Element.

The ones Mo Fan had witnessed before, “Wind Trail” and “Wind Wings” were divided into Basic rank magic and Advanced rank magic. If the people who awakened the Wind Element were to strive hard, then it was possible that they could learn this magic.

Thus, if one wanted to become like the Mage who could fly, then the first thing one needed to do was to get admitted into high school and receive what every high school magic student got——the Magic Awakening!

“Mo Fan, don’t tell me you actually want to take the exams for Magic High School, and become a Mage?” Guan Gu asked sincerely.

In Guan Gu’s opinion, Mo Fan never struck him as a person who loved studying, but suddenly he seemed to be genuinely studying magic. This was an atrocious matter.

Mo Fan was too lazy to explain to his classmate. However, he had already decided that he would definitely be admitted into the Magic High School and obtain the extremely precious opportunity to awaken.

“Even if you were to study now, it’d be useless. You should just stop wasting the time, after all, you’ve missed several years of homework.” Guan Gu said in persuasion.

Guan Gu was very clear on the fact that Mo Fan only got six points on the last Magic mock exam—the lowest of the entire year group. How could he get admitted with this kind of grade?

“You’ve already messed up, there’s no use to put in effort now, just accept it.”

“Guan Gu, you should be the one to study more.”

Having Guan Gu chattering in his ears made Mo Fan felt somewhat irritated.

“Why?” Guan Gu asked.

“Guan Gu, did you know that you look ugly?”

“I did,” Guan Gu admitted with a sincere face.

“Yeah, then there’s a saying that you should know: If one is ugly then one should have more…. hiccups, if one is ugly then one should learn Magic!” Mo Fan said these heartfelt words with sincerity.

“F**k off mate!”

Guan Gu wasn’t wrong, however. There was only 117 days left, even if one was a genius, they still wouldn’t be able to compensate for all the classes from years past. Additionally, the content of the exams and what was learned were two different concepts.

Mo Fan knew that he didn’t have much hope left, but the reason for him cramming was not because of exams. It was because he was genuinely moved by Magic, causing him to feel an intense desire to study.

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