Vestiges of mana

Chapter 1: Deal

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As opposed to our imagination gods in the celestial plains also have to work and they are not immortals like legends state. They live of off souls which provides sustenance they need to prolong their life. Some gods look upon their world abundant with souls and live a care free life while some who do not posses their own world labour for another and earn their keep of souls. Larth is a god who works for the so-called self sufficient gods working day in and day out to prolong his life.

In city of gods Larth happily comes out of a vendor shop as he has just bought a world for himself. This world he bought has many souls but the soul vault which stores the dead and fading souls is not working. This vault is the most important part of cultivating and growing a world but Larth stubbornly wanted to be a owner of a world so he bought a cheap one.

Earth 2220

Above the sky of earth Larth stands looking at the abundant life thriving. He surveys the whole planet with his senses and teleports above a crowded city with high rise skyscrapers and blinding lights. As he cannot collect souls because of the soul vault he plans to study the planet so as to think of ways to utilise this world of his.

After studying humans the intelligent species of this world he found some interesting things which he took note of

• Humans have complicated their lives with something called politics, taxes and many other materialistic things.

• This world used to be highly polluted but as it became a threat to their survival they have cleaned this planet in the past centuries.

• The humans here share information over a medium they call internet.

• The people by the name of scientists have tried to re forge extinct creatures but failed. “Mostly because their souls weren’t stored any where”

• And lastly they indulge in something called virtual games which lets them experience many instances not possible in their life as a human.

After understanding this much Larth planned to do something with this world which may help him greatly in sustaining himself and also repairing the soul vault and this was deeply related to the games these humans played.

Larth previously worked for a god named Hades as not to be mistaken with any other gods he was a titled god. He was titled “god of abundance” because of everything he had. But his world “Arcana” had a war recently in it. This was a great season of harvest for Hades but as war went on the mana in this world got polluted and the war went on a stand still which greatly saddened Hades. But Larth had a plan to do something about this predicament of Hades which may greatly benefit both of them so he went on to Hades.

As he was close with Hades because of his work he didn’t have to try too hard to meet him. After being asked of his purpose by Hades he immediately started explaining his idea of using the polluted mana to create a new race in his world and letting them roam the world and him supplying souls for the new race to do the work of harvesting souls in his world.

Hades was confused by this proposal but he considered nonetheless. The more he thought about it the more it seemed plausible. The new race would be made up of polluted mana so there was no loss and Larth supplying souls which are active in act of killing though not proficient in it wasn’t too bad either as it could be fixed with time. For the distribution of the souls this race kill 20% of it will return to the killer or players as soul currency and they can use the pure mana of dead to refine themselves and grow stronger. The 80% would be harvested 40% for himself and 40% for Larth as payment. Even if he could not get full souls strength of each souls differed and if this race grew strong enough high quality souls were also within reach. Most importantly they would clean the impure mana as they grow so it was a good deal for him. As such the deal had been made and by the voice of the Celestia the contract has been fulfilled.

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