
Chapter 3: The Sprout of a Yellow Rose

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Outside, Adrian was staring at the sky. 'Yeah, we're gonna die.' He thought confidently. Suddenly a voice roared behind him scaring him. "Pumpin' hell! th' laddies back hom' weren't talkin' their bum's oot th' windae!" Turning around Adrian saw a Ginger-haired boy standing outside the house right next to theirs.

Noticing his gaze the boy smiled. "Wild, eh? Mah mates back hom' in bonnie Scotland tellt meh 'n' ah diden't hawp thaim 'n' ah hud ta check myself. Pure fucked up, eh? " Adrian just stared at the boy.

"Who are you...?" Realizing the boy hadn't introduced himself he quickly laughed and spoke "Name's Rory! A'm gonnae be yer neighbor fae noo oan. Och 'n' mynd th' accent."

Rory's face shone with a bright smile as he spoke. A little weirded out by the boy's enthusiasm Adrian just nodded and introduced himself. "Adrian, eh? Crakin' ta catch up wi` ya. Rory held out his hand and Adrian shook it hesitantly.

"RORY! Whatcha doing out you doof- Oh dear God! The hell is that!?" Scaring both the boys a loud female voice yelled behind them. "Nan, how come th' hell ye gatta screech lik'!" Rory yelled at the woman on the porch next to Adrian's house.

"H-Hello Mrs.Thomson. How's your day been?" Adrian stuttered out still a bit shaken by the sudden yell she had issued. "Ah, sorry for scaring you, Adrian. I've been fine," Mrs.Thomson said smiling before turning to glare at Rory "for now at least."

"Nan!" Rory whined "Yer making me keek ill fernent mah freish mukker! " Mrs.Thomson just laughed. "Knowing your two's personalities, you probably dragged poor Adrian into this 'friendship' of yours."

When Kim finally came out, other people aside from Adrian and the Thomson neighbors were already outside some gazing at the giant swirls, praying, or watching the fighting match of words between Rory and Mrs.Thomson which had escalated to a nigh degree. A helpless Adrian just sat smiling between them.

Spotting Kim, Adrian sneakily crept from the two Thomsons, praying they didn't drag him into the argument. Luckily the two were too invested to notice him sneaking away. "Who is he and are they even speaking english at this point?" Kim said as Adrian tiptoe his way toward him.

"CARSON NACH URRAINN DHOMH ARAN A BHITH AGAM?" Rory screamed "'ADHBHAR GU BHEIL THU AG ITHE MAR ASAL!" Mrs.Thomson screamed back "AGUS BIDH THU AG ITHE MAR CHALMAN! PEIC, PECK!" Rory said while intimating a pigeon.

Hearing them both Adrian and Kim both looked at each other and silently agreed that they weren't speaking english. "He's, ah, Rory he's the niece-I think-of Mrs. Thomson. He came today..? I think. I really don't know who he is, Oh and apparently I'm his friend now." Adrian whispered to Kim, who got an eyebrow raise from him.

Turning his head up Kim frowned and pulled out his phone. "I'm going to call Alis real quick, I'll be back in a sec." Adrian nodded before taking out his own phone and taking a picture of the celestial swirls. "If this isn't the end of the world then this'll be one hell of a picture to have." He said smiling looking at the picture.

Suddenly rumble resonated in the neighborhood and a grey 2015 Toyota Avalon rolled onto the edge of the street and a man stepped out of it, looking at the scattered crowd of people and then at the more concentrated crowd circling around Mrs.Thomson and Rory and sighed.

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"Ava! Rory! What the heck are you two doing in front of everyone!" He yelled, Mrs.Thomson turned her head and looked around confused, Rory mimicking her.

Realizing they were being watched a red flush spread on both their faces. Feeling betrayed Rory turned to Adrian. "How come didnae ye tell me, ah was drawing a crowd?!"

Adrian just shrugged " Would you touch a fire to stop it?" Rory blinked surprised before shaking his head, embarrassed. "Ah jalouse ah hud that comin'," He said that shaking his head.

"Yup," Adrian replied curtly. "If I'm correctly understanding what your saying." Shock reflected on Rory's face before, before he chuckled "Ye'r bonny straightforward, aren't ye?" Adrian tilted his head from side to side. "I've been told that before."

The two boys looked at each other before breaking out into grins. "Well once again"Well, you two seem to get along pretty well." The two boys looked at Mr. Thomson who had Mrs. Thomson in tow who looked like she had just had an earful.

Looking at Rory Mr.Thomson frowned "I hope you understand you aren't being off the hook young man." Rory politely shook his head. "N-no, sur." Sighing Mr.Thomson turned to Adrian.

"I'm sorry for the trouble he caused you" Adrian shook his head. "No, he hasn't really. If anything I'd say we've built a good friendship." Hearing that Rory beamed, and quickly shot a glance at Mr.Thomson. "Hmm, that's good, if you or your family need anything just tell me." Mr.Thomson pointed with his chin to Kim who was nervously still on the phone.

Seeing that, Adrian frowned. "Yeah, I'll take you up on that." Saying his goodbyes, Adrian jogged to Kim, worried. Whispering, Kim said something in Korean as he closed the phone call.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Adrian spoke as he approached. Kim took a deep breath. "No, she's fine, but she's coming home early because of...that," Kim said as he waved his finger in the sky. "Oh, yeah, that," Adrian said remembering that the end of the world might be approaching.

Kim smiled at Adrian's absent-mindedness. "Come on let's get inside, we don't have much to do besides staring at the giant gyun-yeol in the." Now it was Adrian's turn to smile at his stepfather's use of his mother tongue. "Yeah, let's go." He said putting his arm on his stepfather.

Let's make a feast for mom when she comes home, eh? Oh, and you're the person making the food." The two smiled at each other and headed into their home.

Time passed and eventually, the crowd on the street went away going to work, home, or some other outing. Other than that the world was weirdly quiet. A small riot appeared here and there but was quickly dispersed from strange incidents. Almost like the world itself was telling humanity to behave...

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