Villain VS Hero

Chapter 5: Chapter-5 The Seven Items of Power.

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The attack had failed, Nate blocked the blade of the dagger with his right hand that held the mysterious crystal. The golden dagger was immediately absorbed into Nate's body, the bright surrounding faded quickly revealing a hellish landscape of fire that surrounded them both. "Tch, can't you just sleep?" Asked the now identified masked woman as she leaped backwards.

Landing a few feet ahead of Nate, the woman began an interesting speech. "Why can't you guys just stop being evil and start doing good things for once!? why'd you have to start being mean all of the sudden!?" The woman shouted as her black eyes locked with Nate's visor, he could see her cry of disappointment and despair, and a strange slight emotion of worry. "Six more to go..." Nate thought to himself before completely ignoring the woman's questions and rushed towards her.

Passing a sea of fire, Nate then punched the woman in the gut before quickly grabbing the back of her neck and throwing her towards the other two masked individuals who were still distracted with the other villains. "Woah! nice shot!" A villain shouted.

"Lynn! watch out!" Shouted the second masked individual to the other, and judging by the individual's voice, it was a young man while the one he shouted at was a young woman, Nate could see the pink long hair from where he stood. The fires raged as he walked slowly towards the three who were still struggling to get up, but this time there was nothing between them and Nate, they were all surrounded by the violent blue fires that even the villains never tried to pass through.

The woman Nate punched in the gut was like a puppet without strings, he stopped in place as he watched the remaining two still conscious masked individuals struggled to get their friend to wake up. Nate could make up the name Ann from a distance as the masked man shook his friend in an attempt to wake her up, until Nate noticed the one named Lynn looked towards him with desperation in her eyes. "Please! help her! I'll do anything you want just please, please help her!" Lynn begged Nate which almost made him feel guilty until he remembered that the other masked woman that he punched was the first to attack him. Although the attack was meant to knock Nate out, he didn't know any better, and for all he knew it was a threat against his life.

Nate was about to go ask Pixie to give him a healing potion until he felt something pass the wall of flames behind him, it was then he realized that there were still those two that he nearly forgot about. "Joel, wait!" Lynn shouted as Joel hit Nate's neck with yet another item in the form of an axe, which was obviously absorbed quickly upon impact. "Five left." Nate thought.

"Take this!" Joel shouted, but Nate immediately moved to the side and performed an uppercut to Joel's chest, shattering his bones in an instant before sending him to cardiac arrest, and soon, death. All before he could even react. Joel's face turned from a raging to one of surprise and regret in a second, he fell to the ground as the fires slowly consumed him. "JOEL!!!" The masked man called out; however, his screams fell upon deaf and dead ears. "Jay! Lynn! take them both out of here! we're leaving!" Nate turned to his left to see Aury in a different attire, with a weapon that called out to him. A white crystal sword.

The whispers became more and more severe as the woman carefully walked toward Joel's burning corpse. "I had hoped we did not have to meet like this... but, if you would permit us to leave, we will never show our faces again." Aury said to Nate as she waited for an answer. Nate however had other plans, he quickly touched the sword, and the whispers went away, surprising Aury who still did not make a single move as Nate turned towards the three masked individuals, little did he know that the moment he absorbed the sword, his armor gained the ability of self-repair, and his size grew by three inches, which makes four in total. Just as Aury was somehow reviving the already dead Joel from death's grasp, the three masked individuals, Aury, Joel and Nate were sucked into a portal. But before the portal appeared below them, on a split second, Nate was definitely sure he saw something hit the ground and was the cause of his sudden fall. However, what greeted Nate on the other side was not a town, city or landscape, but a labyrinth, a labyrinth of stone walls covered with vines and vegetation, a floor made of pebbles and clear water as high as half a foot, and a roof of smooth rock that formed an arch with lamps as its only source of light.

"W- Er, the ...he- Am I?" Nate asked himself as he slowly got up from the floor and looked around. This hallway was as high as a dump truck and as wide as a bus, Nate's thoughts about the place were swept aside by the sound of a woman's plea for help. Nate quickly looked at himself and sighed, good thing he still had his armor and everything else with him.

"My knight, please come and save me from this chamber!" The woman called out again, Nate rolled his eyes and continued down the path laid before him until he was stopped by a pair of double doors made from pure and filtered uranium, and the most radioactive one at that. The set of doors had an intimidating design, apart from the extreme radiation, the carvings formed faces of wolves and dragons, Nate opened the doors and walked inside, and just as he did, an electric guitar played.

"...What the fuck???" Nate said in his mind as he walked inside, the room he was now in looked like the standard dungeon, metal gates and walls, floors of stone, and hundreds of cells all around him, and at the end of the room was a staircase that led to a wooden door above the room only reachable through that one stair that circled around the room before reaching the very top. "Let your heart race..." A man with surprisingly good vocals started singing as the guitar slowed while mechanical automatons appeared before Nate. "Singing the dawn of a new age..." Nate looked down and quickly took the wood and rusty iron axe as he prepared for a fight. "Don't let the light be your end today... I'm here to stay with you..." Nate took a step forward. "So don't let them take me away from you...!" Nate dashed as the music started its second sequence. "I sure hope this isn't recorded..." Nate thought to himself as he clashed with the mechanical automatons. 

Electric guitar plays as Nate hacked away at one of the automatons that looked like an exaggerated puppet with long, extended appendages so thin and thick they would be considered weapons in it of themselves. "This isn't what I expected, but the music sure is damn good." Nate thought to himself as he performed multiple slices and cuts on the automaton's armor.

"I've been so lost ever since you left, I will take your soul and everything you get." Nate climbed on the back of the automaton before blasting its exposed core from behind with his hand cannons. "I'll maybe kill you now, but I think I know what's best, let's just wait till it's dark and fight until the end... or you want something else?" The music became slightly louder as the sound of drums made it even more difficult for Nate to figure out if one of the automatons were rushing towards him.

"This isn't helping!" Nate shouted in his mind as the automaton he was on fell to the ground, he looked to his side and in a second he was sent flying before crashing on the wall of the dungeon by a massive bronze spiked staff. "You conquered everything..." The automaton slowly walked forward in a clockwork motion revealing its humanoid form of a bamboo daimyo, and behind it were two bamboo clockwork samurais who held jade naginatas. strangely, they both had a women's face.

"Walking away from an endless night, from a bloody fight, you waned... selfless doubt, weapons bound, you wait...!" Nate rushed towards the three bamboo automatons as they took their stances. "Burn! burn everything! you died and died and died again! you'll rise up from the start...! and end it all with one last heart!!!" Nate sent a barrage of attacks towards the daimyo and its bodyguards, making them falter in the face of such fast and powerful attacks. The unbearable music became so severe, that even Nate became deaf from all noise. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SOUND COMING FROM???" Nate screamed in his mind as he used a far stronger strike to split the daimyo in half before quickly looking for the source of such good but deafening noise, but then again, he was now deaf. "FUCKING RADIO!!!" Nate shouted but no sound came from the speakers of his own helmet as he dashed towards the radio Nate saw mounted on a wall. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Nate shouted as he used a monstruous amount of might to completely shatter the radio into a billion fragments that looked more like dust. 

Nate finally regained his hearing while a terrible ringing noise soon softened and disappeared completely after a few seconds. Nate sighed as he leaned on the wall while resting his head on it. "Finally! that shit was killing me!" Nate thought to himself.

He then made his way up towards the stairs towards the door above, and when he arrived at the top and opened the door, another hallway that he just passed through appeared before him. Nate went inside, closing the door behind him as he walked towards yet another set of uranium doors ahead, the noise he made as he walked towards the end of the hallway were slightly annoying, the water slowly changed color without Nate noticing, turning red as he walked ever closer towards the uranium doors, and when he opened them a cassette player on top of a wooden chair was on the other side. "A cassette player? are you kidding me?" Nate thought to himself as he immediately shattered the things before him, but to his surprise the cassette tape was another item he needed and was absorbed into him. "Three left then." Nate said to himself; however, his speakers were no longer working, though that was not the end of his little journey in this twisted realm of fantasy and imaginations. The bloody waters behind the doors flooded the room, consuming Nate in an instant as he was sent to another labyrinth, this time, it was far dirtier, vines were everywhere, and the roof looked like it could collapse at any time, it was also leaking water as well.

"This place sure is an asshole..." Nate said to himself while walking once again, his only source of light this time was the cracks on the walls, which even he couldn't see through. A low hum filled the area around Nate as he continued onward, a bright light consumed him suddenly as he was transported to a sort of temple filled with gold and jewelry, as far as Nate knew, he was still in the same world, and there was definitely no other way he could be transported to another without Pixie's help.

Looking around, Nate noticed this wasn't your average temple. Instead of stone, wood or any other non-metallic material, it was all silver and iron, and a little bit of gold as well as steel, it was all modern judging by the fact there were electrical lamps. Nate then walked towards the third set of uranium doors he saw in this world before slamming his axe which both destroyed the doors and broke upon impact, Nate covered his visor for a moment as his eyes quickly adjusted to the light in front of him.

Another labyrinth, however, the great thing was it looked more like a fancy hotel. Walls were painted with red and dark red colors, with designs befitting of a luxury resort, the floor clean with a plain but comfy purple carpet above a blue wooden floor, fancy dark brown furniture littered the sides of the walls while bronze and golden chandeliers hung above the obsidian roof which were all carved with flowery designs. "This sure does remind me of a horror game I played, but I still have my armor... huh..." Nate said to himself before wandering around multiple hallways for hours without end. Then, right in front of him, Nate saw a medium automatic rifle with a thirty-round magazine just lying there on the floor. "Oh yeah..." Nate thought to himself as he picked up the rifle. But just as he stood upright, multiple Fears in the form of faceless agents with handguns appeared in front of him. "Son of a-" The Fears immediately interjected. "OPEN FIRE!" Nate ducked behind a desk he used as cover while a hailstorm of bullets flied like rain towards him. "I thought I killed them all?" Nate thought to himself, but then he remembered that he was in another game, but still shared the same universe as the former. "No wonder..."

"Oh, my brave savior! take me from this moment of agony!" Said the same voice Nate heard from before on the first labyrinth. "I'm not falling for that bullshit again bitch! I won't be fooled twice!" Nate said out loud as he returned fire at the Fear Agents.

Nate could hear snickering from a certain corner but couldn't put his finger on it due to all the bullets flying in his direction. "Shit these guys are tough, why don't we even the odds..." Nate laid on the ground and rolled to the side, using his infinite ammunition and faster reflexes, Nate laid waste to the horde of Fears in front of him, without missing a single shot. 

He then got up and walked towards the bodies of the Fears, noticing that their bodies weren't disappearing like the Fears he first encountered. "Hmm..." Nate reloaded his gun and shot each one in the head. Sure enough, they all faded and dissipated into air, however, Fear Fragments took their place, that's what Nate started calling these crystals. "I knew it! there was definitely something off about these guys playing dead..." Nate said to himself as he walked past the fragments, absorbing them as he got near each one. "Well, hello there handsome... mind telling me who you are?" Nate heard a different woman's voice behind him, but as he turned around, he saw a woman in a red jumpsuit and body armor, with red hair, red eyes, covered with a red helmet, all red, except for the tan skin. "My, my... if it isn't my lover boy Black Mire... it's been such a long time, mind continuing our dance?" Nate recognized the woman before him, it was Red Saviour, the woman who tried dating Black Mire. 

However, the type of date they had were not really all words of love, but instead blades of death and one-sided chases between Mire and Saviour. With Black Mire being the one to chase Saviour in the night. "Why so silent?" Saviour asked, "Because you're a bitch!" Nate replied, but still nothing came out of his helmet's speakers when he insulted the woman.

Nate turned back only to receive a gunshot to the head in turn by Saviour. "Mind listening to me now?" Saviour watched as Nate slowly turned with his eyes glowing inside his helmet, she smirked before running for her life in the other direction.

"Try and catch me if you can!" Saviour taunted, "YOU'RE DEAD ASSHOLE!!!" Nate shouted as he chased Saviour at nearly twice her speed, surprising her in the process as she used all her strength to merely outrun Nate and survive whatever punishment he had for her. "Wow... he really must be pissed this time..." Saviour thought to herself as she tried to use the furniture around her to try and hinder Nate's movement but to no avail, they were merely crushed under his foot and powerful strength.

"END OF THE LINE YOU SHITHEAD...!!!" Nate said once more with gritted teeth, but no matter how many times he shouted, no sound will ever leave his helmet. Saviour was backed into a corner, where an elevator that seemed to be offline appeared to be either her only option of escape or her death wish, either way, Nate was approaching, with gun in hand and flaming eyes.

Nate aimed his rifle at Saviour, preparing to end her worthless life, but then he realized, she had her uses. "...Huh?" Saviour said to herself as she saw the man that was about to kill her lower his gun and instead walk towards her before shoving her aside and opening the elevator with pure brute force. Nate jumped down into the black darkness of the elevator shaft with Saviour soon to follow when she decided to follow him after a little thought in her head. Landing down at the very bottom, crushing the elevator itself Nate soon opened the doors that led to the lowest floor which the elevator was currently on, Saviour on the other hand was sliding on the sides of the shaft as she soon reached the floor where Nate was at. "Sorry about that Mire..." Saviour apologized but Nate ignored her completely as they continued down a different hallway but with the same features and identical furniture, though it looked like it was inhabited by a different visitor.

"Oh god, glory be his name! holy be- Holy shit!" Said a young, uniformed teenager who appeared at a corner the moment he saw Nate. "What!? who is it?" Said a girl behind the man still hidden from view. "B-Black Mire!!!" The teen shouted as he ran back from where he came from, "Wait what? who's Mire?" asked a familiar male voice. "Who... who's there?"

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Judging by the teen's face and clothing, he was Pawn, one of the Six Heroes of Night City, and the weakest one. Usually, he's just another side-character that Nate forgot about, but his green dyed hair and green eyes were unmistakable, as well as the colorful clothing that he wore. Coming around a corner, Nate then saw another person with identical features to Pawn, however, his choice of clothing was odd at best, the only differences were that he was older, as well as having black clothes and wore sandals among other things. "Don't ask! just run!" Pawn said to his friend as he grabbed his hand and ran the other direction while Nate sent bullets flying their way not a moment later, destroying anything that didn't manage to dodge the bullets, that included the wall ahead which split into two paths left and right. "Which way do we go?" Asked Pawn's friend, "Right! go right!" Pawn answered as he tried to go on the right path while trying to dodge the bullets.

Just as the two disappeared into the corner, from that area over a hundred Fears rushed towards Nate and Saviour, but Saviour didn't know what these things were, so she was quite taken aback when she saw the faceless men rush towards them with merely pistols, while some carried SMGs of different types this time. "Know these guys?" Saviour asked but was ignored.

Saviour shook her head and shrugged, following Nate as he quickly obliterated every last one of these faceless agents in suits as they faded when killed, not seeing the Fear Fragments that littered the floor before being absorbed by Nate as he walked by. Nearly over a thousand were rushing towards them with even heavier firepower, from rocket launchers to hand grenades and miniguns, they were all annihilated in mere seconds before they could even react. The Fear Agents within Nate's path were slaughtered, passing nearly a hundred corners before reaching another set of uranium doors which was the fourth time.

Nate's eyes twitched as he reloaded his gun in a split-second, he angrily looked around slowly before noticing that Saviour was over a dozen feet away from him and the door in front of him. A reasonable thing to do since it could have made nearly a dozen incurable diseases in her body if she remained at least ten feet away from them, which would've been a death wish. 

Nate kicked the doors down and as they collapsed into small pieces revealed yet the first decorative room Nate had seen since his office at the Moon Tower. Same walls, floor and furniture, and even the roof. Nate walked inside along with Saviour who was close behind him, not noticing the new doors made out of steel painted black replaced the uranium ones behind them. 

As they both entered deep into the room, lights flashed as more guests appeared. One of them Nate was familiar with, it was King, the leader of the Six Hopes, this time it was the real deal. Multiple tables and chairs appeared in formation while fancy utensils were formed above them, champaign bottles and expensive delicacies from seafood to deserts placed upon plates by butlers without faces, identical to the Fears that attacked Nate on sight, though the only difference was, Nate and Saviour had a different table unlike the rest, they had had black while the rest were white. "My lord! fancy seeing you here!" Crimson approached from the costumed crowd before making his way towards Nate and Saviour, catching the attention of Kind who slightly frowned at the sight of three villains enjoying themselves, still, he sighed and accepted the moment of peace he received at the moment. Nate immediately took his seat while Crimson and Saviour also did the same.

From the fancy furniture and red surroundings, Nate determined that this was another DLC, but he could remember what exactly it was. While the other guests were talking and bickering amongst themselves, Saviour had already taken off her helmet and was busy eating the foods given to her, while asking for more from the seven Fear Butlers that surrounded them.

Nate kept his gun close while watching the other guests, he couldn't remember every single one which made him almost fully ignore the Fear Agents that were already firing upon the unfortunate and ignorant people who hadn't managed to dodge their ranged attacks, leaving only forty from the original five hundred guests. "Now that the sheep has been culled, may I formally introduce myself- Hey! why're you ignoring me!?" A man shouted from a balcony that wasn't previously on a wall in front of Nate a few thousand feet away. Nate then looked up to see a man shouting curses at him. "Damn you're noisy as fuck."

Nate aimed his gun at the man in the balcony before firing a single shot that blew the man's head off to paste, then slowly lowering his gun back down to its previous position on his lap, ignoring all the surprised gazes towards him without a thought.

Nate watched as an entirely new door of pure gold appeared right below the balcony, from there, Lynn, Jay, Ann, Joel, Aury and even another DLC character, Pox, A bald monk in an orange and white robe and attire walked barefooted. Strangely, the monk could see even with his eyes closed, which is even stranger because Nate knew that the monk was blind.

"That makes forty-six..." Nate thought to himself as the six approached a table next to him group. This time Nate could see the three once masked individual's faces, from their expression alone they remembered everything, they all had the same skin color of white but had different hair colors and eyes. Lynn had purple hair and eyes, Jay had emerald hair and blue eyes while Ann had all black. It looked like they had shaved their hair and had haircuts a day ago, and a bit of training as well.

Nate became slightly concerned that an overpowered being like Pox was present, the fact that DLCs are starting to connect like this meant only one thing, Chaos of Corruption DLC was about to commence. This also meant that there were supposed to be other guests like Niko, Liera and Vicktor as well as more, far more powerful beings, all were against Mire and his rule. And just as Nate had predicted, more people exited from the golden doors, Niko, Liera, who now had a spiritual body of glass, Vicktor, and unexpectedly, another DLC character Nate knew a lot about. Priestess Albio, in all her beauty and might, literally all white, from clothing to the color of her eyes, skin and hair. "Oh shit..." Nate could only think to himself.

"If it isn't Black Mire..." Albio said as she took a few steps towards Nate, "I think I've heard this line over twenty times already..." Nate said o himself, but still no sound came from helmet. "Your evil ends today." The priestess declared as the people behind her took out weapons imbued with poisons and power. "I believe it would be wise not to antagonize the Dark Lord priestess." King said to Albio from the side of the room. "King, if I'm correct." Albio guessed, "Where are your men and Queen?" Albio asked. "They are not present at the moment your holiness, but I assure you, this is not the time to be insulting the Dark Lord. Not when he killed the host in an instant, he is not in the mood for your games, take a seat and wait till your turn."

Nate's unheard chuckle was left unnoticed as the priestess ordered Niko, Liera and Vicktor to hold back for now and keep their weapons. "A sound choice..." The same man from the balcony said, now alive but a little shaken from the sudden death. The golden doors closed below him as the lights dimmed and the Fears dispersed into the walls, out of sight and sense.

A random spotlight appeared out of nowhere and shined upon the host who was as clear as day, a red tuxedo like the walls that surrounded them as well as a red top hat and mask with four red wings on his back. "Demon! you dare show yourself!" The priestess shouted. "Demon? how barbaric! I am merely cosplaying fool! you're ruining the mood! now sit down!"  

With a swipe of the hand, the host sent Albio and her group sliding above the floor and onto the chairs next to Pox's group while King also joined them soon after. Butlers appeared on the sides of the room with covered dishes waiting for orders to be given to them, a slow drumroll was heard all across the room before the sound of trumpets sounded the beginning of an event. "Guests of honor! I present to you..." The host paused for a moment as the instruments stopped their play. "THE GREATEST TREASURE HUNT!" Everyone except Nate was transported into an empty city reminiscent of Night City on a standing position, however, everything was severely damaged and was either reduced to rumble completely. Slight panic ensued among the guests except for the characters of the game, over a three hundred thousand fears in the form of students, officers and soldiers appeared before them, with every modern weapon imaginable in the game, except for the ones used by side-characters and main-characters. "And don't forget your main objective! DON'T DIE." The host said before saying his goodbyes and leaving the guests to their own devices. "Have fun! and try not to bore me... I doubt Black Mire would anyway..."

With a sinister laugh the host left, not a moment too soon, Fears quickly began to attack, rushing towards Nate and the other guests from all angles at once, even vehicles were being used by them. And just as everything was as worse than it already is, as if some god was messing with them, multiple horrible beasts appeared a second later, taller than even the buildings themselves. Though they weren't the only guests in this realm, there were others farther ahead, they too were in deep shit.











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