Very Lucky?

Chapter 2: 02. Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore

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The man in white walks in front of Weiqi and bows deeply saying “My name is Bo Yufei, I am one of the supervisors of the Underworld, I would like to thank this benefactor for helping me retrieve my staff, your kindness will be remembered.”

Before he can speak, Weiqi feels a cold gust behind him. Both him and Bo Youfei turn around just in time to see a man in black suddenly appear. Weiqi is shocked again, first the disappearing boy, not this appearing man, what is going on here?

The man in black ignores Weiqi’s shocked face and walks straight to Bo Youfei, he then says in an angry tone:” Bo Youfei, Bo Youfei, you sure have guts. You dare to disappear for 80 years without a trail, you dare send souls to the underworld that are not on the list. King Yama is enraged, because of the mess you made he sent everyone to look for you, wait till you get punished, just you wait, just you wait…”

Then, the man in black stops in front of Bo Youfei and hugs him tightly, he then says in a softer voice “You idiot, what happened to you?”

Bo Youfei responds then gently pats the man in black on his back “I am sorry to worry you Brother Taio, I am sorry that I cause troubles, I will explain myself to King Yama…” he trails off as his voice begins to crack, then he whispered” Ah, I am sorry, I am really sorry, I’m sorry…” there are tears gathered in his eyes and he is feeling very remorseful. He does not care about his upcoming punishment, but his heart aches for those unfortunate souls that were extinguished before their time. He feels really guilty, if only he was stronger this would have never happened to him.

Hu Weiqi is standing there, looking at the two strange dressed looking men embracing, feeling a little awkward. He thinks “Hey this is my dream, I should not be the one feeling awkward, you should be the one feeling awkward…”

The man in black lets go of Bo Youfei and takes a threatening step towards Hu Weiqi asking “Is he the one responsible?” there is a murderous aura enveloping him and Hu Weiqi is feeling even colder. Just as he is about to reply, Bo Youfei grabs the man in black’s sleeve and says in an urgent voice: “No, wait brother Taio, he is my benefactor, thanks to him I retrieved my staff and am able to break through the restriction placed on me, calm yourself.”

Hu Weiqi feels like he is watching a drama, no one is inclined to let his speak, everyone is acting out their roles and he seems to just be one of the props, or the silent extra, he feels amused thinking “If this is my dream, can we at least switch to a palace drama? I am not really a fan of these supernatural dramas with people disappearing and appearing out of thin air, a palace drama seems more my style. I want to be a handsome imperial scholar, or maybe the sickly villain prince; you guys pick your own roles.”

Both men turn to look at Weiqi, the man in black bows and then says: “My name is Heng Taio, I am the Underworld supervisor for Dayou. For the help you offered my brother, I am indebted to you.” and then without waiting for a response he turns to Bo Youfei and says: “Youfei, once the restriction was broken all of us could sense you. Now King Yama is really upset at your performance, let us go fast before the others appear, especially that troublemaker Yin Bolin, it will be better if you seek King Yama yourself first and explain the situation.”

“Yup, I am just a prop, can’t even say one word” Thinks Weiqi to himself.

“Brother Taio, I agree, but give me a moment” Says Bo Youfei, then turns to Hu Weiqi and says “Who are you exactly? Which school do you belong to? And how come the laws of the Underworld cannot affect your soul? I have never met such a soul.”

“What?” Exclaims Heng Taio “What do you mean the laws of the Underworld do not affect him? That is impossible.”

“Ah” thinks Weiqi, “I almost had a speaking part.” He then reflects “I wonder if they get paid per word, if this were a drama, then they definitely would get more pay than me, ah, even dream apparitions are competitive.”

While Weiqi is busy entertaining himself with his amusing and ridiculous thoughts, Bo Youfei responds:” Yes, I was not able to take his soul when I was ordered to, and he was also able to touch my staff. That is actually how he was able to help me break the restriction. But for him not to be affected by the underworld laws is unheard of, and he is definitely alive, I feel the breath of life in him.”

Both Bo Youfei and Heng Taio turn to look at Hu Weqi full of curiosity.

“Here it comes, here it comes” thinks Weiqi “my speaking part has appeared.”

Weiqi clears his throat, then waits a moment to make sure that he is not going to be interrupted again, and finally says: “My name is Hu Weiqi, Weiqi as in Very Lucky, as for school, I did go to Zhejiang University, though my performance was not the best, it was not too bad either, he he.” He scratches his nose embarrassedly thinking that sure enough, this is hell, he is still tormented with school memories. He then continues: “As for the rest of your question, I really do not know what you are talking about, I think that in this play, I forgot to bring a script.”

“What crooked river? What play? what script? Why do I not understand what you are talking about?” Responds Heng Taio with furrowed brows..

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