
Chapter 4: The Sprout of the Gladiolus

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Edge of Earth's Exosphere, U.N. funded Spaceship, 2350

Jose Lopez was nervous, of course, who wouldn't be worried in a situation like this? earth on one end and the universe on a journey to investigate giant rifts just above the planet he called home.

Jose thought back to his childhood and his dream to be an astronaut and groaned regretting that he ever had that dream, even if his dream was technically coming true at this moment.

He looked around the cabin and saw 6 other people of different varieties in the cabin with him. Just in the last hour, he didn't even know most of these people existed and now he was expected to work perfectly with them? He shook his head, couldn't NASA, and extend the UN, be more cautious with their approach?

"You..okay?" Jose turned his head to a german man, evident by the german flag on his suit, looking at him, worried. "You, don't look so good" The man continued with an accent. "You don't look that good yourself," Jose said jokingly.

"Well, who would feel fine in a situation like this?" The german replied. Silence filled the two of them before the german man realized that what Jose had said was a joke. "Ah, apologies I have been told I am a stoic man and so jokes go over my head most times." The man said looking down and fiddling with the seat belt strapped on his waist.

Jose looked at his seat belt and noted it was baby blue. Why? That thought was only known to the creator of this stupid ship.

An awkward silence filled the cabin before a Norwegian woman groaned and opened her mouth. "This silence is killing the morale! How can we be expected to finish the mission if we don't know each other!?" She spoke projecting her thoughts out.

"Well maybe having everyone be strangers to each other wasn't the best idea for the UN. Would it? But here we are 7 different strangers on a death ride to mysterious rifts that break the basic laws of the universe." Jose said quietly.

The ship jostled a little as silence returned to the cabin. "Well, it wouldn't be wrong to begin friendships, as of now?" The women inquired. An African woman near Jose groaned putting her hand on her face, seemingly annoyed.

Taking that as a no the Norwegian perked up and introduce herself. "My name's Nora Nilsen I'm from Norway," She pointed to the Norwegian flag on her. "and I hope to...make friends with everyone here!" After finishing her short introduction Nora pointed to Jose. "Your next!" she demanded

Feeling a bit annoyed, Jose, still compiled with the enthusiastic girl "My name is Jose, Jose Lopez, and I'm part of America, I hope to come back from the mission so I can see my Abuelita again. I was rushed onto the launch sight on such short notice that I didn't even know what the mission and its details were about until 5 minutes before I got on." Jose winced. "Hell, I didn't even say goodbye to her."

Jose received eyes of pity and understanding from the other crew mates some even looked like they went through the same thing as him.

Clearing his throat, the Stoic man opened his mouth and introduced himself. "Hallo, My name is Hans Fuchs. I am from Germany and I hope to make this mission a success." Hans nodded as if satisfied by his words.

After Hans, a Japanese man spoke "My name is Botan Takana, my hope is to have a nice easy life." Next an African woman "You all can me Zala. My hope is the same as Jose." The last person in the room then introduced themselves as an India Woman name Pria Shrestha. An English man by the name of Andrew Brew was in the cockpit controlling the ship.

"Well now, that wasn't hard was it?" Nora said feeling proud of herself. "Soooo, what do you think caused the giant rifts to appear, if they're even that?" She then said leaning forward.

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"Aliens are the possible answer in my opinion. Unnatural things like those don't happen without an external force." Jose said as he looked to the cockpit. "Hey! How long till we reach....whatever where we're going to?"

Silence, before an intercom, came from the ceiling. ["You can use the radio on the side of the seat if you have a question.] Looking by the side of the seat there was a radio on the side of the chair. "Oh..." Jose looked embarrassed. Of course, there was one!

Speaking into the radio Jose asked again when they were getting close. ["We're approaching the closest rift in approximately 57 Earth seconds"] The voice rang over the intercom again alerting the entire crew.

"Alright, let's do this!" Nora said stretching her arms. The rest of the crew nodded getting ready. Concentrating, Jose realized something. 'Why wasn't a probe sent first instead of humans?' At that moment his vision blurred and tore in disgusting ways. His body and soul, being sent to a place far, far, far away from earth...

"What was that thing, Master? It almost managed to get into the portal!" A curious humanoid, just outside where the spaceship had been, asked a similarly shaped creature that strangely looked similar to the modern interception of elves.

"I-I'm not sure, it seemed like a type of Golem, but I didn't sense any Adatped Exis of any kind from it. It seemed so complex. All I could see was it seemed to use lighting at very low levels to power it. I couldn't even see if there was any life force in there."

Shocked the curious elf looked back to the place where the spaceship was. "B-But I thought the Elder said the inhabitants didn't use any AE!" The Master elf frowned "Didn't I tell you to stop with all the new words?" Looking away the curious elf laughed. "Ehe."

Shaking her head the Master elf looked at the other creatures at the entrances to the other portals, all having similar conversations as she had with her student.

Breathing out the Master smiled. "This World Reconnection might-No it will- cause wave in the cosmos. I wonder what type of waves will it be?





[Full connecting done. 'Earth' has reconnected]


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