Versatile Mage [Another]

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: It Burped?!

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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

Mo Fan pushed the door open and entered the hut. The first thing he noticed was the fallen ceiling.

He picked up a large chunk of wooden ceiling and carried it out of the door. He had to do it a couple of times to clear out the area.

After removing the ceiling, he noticed that the furniture had been corroded and no longer useful.

He searched around the hut for a while but didn’t find anything useful, “There is literally nothing here… Everything is garbage including the books… Well, now only the basement is remaining. Sigh, I really don’t want to go in there considering the last experience I had.” Mo Fan had a really vivid experience of a wolf monster almost eating him up the last time he went there, but that was when he was in his world.

Right now, he was in magic world, he now knew that what he experienced might not have been his dream but actuality.

Even though he was reluctant to go, he still opened the basement door and went inside it. He found the same stairs leading down and the same door with Black Talismans covering it, but this time he noticed a faint thread like glow emitting from the loach around his neck.

The single thread suddenly divided into multiple threads and pierced into the black talismans.

“Wha?! What’s happening?” Mo Fan was confused as to what had happened.

Soon he saw that multiple mesmerizing azure light balls were coming out from the Talismans. They looked akin to souls. The glowing thread suddenly pulled them towards Mo Fan and the azure balls of light were sucked into the loach.

“What the…?” Mo Fan didn’t have a single idea as to what had happened, but he somehow knew that the seemingly harmless loach just finished eating something delicious.


_It Burped?!_ Mo Fan was stupefied! It was as if this thing was alive!

The talisman started falling one after the other as if they lost their stickiness.

“So, these things actually contained that soul like things huh…” Mo Fan said.

He picked them up and put them inside his bag. There were around 50 talismans.

“Ok then… Lets do this!” Mo Fan placed his hand on the doorknob. His hand was shivering as he was afraid to go inside.

He slowly turned the doorknob and very gently opened the door and peeked inside the room. It was pitch black; so, he threw his magical ball torch inside.

The room was slightly illuminated but it still looked dark. After confirming there was no sign of any monsters inside, Mo Fan went inside the room and noticed the room was the same as the one he saw in his world.

There was a medium sized Glass box Shelf in the middle of the room. The items which he got in his world were not placed inside the box, but similar to the loach around his neck he saw three more antiques!

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They were in a similar state as to when he first saw the loach and looked no different than pieces of charcoal.

Mo Fan’s eyes glittered, and he instantly knew that they were in fact the same as his magical pendant!

He quickly took them out of the glass shelf.

There was a Black Cartilage Earing, a Black Ring, and a Black Bracelet!

He examined them carefully and very thoroughly, making sure there was no problem with them!

After confirming they were fine to equip, Mo Fan wore the Cartilage Earing on his right ear, the Ring on his left hand’s middle finger and the Bracelet in his right hand.

“Hmm… I don’t really like wearing any fancy items around my body, but I guess these are fine~” Mo Fan said as he looked at them. He had a weird smile on his face.

Suddenly the loach around his neck started glowing with an azure light and following it the rest of the equipment also started glowing in their own light!

The Cartilage Earing Emitted a Golden glow, The Ring emitted a Pure White Glow, and the Bracelet emitted a Greenish Black Glow!

Mo Fan was startled, he quickly tried to remove them as he feared that they might blow up all of a sudden, but he was not able to remove any of them! It seemed like they were stuck to his skin.

The glow of the Vessels suddenly started to connect with each other and formed a huge magic circle of 4 colors and enveloped Mo Fan in it!

The magic circle looked different from the one which he experienced before. This time it seemed like Four majestic beast of different colors had come to life. They were coldly glaring at Mo Fan, the puny human in front of them.

He felt like he had travelled to a different dimension all together.

He was surrounded by four huge godly beasts.

The Pressure from their stares was too much for Mo Fan to bear! He was not able to breathe in their presence. His entire being was covered in cold sweat, Mo Fan was not able to see the true form of the beasts as they were hidden behind their glow, he was only able to see their eyes.

It was simply too much for him to bear and he fell on the ground hard and became unconscious.

The moment Mo Fan fell unconscious, his body glowed in a brilliant Rainbow glow outshining all the 4 glows. The four beasts suddenly became alert as their auras became threatening.

A huge rainbow colored bird head was emerging from Mo Fan’s back. It did not emerge completely but only up till its eyes. It did nothing but glared at the four glows surrounding it.

It felt like there was a cold war was going on between them. They did nothing but glare at each other, but it seemed that a simple stare from them was enough to destroy countries.

After seemingly coming to a tacit understanding the rainbow-colored bird head went inside Mo Fan’s back and he stopped glowing. Similarly, the rest of the glows also nodded after looking at each other and slowly went inside their respective vessels.

The chaotic energy slowly died down. Everything returned to how it was as if nothing ever happened, Mo Fan was still lying on the ground unconscious. He seemed to be in a deep sleep rather than being unconscious.

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