Villain VS Hero

Chapter 7: Chapter-7 The Deals with The Devil.

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The night unfolds as darkness consumed the entire realm, shadows of silhouettes from gunfire were everywhere, Fears were everywhere. Dead or alive they kept coming in all directions, another hour had passed since Nate joined the battle, his use of flame magic was little, only using his rifle and a machete he forcefully looted from a Fear that took the form of a farmer.

Hours upon hours of nonstop battle, Nate rushed ahead of the rest, piercing through the lines of Fears which were quickly dispatched by him, however, this time the other guests and even Pox, Abe and Crimson could not follow nor manage the endless hordes before them as Nate continued on regardless of being alone. Nate could make out a bit of shouting, but he ignored it, not wanting to end up staying longer in this place than he should have as he went deeper and deeper into enemy lines until he was no longer in sight of the others. "You have come far mortal..." Saida deep voice from the silhouette of the massive three-headed hydra which towered over him as its shadow cast over the rubble below on which Nate stood upon. 

"Shut up and die." Nate insulted the beast as he aimed his rifle at it and immediately fired every round his gun had. "Foolish, utter foolishness." The hydra commented on Nate's violent behavior as the attacks failed to pierce its armor. "Bullshit." Nate said to the hydra as he reloaded his gun and continued firing, repeating the process as his attacks were all but null to it.

"Do you not enjoy idle chatter before a duel?" The hydra asked as the other Fears seemed to have ignored Nate and continued rushing towards the other guests blindly. "You want to talk? are you afraid or something?" Nate asked the hydra as it soon replied with an answer. "Me? afraid? preposterous...!  unlike those you faced before, I welcome my demise with honor and glee. Those barbaric fools below have negligible intelligence, I am a beast meant be battled and bested only by the worthiest foes!"

"I've been wondering, if you're so conscious about all this, then why the hell aren't you running the opposite direction?" Nate exclaimed as he stopped firing at the hydra in front of him who lowered its heads to the same level as his height. "Of course, that is the correct question you should have asked, so I shall answer it." The hydra paused for a moment before beginning its story. "Long ago... in the distant past... I have been the beast you have bested in your dreams for ages. I have waited long inside your mind and slaughtered every knight that came to slay me, you never took my head as a trophy, and so I came to question my very existence as well as yours." The hydra looked towards the burning sky as Nate continued to listen. "I was horrified of the dangers you have faced; at the very edge of my realm, I saw your agony eating the land away... your memories of pain and humiliation burned by body to ashes, none dared to near my carcass and claim my head. It was then I grew two more heads and by body became this monstrosity you see before you, an abomination born from your nightmares and twisted dreams alike. I fear your suffering, and I wish for your pain to end... slay me as a knight, and best me in combat."

The hydra turned to face its three heads at Nate as its form was revealed by blue flames that surrounded it, dark scales and an exposed black crystal heart that beat with a child's whimper, Nate knew all too well who that was as he thought of the offer.

"NO." Nate answered without hesitation which surprised the hydra, before quickly explaining his answer. "I don't give a damn about my agony idiot! I'm already dead! you think I'm stupid or something? my corpse probably decomposed a long time ago! and I want to ride a black hydra with three heads!" Nate aimed his gun towards the hydra before declaring his order to it.

"Now shut the fuck up and let me ride you!" Nate shouted; the hydra laughed with joy as a smile formed on all of its three heads. "Then I shall be your steed! come then my knight, let us send these mongrels to rest." The Fears all disappeared not a moment later, the skies brightened as the landed distorted back into the massive room where the guests were once gathered in, only this time, ten times larger as the hydra lost two of its heads and one of its tails, turning into a true dragon once more.

"Nice...!" Nate thought to himself as the dragon lowered its head to let Nate pat its head, or rather his head. "So, what do I call you my humble steed?" Nate asked and the dragon eagerly responded. "I believe Samuel will be nice..." The dragon now known as Samuel answered as he turned into a humanoid dragon similar to Zylo, except that he had purple glowing eyes and black scales for skin and hair. "Damn do you look cool Samuel, so you're going to be joining me now?" Nate asked with great expectations before Samuel answered with a warm smile and nodded. "Of course... I shall remain by your side, until the end."

"Damn you're one cool dude, I'm happy to have you Samuel... really." Nate said sincerely to Samuel as he dropped his machete and extended his left hand out to Samuel who eagerly accepted it with a smile before hugging Nate who hugged him back.

Nate could hear Samuel crying from the back of his head, but then realized that there were others watching the moment he turned his head to see Pox, Abe and even Jacob crying together in happiness. All of which Nate found rather confusing since he doesn't know the scene that he was making with Samuel reminded them all of a certain time in their past lives during small but precious moments that they cherished in memory. Good thing the rest weren't able to see it through. "Shit, this is humiliating." Nate thought to himself as he patted Samuel's back for a few moments before he stopped this little drama and let go of him.

"Thank you, I am truly grateful for your kind gestures... Mire, was it? this is what they call you here?" Samuel guested as he wiped his tears from his cheeks and smiled. "Truly, you have grown..." Samuel said under his breath after a short, hushed sigh.

Nate walked towards the two monks and Jacob with Samuel not far behind while Saviour and Crimson approaching them soon after. "Indeed, I have been fooled by black and white, I did not see the gray in-between." Abe said to himself as he bowed towards Nate while Pox had his own comments on Nate's goodwill. "Shatter the thought Abe, there is no grey nor black and white, but gold beneath the dirt and a bright blue sky beyond the dark clouds." Jacob shook his head and smiled. "You're really not such a bad guy after all Black Mire, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this." Jacob smiled again and turned to the approaching duo who were only seconds away before turning back to Nate. "You're secret safe with us." Abe and Pox nodded.

"Got to stick with the bro code, I guess." Nate thought to himself as Crimson and Saviour finally reached them. "I saw the hydra turn into some sort of dragon, is this the guy? my, my... he does look a bit dashing." Saviour looked up and down at Samuel, checking his body from Nate's side. "But I'm no cheat, I'll stay loyal to my lover boy here..." Saviour said with a sigh as Crimson bowed his head in shame. "Do not tempt my master witch, or I will put you to the sword." Samuel said angrily.

"Oh? and with what exactly? your fists?" Saviour asked with a sly grin, "With this!" Samuel answered as he formed a burning black sword similar to Crimson's, however it did not glow or produce any heat, but instead produced a cold aura around it.

"Stay your hand knight, she is a valuable ally to the master and no witch." Crimson commanded as Samuel dispersed his sword and sighed. "And who might you be?" Samuel asked, "Well the master's long ally of course! I have been with him since his early days as a young man and even long before that. You would do well not to break your oath... memory." Crimson answered, the last part no one was able to hear except for Samuel and Nate who understood what he meant. "As you wish..." Samuel bowed as the announcer appeared on the balcony nearly an instant after Samuel bowed. "Congratulations all...!" The host shouted.

"With the completion of the task you all may now return back to your homes! as for our victor however..." The host looked at Nate with blue glowing eyes that could be recognized as a smile from far away. "I have quite the special gift waiting for you..."

Nate and Samuel were teleported into a red room filled with red flowers, seated on couches that match the color of the room with the host seated on his own special chair with two items on his lap, a scroll and a silver dagger. "You have indeed done well this time Nate... I never expected you to recruit a Fear and manipulate it into your service..." The host said while Samuel interjected at the exact right moment. "I believe that to be convince rather than manipulate host..." The host laughed before scratching his head. "Well... either way is fine, you have gotten rid of the source and given me freedom, I suppose that I owe you more than these two items." The host paused for a moment before continuing. "Are you interested in another deal...?"

Nate sighed as the host gave him the two items, immediately absorbing them both upon touching them before answering. "What kind of deal oh so mysterious host?" Nate crossed his arms and leaned back with his eyes locked with the host's. "You have proven to be a trustworthy ally Nate... I'd be an idiot if I cross you now. So, I'd like to hand this over to you." The host gave Nate some sort of red phone which surprisingly looked like his old one back on Earth, but instead of black it was something else. "What the hell does this do?" Nate asked as he inspected the phone on his hand. "A communications device, call me an idiot but I'd like to sell some things for those crystals you've been absorbing." Nate raised an eyebrow and asked. "Wait a minute, wouldn't that make my job complicated?" The host shrugged while shaking his head. "She didn't even tell you why you're collecting this stuff?" The host asked, prompting Nate to uncross his arms and lean a bit forward before asking. "What do you mean?" The host chuckled before answering. "The shit you've been absorbing are the literal fragments of a memory, collect those and you'd be able to control fears with a thought, and if you collect exactly a trillion of them, w-well..."

The gripped the trigger of his rifle and waited for the host to continue. "WELL...? WHAT?" Nate asked loudly. "You'd be the ruler of nightmares and dreams but believe me that stuff is actually the reason why I live, the very fears that inhabit your mind is what's keeping me alive, that goes for every dream and realm there is. Depending on the type of crystal in that realm." 

Nate's eyes widened in disbelief; he couldn't believe what he was hearing, it was a little too much for him to bear as he muttered to himself. "And the worst part about it, it's endless as long as you're conscious about it. Dead or alive as long as you exist, there will always be nightmares and fears. I don't know why I know this twisted crap, but it's fucked up." The host continued, Samuel's eyes shook in fear and disgust as he held his mouth closed from puking whatever insides he had.

"Is there really no escape from this...?" Nate asked the host nervously; he could hear a gulp from the host as he slowly shook his head and answer. "Sorry kid, but this is our reality, then again reality has always been so, so fucked up. That's just how it is."

The host sighed in defeat as he leaned back and looked up towards the red roof. "After all this I'm going to visit every dreamworld and have fun with the ladies, if you don't lose to god knows what horrifying shits are hiding under that bed of yours." The host said to himself before looking down back towards Nate and Samuel who have calmed down a little.

"Life's full of angry assholes who want nothing but to bash your head in with anything, but if you have a goal in your life Nate, I'd definitely believe in it. You're going to live in paradise, you deserve it... no matter how simple it is, it's better than to have none at all." Nate smiled to the host's inspiring words before asking for his name. "I'd like to ask... what's your name?" The host gripped his chin before answering. "Call me Host, that's simple and cool." Host answered. "Well then host, I hope I'll meet you someday." Nate said as Host laughed happily. "Ha! you're a cool guy you know that Nate? just throw the phone anywhere when you don't want to you is, it'll appear whenever you think you need it. Best of luck, you goddamn legend." Nate smiled as he was teleported back into the room where Crimson and the others were gathered, with the other guests already departing back to their own worlds in different portals. Meanwhile, Host sat there silently as he slowly took off his mask, revealing an identical face to Jacob, uncovered by bandages and with black hair. "You're the coolest guy I've met Nate. Go beat the shit out of your Fears." Host said to himself as he smiled at a painting of Ciel which hung on the wall ahead of him. "Yeah."

Back to Nate, he walked towards a portal which showed the streets of Night City, followed by Crimson, Samuel, Saviour, Jacob and other characters of the game. However, the priestess was quite wary of Nate for an obvious reason, but she had no other choice, good thing her terrible personality was eradicated, now replaced with the nice and kinder one. Permanent is permanent as Samuel said to Nate once before. Immediately after they were all on the other side, Nate quickly aimed his gun towards the priestess. Followed by Saviour, Crimson and Samuel who drew their weapons towards the rest who were still a little surprised by the sudden change in attitude. "Looks like the ceasefire is over then, so what do we do now lover boy? do we take them down?" Saviour asked Nate as he considered his choices on what to do with Jacob and the rest of the people with him. "Oh goddammit, whatever... it's not worth it." Nate thought to himself as he lowered his gun while the rest of his group did as well with their weapons a second later, forcing a sigh out of everyone behind Jacob except Keith who was already walking towards Nate with a frown of guilt and regret. "Forgive me my lord, but my allegiance now lies with the young master." Nate rolled his eyes as he said to himself. "Whatever, get it over with." Nate grabbed Keith by the collar who never even resisted one bit and threw him towards Jacob, sliding on the wet ground before reaching his master who quickly knelt to help him back up.

"Come on... let's get the hell out of here." Without caring much for his enemies, Nate along with his group turned and walked away towards the Moon Tower which was only a thousand feet away. The endless rain pouring heavily and continuously on the city as they all disappeared into the mist ahead, the lights of the billboards shining down on the street which made Jacob left wondering what could have gone wrong? and just as the day got worse for him, over a hundred thousand masked bodyguards and thugs with guns and melee weapons appeared all around them, with Ghost as their head and leader. "You have done it this time professor... I suggest you think carefully on what you do in the master's domain, best be careful not to cause trouble. Lest I rid you of your treacherous existence." Ghost said coldly before disappearing into the mist along with the men with him.

Nate and his group walked through the empty street into a much crowded one, passing many happy citizens as they walked in all directions, no cars or vehicles whatsoever, only bikes and stalls on every sidewalk. The beautiful hanging decorations littered the air above as drones to place even more decorations, strangely, none of the people used umbrellas, but their heads were covered with either hats or accessories that prevented the rain from reaching or even touching their head and body. 

"Jeez, whenever I walk on the streets it sometimes reminds me why I wanted to date Black Mire." Saviour said calmly as she watched drones fly past them from above. "This is paradise lady Saviour, the domain of guided evil's order and peace." Crimson commented on Saviour's spoken thoughts. While Samuel, Crimson and Saviour exchanged names and got to know each other, Nate was busy looking around for a specific individual, whenever he and the others were looked at by a random person they were greeted by a genuine smile, one of the greatest perks in being on the pacifist route and becoming the world's immortal savior. Nate sighed as he walked towards a nearby noodle shop and sat one of the nine empty seats in the middle with the others sitting on the remaining eight. "I'll pay." Saviour said to Nate before turning towards the chef in front of her, waiting for an order. "I'll have D-1 please." Saviour ordered, "Then D-12 and D-3 for us please." Crimson added for him and Samuel. "Right away miss, it'll be ready in bit." The chef happily answered as he began preparing the necessary orders.

"What do you want master?" Crimson asked as he turned towards Nate who merely shook his head. "Just plain noodles..." Nate answered. "Plain noodles it is!" Crimson ordered as the chef nodded and smiled. "...Of course! right away!" Nate sighed as he contemplated to himself what exactly was the entire meaning of this whole adventure. "Stupid..." He silently said to himself.

The miserable life and death he had, why did he have to through all that? was this his reward? what was the point of it all? was he fated to live and die horribly? was he hated for merely existing? was he a terrible mistake the entire time? or was it all scripted? in what twisted game was he in? adventure? games? why the hell was he here? why? what was the point of it all?

Where exactly does this long journey end up to? paradise? or hell? whatever it may be, the food was served. "Thank you for ordering at my humble shop, please enjoy!" The chef happily announced as five bowls of noodles of different styles with different ingredients were served in front of Nate's group. "Shit... might as well be a bowl of noodles in empty space..." Nate thought to himself as he stared at the bowl in front of him, he checked every visible part and component of it. "I really hate it..."

Why the fuck did he order some damn noodles anyways? Nate already knew that he didn't need food in the first place. Why the hell did he go to a noodle shop and sit on one of its available chairs? and why is he being so contemplative about it? it was then he realized what was actually going wrong. Nate looked up and saw a Fear in the form of a rat attached to the roof, Nate grabbed the rat and threw it on the floor without anyone noticing before quickly stomping on it, destroying the uneasiness he had along with it. "No wonder I'm feeling like a damn depressed idiot." Nate spoke under his breath as he absorbed the crystal that the Fear left behind. "Are you going to eat that?" Asked a familiar voice behind Nate, it was none other than Inspector Asher, and the ex-inspector Sheriff Quire. "...Hot damn, Red Saviour, did you and the gentleman here really get along after five years? I'd thought I'd never see that day coming till the day I die." Quire taunted while grinning with an amused face. "Oh, shut it old man... let me and the lover boy enjoy our meal. But I'm curious... care to join us?" Saviour asked without turning her head as she continued to eat her meal, with or without an answer. "I'd be much obliged to young lady." Quire answered as he and Asher sat on the only available seats left near to Saviour. "We'd like what they're having." Quire ordered for Asher.

Nate felt two arms wrap around his neck while hearing a whisper leave a woman's mouth. "I see you are enjoying yourself..." Nate looked to his right to see Phoibe with an older body but still much more beautiful than Saviour by a longshot. "Damn... Mire sure is fancy with the ladies, mind if I know your name miss?" Quire asked as everyone else looked at Phoibe. "My name is Phoibe sheriff." Quire's mind paused for a moment as he beheld Phoibe's magnificent face whish almost literally shined from the darkness. "M-Mighty fine name miss, do you perhaps have the time to meet me after this fine meal?" Quire asked Phoibe who clearly declined the request. "I appreciate it sheriff, however I have other plans." Phoibe answered as she embraced Nate tighter, forcing Saviour to blush from the sudden new rival that was far prettier than she could ever be even in her prime. "D-Damn it..." Saviour muttered softly, prompting Quire to taunt her a bit more. "Serves you right Saviour, the fine lady is way out of your league. How could a thief compare to the boss's... wait a minute, who are you anyway...?" Quire asked as he scratched his head while waiting for an answer. "...Why, his aunt of course." Phoibe answered with a made-up identity.

"HOLY- There might be hope for you yet Saviour." Quire said as he patted Saviour's back for a while, successfully encouraging her to continue dating the man she fell in love with, prompting her to sigh in relief as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. "Hah... hah... He's still secured, he's still secured..." Saviour encouraged herself as she leaned towards Nate.

"Woah...! I went missing for a few days and you already found yourself a date!? color me jealous!" Pixie shouted; Nate looked to see a young girl in green clothes accompanied by Rex, Bolt, Arthur, Lucky and Charlie. "Nate got up and walked towards Pixie before pinching her ear. "Ow! ow! ow...! stop that!" Pixie shouted as she forced Nate's hand from pinching her sorry ear any further. "You've got some explaining to do Pix, what's next?" Nate asked Pixie, even though it sounded a bit more like an order.

"Alright! alright! I'll tell you!" Pixie answered as she massaged her abused ear and walked towards a corner followed by Nate where no one else could hear them. "So, you know how I-" Nate interjected. "Just tell me everything Pix, I'm not in a good mood. You've been telling me half of what you knew ever since I trusted you, cut the shit." Nate said coldly, sending shivers down Pixie's spine. "Y-You do remember that it was the first time we met r-right...? I'm a-as clueless as you a-are...!" Pixie explained herself once more. "That's the same shit you told me last time, tell me the whole thing." Nate demanded.

"I'm telling the truth though! that's all I know! I swear...!" Pixie explained again. Nate stared right down at Pixie's green eyes, his deathly gaze further expressing his doubts before he finally gave up and believed her. "Alright, I believe you Pixie..."

Pixie sighed before breaking away from Nate's gaze, huffing as her heartbeat raced from fear. Oddly enough, Nate started to feel very sleepy, he grabbed Pixie by the waist with both hands and lifted her up before carrying her to a next-door hotel. "I'm sleepy, you pay for the room." Nate commanded as he placed her in front of the counter where the manager was luckily in place for the employee. "Welcome! how may I help you?" Asked the masked manager in an attendant's uniform. "A room for ten." Nate said while Pixie repeated his words. "A room for ten please!" Pixie created a stack of money about a hundred dollars before placing it on the counter, surprising the manager in an instant. "A slumber party... I'll be right with you shortly." The manager said before taking the key for a room fit for ten people. Nate immediately took the key and went towards the elevator, leaving the discussion for Pixie to handle. Once Nate was on the floor which the room was located, Nate looked for the room before inserting the key and entering said room, quickly making his way towards the luxurious bed and throwing his body towards it then immediately closing his eyes, forgetting the fact that he forgot to lock the door on his way in. 

Nate was quick to fall asleep, his entire body relaxed in mere seconds as comfort filled his nerves and soul. "Ooh... now that's the stuff..." Nate muttered as he laid there for a time that felt like only an hour, but it was actually two to ten hours in real-time.

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"...Huh? w-what the fuck!? where the hell am I!?" Nate screamed as he looked around to find himself amidst a medieval battle atop a castle's wall. "Holy shit!" Nate said to himself, pikemen and swordmen alike in different uniforms were slaughtering and butchering each other right in front of him, purple against blue, with the blue ones having heavier and better armor while the purple had only chest armor and helmets as their only protection apart from wooden shields. "I think I know where I am..."

Nate looked at himself, he was now in a black knight's armor, specifically, he was now in control of the Black Knight. The character he made in yet one of the dozens if not hundreds of games he played as far as he could remember. "Knight Fall..."

"If my memories are arranged this place must be..." A blue soldier from atop a tower interrupted Nate as he shouted. "Yorde Castle has been breached! VICTORY IS NEARLY OURS!!!" The moral of the blue soldiers arose by a substantial amount as they started fighting twice as hard than the purple soldiers. "Yep, I'm having dreams even when I'm dead... wow... I'm going insane."

Nate slowly got up from the ground before taking off the helmet he wore and staring at it, he still could see the same face as he had before, similar to that of Black Mire, except with little bandages, and he could clearly see his black short hair. "Damn, I didn't know the character I made looked this good." Nate thought to himself before wearing back the helmet and looking around, luckily Nate remembered he didn't design his character with a clean design. Instead, the entire armor was covered in cuts, scratches and strikes from every medieval weapon and armament imaginable, even from ballistae ammunition.

Nate looked behind himself, and sure enough there was a black cape, and a teared one at that. "Nice..." Nate designed his character to be intimidating, so much so that even the Death Knights of the game he was currently in looked more like imposters compared to the overpowered Black Knight. Or what his actual name was, Tristan. A commoner with no background.

"Oh, those kings are about to get their assess handed to them." Nate thought devilishly in his scheming mind. Nate immediately took the now colorless, once purple sword and shield before killing every blue uniformed soldier in sight. "I'm pretty sure that this takes place on my last save, so if I'm correct then..." Nate was once again interrupted by the sound of someone shouting in the distance, this time it was right behind him, just a few feet away. "Let us put an end to the great war!"

It was then Nate woke up for the second time, this time in a tent, still in armor. "I'm not enjoying these weird nightmares." Nate thought to himself. He realized that this dream of his must be connected to some sort of, something, and that something must have been the thing that's messing with his sleep, or so he thought. Nate looked around to find nothing but the grass, dirt, the tent itself, as well as a black shield and sword that matched the items that his character, the Black Knight had.

"Goddammit, I woke up twice in a dream? what bullshit is this...? un-fucking believable. " Nate said to himself as he slowly got up and took the weapons inside the tent before head out. Instead of the day, it was night, and the exact same place where he lived, smack center of an abandoned cathedral. "If I counted the number of times I said curses in this life, I'd have a fucking paragraph." Nate said to himself again as he looked around, wolf corpses littered the stone ground, armored men mauled to unrecognizable design, and of course, a death knight battling multiple men in blue armor atop a higher level of the cathedral's open squares. Nate sighed before shaking his head. "Guess time to be the hero again..." Nate slowly walked towards a set of stairs that led to the upper floors while the skirmish above continued as always. "Why do I always get sent into this shit...?" Nate thought to himself before finally arriving at his destination, but the moment he reached the top, there was nobody there. Although, he could see the once proud death knight hiding behind a pillar while the armored men hid behind piles of broken statues, with a priestess in white covered in blood laying on the ground, faking her death while facing the other direction. All of which were quite hilarious for Nate since he saw them the exact moment when he started turning his head left and right.

"Are these guys serious?" Nate thought to himself, as he pretended to search for them, his eyes glowed red as he slowly turned from one direction to another. Nate could clearly hear the priestess struggle to keep her breathing from getting any louder, she was as convincing as a rock because of her being as still as one. "Priestess... you have to get out of there..." Nate heard a faint whisper from one of the bodies he thought was a corpse but pretended not to hear any, nonetheless.

However, there was always this one idiot who would step on a branch and get most of his or her teammates killed, though in this case, it was a recruit. "Oh-" Nate quickly threw his sword on one of the statues, piercing through like a hot knife through butter, killing the soldier on the other side. Nate could hear faint crying from one more statue but pretended not to hear any.

"I'm so sorry..." Nate heard the priestess speak to herself but chose to ignore it, walking towards the statue he threw his sword into, Nate pulled his sword out from the statue before sheathing it in its scabbard, situated on his back. "Alright, who's the unlucky bastard I killed this time?" Nate thought to himself before walking behind the statue to see what appeared to be the asshole and former bully of Tristan in the Corenian army, a shit fuck of an ally who left people to die, understandable if only he wasn't arrogant and kept lying about it. Another irredeemable spec on the face of the world, there seemed to be an abundance of these assholes in nearly every medieval game imaginable. Nate didn't even bother to remember this fucktard's name.

But just about Nate was going to turn and leave, he woke up another place. "This is getting rather irritating..." Nate said to himself as he got out for the third time in a row. This time he was in a battlefield, Nate looked around to find no signs of life.

"Where the hell am I this time?" Nate thought to himself while looking around. An eclipse lit the land in front of him which was nearly all grey in color, grass covered in blood and corpses of many people, and at the center of it all were a man and a woman. The woman had blond hair and light orange eyes, light brown skin and wore battered silver and white colored armor, with black clothing beneath and had an iron spear as her only weapon. "Sophy... this must be the final chapter of season one huh." Nate thought to himself before turning towards the man who she battled with. The man in black armor, black hair, eyes and pale skin, scars decorated his face, his expression cold with a slight emotion of anger, like the black and golden sword and shield covered in blood. "Sultan, I think that mean's king... so it really is him." Nate thought to himself as he walked forward.

The two combatants were so focused on killing each other, they both forgot about the Black Knight that was walking towards them from far away. Nate watched the two exchange blows as if it was a dance to the death, he quickly noticed the necklace that the white knight wore, it called out to him. "An item!?" Nate screamed in his head and quickly rushed towards the white knight, letting go of his shield before grabbing her throat and lifting her up. Nate immediately started tearing off the armor that the knight wore before grabbing the necklace and absorbing it. Nate could feel the warm feeling of the absorbing process fill his entire body, inside and out, surrounding him like a warm and refreshing breeze of wind. Nate sighed deeply.

This time, Nate wasn't transported into another place, but rather, the entire area around him quickly distorted and turned into an early battle during the sunny day. The once silent battlefield now turned into a fresh one, filled with quickly dying lives.

From a grassy landscape to a desert, Nate realized what was going on. "Shit... another crystal hunt." Nate thought to himself. It was then he realized that he was still holding the young woman named Sophy in the air by the throat, who simply gripped his arm but showed no sign of struggle, with a nearly half-exposed chest. "Oh... I almost forgot." Nate slowly lowered the woman in front of him before turning towards the black spear knight who was frozen in place with his eyes wide in shock.

Nate was about to decapitate the unfortunate knight, however Nate felt two gentle hands grab his waist and forcibly turned his entire body around while also removing his helmet. The moment he laid eyes upon the woman that dared to perform such an act, Nate realized who it was, Phoibe in full armor. "Huh!?" Nate thought to himself as Phoibe quickly adjusted her hand to hold the back of Nate's head and moved it closer for a warm, gentle kiss. Not on the cheek, oh god no, she dared to do it on his lips. 

"Hmm..." Phoibe's seductive voice lasted for the duration of the kiss, which lasted for over five seconds, five entire seconds of confusion and slight anger for Nate. After Phoibe had her fill of Nate's lips, she released her grip before moving her head away. "Y-You're not Phoibe, are you?" Nate muttered as the woman in front of her smirked and turned into someone else entirely. Same skin but dark purple eyes and tied ponytail black hair and light changes to the face, a little less beautiful than Phoibe but still just as gorgeous. "Mind if I have this dance...?" The woman asked Nate as his quickly eyes widened in slight fear.

"M-My lady Leia? is that you?" Asked Sophy who covered her chest in shame with Sultan somehow on the floor, unconscious or perhaps maybe dead. "Sophy my dear, please do not interrupt... I will have a word with my associate." Answered the woman who smiled while still staring at Nate's red eyes which were locked with hers. "Understood my lady." Sophy bowed and left.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves handsome... as you already know, I am what that little helper calls, a Fear, or in other words... a beautiful Fear Lord. My name is Regina, lady of lust..." Nate quickly calmed down as he remembered that he wasn't lustful in his entire life, quickly gripping his sword and situating it right next to the woman's soft and exposed throat.

"I don't remember ever wanting to have a date somebody, so jokes on you woman." Nate said calmly, but the woman named Regina merely swiped his sword out of existence and gave Nate a slight push, falling down on a flat rock that somehow wasn't supposed to be there, Regina took the initiative to give Nate an even deeper kiss, this time, with her tongue in his mouth.

Though Nate considered this to be a form of harassment, he didn't feel any lustful desire in the act, it felt like pure love. Regina took her time, as if the battlefield didn't exist, there was nothing, no one bothered to even look or interrupt them, like they didn't exist in the first place, or as if they weren't there. Regina held Nate's hair softly, slowly pushing her lips forward as she continued this pure, shameless act. "Are you done yet?" Nate thought in his mind while Regina released her mouth from Nate's after a short answer, somehow hearing Nate's thought as if they were her own. "Not at all, we're just getting started."

Regina continued this act for an entire minute, her moans filling the air instead of the sounds of metal clashing and men shouting. even though Nate tried to move, his arms, legs, waist, and chest were bound by silver chains that kept him in place.

"Shit, am I really getting raped in my dreams? what the fuck is this?" Nate thought to himself, slowly losing his composure as Regina kept continuing, Nate blinked once, but the moment he opened his eyes, he was at a different place, inside a private, purple room on a dark pink bed and Regina next to him, half naked, covered only by a white gown. Nate gulped and admitted she was pretty, but he knew her beauty did not match her way of showing her love, nor the way of acting it. "Awake already...?" Regina asked as she adjusted her body and rested her head on Nate's shoulder. "Did you just rape me?" Nate quickly asked.

Regina's eyes widened, her voice still a little seductive but showed a more innocent vibe to it. "What? goodness no, I'm not a pervert nor a creep! I just want to sooth that pain of yours..." Regina explained herself with a more, softer voice. "Then what's with that kiss anyway?" Nate immediately asked for the second time. "Just a little confirmation, I'd like to remember that hypnotizing taste of your tongue and lips, that fragrant scent of your breath..." Regina whispered into Nate's ears.

Nate sighed and looked up, not realizing the armor he wore was already placed on a mannequin, as well as both his sword and shield, replaced with black, stylish clothing with little armor for combat purposes. But rather a little comfortable, nonetheless.

Meanwhile, outside the room that Nate and Regina were in, multiple iron knights of a certain military were just waiting for the two to leave, along with silver knights with blue crests alongside them, all armed for combat. However, none of these fools remembered anything, courtesy of Regina, who, reversed the flow of time and rid the entire world of the horrible memories of the battle that was to come in two months' time. Little did Regina know, the very woman she copied was about to make her entrance, and in a violent one at that. But who is to win? wait untill the near future and find out, only then will it be answered.












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