Versatile Mage [Another]

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Star Constellation Rune Magic Circle

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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

After School Mo Fan arrived home.

“I’m Home!” Said Mo Fan as he entered.

He removed his shoes and dashed into his room without even checking if anyone there.



The Door of his room opened and slammed hard.

He quickly threw his bag on the bed and started searching his room and found all the magic related textbooks from grade 1 of elementary school to grade 2 of middle school.

“Hehe Knew you guys would still be here~ I mean… these aren’t the kind of books I knew, but if this world’s Mo Fan and his house is exactly the same as mine back on earth, then he would’ve also kept all his books like I did. Under the Floor, there is a small space where I dump all my knowledge and sure enough, he did the same as well!”

In a flash a sudden thought appeared in his mind, “Speaking off… I wonder what happened to the Mo Fan of this world… Did we switch places or… did he perhaps…”

“Ugh never mind, I will confirm all the important events of this Mo Fan’s life later from Zhang Xiaohou if I see him, but for now I have to concentrate on this!” Mo Fan quickly said as he denied the thought inside his head and looked at the pile of books in front of him.

There were enough thick books to fill up a huge shelf of them and now he must read and memorize them all in just 116 days.

“I still have 116 days left… Sigh…”

He closed the floor’s lid and sat on his chair and opened the grade 1 elementary school kid’s book!

“All great things to those who wait… I guess…” Mo Fan muttered as if to keep him motivated.

After 4hours

He closed the book and stretched himself.

“Nnnhh, finally finished till Grade 4 of the Elementary school. Grade 1-3 was just children’s stories of magic, there was some useful parts but that’s about it… Grade 4-5 is where the difficult stuff starts from. I didn’t understand a lick even after sitting there reading the books for more than 2hours. Just what the hell are Stars and Spiritual Force? I don’t even have connection to the internet or have computer at my house, I literally have to go for the dictionary every time I don’t understand a word.” Mo Fan said as he kicked the chair in frustration.

He was frustrated as there was no explanation anywhere as to what Spiritual Force is, or what does the Spiritual world even mean!!

What do you mean by emptying one’s mind… it is never empty!

How do you stop thinking? Is that even possible in the first place?

And how the hell is Edison the first user of Light Element?!

Not only that, but Benjamin Franklin is also the first creator of Lightning Element! Whereas, in his science world he had discovered Electricity!

Sigh… This won’t work out!

Mo Fan’s mind was already in turmoil from being teleported to another world, and now he must destroy what was normal and common sense to him up until now to move forward. It was not easy, not easy at all to a book geek like him.

Mo Fan from birth has always been a curious and smart kid. His intelligence was far superior to his peers, as he was already speaking when he was 7months old and spoke fluent baby tongue at 1 year from birth unlike other kids.

He considered knowledge like treasure which was found everywhere. When he was able to read and write, his ability to think logically increased by a lot. But as all kids, he was notorious and liked to create trouble. He was free spirited kid as his father has raised him that way.

His mock exam grades before transmigrating were on purpose just to spite his teacher! He was going to ace the finals 4 months from now and spit on their faces!

But before he was able to achieve any of that, the world had done him dirty…

“Argh! Shit!! Thinking about all that crap isn’t gonna help.” He calmed down and picked up the chair and sat on it again.

He pinched the upper part of the nose, in-between his eyes and rested his head on the back rest of the chair to think of what to do next.

No matter how smart he was, after all that continuous and constant and world destroying reading for four fucking hours has made his brain fry. “I can’t go on like this… With this speed of learning even 12 months isn’t enough much less 4…” Mo Fan said, feeling a little dejected.

“I finally have a chance to turn around and make a comeback… I mean I had one earlier as well, but this one is like a life changing one! I can’t let it go; I must get into a good Magic High school and awaken my first element no matter what!” Mo Fan said with a determined gaze.

He was going to be a Mage by hook or by crook!

“Alright! Back to it then”

He opened his book again and started to read. His forehead creased up at some words as he was not able to understand them, but nevertheless he persevered!

But of course, he stumbled here and there, had to bring out his dictionary again, his frustration levels were rising even more than the shield hero…

Ahem! Scratch that!

After 3 more hours of studying, he was dead like street rat died in the middle of the road. He laid his head on the desk with white eyes.

“I can’t… stuff all of it today, I’m done for the day…” Mo Fan said while being exhausted both physically and mentally.

He closed his eyes and was about to go into deep sleep when suddenly a heart piercing chill erupted from his chest!

“Hiss!!” Mo Fan hissed as he felt a strange coldness surrounding his body!


Suddenly a very soothing sound echoed in his mind and the wave of coldness disappeared, and a warm comforting aura wrapped around him, washing away his mental and physical fatigue within a second.

He felt as if his entire being was nourished in a warm and soothing hot spring where all his tiredness and worries were disappearing.

His mind was cleared, and he opened his eyes in shock!

“What was that!” Mo Fan exclaimed in surprise as something magical had happened to him.

But he was shocked again when he noticed that he was floating in Air!

“Whoa!! What is this?! How is this even happening??”

Mo Fan was literally floating in air without him realising it!

He looked around frantically and even pinched himself to check if he was dreaming, “It hurts! Its real, I am floating!! Woohoo!! I don’t know what is happening, but this is awesome!!!”  Mo Fan shouted excitedly!

How could he not get excited over something like this? He was still a 15year old teen, and all teens dreamt of flying in the sky!

After 5 minutes, Mo Fan calmed down and noticed that the relatively harmless black loach dangling on his chest was emitting a faint azure glow and was also kind of floating along with him.

“Are you the one doing this?” Mo Fan grasped the loach in his hand as he noticed it was covered in thin layer of azure glow.

The moment he touched the loach, the glow surrounding it disappeared and Mo Fan fell.


“Ow! Not cool! My back was already hurting from studying so much and you just had to do that!” Mo Fan complained in annoyance.

He got up and sat on his bed as he analysed the loach carefully!

It was the stupid pendant he tried to sell but was chased out by the vendor instead!

“This is not what it looked like before… it looked just like a piece of charcoal, but now it looks like an actual Black Glossy dragon like pendant!” Mo Fan finally noticed the changes on his stupid little loach after 4 days.

“What is this? It cleared my mind and body fatigue in an instant!” Mo Fan peered into the pendant as if he was going to poke a hole into it.

Then suddenly his eyes went wide as a thought crossed his mind, “Wait a second, I transmigrated into this world on the same day when I wore this thing and went inside that thatched cottage’s basement, is this loach related to all this somehow? No, it has to be!!”

Mo Fan finally realised; he wasn’t teleported to this new world on his own by a fluke.

It was this pendant’s fault for changing his reality!

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_Damn it! How could I forget about it all this time! _

He would’ve literally forgotten the pendant if it had not revealed itself today!

“Right, there is still that book and the glass orb inside my bag!” Mo Fan quickly grabbed his bag and unzipped it.

He found the huge 500-600 pages old book, the glass orb, and the Black paper [talismans]. He removed and placed them on his desk!

“Can’t believe I actually forgot about that scary experience I had back in the basement… Urgh~ just thinking that it was not a hallucination, and I could’ve died back then just scares me to death! I wonder what happened back there…” Mo Fan recalled as he picked up the Glass Orb and examined it.

Nothing was different or unusual about it, other than a strange coldness surrounding it!

He placed it back down, shaking his sideways as he was not able to figure anything out by looking at it.

He picked up the old book next. The moment he picked it up he felt an obscure aura surrounding it.

“Nothing Ventured-- Nothing Gained…” Mo Fan recalled the saying and recited it as if to remind himself, he opened the nameless book’s first page with trembling hands.

There was a magic circle with blue runes interwoven with each other over and over again minutely, forming the shape of a huge Constellation! Which the Constellation’s shape further forming as a Huge Star!

Even though it should’ve looked crude and untidy, it looked mesmerising instead!

Mo Fan was awed that such a minutely designed drawing could actually be made without the use of a computer.

Just when he was admiring the drawing, the book glowed in a clear blue colour and the Star constellation Rune Magic Circle emerged from the book.

Mo Fan who was watching the drawing intently suddenly felt the drawing becoming 3d…?

“HOLY SHIT!!” He immediately threw the book on the ground!

All the pages inside the book were scattered on the ground as the book banged against the floor, but suddenly they all started floating in the air while surrounding Mo Fan.

Mo Fan on the other hand was scared shitless! He had no idea what was happening. He wanted to run away but he was surrounded from all the sides by so many pages with different magic circles of different colours.

He tried to force his way through, but he noticed he was trapped in a cylindrical barrier, “Damn it! What is this invisible wall?!”

The cylindrical barrier was not budging an inch no matter how much he pushed or punched it.

The page with the Star Constellation Rune Magic circle was the only page still attached to the book. It slowly floated in air and only stopped when it reached Mo Fan’s eye level.

Mo Fan cautiously stared at the book. His heart was beating as fast as a bullet train.

The Star Constellation Rune Magic circle’s all the specific joints started to light up one by one and simultaneously the rest of the Magic Circles also lit up and started to form a connection with the Star Constellation Rune Magic circle.

Mo Fan was astonished by the sight, and he simply didn’t have any words to describe the beautiful and astonishing sight before him!

Soon enough, all the 600 Magic circle were connected to the Star Constellation Rune Magic circle.

It formed a huge entangling web with multicoloured line all interconnected with each other forming a huge 3d Star Constellation Rune Magic circle surrounding Mo Fan in the middle!

“What is this…” He was Awed beyond belief and hadn’t seen anything like it before.

The pages were all gone and only the colourful magic circles remained. Mo Fan’s feet slowly left the ground and he started floating in air again.

Suddenly he was enveloped with a Scorching Heat as a red glow covered his body!

Then scorching feeling was replaced by an Icy Cool sensation as a Cyan Glow covered him.

Similarly, then he felt an electric current coursing through his whole body!

Then came an airy and windy feeling as if he is soaring through the clouds with out a care in the world and then came a drowning feeling as if he was at the bottom of the sea!

Then at the next second he felt as if he was in a rocky and dry desert and then he felt like he was in the deepest part of a forest filled with greenery.

After that he felt a nauseous and stuffy feeling as if his body is poisoned!

There were even times when he felt total blackness sealing all his senses! And then came a light which enlightened everything in his field of view blinding him! At times he even felt as if he was in space where he was not able to breathe or move or even utter a voice.

Mo Fan who didn’t knew what was happening with him went through all this and much more over and over again.


As the doorknob twisted, the main door of the house was flung opened, and a middle-aged figure came inside the house wearing simple jeans and shirt. He looked worn out and tired from working all day.

He noticed Mo Fan’s school shoes and assumed he was home.

“Little Fan! Wash your hands, I brought dinner!” Mo Jiaxing yelled out loud so Mo Fan could hear it and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Unknown to Mo Jiaxing, Mo Fan was still stuck in the middle of the elemental storm!

He was experiencing all types of elements simultaneously within a second, but that second was like an eternity to him! Not only that, but there were lots of magic formation’s formulae and layout appearing inside his mind! They were being stored in his brain just like copying and pasting a file multiple time!

All the formations which appeared in Mo Fan’s mind, disappeared from his surroundings. Soon enough all 600 magic circles disappeared, and the Star Constellation Rune Magic circle went inside Mo Fan through his forehead.

Thud! Bang!!

Mo Fan who was floating in the air, fell on the ground and the pile of books fell on him!

Tap Tap Tap


Mo Jiaxing who heard a loud noise coming from Mo Fan’s room suddenly came inside without knocking only to find him buried in the pile of books!

“Little Fan! Wake up, are you okay? Hey wake up!!” Mo Jiaxing quickly removed the pile of heavy books from over him.

He was worried about how this happened and wondered if he fell unconscious because of the weight but when he turned Mo Fan around, he noticed that he was snoring and was in deep sleep.

Mo Jiaxing worries suddenly seemed stupid watching his dear son snoring away, “Damn Brat, made me worried for nothing. Sigh… Thank God he was only tired. He seemed disturbed these couple of days, no wonder.”

He said as he looked at the books scattered around his whole room! Anybody will go crazy by reading this many books.

He Shaked his head sideways and just randomly picked up a book.

“Hmm? Magic Star Formation Pt-2?” He opened the book and noticed that it was Mo Fan’s last year’s book of his magic course.

“Magic… is he interested in it?”

He tried to read it but didn’t understand anything, so he closed the book and placed it on the floor and noticed another book related to magic. Magic History! Then beside it was Magic Tools and Devices.

Slowly he noticed that the whole room was filled with books related to Magic!

“This kid… he wants to be a mage! Sigh… if only he had decided to study more, he could’ve gotten into a nice Magic high school. I don’t want to destroy his confidence after by saying No. We should have a talk about it after he wakes up.”







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