Villain VS Hero

Chapter 6: Chapter-6 His Twisted Wonderland.

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Firing upon the Fears with his automatic rifle, Nate killed three hundred or more with his gun alone. The day was young, and the sun was bright, many corpses littered the raging battlefield that was the guests' hunting grounds for the treasure hunt.

Nate used a dagger he took from one of the Fears to deal with those that got close, creating a sea of corpses all around him as he leveled the playing field with his rifle, with his faster speed he killed ten to more than a dozen in seconds without stopping. 

An entire hour had already passed, but the near endless armies of Fears were still coming, as if seven billion were upon them as they remained in that area, no matter how many the guests or Nate killed, there were still hundreds if not thousands would take their place. One hour, then two hours, then five, then ten, without rest Nate and the guests fought the hordes of Fears for a whole day, but they still kept coming, already, many mountains of corpses and Fear Fragments created entire valleys overnight. And yet another day the Fears remained determined to rush towards them, this was a battle of endurance.

On the corner of his eye, Nate noticed an enormous pillar that led to the clouds, while a flight of stairs seemed to be the only path that led towards to top. Nate turned to Crimson and Savior who quickly looked back at him, before looking at the pillar once more. "We follow the lord, come lady Saviour, we march onward up the path!" Crimson declared, while Savior snickered as they both followed Nate towards the pillar, slaughtering their way past thousands for yet another entire day surprisingly without the need for sustenance nor any rest. "Even though I didn't expect this to be easy, this sure is fucking difficult as hell!" Nate shouted in his mind as he continued on. Then, after an hour of fighting, Nate finally reached the pillar, at least the very bottom of it. "Sonofabitch... this host guy is making my job look more harder that it looks... can't he afford an elevator!?" But then Nate remembered that he actually destroyed one two days ago. "Fuck my life." Nate sighed.

Nate climbed the stairs along with his two companions before being stopped by white-skinned and red-blue eyed samurais in red and black armor. "Halt there! by the will of Lord Meru's orders, you shall not pass this point!" Ordered one of the twenty samurais in Nate's path. "Fuck you! AND your lord!" Nate insulted before shooting each one in the head as they soon tilted and fell downwards towards the street below without somehow turning into paste upon impact. "Well, that was very quick." Saviour commented on Nate's quick answer to the mysterious samurais who blocked their path upwards and beyond the clouds.

After yet another hour, Nate finally reached the very top of the pillar, not before being hit by another projectile the moment his head poked out from the bottom. With a clang and a ting, the arrow bounced and fell, Nate continued upwards to see Albio and her group next to an oversized old book with the words Holy Book on its cover, though Nate still didn't know what it was.

"At the ready! we shall banish this evil from-" Nate shot the priestess in the head and she soon dropped to the ground lifeless. Nate was starting to find interrupting people by killing them convenient, it saved the trouble of fighting a long battle.

"ALBIO!!! NO!" Lieras shouted as she rushed towards Albio, but Nate shot her before she could move an inch, and so she fell along with the priestess, bleeding a different colored blood. "I-Impossible...! how could the priestess of the light be bested by a mortal?" Said a voice that came from above, Nate saw an orb of darkness with a white core floating above. "And a fallen goddess at the same time...? who are you? WHAT are you?" Nate didn't bother to answer as he aimed his gun towards the orb and fired, cracking its shell, and the attack looked like it severely damaged the orb. "Ugh! mortal weapons shouldn't be able to damage me... how? NO, I should not remain here..." Nate sent bullets flying towards the orb as it fled to a nearby pile of debris for cover. "I-Is that...?" Nate turned to the source of another voice to see a forgotten NPC. "Jacob! you mustn't face that man head-on! his weapon can kill gods in an instant! don't you dare do anything rash!" The orb shouted, while Nate fired a few shots at the debris that it hid behind as a warning before reloading his gun. Just as the orb said, the one who climbed the set of stairs at the other end of the pillar was Jacob, a DLC character based on the background of the Player's past history, although.

Like Black Mire, Jacob was bandaged from head to toe, only one eye was available, which was also red, his hair white like the bandages, but the clothes he wore was that of an assassin's, hood and all, silver and grey. "Things just got a little complicated... are all the DLCs included in this damn game?" Nate thought to himself as the boy before him, AKA Mire's adopted brother, walked towards him. Believe it or not, the boy was actually older than Mire, by three years. But Nate never actually knew that.

Nate never even downloaded the damn DLC in the first place, just read the description and went on his way while ignoring the actual plot of it, so in this case, the adopted brother thing never happened, Nate knew at least that much in his thick head.

"You know this monstrosity, Jacob?" A black armored spartan said behind Jacob as he walked up towards him along with three other people. "This monstrosity you're referring to Dimos, is my brother!" Jacob retorted back to the spartan named Dimos, shaking the very wills of everyone who heard except Nate and Crimson who knew better. "Someone that tall is your brother? but I've known you for years! I don't remember anyone else except..." The young girl with identical features to Jacob in a green and white schoolgirl's uniform exclaimed slowly, pondering at the thought that the tall man would actually be Jacob's brother. Her eyes widening at the thought, remembering that Jacob was the adopted one and had known a certain boy who lived at the same house he was adopted into. "Sorry, but no time for drama! we came here for that book." Jacob declared as he steeled himself for battle, which Nate clearly saw and did the same without anyone noticing him.

"Then we fight!" Dimos shouted as he formed a black round shield to his left arm and a black spear on the other. "You damned fools! did any of you listen to what I said!? he can kill gods!" The orb said to Jacob's group. "We need the book so... let's just knock him out." Jacob ordered. "I think that'll be a little difficult Jacob, said a man beside Dimos who was also bandaged but revealed no key features and wore a professor's coat and some strange futuristic clothing. This man was Keith, chief scientist of Mire's science division in a different continent and an entirely different game that was also connected to Haunted Paradise but was scrapped due to certain reasons. Mainly because Nate stopped playing the game in its early stages of development, so his mother thought to keep it stocked in a folder just in case, but never deleted it, and so here he was, among the other characters that were already developed but forgotten, they too, were powerful like him. Some even much more powerful, like Dimos who, when combined with Jacob formed the ultimate foe for Mire, also like a certain priestess.

But no matter how powerful they all were, Mire was at the top, compared to him, they were all merely an atom, in this case though, they were more like venomous snakes if not dealt carefully in their second stages, which was bad news for Nate.

Nate aimed his gun towards the group of DLC characters before sending a barrage of bullets towards their way, then quickly reloading before firing another in seconds. Although the last character Nate wasn't able to recognize moved like a mirage and a shadow, only its silhouette was seen, but Nate wasn't ignorant, so he used his gun to shoot at the moving shadow. And just as he predicted, it bled, though the color of its blood was slightly much brighter than the original red blood of humans.

"Goodness... that is not polite." Said a calm voice behind Nate as he quickly turned around to find an eight-armed golden buddha. "Amitabha..."  With a single punch, Nate was sent crashing towards the pile of debris where the orb was once hiding behind, creating a cloud of smoke as Pox and his group appeared from yet another set of stairs on a side of the pillar. "I do not think that will be enough Abe..." Pox said sarcastically to the golden buddha now known as Abe. "Hmm..." He nodded.

"It appears he is awake... and livelier than ever..." Pox said with a genuine smile, "But I-" Pox was interrupted by sudden gunfire as he saw Nate already up and ready, with an unknown melee weapon made from shapeshifting green, red, and black pixels.

Nate was not about to get his ass handed to him by two bald men with smug faces, he could never allow it. "These guys sure are one of the worst and most painful assholes I've met so far, but I think I'll manage... if I slap some red paint on those stupid ass faces." Nate thought to himself as he sent waves after waves of gunfire towards the two monks while they dodged each bullet with fast and precise movements, almost forgetting the fact that Jacob was right behind him. "This might hurt a little..." Nate's eyes widened and realized what was about to happen, but it was all too late. Jake used his fists to make seven hundred consecutive strikes in a blink of an eye, but even then, Nate's armor never budged or showed any sign of damage, however the insides were. "...O-OH FUCK!" Nate said to himself as he was forced to kneel from all the damage his body received and released his weapons, giving the two bald monks a chance to send flurries of palm strikes to his face.

Nate couldn't believe the shit he was going through right now, it made him remember a certain moment in his life, and he hated it. Nate grabbed the two monk's faces before sending their heads violently crashing downwards towards the ground.

"This game's over assholes!" Nate said angrily towards the monks before slamming his foot on Pox's head while grabbing Abe by the throat and sending him flying towards the sky with a punch so strong it fractured his face. Nate then dodged Jacob's side kick to the head with only a slight turn of his body before using his left hand to grab Jacob's leg while using his right arm's elbow to snap the bones on Jacob's knee, then throwing him across the floor in fairly quick succession.

Nate then dodged another attack from a spear thrown by Dimos who rushed towards him with only his shield. Dimos tried to perform a shield bash; however, it was dodged as Nate moved to the side and punched Dimos's exposed right knee before stepping on his leg and using quick knuckle jabs to the face then towards the chest. Afterwards, Nate sent a low punch to Dimos's stomach then a side punch to the face and an uppercut to the jaw as well as grabbing both Dimos's shoulders and doing a head bash with his own head, all without giving Dimos a chance to react or make a counter to any of his moves.

Nate then removed his foot away from Dimos's own foot as he fell to the ground smoking like burnt debris. Nate took his rifle from the ground as it released dust from the barrel and into the air, before facing Jacob who somehow miraculously healed to full strength, along with the two bald pests who were ready for him, but Nate knew exactly who the healer responsible was.

Avoiding Nate's gaze like a damn worm, a few minutes ago, the student girl moved like the wind, preforming health and strength boosts to Jacob's, Abe's, Pox's and Dimos's bodies before secretly healing them the moment Nate turned to face another target. Which brings this discussion to the present, Nate realized that he should be using more of his brain more often than he should, for the second time he was caught off-guard by the same people in the first fight. "...Oh shit." Jacob interjected. "Tia! do it now!" The schoolgirl known as Tia nodded as she appeared behind Nate not a moment too soon.

Nate expected some painful attack, but he felt nothing. But in a split-second, Nate felt a heavy heartbeat all around him. He slowly turned around to his left to see Crimson and Saviour gone, but were preoccupied with certain people, and just as he thought everything was already worse, Nate jinxed it. King, Albio, Niko combined with Lieras, Vicktor, Joel, and Aury were all banded together in their second stages against Nate who was now alone. "Yield Dark Lord, this is where your reign of terror falls..." Albio declared with a different tone of voice, as if the one from before was a fake, and the real one took over. "Spoiler alert assholes! you're the ones that're going to die today!" Nate taunted before rushing towards whoever was in front of him.

"We can take him!" Niko shouted, trying to boost the morale of the others, but they knew just how powerful Black Mire was, they all experienced it one way, past or present. "I shall take the bulk of his wrath!" King shouted as he dashed towards Nate before standing between him and Albio who was casting some sort of magical attack. "No way I'll let happen!" Nate shouted as he aimed his gun towards the priestess and tried to fire a few shots but was blocked by Dimos's shield.

"So, this is what boss raids feel like in a different perspective... I'm starting to regret have any mercy..." Nate said sarcastically before firing wildly at anything that moved before dashing towards the floating book behind him and absorbing it as a weapon fell from the sky and landed behind him. "Whoever owns this must've wanted me to use it, either way I'll take it!" Nate said to himself as he cleared the cloud of dust and removed the weapon from the ground before aiming it towards his enemies who were gathering before him. "Yeah... no." Nate fired a barrage of bullets before quickly firing another while inspecting his new weapon. Obviously, it was a sword, but it looked like something from heaven, made of gold to probably intimidate the enemy, and really, really thin and skinny, but too sharp to be considered a fencing sword. And holy cow was it light, so light it felt like a piece of paper, though it was as hard as a damn rock. "Nice..." Nate thought to himself

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A second later, the entire pillar started to rumble and slowly collapse. Nate jumped off without a second thought before quickly landing at the bottom while the pillar crumbled behind him a moment later. "Good thing I'm not afraid of heights." Nate said to himself before slowly standing up and looking around. Farther ahead, Nate could see another pillar identical to the one that just collapsed behind him; however, it appeared that Jacob and his band of no-good heroes were right on his tail.

"No escape!" Niko shouted, alerting Nate who merely turned and shot him on the leg before turning back and shooting at King multiple times as they both fell moments later on the ground unconscious. "Those were some obvious moves idiots, think a little..." Nate commented on their lack of skill before looking up, and as expected Albio was above him. "Cheeky bitch."

Nate aimed his rifle towards Albio before dashing away, and in his place, Pox crushed the ground from a higher position, crashing towards the ground at blinking speed. "You are finally taking us seriously I see... Then I too shall give it my all." Pox announced as he opened his eyes, glowing light blue as the rubble around him levitated and formed an aerial battlefield. "Shit...! time for phase three then." Nate thought to himself before dashing towards Pox and throwing his gun away, using his fist as the medium for clashing with Pox who used a palm. Both their hands clashed, creating a shockwave that echoed and rattled the entire area around them for miles. So much so that even the others who were present were being pushed back.

"Strength is but a virtue..." Pox calmly said to Nate despite his eyes already bleeding. "Yeah... but the thing is, I don't give a shit." Nate answered before using his sword to slice away at Pox, who dodged and dodged to the best of his ability before tiring himself but continued anyway due to pure and sheer determination. Something Nate had in abundance due to his past history.

Nate blocked Pox's palm and fist attacks with his sword while a thought came into his mind, "Wait a minute... don't I have missile launchers? what the fuck was I doing with a gun!?" He thought to himself as he paused for a moment, giving Pox a split-second chance for a surprise attack. "Shit! no time to think!" Nate thought to himself, but Pox's fists had already connected.

"I believe the battlefield is no place for idle thought, please wake." Pox sent two terrifying blows to Nate's stomach and chest, before quickly kicking his head by the ankle sending Nate flying towards one of the floating debris that seemed to have its own gravity. "However, I do believe that chatter is a good essential during combat. No man can live alone as one would say, I am open to insults and an exchange of debate, we might stop this unnecessary combat before any casualties arise..." Nate got up from the crater before looking at Pox from above, "I call bullshit! none of what you're saying makes any sense!" Nate shouted.

"Hmm... then perhaps we should pick up the pace..." Pox said to himself as he clapped his hands together, a golden circle appeared above both him and Nate, with symbols yin and yang at the center. "...Goddammit!" Nate said to himself as a massive golden palm descended down on him. "This is going to hurt...!" Nate tried to use his sword but instead it was replaced with the rifle he threw a while ago. Looking at Pox, Nate could see the calming gaze of a farewell coming from the monk.

"Goddamn these fucking characters..." Nate said his final words before being crushed by the massive golden palm, slamming deep into the ground as he fell into his subconscious state. "Well... that wasn't supposed to happen..." Nate said tiredly.

"Indeed, it wasn't." Nate turned around to look for the source of the voice only to see a black and empty abyss ahead and all around him. "Who the fuck are you supposed to be?" Nate said to the abyss before him, which surprisingly answered to his insult. "I am but merely a part of what you call... Deepest Fears. A final boss if you would say, and if I might add, I am no pushover." Nate crossed his arms, with all his weapons still on him. "Was that supposed to be a threat?" Nate asked the abyss, "No it was not... asshole." the abyss answered before revealing its true form to Nate. "H-Holy shit!" Nate shouted.

"Time for a little breather Nate... TIME TO WAKE UP." Nate watched a humanoid abomination of flesh and pixels formed from the shadows of the darkness, with teeth as wide as a bus and as high as three stories tall, its overall mass the entire height of Mount Everest or even larger than that, its body filled with malic and agony. A monster made from shame and fear.

You should have never left that orphanage... now you'll have to face me... YOUR NIGHTMARES!" Nate's confidence was all but shattered, he wasn't afraid of what would happen to him, no. He was afraid of the memories that he locked away back deep into his fragile mind, he thought he had already thrown the keys away in a sea of games and momentary joyful moment in his life, however it all came rushing back as always, it ate him whole from the inside. "Trauma sure is a pain in the ass, isn't it?" 

"YOU ASSHOLE!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!" Nate cursed as cursed as he held his head after dropping his gun and kneeling. "Kill me? no matter how many times you tear me apart, YOU'LL NEVER FORGET THE PAIN!!!" The monster shouted as it leaned its head next to Nate, its many eyes gazing upon Nate's crumbling form. "And let's face it... I'm just a figment of your imagination, from all the games you've played I'm probably the only logical reason your mind thinks of destroying. Think of me as the main reason of your suffering, but then again, do you really think I'd like any of this? watching you suffer is like listening to a billion explosions all around... even as we speak, your pain resonates in this entire area... I too feel the agony, and it's laughable..." The monster repositioned its head above Nate as it continued to speak. "And I'm not saying that it's weak, no way... IT'S PAINFUL!!!" The monster growled as Nate's suffering worsened as more time passed. "I don't know how'd anyone live through your miserable existence... or how'd anyone would trade theirs for your betterment. You're one tough guy Nate... and that, I'd admit..." The monster leaned back as Nate's memories had stopped flooding his mind like a tidal wave, he immediately regained his confidence not a moment too soon, his bloodshot eyes locked against the monster's own as it started to bid him farewell. "But we'll meet some other time... when you're dead." It said without changing its face to make any form of expression while Nate and his rifle slowly faded. "I'm not going to forget this..." Nate threatened to the nightmare and amalgamation of his trauma. "I'm counting on it." The monster answered calmy as Nate disappeared completely.

Nate gritted his teeth, sighing before checking his surroundings, it was the same place as he had been crushed before, however, he could see Crimson and Saviour battling alongside Jacob and his group along with other guests against the swarming hordes of Fears. All were which frozen in time. "This is the part where you weren't seen taking one of the relics by Albio and her group, in this timeline, Crimson and Saviour separated from you the moment you arrived at the top." The monster's voice explained to Nate from inside his head, explaining to him the reason of his reincarnation and the laws he must abide and know. "And what's that supposed to do with me?" Nate asked as the monster laughed, "You have no idea how fragile this world truly is, Nate. Everything you do is permanent; time can never be reversed nor accelerated." it answered. "At least with my power it is, however, Ciel might be able to. She is the creator after all..." Nate hated it, but the monster was right, and he knew it regrettably. Nate nodded and asked, "So what now?" the monster immediately answered. "Continue with your task for now, that is all. However, apart from the games' characters, only your companions and Pixie remembers everything." Nate pressed for more information as he asked a certain question. "You know Pixie?" The monster paused for a moment before answering. "More that you could ever know..." And with that, Nate felt something leave his body, while time slowly continued, and the battle recommenced. "Then I guess that only leaves two more..." Nate said to himself and reloading his gun for absolutely no reason before slowly walking towards the group of weary guests. "...Goddammit I hate this type of shit...!"

Nate stopped, sighed and thought to himself just to remain calm and collected, saying curses would not help him on his journey, it was like admitting that he hated the moment. If worse comes to worst, he'd run out of mental capacity just from words alone even if he's really immortal and cannot truly die. But then he realized, why not just think positively and adapt?

Nate took a deep breath and exhaled, "Alright. All is calm, and all is ready... let's do this." Nate said to himself before he continued walking, Crimson was the first to notice Nate, who fired upon the approaching Fears as he appeared from a corner. 

"My lord!" Crimson shouted as he rushed towards Nate while Jacob eyed him along with the others except for Pox, Abe and Keith who merely watched with calm faces as Natee approached them. "So that's Black Mire... I thought he was some big bad?" Jacob asked Saviour while Nate sighed in relief, his doubts now satiated knowing that Jacob and the rest forgot, or don't have a single shred of memory of the battle they had prior, who knows that could've happened if they did? Nate shook at the thought.

"That by boy, is the big bad... sorry if you couldn't find the book you were looking for, but I'm sure you'll find it eventually." Saviour answered as she stroked Jacob's hair seductively. "Hey, stop it you pervert! let go of my brother this instant!" Tia shouted as she grabbed Jacob and dragged him close to her. "Oh, come on dear... I was just teasing him." Saviour commented on Tia's slight brother complex. "Shut up pervert! pervert!" Tia shouted in insult as she quickly gave Saviour the middle finger.

"Stop it! both of you!" The black orb commanded as it flew closer towards Jacob. "Vain? what's wrong?" Jacob asked the orb known as Vain as it explained itself. "You imbecile! don't you see? that man right there is dangerous! I've been discussing with the monks, and they've given me quite the information about that man Black Mire... we shouldn't do anything rash in front of him, or we're all dead. Dead as in, erased from all existence! do you understand me?" Vain asked as he slapped Jacob's face with a nonexistent and invisible hand. "Alright, alright, you've made your point." Jacob answered as he scratched the part where he was slapped. "I'm serious... I couldn't see anything inside that armor... that man doesn't even let out any aura like we all do." Vain elaborated further in his explanation as Pox joined in on their little group talk before standing beside Saviour who smirked at Pox's bald head. "Pox, right?" Jacob asked as Pox nodded with a warm smile.

"Yes, that is me. Would you mind if I join your conversation? I do hope that we are not discussing violent and unwanted acts against the Dark Lord, that would be highly unwise." Pox answered. "Why is that?" Jacob asked as his sister hugged him tightly. "He is not one that would be defeated lightly, even at my full strength, I would likely perish should he demand it." Pox explained, prompting Saviour to smirk as she crossed her arms and looked at Nate who was busy firing at the Fears alongside Crimson who used his sword to slice any that managed to get near him and his master. "Oh..." Jacob said to himself. "Oh? what you mean by oh? did you hear what the monk said?" Vain asked before grunting and muttering to himself.

"I know, I know..." Jacob sighed, "It's just that something feels familiar about him..." Pox raised an eyebrow but never opened his eyes. "Hmm... strange, I never thought Black Mire would have any friends. Perhaps you might enlighten me young man?"

Jacob paused for a moment as he looked at Nate who was still busy fighting the Fears, a memory slowly crept from the back of his head, but before that memory could properly be remembered, the sudden sound of an asteroid falling from the sky caught everyone's attention, including him and Nate who looked to watch the asteroid soon hit the ground, creating a shockwave that shook the surrounding area over a hundred thousand feet while killing anything within the kill zone of the blast.

"Though it appears we might have a guest incoming..." Pox continued. "Yeah... but I don't think it's friendly." Saviour said as she and the other guests watched as hundreds of Fear Hydras emerged from the asteroid, while an even bigger one with three heads emerged from the very core of it. Roaring after it broke free of its shell. "Well, I'm sure we'll settle our differences for now." Jacob said to the others as he rallied the guests and all those around him against the Fears. "But let's focus on the main problem. Come on! don't any of you want to go home!?" Jacob asked as his fists burned with blue flames. "YEAH...!!!" Some of the unimportant, and main guests shouted in unison as Jacob nodded in agreement. "Then let's give them a fair fight!" Jacob, alongside other guests rushed towards the hordes of Fears, clashing against the odds, united as one, villains and heroes, side by side against dangerous foes who cared little for their own safety. Nate followed Jacob's lead and assisted him in the battle, slaughtering every Fear who stood in their way and defended his temporary allies. At least for now, an unlikely short-term alliance was made, and Nate had no choice in it. If given the chance though, Nate would have his way.


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