Very Lucky?

Chapter 11: 11. Finally, he thought, my golden finger.

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"Wait, why did the boy's eye color change?" Said Weiqi after just realizing that the boy's eyes were brown.

"You always get things backward," chuckled King Yama, then said, "The boy's eyes have always been brown. It is you who has grey eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Your soul possesses this body, so of course, the eyes would match your soul."

Weiqi was shocked, then touched the side of his eyes and smiled brightly. He liked the eyes even more now. In this uncertain world where even his body was not his own, he felt comforted by something of his very own.

"Why were they around my neck?" Asked Weiqi. He shuddered when he realized he had walked around with three souls around his neck.

"You have so many questions." Sighted King Yama, thinking living beings were just too curious.

"The boy's parents died when he was young, and unwilling to leave him, they attached themselves to the coins. When Bo Youfei was commanded to collect the soul of the boy, his parents pulled the soul in the coins with them. They were just stuck in the coins and unable to leave."

He lamented. "Some souls are just too sentimental and refuse to leave worldly affairs behind. These souls were lucky, they were able to protect the soul of their son, and now they can reincarnate to be together again. But had they waited any longer, their Qi would have dissipated, and reincarnation would have been hard enough, let alone meeting their son in their next life."

"See, helping the Underworld is very fulfilling." King Yama said righteously, not forgetting to sell his pyramid scheme of convincing him into working for him.

It must be hard, though, Weiqi. Even the Underworld relies on MLM to rope people in.

"Oh, and it's best not to mention that you are from another world. It could invite trouble for you. I do not get involved in human affairs, so you would be on your own."

King Yama whispered. Then he patted Weiqi on the back and gave him a little push.

"Ok, off you go. Just follow Heng Taio."

Weiqi stumbled a little and turned at King Yama with a frown. The latter just laughed and shook his head, thinking, how could his old friend ever have a descendant like this?

Weiqi then walked out of the hall, following Heng Taio, deep in thought.

The fact that he would need to live in this unscientific brought dread to Weiqi, but thinking that his great-great-great grandmother was able to leave here and go to his world gave him comfort.

And with that in mind, he set a goal for himself. He will live in this world and refine his Qi until he can leave, even if it takes him 100 years.

Wang Yingyue could do it, and he, as her descendant, should not let her down.

Hu Weiqi followed Heng Taio out of the hall. After walking off the bridge of Helplessness, he saw the milk tea stall.

He then bounced up to the stall and said eagerly, "Hi Xiao Meng, have you been well?"

It was evident to all who saw that he wanted more milk tea. He even forgot that she might have been just as old as the King.

Granny Meng chuckled and reached behind her stall. A big steaming milk tea cup was already prepared, and she handed it to Weiqi.

"Ah, I knew Qiqi would come by."

Arching her eyebrow, she looked him up and down, exclaiming.

"This little Yan was too generous this time." She then patted Weiqi's head and spoke.

"Yin and Yang are in everything. Sometimes only by suffering can we reap the benefits. And Qiqi has really benefited from this encounter. Hurry and drink that milk tea; it will warm you up and stabilize all these gains."

Weiqi realized that "Little Yan" meant King Yama, and wondered again about the origin of Xiao Meng since she could call the King so casually. But after taking a sip of the milk tea, he ignored all his misgivings. This was the milk tea goddess, okay? Anything else was inconsequential.

The warmth traveled through and burrowed in every part of his body just like when King Yama touched his forehead, but unlike the painful coldness from that time, this felt warm, like a calming wave.

It soothed every part of him and settled on his soul like a warm blanket.

He closed his eyes and was so comforted that he felt he could sleep while standing. He vaguely heard Xiao Meng bid him goodbye, but he felt he couldn't open his eyes. Every single pore on his body was sighting in happiness.

Heng Taio bowed to Granny Meng.

He then looked at Hu Weiqi, who was still clutching an empty cup, and was unsure how to proceed. The boy was just zoned out and he wondered for a second if Granny Meng did not sneak him some Oblivion soup to mess with him.

He then made up his mind, held the boy under his arm, and set off towards the gate.

Heng Taio felt that caring for a human was hard. But this boy helped Bo Youfei, so all he could do was steel himself and just keep walking, looking like he carried a giant marshmallow under his arm, ignoring the curious stares.

And, of course, that idler, Yin Bolin, showed up to join in the fun.

"Yo, what is that ridiculous thing under your arm?" Then he bent over to poke it.

Before his finger touched Weiqi, Yin Bolin noticed that this was a living human and scrambled back, almost tripping over his feet?

"What is this? Why is there a human here?"

He was about the question Heng Taio, but then he noticed the empty cup in Weiqi's hand and paled.

Distressing memories ran through his head, and he turned around and left. He thought this was the work of Granny Meng, and he did not want to get involved any further. He suffered too much from that crazy old woman.

Weiqi eventually came out of it as they approached the gate. He looked around and asked, "What happened to Xiao Meng? Why are you carrying me? How did we get here?"

Heng Taio shook his head. "You went into meditation after drinking Granny Meng's tea. I thought you drank the Oblivion soup; you were so out of it. But you seem to be fine." Then looked him up and down, adding, "Even better than after you left the King's Hall."

Heng Taio then marveled at the boy's luck. King Yama and Granny Meng helped him achieve such a pure soul and abundant Qi; anyone else would kill for such a fortunate encounter, yet this boy was non-pulsed.

He then wondered at the identity of this boy with a special soul. Even the King sought out and helped him. Could he be related to the King?

"What soup? I didn't drink soup. I drank milk tea." Responded Weiqi, unaware of Heng Taio's ridiculous thought, then looked down at his empty cup and said accusingly, "Did you drink my milk tea?"

Heng Taio cast him a slight glance. "You drank it all yourself." He wondered again if this boy was related to the King. Both seem obsessed with Granny Meng's tea. Sure enough, family tends to resemble each other.

"Oh, I don't remember," Weiqi said, then sheepishly scratched his nose, unaware he just became King Yama's family in the thoughts of a ridiculous Supervisor.

Soon the two reached the gate the gate, and Weiqi looked back at the carvings on top of the gate.

He noticed that one of the ten figures up top looked just like King Yama, thinking these must be the ten Kings mentioned. He really wondered about the other nine, and how they rule the Underworld. Do they not fight?

But his surroundings warped, snapping him out of his thoughts, and Weiqi found himself in the middle of a room.

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"Administrator Shi Huizhong greets supervisor Heng Taio."

Weiqi hears the voice and turns around. Then he sees an older man in his 50s bowing.

When the older man stood up, his eyes met Weiqi and widened in surprise.

"Good evening, Administrator Shi." Said Heng Taio.

Then without mincing any words continues.

"This is Hu Weiqi. Please allow him to stay with you and teach him what is needed to cultivate correctly. This is a favor for King Yama himself, and he will reward you." Then Heng Taio hands the older man a pouch and disappears. Yes, disappears without another word, leaving the two just standing there.

The older man and Weiqi look at each other blankly, their thoughts coincidentally in synch.

Is this a dream? What happened? Who is this? What is going on?

Weiqi recovered faster. This didn't even make the list in a day filled with shocking things.

"Hi, sorry about Heng Taio. You know his personality." Then he smiled and bowed.

"My name is Hu Weiqi; you can call me Xiao Hu. I hope you can let me stay with you and guide me. I am very well-behaved and promise I won't cause trouble at all." Said Weiqi, who had been followed by troubles ever since he came to this world.

"My name is Shi Huizhong. You can call me Grandpa Shi." Responded Shi Huizhong mechanically. Then he opened the pouch he received, hoping it would contain more information about the situation or the boy. His mind couldn't understand what was happening and how he ended up with what seemed to be a tenant.

And then he became even more confused as he stared blankly at the pile of gold and precious jade that filled up the pouch.

Shi Huizhong's pupils shook. He looked at Hu Weiqi, his eyes asking warily. What is this?

Hu Weiqi's eyes popped wide, blinking rapidly, as if saying in morse code. I have no idea.

Shi Huizhong calmly closed the pouch, the slight tremble in his hands being the only indicator of his inner turmoil.

"Let's sit down for a cup of tea, and we can discuss this-"

Shi Huizhong paused and couldn't find the right word. Was it "predicament"? Was it "dilemma"? He surely couldn't want to say the word that was in his mind: "catastrophe."

"Yes, yes. Tea sounds good." Responded Weiqi as if being aware of Shi Huizhongs's inner thoughts.

Their footsteps rang across the wood floor as Weiqi followed Shi Huizhong and looked around. Heng Taio seemed to have brought him to a cozy old store.

The air was rich with the scents of paper and ink, bringing memories of his grandfather's study. He also caught a whiff of smoke; it almost had an incense-like quality.

The walls were covered in wooden cabinets, each displaying an object like little suitors presenting their treasures to a favored sweetheart. Except, most of the objects were ordinary-like in appearance.

There mainly were strips of colored paper, inks, and some books. Further back were more delicate items, such as jade carvings, pendants, boxes, and knickknacks.

This store looked like a mix between a bookstore and an antiquities store.

Regardless of the variety of items, the store had a very tranquil atmosphere making Weiqi relax slightly.

Shi Huizhong led Hu Weiqi up the stairs and into a side room.

The room looked like a mix between a study and a tearoom.

Shi Huishong motioned for Weiqi to sit down, and he went to prepare the tea.

Weiqi relaxed and thought Heng Taio's way of doing things was a bit like an overbearing CEO. Just throw money at something and expect the problem to solve itself.

Shi Huizhong and Hu Weiqi each had time to get their thoughts in order as the tea was being made.

Shi Huizhong returned and spoke.

"So what exactly is the situation? Heng Taio said you needed a place to stay and someone to teach you cultivation. I can offer a place to stay. I live above the store and have an extra room you could use.

But I am not sure I can help you with your cultivation. Which path exactly do you study?"

"Study?" Then Weiqi remembered King Yama telling him that people who can refine Qi study specific cultivation paths.

"Ah, I am not sure. I have never tried." Weiqi, this learning scum, responded while laughing uncomfortably.

He has to go back to studying? Weiqi is starting to dislike this world more and more.

But Shi Huizhong's eyes bulged when he heard that answer. Everyone with the Qi physique started their cultivation studies at a young age. He would have had to go to school even if he was from a poor family or an orphan.

The government provides schooling without exception.

Who exactly is this young man who was dropped on his doorstep? He feels a headache coming on.

"Can I feel your Qi?" Asked Shi Huizhong, and when getting Weiqi's permission, touched his wrist.

Shi Huizhong's hand trembled when feeling the pulse and thought. Ah, he was dropped off by the Underworld. How could this boy be ordinary?

The Qi inside Weiqi's body was plentiful and powerful. His own Qi was almost swept away when testing it. He withdrew his hand and rubbed his fingers lightly. He felt like he touched a live wire when touching Weiqi's wrist.

"Well, you have more than sufficient Qi to practice any method. So let us try a couple I am familiar with and see if any are appropriate." Shi Huizhang figured there must be a reason this boy never cultivated with such a Qi, but he didn't ask. He felt like the information would be out of his purview.

Then for the next two hours, Shi Huizhang and Hu Weiqi tried different methods.

In the end, they settled for the Talismans and Formations. Weiqi was incredibly adept at drawing talismans and setting formations.

Weiqi was thrilled that his drawing skills were helpful in this world. And Since King Yama refined his soul, he seemed to have an almost photographic memory, being able to replicate something as soon as he saw it, feeling the joy of being the top student for once.

Weiqi's mood was the highest it had been since waking up in this unscientific world. Finally, he thought, my golden finger.

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