Versatile Mage [Another]

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Suddenly Becoming Spiderman!

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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

After sending Ye Xinxia back to Mo Qing’s home, Mo Fan was also on his way back to his house.

Walking down the familiar road with orange hue of the Sunset evening, Mo Fan recalled the events which happened with the thugs who were harassing his child-bride.

The way he grabbed his hand and the strength which he applied later, “What the hell was that?! Was I always that strong? If I remembered correctly, I had fought with that guy just a year back and he was only a little weaker than me, but now it seemed like he was just a 3-year-old child to me. I could’ve easily thrown him a few metres back with just a swing from my arm.” he said

Mo Fan back when he was in his world, he followed the strict Training regime of Saitama! 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats and 10km Jogging every day for 3 years straight. His body was a lot stronger and tougher than average people. He had been hit with reality after that ‘incident’ 3 years ago, from then he had been training continuously non-stop.

He had stopped exercising after he arrived in this world because he had to study, “But I don’t think I would’ve been able to treat a person double my size the same way I did today even when I was exercising. What the hell happened to me?!”

Mo Fan was contemplating when he saw a familiar man selling fruits, “Old Man Zhou? What are you doing here?” Mo Fan asked.

“Hmm? Oh! It’s Little Fan~” Old Man Zhou turned around and saw Mo Fan and gave him a friendly pat on the back.

“Hehe, I’ve started my own business after buying this little shop. Here have some apples” The Old man suddenly threw an apple towards Mo Fan.

Mo Fan who was caught by a surprise was sure to fail in catching the apple, but the funny thing was that the apple in Mo Fan’s eyes appeared… slow?!

Old man Zhou purposely threw the apple in an angle that is difficult to catch just to embarrass Mo Fan later, by calling him a slow man or so, but his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw how effortlessly and quickly Mo Fan caught it.

Mo Fan himself was shocked at what was happening but he still played along, “Thanks for the free apple old man~ Work hard in your business.” Mo Fan said as he walked away.  

“Sigh, just what you’d expect from a young guy. I guess I’ve gotten too old, huh?” Old Man Zhou sighed and shook his head sideways as he watched Mo Fan’s back.

Mo Fan walked down the road and was still confused. He stared at the fist-sized huge red apple. It looked delicious. All of a sudden Mo Fan squeezed the apple with all his strength!

The plump red apple exploded into pieces instantly! The juice of the apple flowed down Mo Fan’s hand, making it very sticky.

A woman and her kid were walking down the road besides Mo Fan when they witnessed him mercilessly squeezing an apple to death!

They were shocked, the kid who was merrily licking his cone ice-cream froze as the ice-cream fell from his hand & the young woman beside the kid didn’t have words to describe how the youth in front of her was able to do that?!

Not only did Mo Fan looked slender, but he was the type whose muscles were not visible when he wore a shirt.

Mo Fan was embarrassed when he saw their look, he quickly dashed towards home.

As he ran through the streets, he realized that he was sprinting way faster than his usual top speed of 40kmph. He slowly came to a stop and noticed he wasn’t even out of breath!

“What the fuck is happening with me?!” Mo Fan shouted in confusion!

“It’s like I’m suddenly Spiderman! Was I actually this strong and only came to know about my true strength today?! Or is it because of this loach?” Mo Fan picked the black shinny loach dangling on his chest.

This little pendent which he found at Oldman Ying’s thatched cottage was actually an invaluable Magical Treasure! This was the only reason why Mo Fan was able to remain studying with such diligence. Whenever he was tired, the loach would use its magic to wash away his tiredness and basically nourish him back to 100% in 2min~

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He stared at the loach intensely but again there was absolutely no reaction from it…

“This thing always glows whenever it’s using its feature but right now it’s not, so it means that it’s not the one doing it. So how did this supernatural change happen inside me?” Mo Fan questioned himself in confusion.

Days passed by and it was soon the end of the month.

Mo Fan had found an interesting fact about himself, all his physical prowess had doubled! His strength, agility, and endurance were also incomparable to before!

If he was in his previous world, he would’ve easily left Ussain Bolt in dust without breaking a sweat! That’s how fast he was now!

His punches were capable of leaving dents in thick metal plates, he was also able to bend crowbars into a perfect circle!

“Man! It feels good to be strong~ I don’t know how I became so strong, but it feels good~” Mo Fan said.

He was sitting on a bench in the park, he had just finished his morning exercises and was watching the little kids doing calisthenics, the birds were chirping all around like wonderful melody, the sun was shining brightly in the sky and the cool and refreshing morning breeze passing from time to time and tickling his hair~ It was a perfect and peaceful day.

“Ah! Come to think of it, there might be a clue or something about my condition in that Oldman’s cottage! To be honest there are still a lot of things which I don’t understand, I need some answers to them as well.” Mo Fan said while pondering.

He was sitting very lazily on the bench, he still hadn’t groomed himself and looked like a homeless without his hair tied at the back, but his body had become much more well-toned, and his height had increased a little compared to before when he was studying for finals, that is because he was able to do some serious workout with minimal effort and double the gains.

_I’ll need to pay a visit to that cottage; I should probably take care of it before my High School starts. Guess I’ll leave tomorrow itself_ Mo Fan thought about it.

He was bound to find a clue about how or why he got here in that Thatched Cottage.

It was in the evening when the sky turned dark and had lost its light. A youth with a small backpack was travelling through the mountain with a magical torch.

He was able to hear all types of sounds of insects and birds. To be honest it was extremely creepy, but to Mo Fan who had spent the last 3 years of his middle school on the mountain felt at ease surrounded by the nature. His objective was to go to Oldman Ying’s hut.

As he travelled through the mountain, he noticed a small stone paved road. This road lead directly to the doorstep of the hut.

Mo Fan smirked as he walked along the familiar road. Soon the hut was visible in his sight~

But when he arrived at its doorstep, he was shocked!

What stood in front of him was a small, dilapidated hut which stood in the middle of a forest on the mountain. The hut had vines and moss growing on it and looked really run down, as if no one had cared for it in many years. The ceiling had broken down and the wood was corroded.

It felt like the hut would break apart even with a gentle breeze passing through.

“What the hell happened here?! This was not how it looked when I was here just 4months ago… No, but… the old man did say he was from this magical world. So, the fact that he transmigrated into my world many years earlier, explains why there was no one to care for this place. Also, the Mo Fan of this world never came to know about old man Ying in the first place, so no one came here in years… Sigh, I hope there’s still something that is of use to me.” Mo Fan had a headache now.

This was the only place which could give him some answers as to why he had transmigrated and also about his super strength condition. But seeing the hut in this state he didn’t hold much hope for this place.

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