Villain VS Hero

Chapter 8: Chapter-8 At Thy Behest, Thou Shan’t Be Defiled.

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As angry as a dragon who had her precious treasure ruined and stolen from her, Phoibe rushed towards a certain castle's gates, armed with a broadsword in red armor with a bull's golden colored horns at the helmet. Stylish as her armor was, her infuriated blue eyes could have burned those who gazed upon them, literally and not figuratively. She was this pissed.

"Halt there! you are entering sacred grounds, be-" The armored guard guarding the gate was cut off as his ability to speak was all but nullified temporarily before he was sent flying towards other side of the wall along with the other guard who was with him. "I have no time for petty chatter! I have someone I need to urgently meet." Phoibe said to herself as she bashed the iron doors in front of here and entered the castle grounds. However, what she did not expect, was to meet Nate right after.

Exactly four hours ago, Nate and Regina were still on the bed inside the room they were in. "Nate?" Regina asked as she revealed more of herself while getting off the bed and changing right in front of Nate, who didn't care and looked straight at her. "Yeah?" Nate answered. "Why are you staring at me?" Regina asked again. "Because why not?" Nate responded, making Regina laugh and nod as she undressed, revealing her slim form. "I guess you really are an adult when you left your world... fair enough." Regina turned to face Nate, who barely reacted with his plain face as she rested her body on him, her eyes gazing on his own. "I'll make you a deal Nate, one which is very favorable in your part. You get rid of a few Fears, while I use my authority to find the relics, or say, items you've been looking for. Is that a deal?" Regina asked Nate as he thought about it for a moment.

"Fine... and stop that cute acting, you know I'm not interested in a relationship." Nate accepted the offer while unsuccessfully insulting the woman in front of him. "You really know how to make a woman cry Nate... but I appreciate your effort in accepting my offer." Regina said while slowly situating herself atop Nate's body, her legs spread wide as she sat on Nate's lap. "What the hell are you doing?" Nate asked clearly, but Regina pretended not to understand before slowly smiling.

"NO." Nate said quickly, but slow enough to make an illusion of him being calm and serious about it. Regina quickly frowned and crossed her arms in disbelief, but then tightly pressed down her body on Nate's lap as she leaned a bit forward. "Ugh..." Nate rolled his eyes as he grabbed Regina's waist and slowly moved upwards, prompting Regina's slightly dirty mindset.

But just as Nate's hands were about to reach Regina's chest, he lifter her up and then quicky moved her to the side before wrapping her up with the blanket that covered them before. "I already told you no, didn't I? I'm no servant, and I'm definitely not interested in you at the moment. Or even in the near future, OR EVER." Nate said coldly, forcing a tear out of Regina's eye which was actually not an act, Nate knew the sadness she was having was true, and so he neared for a light kiss before whispering on her ear. "But it doesn't mean I don't like you." Nate said with a genuine smile, prompting Regina to smile as well.

"You really do know how to break a woman's heart, and quickly mend them in an instant... I'm starting to like you more..." Regina said to Nate as she formed a gown on her body and went into a sitting position. "I'd like you to wear this... it's a ring you've made but forgot about. I hope you'll remember to visit me after this dream." Regina created a fancy bronze and silver ring which was so beautiful, it would look like it was made in the distant future my advanced devices. "Thanks..." Nate complimented Regina as he quickly took the ring and wore it on his ring finger on his right hand before Regina gave him a short kiss to the lips, without force whatsoever. "I really, really love you... I hope you don't forget me... I'll ask your mom about this too, for permission to marry you of course." Nate brushed Regina's hair before kissing her forehead. "Yeah, yeah... but you know I want to stay single." Regina smiled. "I know..." Nate and Regina both got out the bed and took the needed essentials, but since Nate already had clothes, he decided to take a random sword mounted on the rack attached on the wall. Meanwhile, Regina took only a silver necklace and wore it over her neck as well as a different ring she took from the shelf nearby, wearing it on her ring finger on her left hand. "Here... I'd like you to wear this..." Regina said as she walked towards Nate with a black helmet made from unknown materials which covered only every part of the head except the front part of the neck and the mouth. "Nice... that looks cool." Nate said to Regina as he accepted the helmet and wore it on his head. "Of course, only for you." Regina smiled as she stared at Nate's calming face. "What...?" Nate asked, tilting his head for a moment before looking towards the window while Regina hugged him by the waist as they both stood there for a little while, in exactly twelve seconds.

"Alright, come on, stop it already." Nate said to Regina as she released her hold of his waist. "Alright, let's head outside." Regina said as Nate took a scabbard attached to a belt at the corner of the room before sheathing his sword and wearing said belt around his waist as they both went out the room, immediately greeted by a large group of armored knights of both iron and silver. "My lady Leia Regina! we have come under the orders of the bishop to detain you, surrender at once!"

An iron knight declared as he and his band of knights aimed their weapons at Nate and Regina. Meanwhile, the rest of the knights in silver armor and with blue crests on them aimed their weapons at the ones clad in iron. "This was not the plan!" The leader of the silver knights shouted as he aimed his sword towards the leader of the iron knights. "Sacrilege!" The leader of the iron knights retorted, as he redirected his sword towards the leader of the silver knights. "You dare!?" The leader of the silver knights retorted as well; these knights now focused on each other as their leaders debated and argued amongst themselves.

"Now, now, what is the meaning of this?" Regina intervened as she stood next to Nate, who looked more like an unbeatable, immortal emperor from a very distant land, rather than the Black Knight that his character was supposed to be portrayed as. "L-Lady Regina! please pardon this dull servant's offence, however this fool dared to claim that you were under the influence of dark forces. Blasphemy I say!" The white knight explained, stuttering as he lowered his sword and bowed for a moment, prompting the other knights to lower theirs as well, before turning towards Regina and Nate. "Under the influence? surely you know the weight of your words captain." Regina responded and turned towards the tower ahead of her, and there, a young man, far too young to be a bishop nodded. "What the fuck is a bishop doing over there?" Nate thought to himself as he inspected the bishop from afar. Black, long hair, light brown, skin and two different eyes, one blue, one red. "That's... definitely not a bishop..." Nate thought to himself again as he recognized the attire that the so-called bishop wore, it was all black, looking more like a combat attire meant for war rather than a ceremonial and holy outfit for the easygoing masses to behold, witness, and observe. Nate continued to listen to Regina as she discussed significant matters that even he himself couldn't understand, the only things he could hear were unintelligible bullshit, literally utter nonsense. Although, once the small talks were finally finished, Nate followed Regina silently without a word, or gesture, while giving off an eerie feeling of death to his surroundings.

After a few minutes of walking through open hallways, Nate, Regina and the knights that followed arrived at a garden filled with golden statues of famous gods and legends, including the fallen goddess of order, Priscilla, the one that blessed Tristan. However absurd it might have sounded for Nate, the fact that he could still see Priscilla's aura on one of her statues meant she was every much still alive and watching him no less. "Shit... she's going to be a huge problem later..." Nate thought to himself, even though it was Priscilla who was indebted to Tristan, she was just as powerful as any of the other gods and goddesses.

Nate realized that since the statue's eyes glowed, it meant she was nearby, much, much closer by the way they flickered and lit. "Are you perhaps looking for me? dear Tristan?" Another beautiful woman appeared in front of Nate without him realizing for a second, with white hair, grey eyes and white skin in a white gown. Nate didn't even know that it was just him, Regina, the bishop, and the woman in front of him. "Step away from him Priscilla, he's mine." Regina declared as she unleashed a powerful torrent of furious aura that actually managed to damage the goddess in front of Nate, but despite the pain, she did not budge. "Oh? how so?" Priscilla asked as she turned to face Regina to her left with the same calm expression that she used to look at Nate. "He is my-" Nate drew his sword towards Regina while using his remaining arm to form a fireball and aiming it towards Priscilla, both shocked by his sudden actions as they looked at him with nervous looks that clearly screamed, oh no. But oh yes.

It was a Mexican standoff, except, Nate had the guns and cannot be killed, although the body he took was, his soul was safe nonetheless, while the rest on the other hand could easily die by his hands should he decide to do so.  Nate stared at Regina, his gaze piercing her body and directly looking at her soul, and in her head Nate asked. "What the fuck is this huh!?"

Nate demanded as Regina bowed her head in shame. "I'm sorry, I won't do that again." Regina apologized as Nate quickly sheathed his sword the moment that he heard the end of her apology before turning towards Priscilla. "Hmm? what did I do?"

Priscilla asked with a tilted head as she formed a cross with her arms between her and the fireball that would soon be her end if she doesn't choose her words carefully, a cute little act that could hypnotize most men, however, Nate wasn't one of those most men. Nate charged his fireball as it grew an inch wider, terrifying Priscilla a little, but she foolishly tried to defend herself using her own divine magic that formed a bubble around her. "Fuck that." Nate thought to himself before releasing the fireball as it went and rushed towards its target, burning everything withing a ten-foot radius in circumference.

Luckily, the goddess survived without a scratch, however, her barrier was reduced to air and floating particles, she alone survived except for the caster of such spell, as well as Regina and the bishop. apart from them, the garden looked like it was desecrated after a bloody war between two rival powers that ruled the world, every statue was destroyed, the grass and vegetation, burned, the ground filled and littered with ashes and dust, with the smoke still rising from the ground as the fires slowly dispersed and faded after a few seconds, it was then that the rain descended, while the clouds slowly darkened.

Nate slowly walked towards Regina before whispering in her ear. "Is that our bishop?" Regina shook her head and answered, "No, he's probably in the main court room under us, kill him if you want, I'll deal with these two." Regina turned and pointed towards the hidden stairs behind piles of rubble before explaining. "Head down those stairs and kill that damn prick..."

Nate nodded and walked towards the hidden stairs while hearing explosion from behind him as he descended down into what appeared to be an underground mausoleum, the only source of light being the little candles that were placed on the floor already nearing the end of their expected use. "Yep, creepy as fuck." Nate said to himself as he descended deeper and deeper, it felt like half an hour of nonstop walking, but after yet another minute, he arrived at a massive hall littered with spent candles, holy books, paper, and gold, all of which were dirty. The place was so filthy, that even a house that survived a storm looked more prettier than this sad excuse of a court room, or whatever it used to be. "So, you have arrived, champ-" Nate threw his sword at blinding speeds and hit the bishop's head, killing him instantly as he fell from the altar on which he stood on, no boss fight today it seemed. "Damn! doing this shit really is convenient." Nate said to himself before laughing quietly then walking towards the altar where a sword that looked like it could break with a single strike was hung on a lonely black chain which was attached to the roof. Nate knew this was a cheat sword and immediately took it from the chain, conveniently though, it already had its own scabbard and belt to go along with it, and so Nate wrapped the belt along with the chain around his waist before situating the sword and scabbard next to his first sword on his right hip. But when he was just about to leave, he felt something whisper into his ears, yet another item was calling out to him, though it sounded like it was fast approaching, from above.

Nate felt a rock hit his head with a clang, he felt the absorption process, however his field of view started to change, which also went for his body. "Huh?" Nate thought to himself, to realizing that black chains wrapped around his entire body like a parasite, forming a layer of chain armor around his body, though unnoticeable from afar, as well as new layers of armor on his shoulders, chest, hips, knees, and nearly every last part of the body. Nate was fully armored yes, but it looked fairly identical to his old Black Knight armor, which was epic in its own way, though far weaker than the current armor he wore currently.

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Nate started blinking for a moment, he looked down, only to see he still had the same clothes as was given to him by Regina, little did he know that the armor that wrapped around him was merely cloaked inside his attire, the chains hiding within the cloth that covered his body, all hidden in plain sight. "Sonofabitch! that almost gave me a heart attack." Nate insulted whatever hit him or made his body this way, but on the contrary, Nate knew that he felt a little lighter than usual, but never even thought once to brag about it. Walking away as if nothing happened, Nate climbed back up the set of stairs while the chains continued to spread and form protective layers around his body, they were so thin and small, they were nearly as thick as hair, but twice as big, forming over twenty layers that were nearly unnoticeable to the host until he started feeling a little heavier than usual and a little stressed. The armor then turned into gel, spready into every corner and empty space that the chains were not able to fit into, forming an even more protective layer around Nate's body, to compensate for protection and weight distribution into flexibility and lightness. All was fun and games, until even more items started rushing from the bottom of the stairs behind Nate and flooding him like a hailstorm of water that felt like wood raining from one direction. How unlucky, and painful.

Once the barrage of pain was over, Nate felt absolutely nothing. Not a single part of his body changed, unbeknownst to Nate, if it were not for the chains and gel that got thicker and stronger, and much heavier, he would have noticed the considerable amount of strength he had received from that flood of abuse and suffering. Too bad, too bad. If only he were to test it in battle.

"Who the fuck hid this much shit under their basement anyway!?" Nate shouted out loud, only to find that the entrance he once went through was blocked by a giant boulder. "I can't believe it..." Nate calmly stated to the big rock before punching it out of place, shattering it into thousands of pieces before turning to even smaller rocks the size of pebbles. "I said this once and I'll say it again, I hate my life." Nate declared silently before walking up towards the surface, which was relatively the same, except that everything else around the garden was destroyed and ruined. Rebels all around. "What the hell did I even expect..."

"Why does everything always go wrong whenever I disappear for only a few minutes..." Nate wondered as he watched men in brown clothing with piss poor weaponry rush from every entrance of the castle and fought with the guards that guarded them as well as the iron knights that once escorted Nate and Regina, speaking of which, she appeared a moment later beside Nate. "Explain this shit." Nate demanded and Regina answered not a second too soon. "Well, as you can see, it is a rebellion." Nate turned to face Regina and raised an eyebrow. "What?" Regina crossed her arms before explaining. "After your little stunt Nate, rebel forces mistook the smoke for an early signal of an uprising within the castle, many nobles were killed, however only those fools were the ones to suffer, the loyal ones survived. But that doesn't mean that it's not your fault, more importantly... how are you going to make it up for me?" Regina crossed her arms and waited for an answer. "Alright." Nate sighed, "I'm going to do a little rat extermination, just find the bishop and get me his clothes, it looked rather familiar." Nate answered before quickly turning to face the incoming hordes of rebel forces over the thousands. "I'll kick their assess out of the continent."

Nate walked towards the danger in front of him and drew his sword, and so with skill, precision, as well as overwhelming strength, Nate severed the two rebels in front of him into multiple pieces without batting an eye. "It's a sword master! get the mages over here!" A rebel shouted as his comrades were being slaughtered right in front of him, two for each strike.

"R-Run for your lives!!!" A cowering rebel shouted but was split in half by Nate's sword before he could even make it halfway through while running, Nate gave no chances, without using any magic, Nate fought his way through the entire army, rushing towards the main plaza where dozens of guards were being overwhelmed by hundreds of rebels. In a blink of an eye, Nate butchered the rebels without them even knowing that they died, falling to the ground simultaneously seconds later. 

Nate walked towards one of the guards but was interrupted once again as fire burned everything in front of him, turning the guards into dust, only their armors remained. "WHY THE HELL AM I ALWAYS GETTING INTERRUPTED!? GODDAMMIT!?" Nate thought to himself before turning towards the source of the flame attacks, there, from a broken-down gate, a woman in red armor stood, behind thousands of rebel mages and knights who were all waiting for orders from their superior, which appeared to be her. "M-My lady! that sword master is dangerous! we must not take him lightly!" Said one of the mages as he finished preparing a flame spell and awaited orders from the woman in red armor. "That will not be needed." She answered, it was then Nate knew that the woman was Phoibe, who took off her helmet to show her calming, motherly gaze. "Phoibe? what's she doing here? in my dreams?" Nate thought to himself, puzzled by how Phoibe was able to enter his mind, but then again, his entire life hadn't been normal ever since. Phoibe approached Nate before standing a foot away from him, her small army watched while she spoke with their enemy. "What exactly is happening right now?" Nate asked Phoibe and she quickly explained to the best of her ability. "Well... I am here to wake you up of course." Phoibe said with a smile before taking Nate hand that held his sword and holding it, but it appeared that Regina had her plans for Nate. "HOLD IT!" Phoibe shouted, with two entire knight orders right behind her, nearly equivalent to the army Phoibe had behind her, quickly walking towards Nate, Regina also held Nate's other hand and pulled him towards her. "What do you think you're doing with MY patron huh!? our deal's not yet done!" Phoibe gritted her teeth before pulling Nate back towards her. "WHAT? who are you to take him!?" Phoibe infuriatingly shouted back at Regina, who shouted back at her immediately right after. "JUST, TRY ME!" Regina aggressively answered as she, and Phoibe, quickly let go of Nate's hands and dashed towards each other with their own weapons. Phoibe, with her red sword, while Regina, with her silver rapier. Nate watched patiently as the two women clashed, their powers pushing back at their allies as they fought. However, their powers were no match against Nate's administrative abilities, and cheat immortality, as well as his own overwhelming, nearly omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, sovereign dominion hidden well within his fragmented, ever-mending soul. Although, Nate had always been one for being coolheaded at certain times, especially when needed, however, that doesn't mean he couldn't control his dormant powers outright. Only time will tell.

Nate watched as the raging battle between two powerful beings fought in front of him, there were as many spectators as there were every person he met before the battle started and ever after it began combined. Nate watched while both sides cheered on their leaders, auras shook and twirled, winds howling and blowing violently in every direction. "Alright, that's enough." Nate commanded from within his mind, dashing towards the two before grabbing their wrists and standing between them in a blink of an eye. "W-What?" Phoibe and Regina said simultaneously to themselves as they both turned towards Nate.

"Meet me inside the damn castle, I don't have time for both your bullshits OR any of your problems. Ten minutes..." Nate said to the two women in front of him before walking away, leaving the two leaders to their individual factions as they soon gathered in one area. After half of the time Nate gave Phoibe and Regina, they all gathered inside a large hall, commanders, lieutenants, generals and both leaders of their factions, over three thousand people were gathered inside the hall, so much so that it looked like a cult gathering. Nate watched as the two sides debated and argued, men and women of high ranks cursed at each other however not loud enough as to not anger the man seated upon a thrown. Even though Nate actually thought it was just a chair that looked comfy to sit on. "Arrogant fool! if it were not for the order of my lady, I would have beheaded you a long time ago!" Shouted an officer from Regina's side. "Bah! imbecilic worm! the true being who has power here is nonother than the man seated on the empress's throne! you still act arrogant, yet it was HE who commands BOTH our leaders!" A woman in strange uniform from Phoibe's side arrogantly retorted back. "Are you blind wretch!? the man you are referring to is our great empire's NEW HERO! he may be the superior, that I admit. However! HE follows the empress's commands! under contract and promise of reward!" The officer exclaimed. Nate sat comfortably on the empress's throne, as far as he knew, while the sides continued to debate, he could somehow piece together the bits and pieces they've been lending to his ears, this empress must be powerful, but there is only one woman that Nate could remember that has the power to change the world, Regina. "Wow... I can't believe any of this shit..." Nate thought to himself and continued to listen to the conversations happening in front of him.

"Now listen here!" A young man called out from the crowd, catching Nate's attention as he turned to the source of the voice. A bearded man with tan skin, grey trimmed beard and white hair with brown eyes in full iron armor identical to the iron knights, however, he was on the rebels' side. "Isn't that guy... Commander Ludwig? why does everyone keep coming back from the dead?" Nate thought to himself, still watching patiently from his chair and listening to every word that reached his ears.

Commander Ludwig, a random commander from the Holy Kingdom of Windrow, a highly agricultural kingdom filled with delicacies and exquisite foods that fed its citizens with joy and hope. Many died trying to take it, but it appears that it had fell to this so-called empire that now ruled the central continent One, one out of the six largest and only continents in the world. 

"Bloody hell commander! you expect these barbarians to understand policies of peace! would they even listen to you!?" Asked a confused rebel soldier from even deep within the crowd as Ludwig approached Nate before bowing. "Excuse me, your lordship-" An iron knight interjected from the crowd of knights. "That's his imperial majesty to YOU traitor!" Ludwig sighed.

"Yeah...! wait, imperial majesty?" Another iron knight asked. "Didn't you all know? I overhead the empress fantasizing about marrying the hero! he might as well be the emperor for all I know!" Exclaimed the iron knight from before. Shocked expressions filled the room, murmurs and whispers entering every ear present, but was all interrupted by the sounds of doors opening and footsteps nearing. "It's her highness the empress!" A silver knight shouted in surprise as everyone who blocked the entrance moved to make way for two individuals, Regina and Phoibe, both unhinged by each other's presence as they walked towards Nate who was at the center of the crowd. The knights and rebels stood at attention as the two women walked before sitting on chairs given to them by their subordinates. "Na- I mean... your imperial majesty, empress Regina has explained everything to me... if possible, I would like you to return home as soon as you can, and away from this dubious woman." Phoibe waited for an answer from Nate after explaining her situation and assumptions of Regina. "What? you're more of a crooked girl than I'd thought Phoibe, you know he's not going anywhere until he gets what he wants. And we both know what happens if anyone double-crosses him." Regina proudly declared, crossing her legs before leaning back. "...No one wants a slaughter, now do we?"

The day ends as the night began its circle, after a few talks and some diplomatic proposals, the two sides finally came to an agreeable conclusion. With the fallen kingdom given half of their territory back to them, while the rebellion was thwarted completely, the empire and kingdom reaching a mutual and beneficial ceasefire and alliance, with royalties as their heads.

After a few days of remaining in the castle, most of the rebels and knights returned to their homes, save for two individuals apart from Phoibe and Regina, Carl, the new imperial ambassador, and the alliance commander, Ludwig. A temporary peace was held, and the hunt for those crystals was on, news of Nate's power and authority spread far and wide throughout the known world, merchants spreading news of a single man's authority, absolute purge of Priscilla's church from both nations. The dawn of a new age arises, but it appeared that Samuel had taken notice, and took a visit within Nate's dormant mind.




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