Victim [BL]

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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"Tyrone Lesley, how many times have I told you to not skip school? I thought you would've changed for the better after summer break, yet you're the same as always. Stop wasting my and your dad's time on these useless matters. We are very busy and have no time to attend to your nonsense. Obediently stay in class this time. I don't want to get another call from your homeroom teacher about this."


Before I could respond, the phone was abruptly cut off from the other side. My mom had always been like this, only calling me when any mistake I had made reached her ears. But at least she calls to lecture me.


I've already known for a long time that neither of my parents cared about me. The only gift they had given me, Choco, was only given to me after I had begged persistently through phone calls to them, to the extent that they were willing to put down their 'work' and buy a pet dog for the young me.


"Happy birthday." They had said when giving the Chow Chow to me, and it was not even my birthday. I pretended to be surprised while they feigned happiness for me as if they were not impatiently looking at their phones the whole entire time. The three of us acted in a show for no one other than ourselves to see. A facade to make it seem like we were a perfect family of three when in actuality, we were far from it.


I smiled wryly at the call-ended icon on the screen of the phone in my hand. Judging by the crying noises in the background of the less than ten seconds call, my mom should be with her other family now. Work? Being so busy that you both have no time for me? It’s more like the both of you are busy living your own lives so much so that the both of you have no time to deal with the leftover child from an arranged marriage that neither of you wanted.


“At least I still have you Choco.”



[ I like you, I like you so much. You are the oasis in the desert, the sanctuary in the devil’s lair, the only light in this world of darkness. My god, my belief. I like you, I love you. ]


“Dude, another one? Be honest with me, which crazy stalker fan did you hook onto this time?”


“How the fuck do I know? And this letter was from the day before summer break. I just forgot to take this thing out this morning.”


“Just trash it, it’s not that important anyway.”


“Yeah, I’m going to.”


After applying first aid to my body the day before, the injuries on my body and face subsided and became not as obvious. There were still some fading bruises on my face but it didn’t matter as I’ll be wearing a hoodie and nobody would care about them even if they noticed.


“Will you be okay going to school like this? Do you want some makeup to cover them up? I can lend you mine.”


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“No, it’s alright. Thank you.”


“What are you thanking me for? This is what I ought to do. Please take care of your body better, don’t be so careless that you can even fall so badly while walking on the stairs.” I smiled at these words. The only person in my small world who was affectionate with me was Aunt Claire, my housekeeper. Even though there was no need, she still took care of me like I was her child.


Another dreadful day at school started.


I walked through the day like a zombie. Living but not at the same time.


When lunchtime came, I immediately grabbed the lunchbox that Aunt Claire made and left for my usual eating spot. Underneath a staircase that people rarely used.


It was quiet. No sound, no nothing. Everything was still, including my thoughts.


I picked up the fork and spoon and started my meal. As always it was delicious. It was Aunt Claire’s work after all.


After an unknown amount of time of silence, it was broken by an echoing click sound from somewhere above me. Laughter resounded throughout the stairway and enthusiastic voices could be heard in the background.


The voices were growing louder, getting closer to me. My ears perked up at one of the voices. I recognised that voice. It was Carlos. My heart started beating faster, it was so loud that it almost drowned out the sound of his voice. A sweet smile surfaced on my face. It was like falling in love all over again whenever I see, hear and think of him.


I slowly breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down. I have to hold myself back. I shouldn't meet Carlos. I shouldn't let him see me like this. I'm not worthy to be seen by him.


Quickly finishing up lunch, I cleaned myself up and left the stairway on the second floor, passing by Carlos and his group of friends on the way. I couldn’t help it when I passed Carlos. My eyes subconsciously traced his side profile, burning his image into my mind. When he turned to look at me and our eyes met, although only for a moment, it felt like a lifetime. I forgot how to breathe and my heart did a leap in my chest.


It was only when his eyes left mine, did I remember how to function normally. I walked the rest of the way back to my classroom in a daze. 


Carlos saw me. We met eyes. In that second, at that moment, there was only me in his eyes. 

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