Versatile Mage [Another]

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Is That Even A Spell?!

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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

Bo City,

A peaceful city surrounded by mountains on all four sides, which also served as a Natural ward to the monsters, keeping it relatively safe from the threat.

But just 30km outskirts of the famous snowy peak mountains of Bo City was the Nanling Mountain's region which further extended out to Hundreds of Kilometers in the thicket.

The whole Nanling Mountain’s region was an infamous territory as it was ruled by the Wolf Monster Kingdom!

This was also the reason why only wolf type Monsters were found near Bo City.

Near the edges of the Nanling Mountain’s region four figures wearing black robes were sprinting at unimaginable speed as if they were running away from something terrifying!

They were using Wind and Shadow magic along with Space magic to boost their speed. At this point they were faster than even the speed of sound. They were frantically running away as if their life depended on it!

“Tch! That Enforcer is bad news, if we are caught, we will die!” One of the figures spoke in a panicked voice!

He turned his head and looked behind only to notice the Enforcer clad in silver light gaining on them!

“Fuck! We can’t keep going like this, we are bound to get caught if we aimlessly keep running away!”

“What the fuck can we even do about it! How the fuck would we have any idea the Enforcement Union would place this menace on our tails!”

“Right! Great Deacon Hu Jin! He’s in this area working on God Salan's prototype if I’m not wrong!”

“Yes! It’s Bo City! Let’s go there! This Enforcer hasn’t seen our faces yet! There’s still hope for us to survive!”

All four of them immediately changed their direction and went towards the Bo City’s south mountain’s region.

“Hmm?! Where are they going now? Ah! If I’m not wrong, there was a small village city in that direction! Tch, a Black Vatican scum will always be a scum! Since they know they’re going to die either way they’re planning to kill the innocent people living there before dying!”

The Silver Clad enforcer came to a conclusion of his own and quickly accelerated his speed

“Hmph, trying to kill people when I Tang Heiyu is still around? Not a chance!”

Tang Heiyu's whole body encapsulated in a Greyish silver light and 10 wings emerged from his back. The moment the wings appeared his speed skyrocketed and he became the wind itself.


A lone broken down hut was dimly lit up because of a Magical Ball torch in the back of the mountain. A youth staggeringly came out of it while holding his head with one hand and the other hand was holding onto the strap of his bag.

He looked exhausted in all honesty, after all he had just experienced something which he doesn’t want to ever experience again!

But for some reason, he doesn’t even clearly remember what had happened, his memories are all blurred as if someone tampered with them. He only remembers the suffocating fear which he felt at that time.

“Damn it! My head hurts so much” Mo Fan complained as his head was indeed hurting a lot. He just wanted to go home and sleep out the pain and awful experience.

He put on his bag pack and started trotting on his way home, when suddenly…



Something crashed just 30meters away from him with a dangerous force!

The Shockwave sent the defenseless Mo Fan flying back into the hut.

“AARGHH!! What the?! What just happened??” Mo Fan wasn’t even able to get a look before he was sent flying back into the hut!

He crashed into the wall and landed on the couch. He saw that there were four people in black robes at the crash site. Their faces were pale, and they were panting. They were glaring at the direction they came crashing down from.


The four of them immediately unleashed their magic connected the magic stars skilfully and formed a wonderful star palace within matters of seconds!

[[Third Tier Super Light Magic - DOME OF THE HOLY JUDGEMENT!!]]

A brilliant light erupted from the four Star Palaces, each had different colors even though they were using the same element, signifying that they had different types of Soul Grade Seeds. The Four Star Palaces joined with each other and formed a Light Magic Formation strong enough to defend against even supreme ruler's attack! The Light soon formed the shape of a Lattice Barrier and encapsulated a 100 diameters radius from them within seconds!

Mo Fan was awed at this sight! He had never seen a magic of this level being used! Not only that but these 4 people in front of him were experts among experts! They constructed such complicated Magic palaces in matters of seconds and formed a Magic Layering Formation of Super Spells!

_But... Why do they look so scared? Who are they so afraid off?_ A sudden doubt passed through Mo Fan’s head as he glanced in the direction they were looking at.

He saw a man with long black hair clad in silver light, staring down at his prey like an eagle!

"Haha~ You think that joke of a flimsy barrier is gonna save you from me?"

He snapped his fingers and a huge Pinkish Silver barrier with the radius of a kilometer surrounded them.

“No Need to disturb the peaceful neighbours because of some cockroaches~” The huge barrier was akin to a cell! Which prevented all sounds and vibrations from leaving it, of course that prevented people as well.

He then waved his hand and suddenly a huge silver light burst out of his body as the space itself cracked, and an enormous silver sword emerged!

Mo Fan’s face paled at the sight! He felt extremely minuscule in front of the sword, and even though he was protected by four Super spell’s lattice barrier, it looked extremely flimsy in front of the sword!

Not Only Mo Fan but the four Black Vatican henchmen were filled with despair upon seeing that spell…?

No in the first place… Was that even a spell? The Enforcer just lightly waved his hand and a huge Spatial Sword emerged.

“Ah… He has transcended the Tribulation and touched upon the uncharted lands!”

“It’s over…”

“Haha… What was the point of cultivating up to this level if we were going to die this easily…”

The Enforcer's hand which was outstretched above his head suddenly fell down!


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The suspended Silver Sword started flying towards the crash site like meteorite crashing down upon the earth!

The moment the Sword fell, Mo Fan's whole body shivered and got the same fearful feeling from it which he got earlier in the basement. His body was completely drenched with cold sweat but he was brought back to reality when he saw the sword falling down on him.

“Fuck This Shit!” Mo Fan cursed as he saw the basement door and quickly opened it and jumped inside!

He tumbled down the stairs and crashed into the basement cabin’s door hard, his head which was already in pain was now bleeding from the crash.


The Huge Silver Sword easily pierced through light barrier and broke it into atoms and went straight for the four lying on the ground!



All four of them shouted at the same time and their bodies were covered in various armours and shields. But it was not enough…

“Heh~ couple of puny Super Mages dare to think they can stop me?! What morons~” The Enforcer named Tang Heiyu mocked them.



As soon as the sword landed on their shield a huge shockwave erupted in all four directions and everything was sent flying, the trees, the hut, the stone boulders… none remained except the green grass which was dirtied with red liquid drops all over~

The bodies of the four Black Vatican Chief Executioners had exploded into billion pieces and splattered all over the area.

“Ah! Shit! I wanted to keep at least one of them alive to interrogate them! Oh No! Dad is going to be so pissed, but I’ll have to inform him right away.”

Tang Heiyu took out his phone and called someone urgently!

“Hello dad… I found the four Chief Executioners, they were peaked out super mages. I followed them, and arrived at the village city I’m currently at. I think there is something going on with this place because they had better chance of running away if they had went to the Wolf Monster's region, but they risked their life just to come to this place.”

“Did you catch them?” The person on the other side of phone asked

“Um… I was not able to catch them per say… I mean they exploded into billion pieces after all, tehe~” The man was nervous but still tried to play it off as a joke, since he had failed his mission marvelously.



The person hanged up and the call ended, soon a message arrived on his phone saying, ‘come back this instant’

“Oh God… I’m dead.” Tang Heiyu didn’t waste any time and immediately flew and left the scene.

After 15min…

Mo Fan who was underground slowly crawled up and peeked outside.

He noticed that the hut along with the trees in a 1000m radius were destroyed, and the area which was very dark because of the thicket of trees was now spacious!

It was also filled with sparkling silver dust making it appear bright even though it was a new moon day.

“I definitely heard the silver man say Super Mages! So those 4 people were super mages, a level beyond Advanced mage and they were still defeated in just one move?”

“So this is the pinnacle of all magic…” Mo Fan said as he glanced at the red colored grass.

 He moved towards the blood-stained patch and noticed a lot of metal parts were scattered all around the place

“This must be their Magic Equipment! Sadly, I can’t use it anymore.”

Mo Fan just witnessed four people getting brutally murdered in front of him! But instead of feeling fearful or pity, he was weirdly excited; his heart was beating as fast as a bullet train.

His hands were shaking but not because of fear but because of excitement!

He did not feel even a little bit of sadness for the people who had died. Instead, he just started searching the place for loot.

Suddenly, four cyan Light balls emerged from the ground! More specifically it was from the blood stains!

The cyan balls of light were not like the ones he saw in the basement. These shone with a brilliant and mystical glow and looked extremely beautiful and mesmerizing!

The Four hungry vessels on Mo Fan, The Black Cartilage Earing, The Black Bracelet, The Black Ring and The Black Loach suddenly became restless and impatient at the sight of the Souls of the four Super Mages!

Each of the souls floated towards the respective vessels as if they had returned to their home after a long day of work.

As soon as the souls went inside the vessels, they were absorbed and turned into energy. The Vessels glowed incessantly emitting each of their respective glow and cracked!




Their black and unpolished surfaces were cracked open like an outer shell and revealed what was inside!

The Cartilage Earing turned Golden with the shape of a Dragon with huge Rainbow Colored horns.

The Ring turned pure White with Blue stripes over it, Its design looked similar to that of an outstretched panther.

The Bracelet remained black, but it now had green glowing lines over it with shape of a snake coiling on the bracelet.

And finally, the Loach dangling on Mo Fan's chest turned Azure with a coiling Dragon like design!

They had evolved!

Even Mo Fan understood this fact! He was overjoyed but now he understood that these things needed the cyan Ball of light to eat and evolve or more specifically souls of living things…

“This is truly a world of magic where anything is possible…”

People had died as if their life was as insignificant as a bug! Even their souls had been devoured and become nourishment for mere equipments.

The human life here didn’t have any value, Mo Fan could make that out with the speech of that man. He didn’t bat an eye before taking four human lives.

If this was in his science world than that long black-haired man would’ve been charged a case even if he was an enforcer, just because of the fact that he had killed.

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