Very Lucky?

Chapter 8: 08. Your milk tea is the best.

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As the Tao clan was experiencing one of the many tribulations to come, Hu Weqi arrived at the gates of the Underworld.
Weiqi stopped and gazed at the intricate stone gate with admiration.
On top of the gate were carved 28 figures.
Ten prominent figures were in the middle, and encompassing them were 18 smaller figures, nine on each side, balancing it out.
The 18 figures were dressed similarly, with long hair and flowing robes, resembling a hanfu with detailed patterns. Each design is slightly different than the other yet seemingly interconnected.
However, the ten larger figures in the middle were as different as can be from each other.
There were young boys, young and older adults, old men, and even one woman. All were dressed in different styles, from ancient to current and trendy. Although the styles differed, there was still a sense of unity and harmony when looking at them.
The figures looked vivid and seemed to step out of the carving with every line; their eyes seemed to follow and pierce right through you.
Every detail was carved with care and attention, and Weiqi was in awe, his eyes shining brightly with admiration.
He liked art very much and would draw as a hobby, but when it came to sculpting or carving, he was all thumbs.
And because he knew how hard it was, he admired it so much more.
"This is absolutely stunning; the artist is just fantastic. Who made this?"
Weiqi turned to ask but noticed that he was all alone. He widened his eyes, looked around, and saw Heng Taio standing with his arms crossed quite a few steps ahead; he was staring and waiting for him to catch up.
He ran to catch up and scratched his nose sheepishly.
"Sorry, I was just captivated by the work. You could say my soul was practically flying out." Weiqi giggled foolishly.
Heng Taio shook his head and kept walking, thinking silently. Sure enough, the Dao is profound, like attracts like. Or else how could this silly boy run into that silly Youfei? But since he helped Youfei, they owe him.
Weiqi hurried after Taio to catch up, thinking, Ah, this guy's personality sure matches his body temperature.
Weiqi curiously looked around; the streets looked normal, with stalls scattered left and right. He could not tell what those people were selling, but it seemed very lively, unlike he would have expected.
But then, squinted, and thought warily. Ah, I see, not people. He pulled his jacket closer and huddled next to Heng Taio. He had just noticed those"people" were not solid; he could see through them. Those were ghosts.
When Heng Taio saw Weiqi's small movements, he shook his head again, thinking. Which school does this timid boy belong to? How can he shrink at the sight of a soul? How did he help Youfei if he was this weak? He had too many questions, but King Yama was in line first.

Weiqi was huddled in his puffy white jacket, with a backpack over his shoulder, and eating a sandwich. He looked around like a wide-eyed little kid, turning his head from side to side. He was still scared, but curiosity always got the best of him.
The contrast when walking next to Heng Taio was shocking, and the latter kept trying to move away.
But Weiqi kept an eye out and always stuck close to Taio; he was curious but still afraid. These were ghosts, okay?
Ahead he sees a giant stone bridge shrouded in a gloomy aura. The closer they get to the bridge, the fewer stalls there are, until only one is left.
As they approach the bridge, he notices that the single stall left, serves boba tea.
His eyes shine expectantly. He loves cold boba tea in the summer and must have hot milk tea in the winter.
"If I didn't know any better, I would think this is "bring your son to work day."" An amused voice rings out, startling Weiqi out of his food fantasy.
Weiqi then sees Heng Taio bow politely in the direction of a very young girl, standing next to the stall. Then said, "Granny Meng."
When Weiqi heard the word "granny," his eyebrows shot up. The girl looked about the same age as this body. If she was considered granny that what does that make him? He does not think he can keep a straight face if anyone calls him Grandpa Hu.
He looked at the girl, but she did not seem offended.
She was a very young girl, with a dewy complexion and sparkling eyes; her hair was tied up in two lovely hair buns, and she wore a bright pink wide-sleeved dress. A slight smile adorning her face.
"I keep asking all of you to stop calling me Granny Meng, yet none of you listen. It really breaks my heart, you know? Other than sister Yan, all of you are just a bunch of rigid fools."
Weiqi sees that Heng Taio just makes a face, then bows again without saying a word. He gives a tsk in his heart, thinking. This guy doesn't even know how to coax a little girl, completely forgetting that he was in the Underworld, and she might not be a little girl.
Even though he was never very social, as an artist, he was a face-con.
"Little miss, what is your name?" Says Weiqi. He is trying to make her feel better, and since her body looks completely solid, he doesn't have any misgivings.
When she hears his voice, her eyes twinkle mischievously. "You can call me Xiao Meng. How about you? What is this handsome little brother's name?
Seeing her shining eyes, he thinks, sure enough, she just needed a little coaxing and replies.
"My name is Hu Weiqi; very nice to meet you, Xiao Meng."
She pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle her giggle as soon as he said her name, but it broke out of her and resounded across the street; even Heng Taio's eyes widened comically.
"Ah, Qiqi is my favorite human from now on." Said the girl and bounced on her toes. "Wait a minute, and I will make you a hot milk tea. I guarantee mine is the best you ever had"
She grinned and ran to her stall to prepare it.
Weiqi was first when he heard her call him Qiqi, but then thinking about the milk tea, he whispered to Heng Taio, "Can I drink something from the Underworld? Will that trap me here? Is it safe?"
He noticed Heng Taio's face did not look right, and he was worried; he really wanted to drink milk tea.
Heng Taio gave him a side look. "The living can eat food from the Underworld; it would not affect them."
But he did not mention that drinking anything from Granny Meng was potentially dangerous for any creature, be it living, dead, or immortal, like their King. No one can escape the effects of the Oblivion soup.
But since Granny Meng is in a good mood, she should not play any tricks today. So he did not voice this warning, lest he really pissed Granny Meng off.

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"Of course, it's safe silly." Granny Meng then hands Weiqi his hot milk tea. "This is freshly made especially for you and is very good in warming your body and balancing your Qi."
Weiqi takes the cup and is delighted at its warmth, completely ignoring her last comment.
He took a big sip, and his eyes lit up. This is just divine, he thought.
"Xiao Meng, this is the best milk tea I ever had. It is not an exaggeration. How can there be no customers here? If you had opened a stall where I am from, the lines would snake around the whole city." Taking another sip, then added, "Twice."
Heng Taio thinks, of course no one is here; no one is brave enough to try her tea except the King. Then looking at Weiqi, he murmurs, "Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."
Weiqi takes another sip, smacks his lips, and looks at her with burning eyes. "Can I come back for more?"
"Of course, Qiqi is my favorite person, and a cup will always be here for you when you want it." She then reached up and ruffled his hair.
Weiqi was busy drinking, and he let her do as she pleased, thinking. If she wants to pat his head, she can pat his head. If she wants to call him something silly and girly like Qiqi, she can call him Qiqi; she is the milk tea goddess and can do whatever she wants.
He grinned, thinking that coaxing her was the best thing he ever did. Heng Taio did not get any milk, but he, on the other hand, was enjoying the benefits.
"We would like to take our leave; King Yama is waiting for us."
Heng Taio bowed to Granny Meng again.
"Wait, give this to King Yama. I am in an excellent mood today." She handed Weiqi another cup, but this one felt cold.
Weiqi held it out for Heng Taio to take, but the latter ignored him and turned to leave. Weiqi did not want to hold the cold tea, but thinking about how nice Xiao Meng was, he could make an exception.
"Thank you again, Xiao Meng, I will try to come and see you again. Your milk tea is the best."
He smiled at her and waved his hands that were holding the cups.
She laughed when she saw that, and waved back. "Bye Bye Qiqi."
Weiqi quickly caught up to Heng Taio and crossed the bridge.
Even the bridge is not as gloomy when you have a warm drink, thought Weiqi, while sipping his milk tea happily.
They soon arrived at the hall, and before Weiqi could make any mental preparations, the door opened, and a voice called, "Come in."
Weqi followed Heng Taio and stepped into the hall.
Heng Taio bowed, clasping his hands in front of him. "King Yama, this is the boy we told you about."
Weiqi saw that Heng Taio bowed and tried copying him, but since he was holding two drinks, it looked like he was toasting the King with the drinks.
King Yama was amused, and his eye was glued to the cup in Weiqi's hand.
"Get up, get up." then said to Heng Taio, "Leave us."
Heng Taio bowed again and left the hall, leaving Weiqi and the King alone, staring at each other.
Weiqi saw the King looking intently at him, and he was nervous, his hand shaking a little and spilling some tea.
King Yama's eyes widened, and he held his breath.
When Weiqi saw that King Yama was staring at what was in his hand and not at him, he relaxed a little and said.
"King Yama, my name is Hu Weiqi. Here, this tea was sent to you by Xiao Meng."
But then Weiqi was stumped; he did not know anything about meeting royalty. Can he approach the throne and hand him the tea? Does he have to wait for a servant to grab it from him? What is the etiquette here? He does not want to insult the King of the Underworld.
King Yama chuckled when he heard Weiqi address Granny Meng; he got up and walked towards Weiqi, solving the latter's difficulty.
"I have many questions, but let's enjoy our beverages first."
King Yama carefully picked up the cup from Weiqi's hand and then led him to the side, where a low table was nestled.
King Yama sat down first, and Weiqi sat across from him; then, when he saw King Yama take a sip from his tea and smile, he relaxed even more. He knew he had found a fellow foodie.
"Her tea truly is the best," Weiqi said, taking a sip from his cup.
"Mmmm, it sure is," replied King Yama; he closed his eyes and raised his lips in a contended smile.
Sipping sounds could be heard in the hall for a couple of minutes, and all else was quiet.
Weiqi finished his drink and lapped at the rim several times, but there was no more to be had.
He then looked at the cup in King Yama's hand and wondered how the cold milk tea was compared to the warm one. The shiny boba pearls looked very appetizing.
King Yama felt a stare and opened his eyes. When he noticed Weiqiwas staring at his cup, he finished his tea in a big gulp, almost choking on the boba.
He coughed lightly. "Well, now, let me look at you."
Weiqi was shocked when he felt icy fingers grip his chin; King Yama was holding his face. He lifted an eyebrow and smiled. "Interesting eyes you have."
Weiqi couldn't move and let a weak smile. "Ah yes, they are a family trait."
King Yama let go of his face and then asked eagerly.
"So, what world are you from? Is it much different than here? Are there terrible monsters? How did you get here? Did you die? I really must know."
Weiqi was left speechless. What is with these arrow-like questions accurately hitting every sore spot? He felt that he sat down for an exam he had never studied for, only to find out it was an open-book test.

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